I'm a bit puzzled about how 'sway government' missions are suppose to work.
In my current game, the traders have been running sway government missions in North America every month for the entire game. Every country in North America has been converted for years now, and yet the traders keep coming with their cruisers and their terror ships... Every month. Even after researching Family Ties.
At first I thought this was a bug. But I've just had a look at the source code, and it looks as though it is actually working normally.
Here's some code from "void AlienMission::think(Game &engine, const Globe &globe)"
if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_INFILTRATION && _nextWave == _rule.getWaveCount())
for (std::vector<Country*>::iterator c = game.getCountries()->begin(); c != game.getCountries()->end(); ++c)
if (!(*c)->getPact() && !(*c)->getNewPact() && mod.getRegion(_region)->insideRegion((*c)->getRules()->getLabelLongitude(), (*c)->getRules()->getLabelLatitude()))
spawnAlienBase(globe, engine, _rule.getSpawnZone());
https:// Infiltrations loop for ever.
_nextWave = 0;
And here's the function which usually determines when a mission can be deleted...
bool AlienMission::isOver() const
if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_INFILTRATION)
https://Infiltrations continue for ever.
return false;
if (_nextWave == _rule.getWaveCount() && !_liveUfos)
return true;
return false;
The Bootypedia implies that shooting down the ships can stop the mission. But as far as I can tell, nothing can stop them, and they just keep coming and coming, every month, regardless of what you do. Is this really what is intended? Maybe endless infiltration missions are ok in vanilla xcom, but since xPiratez games last much longer, I don't think it's a good system.
While I'm here, I'd also like to suggest that "Bane of the {0}" commendations be renamed to just "Bane of {0}". Because as it is, the names don't quite look right...