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Messages - ronen1kr

Pages: [1]
Builds & Ports / nokia N900 (Maemo) Port
« on: September 11, 2011, 04:34:04 pm »

OpenXCom is now available for N900

Port of OpenXCom ( by Ronen K.

This is a port of the WIP OpenXCom engine remake

This port requires the original DOS files of X-Com.

You must create a directory called "openxcom" under your MyDocs folder
to there you must copy the original Dos files and extract this zip file
Than just use the icon to launch the game

To install type in X Term (While in root):
dpkg -i openxcom_0.3-1_armel.deb

to uninstall:

dpkg -r openxcom

Thanks to: and the team there!

Download Binary (not zip but deb would not let me upload it here)

sources are in my blog if anybody wants them, but there were no code changes
just removed couple of lines and redid the includes a bit.



Programming / OpenXCom port for Symbian
« on: January 27, 2011, 06:41:28 pm »

After seeing that people are posting their ports I will also post my port for OpenXcom
I have created it several months ago and now I'm waiting for it to be more or less usable.

For video of it running on the Symbian emulator.

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