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Messages - Bartleby

Pages: [1]
Open Feedback / Re: questions about stats... and many more
« on: July 30, 2013, 10:22:28 am »
cool, thx, cant wait the next release :).

btw. i saw that the aliens in the base are now all calculated. would be nice if u could get a popup over the prision or something so that u can see how many aliens "live" in the base. atm i had no problems with that, but maybe with the new patches its more important.

anyway - u do all a really great job. love to play xcom again. everything works fine and as usual and even better. played until june until now. sadly i saw no sectoid - leader. just mutons attacking. so no psy-defence :/.
is the chance, that a ufo will land smaller? just a guess.

Open Feedback / Re: questions about stats... and many more
« on: July 24, 2013, 08:23:37 pm »
well, ok, maybe it will be in the options some day ;).

anyway - thx you that you made that great game work on modern os. thats great :D.

Open Feedback / Re: questions about stats... and many more
« on: July 24, 2013, 06:21:21 pm »
..., as for trapping the mouse in the window, the addition of SDL_WM_GrabInput( SDL_GRAB_ON ); somewhere in the game initialization would do exactly this, should be a simple enough option to add.
hm... sounds perfect. sadly i am a linux-noob. must i edit the usr/bin/openxcom? .... well, could u explain how if u have time and its not too difficult?

Open Feedback / Re: questions about stats... and many more
« on: July 24, 2013, 03:30:13 pm »
thx guys. thats a lot of information and help :).

2: it ranges from 10-100. 40-60 is a good starting point.
i never saw a rookie with more than 60.... (in the first month)
5: yes, especially with aggressive retaliation.
hm.... can u be 100% sure to be safe with very good defense so that u dont need any soldiers to defend the people in a base?
atm i restarted already my game and am wondering if longtime 3 base-target is enought. all 3 fully upgraded and stand-alone.... is it recommended/useful to install something like a workshop- or lab-base?

8: see 2.

other question: how much reaktion does an alien have :).

warboy, is widescreensupport planned? or is it possible in linux to make the mouse not move out of the window? (hm... new to linux, i must google that *g*.)
a page in the wiki with a picture of every display filter would be great.

[EDIT] is it right, that u cant hire people at the end of the month without paying them that month? was in the old game different.

Open Feedback / Re: questions about stats... and many more
« on: July 23, 2013, 09:38:50 am »
thank you very much. edited first post a bit to have better overview :).

the questions with the stats is still interesting:
i think it is that way:
- u get exp if u shoot, more if u hit something (wall), even more if u hit an enemy and most if u kill an enemy.
- i am also quite sure that u get exp (better stats) when u throw something and if u kill an enemy with that, u get even more exp (better stats).
- how is it with the other stats (skills)?

11. in tftd u were able to research a big lab with double size.

8. reaction.... is important i think. the question is: if u walk and see an enemy, who shoots first :).

2. bravery defends vs psi?????????

Open Feedback / questions about stats... and many more
« on: July 22, 2013, 09:13:33 pm »
i love to see this game getting better and better - great job. hope there will be a time when the grafic will be better. maybe do a deal with them. they can sell it on steam because its needed to install the game and u can use better grafics :P. how long is an gameidea by law protected?
in the last years i stopped playing betas because of time but now i want to play it on linux.

some questions:
1. is it a good training for the soldier if u use all timeunits every turn? wasnt it that way in tftd? [no]
2. how much morale do they need to be quite brave? maybe 30+ [40+]
3. is it useful to move with overwight because of training? [no, see]
4. do alienartifacts not use space in the base? [yes, but if u end a mission and bring back its there is some kind of extraspace]
5. is basedefence useful - when u have aggressiv aliens and want a lab-base.
6. can u still earn money by producing? or other questin: are there mentionable changes between xcom and openxcom? [yes]
7. works the hire/fire-bug at the end of the month? hope not, but just wondering :P
    [no, any personnel "in transit" requires you to pay their salary, so you can't avoid paying them that way.]
8. how much reaction do a soldier need to be useful? [40+]
9. do soldiers with bad stats have a higher chance to get good psi-stats? [no]
10. are multiple radars useful? [yes, until Hyperwave Decoder]
11. er.... are there big labs in the 1. game or just in tftd? damn.. played tftd 100 times but long time ago. [no]

well. would be nice if u could answer some questions. because of not much time and the wish to hire the best soldiers, i would like to know more about stats and possible changes. havent found much by search, sry, the answers must be somewhere?

12. do aliens get more damage if u have researched them? readed tomething like that in an very old post [no, but would be great *g*]
13. do u get more money if u researched something? [no]
14. do u need dead bodies? or is it just an item to sell and the 1 research? [no, not needed, just for one research]
15. is a flight in the plane without fight any useful for a soldiers training? [no]

16. IMPORTANT: can it be that range doesnt effect chance to hit? just played 2 missions :P
 (what effects chance to hit?)
[ a longer range, it could have drifted far enough over to completely miss the target.]
17. does smoke of a missle affect chance to hit or view of sight? [just view of sight]

18. is it possible to play on a widescreen in fullscreen and with black borders on both sides (to have right dimensions, round globe...)? its annoying to play in a window and each time u want to move on the battlescreen u need to be careful that u dont leave the window. what scale/filter is best?

[nice guide:]

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