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Messages - Bloodvoin

Pages: [1]
OXCE Bugs FIXED / Re: Issue with number of kills?
« on: August 20, 2022, 01:46:40 pm »
Above I wrote just to illustrate, and this saving game where I started noticing it, it shows that the map has more dead bodies than it counts kills at the end of the mission.

OXCE Bugs FIXED / Re: Issue with number of kills?
« on: August 20, 2022, 09:40:42 am »

OXCE Bugs FIXED / Re: Issue with number of kills?
« on: August 20, 2022, 09:18:52 am »
Let's say by round 7 I killed 30 people, leaving 2 people on the map. When I go to round 8 I have a soldier killed and I load up for round 7 and complete the mission killing 2 enemy soldiers, then the mission completion score will only include the 2 soldiers killed, not 32

Hello, I noticed that since version 7.6.3, if you boot up during the mission, say, the previous round, the game does not remember all the kill and starts to count them from the boot.

X-Files is not throwing any errors.
It works fine.

Issue is with the Xcom Files Arsenal Additions submod; it's not compatible with the newest X-Files.
I understand this, I meant that mods are no longer compatible

Hey SolariusScorch updated X-Files on GitHub and now your mod is throwing errors on launch

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