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Messages - TroublesomeCorvid

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Thanks for the advice!

Just one last thing to clear up: has Awesome Guns changed the detection rate of Small and Large Radars?  Because before I started using the mod, I'd pick up so many UFOs in vanilla OXC that I could barely get anything done... Conversely, though, I'd lose maybe one country every three or so months.

If so, this would explain why I was losing countries so quickly: RNG kicked me with a roll on the Alien's side to start with infiltration early on, and a less-effective detection threshold would hammer those nail into the coffin pretty quickly because I was missing all those scouts that were planting infiltrators.


I've been playing with this mod for the last couple of weeks, and I'm loving it so far, but I seem to have a bit of an issue.

I'm losing countries to the alien's side waaaayyyyy too fast.  One per every month.  On beginner difficulty.  I checked with one of my brothers who is an absolute nerd when it comes to Xcom.  At first he was saying, "Yeah, that sounds about right" at first, but then I said this was beginner mode and he went, "Wait.  WHAT?"

Is this because my radars aren't picking up UFOs as often as they do in OXC-vanilla?  Or are the Aliens that much more aggressive about subverting countries than they are in OXC-vanilla?  Am I doing something wrong?  Or did I just simply get the short end of the stick on the RNG?

FYI, my playstyle is pretty aggressive (at least I like to think so), with me building additional bases within the first month - if not the second month - with large radars and hangars as the first things to be constructed.

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