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Messages - delamer

Pages: [1]
It doesn't seem natural to me, I already see all trainable stats on the first screen, why would I ever need to open the other screen?
A difficult question.
- Because I have already tried to press RMB on this screen many times? This is what I consider to be the natural order: RMB works almost everywhere, but on the training screen - no.
- The training screen does not display all the information. There are no courage stat, healing time, assigned transport. There are no statistics on the number of missions and kills.
All this is quite important for my style of passing the game. But if you consider this unnecessary - no problem  :)

Similar to this suggestion^
When using the "Alternate Craft Equipment Management" option,  it would be very useful to be able to choose a soldier from the Soldier List screen and access their inventory directly, rather than having to tab through the inventory of each soldier until you reach the one you are looking for. Currently left click takes the player to the soldier's stats screen; having right click go the soldier's inventory seems like a natural followup.
This is a very nice idea. Thank you.
It would be very useful to be able to choose a soldier from the Training List screen and access their full stats directly. Currently left click activate/deactivate training for the soldier. Having right click go the soldier's stats seems like a natural followup. if I'm not mistaken.  :)
Thank you.

After two years of playing, I finally realized that presets for equipping a ship are incredibly cool. I am especially pleased with the fact that the missing equipment can be purchased/produced directly from the hold of the ship. But this is when loading the preset.
But what about creating a preset? I have to remember everything I'm missing, go to the store, buy it, and wait until the order is delivered to the base. But... if the gamer is given the opportunity to order missing items directly from the hold, the situation will become much more joyful. This can be done, for example, using the right mouse button, which is not used here.
And so:
-I select the item I'm missing.
-Then a sequence of screens opens, as with a lack of equipment to apply a preset, but only for one item.
-The purchase/production screen opens for this item. Starting quantity - one
-I specify the required quantity, click OK
What do you say?
Thank you.
Sorry for my English, non-native speaker here.

@delamer: If I understand your proposal correctly, that'd be an OXCE engine feature request.
Got it. Thank you.

I have an idea to improve the functionality of the interface on the vehicle equipment screen, can I post it here?
And so: after two years of playing, I finally realized that presets for equipping a ship are incredibly cool. I am especially pleased with the fact that the missing equipment can be purchased/produced directly from the hold of the ship. But this is when loading the preset.
But what about creating a preset? I have to remember everything I'm missing, go to the store, buy it, and wait until the order is delivered to the base. But... if the gamer is given the opportunity to order missing items directly from the hold, the situation will become much more joyful. This can be done, for example, using the right mouse button, which is not used here.
How do you like this idea?  :P

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: July 10, 2024, 01:19:24 am »
Another TYPO in the description (RU)
Intelligence center
...шанс обнРаружения (chance of detection)

The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: July 09, 2024, 04:52:21 am »
Hello. I have long wanted to mention a minor flaw in the description of the Headquarters. There is no information that it provides +25 storage spaces. Can I hope that this will be fixed?
Thank you!  :)

Pages: [1]