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Messages - Thyros

Pages: [1]
I had no idea that there is an android version of OXC. Is there any chance you could send me a link to the download site?

OXCE Bugs / [Bug?] Bluetooth mouse support for Android version of OXCE
« on: March 03, 2024, 03:12:24 pm »

I tried to connect BT mouse to my phone thinking the experience would be as close to a pc version as can be but unfortunatelly couldn't get it to work. If I press and hold the left or right mouse button it does catch the ingame cursor and moves but when I release it it just drops the ingame cursor in the last position and leaves the screen. The grab mouse option does not work and the cursor leaves the screen. I attach video of how it behaves. Is that a bug or there is no mouse support in Android version?


I would like to suggest that when attacking alien base our craft and/or the crew sustain damage. I mean if Xcom base can have missile defence facilities then why not alien base? For example when we land we never sustain any damage ever. Maybe we should loose up to 20% of soldiers and equipment and also the aircraft could be damaged as well (all randomized). Of course I suggest it in a form of an optional mod?


Released Mods / [OXCE] Area 51
« on: January 27, 2024, 11:51:10 pm »
Unfortunately I dont have a copy of this mod and therefore can't check if it would work with latest (7.11) oxce release. It would be great to play it again. Can anyone provide a link with a copy of the mod and if its not working is there a way to update it do the latest oxce version?

OXCE Support / Re: [Suggestion] Info if Terror mission too far away
« on: January 22, 2024, 10:20:39 pm »
You can check that easily (2 clicks) by selecting your craft in the base and look at its range.

Just by the way does that aicrafts range diminish over time. I mean if you send an aircraft towards a terror mission will the circle get smaller after time?

OXCE Support / Re: [Suggestion] Info if Terror mission too far away
« on: January 22, 2024, 10:16:07 pm »

OXCE Support / [Solved] Info if Terror mission too far away
« on: January 22, 2024, 10:02:16 pm »

Some terror missions are on the other side of globe of your base and are out of your aircrafts range. When you get a message about a terror mission can you check if its within your bases aircraft range and if not just add an info that its not? Aometimes you just waste time by aending an aircraft and just as its about to land you get a message its out of fuel and turns back.


OXCE Support / [Answered] List of things to do
« on: May 12, 2023, 04:41:46 am »
Hello again

This will sound a bit nosy but is there any chance to see the to do list for oxce just as a glimpse of things to come?

OXCE Support / [Answered] Apk for Oxce
« on: May 12, 2023, 04:29:30 am »

Is it possible that the android apk be among the versions with every iteration of oxce? I mean for the moment its bionic x86 64, win32 and win64 but apks are every few  iterations. Or is it too much hassle to create everytime apk?

XPiratez / Things a little bit easier for beginner
« on: January 12, 2021, 03:32:10 pm »
Hi. Just a little suggestion to do things a little bit easier for someone who just started playing x-piratez

When selling stuff I think it would be great to make a little shortcut to bootypedia for example with right mouse click. Basically a beginner doesnt know if a dagger is better than pipe or other stuff and what does it do. Without the shortcut I have to go all out to hideout than geoscape than bootypedia find item and remember stats and than back to selling screen. Its a looong way. A shortcut would make things easier specially that the right click in selling screen doesnt do anything.

Suggestions / Re: Soldiers field of view and explosives defusion
« on: January 05, 2021, 12:25:28 pm »
Thanks. Didnt know you could do it with explosives.

What about the fov suggestion? Any chance to implement it in near future update ofcourse as an on/off option?

Suggestions / Soldiers field of view and explosives defusion
« on: January 05, 2021, 12:30:15 am »

I think that would be quite interesting and not so far from the original. AFAIK the fov is already there but not visible so maybe just as a shadow on the ground.?

Another thing is the ability to defuse explosives. For the moment if I set the timer to 1 and in the next turn I cant or just dont need to use the explosives anymore (specially with high explosives I might be withing blast radius)  there is no option to defuse the explosive but only to throw it.


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