Author Topic: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#031] New Equipment - Anti-Psionic equipment  (Read 4220 times)

Offline Unknown Hero

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31) Anti-Psionic equipment.


31a) Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade.

Power: 60 (Smoke)
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
Priming: 50%
Throwing: 25%
Visual effect: yellowish smoke.

Research needed: live Sectoid Leader/Commander or any rank live Ethereal, live Sectoid Medic.

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $2500 for parts, 160 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $3,750

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 15% (85% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
Just like the Smoke Grenade, the effect is reduced with time (less smoke) and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).
Affects only XCom soldiers without Power Suit or Flying Suit, Civilians can be affected, Aliens cannot be affected.

Not very efficient, but can improve troop morale and save some lives, and always better than nothing.


31b) Anti-Psionic Kit.

Ammo: 10 injections.
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 10 per use of an injection.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, live Sectoid Leader/Commander or any rank live Ethereal, live Sectoid Medic.

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $25,000 for parts, 300 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $35,000

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 30% (70% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
The effect is also reduced with time and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).

More efficient that an Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade but affects only one soldier, and cannot be cumulated with the Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade effect.


31c) Anti-Psionic Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Power Suit, Psi-Amp.

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $508,000 for parts, 3720 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 9
Sell Price: $985,500

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


31d) Anti-Psionic Flying Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Flying Suit, Psi-Amp.

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $540,000 for parts, 4120 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 20
Sell Price: $1,026,000

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


Note: The Anti-Psionic Kit effect can also be cumulated with Anti-Psionic Suit/Flying Suit effect, and thus reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 95%!! (at least for one turn).

***** Added 06/23/2014 - Start

Changes based and inspired by the Raidau topic (great idea!):

Topic: [BETA] Alternative psionics (hardcore, introducing a new resource) new version


Synthetic Psioline.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Psioline, live Sectoid Medic.

Research hours: 480

Knowledge needed to research Synthetized Psioline to allow the manufacture of basic Anti-Psionic equipments.
The Synthetic Psioline is not as powerful that extracted natural Psioline, it only permit the manufacture of less efficient Anti-Psionic equipments.


Synthetized Psioline.

Research needed: Synthetic Psioline.

Research hours: 360
Manufacturing: $21,600 for parts, 340 Engineer Hours.
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $30,240

Part needed to manufacture basic Anti-Psionic equipments (Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade, Anti-Psionic Kit).


31a) Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade.

Power: 60 (Smoke)
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
Priming: 50%
Throwing: 25%
Visual effect: yellowish smoke.

Research needed: Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $2,500 for parts, 160 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 1 unit of Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $33,990  <-- *** Changes ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 15% (85% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
Just like the Smoke Grenade, the effect is reduced with time (less smoke) and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).
Affects only XCom soldiers without Power Suit or Flying Suit, Civilians can be affected, Aliens cannot be affected.

Not very efficient, but can improve troop morale and save some lives, and always better than nothing.


31b) Anti-Psionic Kit.

Ammo: 10 injections.
Size: 1 high x 1 wide
Weight: 3
TUs: 10 per use of an injection.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $25,000 for parts, 300 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 1 unit of Synthetized Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 2
Sell Price: $65,240  <-- *** Changes ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 30% (70% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).
The effect is also reduced with time and the efficiency decreases slowly each turn (1% per turn? to be determined).

More efficient that an Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade but affects only one soldier, and cannot be cumulated with the Anti-Psionic Gas Grenade effect.


31c) Anti-Psionic Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Power Suit, Psi-Amp, Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 355
Manufacturing: $508,000 for parts, 3720 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 2 units of Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 9
Sell Price: $985,500 <-- *** to be adjusted ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


31d) Anti-Psionic Flying Suit.

Research needed: Medi-Kit, Mind Probe, Flying Suit, Psi-Amp, Psioline.  <-- *** Changes ***

Research hours: 480
Manufacturing: $540,000 for parts, 4120 Engineer Hours.
Parts: 2 units of Psioline.  <-- *** Changes - added ***
Workspace: 28
Alloys: 7
Elerium: 20
Sell Price: $1,026,000 <-- *** to be adjusted ***

Effect: Reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 65% (35% chance the Alien Psionic Attack success) (to be determined).


Note: The Anti-Psionic Kit effect can also be cumulated with Anti-Psionic Suit/Flying Suit effect, and thus reduces the Alien Psionic Attack success by 95%!! (at least for one turn).

***** Added 06/23/2014 - End

Cut from this thread on demand for better convenience:

Offline Falko

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#031] New Equipment - Anti-Psionic equipment
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 08:33:53 am »
devs: make psi ammo modable :)
- harvest life aliens for ingredients
- make ammo out of life aliens
-> for 5-10? PSI attacks you need one life alien(+2elerium?)
-> you cant control the whole map any more for many rounds/missions (without exhausting all your storage of the ingredients)
-> but emergency psi attack is still working

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#031] New Equipment - Anti-Psionic equipment
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 02:12:42 pm »
1) Anti-psi gas is silly, period. You could make a person more susceptible to psi via chemical means by making them less focused (alcohol should work), but more resistant? Maybe by psylocibine or something, I don't know, but it is extremely unlikely that it would work on a battlefield.
Also, the "reduce by X%" mechanics is completely at odds with how X-Com mechanics work. Some sort of a stat bonus would be much more in place.

2) Anti-Psionic Kit is not as silly, but still very hard to buy. Plus a pain in the ass to use in every battle. A better solution would be to go the UFO: ET way (it's a game I reference quite often, I know; but what can I do if it has good solutions?) and make a special equipment slot for tinfoil hats or something similar. However, stat-changing equipment would have to be coded in by somebody, and such equipment would have to be irremovable during battle. I personally promote anti-psi belts, since nothing else has 4x1 dimensions.

3) Anti-Psionic Suit - well, if we have tinfoil tech, we can easily use it with any armour. Making a new version of each armour just for this single modification is horribly inelegant and inefficient. See above for a possible solution.

4) Artificial Psioline is fine if you use the psioline system, though I'm not sure if it's not too easy. X-Com emphasizes taking stuff from the aliens.

Sorry if my post is less than enthusiastic this time, but I really dislike these ideas. They're poorly designed and make little sense. And I am a very honest person, so please don't take it personally.

Offline pmprog

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#031] New Equipment - Anti-Psionic equipment
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 03:32:23 pm »
I quite like the anti-psi suit; would go well in XCOM:Apoc, where you could make just the helmet anti-psi and mix it with other armour components (One of the best features in Apoc, IMO)

Offline Aldorn

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#031] New Equipment - Anti-Psionic equipment
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2014, 04:13:12 pm »
I like all ot shese ideas 31a) up to 31d) as far as it is possible to mod the "reduce by X%" (or Stat bonus cf. Solarius post)

Offline Yankes

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Re: [SUGGESTION-CUT][#031] New Equipment - Anti-Psionic equipment
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2014, 05:33:28 pm »
This more fall in mod category than suggestions.