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Messages - Mazian

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: UFO and TFTD now on
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:41:50 am »
I have spent a lot of money at GOG over the last few weeks!

Open Feedback / Re: Secret Pacts that confuse me...
« on: August 24, 2015, 08:39:19 pm »
Don't give up just because of this!  Believe me, you can still win even with most countries siding with the aliens.

Perhaps it was originally set up where you could stop it from happening, but it made the game too easy?  Maybe the way it is now was purely about adding a challenge.  I'm all for someone making a mod to change this, but I bet the game becomes even more of a cakewalk.  Maybe add into the mod lower over all increases in funding to compensate?

Hey, they could have made it so that there wasn't even any indication this was happening, with countries just randomly siding with the aliens.  At least this way you know you're losing a country at the end of the month.
I don't know, I guess I just don't have a problem with timer mechanics that push the game forward.

The mechanic makes sense from a game design perspective, but I agree it is done a little heavy handed.  But then the game could just spam like 20 battleships all at once on infiltration missions to achieve the same thing.  Would make more sense story wise like you want, but would probably piss people off just as much.

And really, any player worth his salt is making enough money by the time countries start defecting that it doesn't REALLY matter.  Just sell everything you got from those ships you shot down.

Suggestions / Re: Various Suggestions
« on: August 06, 2015, 11:36:31 pm »

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: Now on Android!
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:31:24 pm »
I like vanilla ice cream, so lets go with the vanilla rifle.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: Now on Android!
« on: July 16, 2015, 10:00:22 pm »
I'll get in on this!

Soldier name: Conrad Mazian
Personality: Quiet but will do what needs doing to get the job done.
Weapon: Good ole rifles of all flavors!
Skills: Whatever the RNG God sees fit!
Position: The back.  Hey, I want to at least be one of the last to die!

Programming / Re: Nightly Updater (Download Now Available)
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:51:38 pm »
My only question... is it actually easier than just unzipping the nightly into the openxcom folder?

Offtopic / Re: Introduce yourself
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:49:21 pm »
Hey, name's Paul.  Been lurking for a bit, finally decided to register for the forum.  Been playing X-Com since it came out when I was 13ish, my first 3 video games where X-Com, Mastrer of Orion and Ringworld.  Was a sci-fi nut even back then!  Anyhoo, OpenXcom is a dream come true for me, got me to waste some money on the new X-com even though when I play it it just makes me want to play this!

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