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Messages - deltarno

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: Can't Get Cydonia Mission!
« on: Today at 06:32:19 am »
Thank you all for this post!  I went two in game months before I thought to look here and see the button.  Saved a lot of hassle, let me tell you.

The X-Com Files / Re: Enemies have full TU on first turn
« on: August 04, 2024, 06:32:38 am »
Aside from what everyone else pointed out, it makes your agents the main characters of the scene.  The ramp drops, smoke billows out, the camera spends a few seconds switching between the smokey ramp and the scared enemy pointing at the ramp...
Then the boys and girls in black storm out and slaughter everyone.  Picture perfect.

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / tentacle Hives, and the women that love them.
« on: April 16, 2024, 08:55:21 pm »
Hey all, got a problem shaped like a Tentacle hive.  Namely, I'm not sure how to beat/subdue them.  The 'pedia mentions something about having them tire themselves out on a willing girl, but that didn't work.  Not sure what that says about my girls, but still.  Then I tried the militant ways, dynamite and ogre shotguns.  Didn't even break the shields on one of them after two booms and twelve shots.  If I could bring in a team, I'm sure they would be no threat, but how does one deal with them three on one?

The X-Com Files / Re: The heck is an AI core?
« on: March 19, 2024, 06:10:14 pm »
Thank you thank you thank you!

The X-Com Files / The heck is an AI core?
« on: March 19, 2024, 05:19:33 pm »
Started a new xcom files game, doing very well at the start.  Finished off the cult of dagon, feeling high and mighty.  Huh, cannot get kitsune, wonder why?  Oh it's tied to the advanced intelligence center, neat...
What the heck is an AI core?
Sorry for the rambling, but the advanced intelligence center has a (new?) requirement that I can not figure out.  In the research log, it says it needs a AI Core, but doesn't tell me what an AI core is.  I thought it was one of those crystals to make robots, but I have one dormant and three running around in little scout drones, and still cannot upgrade.  If anyone could tell me what I am missing, I would appreciate it, I really need that Kitsune.

XPiratez / How to get magical girls?
« on: December 23, 2023, 02:40:51 am »
This question is technically two questions asked the same.  In game, my campaigns usually end via death, a different game distracting me, or the game updating before I run into any magical girls.  So, this brings up two questions.
1) Is the Gold Codex required to recruit your own girls, or is it just easier/ you get better items for them?  Looking through the pedia it has the magical girls under outfits, hence why I'm wondering if this is the only codex to get them.
2) Are magical girls their own race type, like gnome or ogre, or is it an outfit, like the supers?  I frequently make alterations to the save file to spice up the begining/ give myself a chance, and I was debating stating with the crew of Sailor Moon as a giggle.  Problem is, as mentioned before I haven't encountered them before, so I don't know if I need to change the race like I would STR_SOLDIER_GNOME, or if I need to spawn a couple of outfits.
Any advice would be helpful, thank you.

XPiratez / Re: A thread for little questions
« on: October 22, 2023, 08:36:03 am »
Quick question, any idea how to get some decent ships for shooting down da loot?  Went with the gold codex, so I've got a nice hawk with a good gun, but after that?  Striking out.  Only other thing I was able to grab was the bat, and it takes missles.  Got lots of cannons, but no missles.  I think I've been looking in up the wrong parts of the tech tree, so any idea what a good attack vehicle would be?

Help / A question about mixing mods
« on: October 17, 2023, 09:37:55 am »
Hello all, this is less of a help request and more of an information request.  I am currently loving two mods, xpiratez and xcom files, and while I am having trouble (skill issue, not technical), I am having a blast with them both.
However, a thought has been kicking around in my head.  Would it be possible to pluck assets from one mod and plop them down in the other?  Smart guns for piratez, uber girls for the files, that sort of thing.  While both run on open xcom, I have no idea if this would be possible.  Would it be as simple as grabbing what files and assets I would want and moving them, would some integration need to be done, or would the mods explode in fire and the screams of dying programs if I dared to try?

XPZ Strategy/Tactics / Re: The Newbie Guide
« on: October 15, 2023, 04:53:48 am »
Any tips for base defense?  Just got my 2nd playthrough wiped.  Partially because I kept trying the male soldiers (noobie whoopsie), but mostly because on month three like clockwork the ratfolk roll up with their swat teams and dogs and chew right threw me.
I've got a chock point set up, and next playthrough I'll have some more gals, but I'm wondering if there's anything in particular I need to do.

Help / Re: Mods not showing up on list
« on: August 26, 2023, 06:35:08 pm »
Derp.  Thanks a lot, saved me a lot of headaches.

Help / Mods not showing up on list
« on: August 26, 2023, 05:39:05 pm »
Hello, I recently decided to uninstall Open Xcom and reinstall it in order to fix a problem I had with the cities not showing up, as well as have a fresh start with the xcom files updates, and maybe try out that XPiratez that I've heard so much about.  Problem is, once I load up OpenXcomEx, there are many mods in the folder, but none of them xcom files or Piratez. 
I looked around online, and found two versions of what to do.  First was to make a user folder in the Openxcom folder, run the game so the folders appear, then put the mods in there.  No good.  I then read that there is a spot in my documents where an Openxcom file has appeared with it's own mod folder.  So I put all the mods in there, and still no dice.  At this point I'm at a loss, the XPiratez download even came with it's own open xcom folder set up intact, yet when I try to run that there's still no mod in the list, only the basic Open Xcom.
Any help would be appreciated, as I cannot see a way forward.

Troubleshooting / Missing cities in Xcom files
« on: August 26, 2023, 08:34:33 am »
Hello all, I've been trying to get back into xcom files with the new update, but a problem has popped up.  When I start a new game, there are no cities or borders on my map.
I saw a thread that also had this problem, but they were running Linux, and I am but a humble window user. 
All I have installed is open xcom and xcom files.  I have been updating open xcom via the update button, should I download the file directly, purge the old folder, and start fresh, or is there something in particular I should do?

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