XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.99C.1 - 10 Sep - Become an Idol!
« on: September 30, 2016, 06:15:27 am »Another thing- during my playthrough I have managed to manufacture a Sentry Gun/Rocket- static defense platform. I can load it into ship but obviously it doesn't move at all. I don't really get the idea behind this unit. The only situation I can picture it useful is when my ship has landed with its rear towards enemy so the sentry can actually shoot something. Is there some application that I am missing?
I have gotten lucky with this once or twice and just had its first turn wreck like 10 aliens on a terror mission. but then I had to leave the ship from the drop hole and roof and it wasn't great so it's use is varied. If it had like 1 waypoint it would be 10000x more useful to the point of brokenness though.