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Messages - zx_79

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.7: Spectral Entities
« on: November 13, 2022, 09:14:42 am »
Not sure what your question here is? [...] Why should the wiki information be "more plausible"?

I am unable to elaborate this without some tedious boreness, please confirm if you actually wish to hear it - or just nevermind :)

[edit] how does one re-bind the "examine unit" function from the middle mouse button, if possible, that is?

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.7: Spectral Entities
« on: November 12, 2022, 06:46:08 pm »

I don't think so, the ruleset reference is your best bet.

That actually is exactly what I was asking for, hanks for pointing me to it!

Got myself the Natasha`s Custom VSS, and there appears to be a discrepancy in its damage listed in game and on the Wiki page. Latter says 0.36*Firing Acc minus 20, while former subtracts 20 from total. Is that an overlook or intentional? [or am I just reading the wiki formula wrong] To me, the Wiki calculation seems more plausible, since the regular VSS also has 20 base damage before reactions bonus.

[edit] Also found out that USO Ambush mission doesn`t count towards Aquanaut commendation, though it apparently should

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« on: November 09, 2022, 11:06:45 am »
Won't it just make it even better? :) Captures instead of kills!
I'm comparing it with the Flame Glove and it's not that great... I need more testing...

Ohh, but the Flame Glove is *awesome*! That`s your Plasma Rifle worth of firepower, sans the Elerium, batteries, extreme research times and requirements, not even live alien capture needed or Psi Skill required to use it - just any encounter with Exalt (Psiclone > Alien Engineering), one Black Lotus Outpost to take the thing off the Witch, plus some luck with agents PST rolls - and even before Promo II there`s a weapon to just BEGONE almost anything from the field. Only significant drawback is that it often leaves no corpse.

In fact, Flame Gloves was what tempted me to execute my first MiB ambush on Crop Circles mission, even though I suspect the Enforcers cheat on night vision somewhat. With time, I opted not to use these "pre-psionic" weapons as they make the fights too easy.

Btw, is there some kind of comprehensive summary/explanation of all wiki listed parameters? Some I did figure out, but others like aforementioned "Radius Effectiveness" are elusive. That would be much appreciated.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« on: October 27, 2022, 09:36:50 pm »
I`d really appreciate if someone explained what "Radius effectiveness" is. My initial guess was that it replaces the vanilla "10-damage-per-square" dropoff for explosives, but then I saw the "Radius reduction" so I guess that guess was wrong.

As a side note, MHO is that Thanatonautian Manus from recent update is waay OP - when used by Psi-capable Agent, it surpasses even the Plasma Destroyer given Psi damage type and general armor ineffectiveness against it, while being much more accessible to use through research. I`d say it needs about an order of magnitude of nerfing, to do 10% damage to health and 100% to morale.

Also, all three anti-ghost weapons would really benefit if manufacturing them *and* their ammo was possible, either directly or after additional research, using Ectoplasm as a material requirement.

OpenXcom Extended / Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
« on: October 06, 2022, 12:19:14 pm »

Please kindly consider the following:

2. Same tier "Master of %weapon%" and "Bane of %race%" commendations do not stack, with only one of each tier being applied, thus the soldier can actually decrease stats with new kills - say, racking 100 Zombies to get tier 6 will cancel out the existing tier 6 from 100 cultists, so -2 for three relevant stats, despite being technically more experienced. Would be a welcome change if that is possible.

Couple UI/Quality of Life suggestions:

1. To reveal commendation progress counter somewhere, probably on personal files page. Like, if clicking soldier`s Trooper award details, aside from stat bonus provided, also see "current count is X, next level is on Y".

1.1. To add number of kills with weapon to the damage tooltip shown when Alt is pressed in Inventory screen. Saves the player from going to Agent List, then Files > Combat to see which weapon the soldier progressed with and memorizing who gets what gun.

1.2. To get the same info - damage and kill count - also for an unarmed attack when Alt is pressed on the empty hand.

2. To keep currently equipped items on the squad selection "Preview" screen, to be able to quickly see potential accuracy and TU cost for all fire modes available not having to bring the gun in actual combat and then find out you don`t shoot it really well. Or Alt-Tab to the wiki, do calculations manually and memorize everything.

I have read the suggestion guidelines (why they are being rejected), this doesn`t seem contradictory to them, so.


The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 2.6: Paranormal Activity
« on: October 06, 2022, 08:38:43 am »
As this is my first post, big thanks for this marvellous work, I`ve been positively taken by the game after trying the X-Files. Can`t imagine going back to vanilla! Please clarify something for me:

1. Where do I get the Tritanium Matrix? Being in dire need of Alien Alloys for the improved lab, I only encountered a couple of small scouts up until now, and the wiki says it just *exists* and is required to be researched, but no possible sources provided. I coooould go back to 2.5 where it wasn`t needed to research the foundry, but still.

2. Same tier "Master of %weapon%" and "Bane of %race%" commendations do not stack, with only one of each tier being applied, thus the soldier can actually decrease stats with new kills - say, racking 100 Zombies to get tier 6 will cancel out the existing tier 6 from 100 cultists, so -2 for three relevant stats, despite being technically more experienced. Would be a welcome change if that is possible.

Couple UI/Quality of Life suggestions:

1. To reveal commendation progress counter somewhere, probably on personal files page. Like, if clicking soldier`s Trooper award details, aside from stat bonus provided, also see "current count is X, next level is on Y".

1.1. To add number of kills with weapon to the damage tooltip shown when Alt is pressed in Inventory screen. Saves the player from going to Agent List, then Files > Combat to see which weapon the soldier progressed with and memorizing who gets what gun.

1.2. To get the same info - damage and kill count - also for an unarmed attack when Alt is pressed on the empty hand.

2. To keep currently equipped items on the squad selection "Preview" screen, to be able to quickly see potential accuracy and TU cost for all fire modes available not having to bring the gun in actual combat and then find out you don`t shoot it really well. Or Alt-Tab to the wiki, do calculations manually and memorize everything.

Thanks again!

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