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Messages - Srletinja

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the input, btw does anyone know why etherials are not coming in my case year is 2002 Feb, there is like 15 embassies around the globe, but I can't get the key :( , any help with this?

Where do I find this tech tree viewer?

The X-Com Files / Re: Not sure if it's working as inteded
« on: March 07, 2021, 10:05:26 pm »
Thank you Meridian, much appreciated for your quick responses!

The X-Com Files / Re: Not sure if it's working as inteded
« on: March 07, 2021, 09:28:07 pm »
My apologies for not being aware that works like that, is it possible to see why is there no elerium battery tech even when I've researched engineer's on requirements list?

The X-Com Files / Re: Not sure if it's working as inteded
« on: March 07, 2021, 08:48:58 pm »
Hi Meridian,

Much appreciated for you time, save uploaded.

Kind regards,

The X-Com Files / Re: Not sure if it's working as inteded
« on: March 07, 2021, 08:34:19 pm »
Hi Mrvex,

Thank you for responding, I am not sure if I follow when you say "version of extender" What is that? - if you are talking about version I have version 1.7

Yeah I should place 2 vehicles just fine, but I can only board ammo - tanks are missing...

Also I checked this link and I pretty sure I've researched 4 engineers on the list, yet no battery :(

The X-Com Files / Not sure if it's working as inteded
« on: March 07, 2021, 05:01:40 pm »

I can't equip HWP in Skymarhall and for some reason I have researched Tank/laser, Laser defenses, Cutter, but I can't research laser rifles or produce them...

I can produce alien laser rifle and cannon but can't produce ammo... are all this things as they should?

Kind regtards,

The X-Com Files / Re: Research time
« on: February 12, 2021, 04:49:02 pm »
Just as I posted, it got researched... but it jumped from "Poor" to researched, there was not other flavor text... fine anyways.

The X-Com Files / Research time
« on: February 12, 2021, 03:35:52 pm »
I am researching "Science Laboratory" with 10 scientists for 2 months now and its still on Poor, is this a bug? Anyone?

Released Mods / Re: [TFTD] [Expansion] TWoTS+ Release (v.2.46)
« on: May 20, 2020, 08:07:22 pm »
First - love this mod - its incredible :)

Few questions:

1. Researched almost everything - got flounder - no T'leth mission - am I missing something?
3. Flounder has 50 zrbite capacity and yet can't go 10 miles further from base before reporting low fuel? This is intended?
2. How do I train "M.C gifted" aquanauts - I can train everything else (cyborg/M.C.resistant)

I am stuck :(

Thank you

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