I like the idea, i like it a lot, but X-COM is a secret organization, technically as far as i remember they do not exist
I think this is the idea of the score and funding, maybe it could be reimplemented, take into account destruction since we already take into account civilians casualties.
If the amount of damage to structures is lets say for example
damage 5% = -5 performance points
damage 10% = -15 performance points
damage 25% = -40 performance points
damage 50% = -75 performance points
damage 75% = -100 performance points
damage 95% = -150 performance points
damage 100% = -200 performance points
this way they damage will be reflected in our monthly "bill" do too much damage to the structures and governments won't be happy with you.
About the civilians and compensation that could be rather complicated to implement, or a simple $$ value could be assigned to a civilian but then again you are in warfare scenario and will civilians killed by alien be held against X-COM since they actually "failed" to protect them??
I think the way the civilians are treated is fair enough for now, maybe give them a little more weight in score value