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Messages - grayboney

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The X-Com Files / Re: Can't Get Cydonia Mission!
« on: July 29, 2024, 03:50:24 pm »
I'm extra excited because I run this game on Ironman after couple of failed attempts. Let's see what happens. I will have some feedback after my run is finished.

The X-Com Files / Re: Can't Get Cydonia Mission!
« on: July 29, 2024, 03:41:23 pm »
Ah I see! I didn't notice that. I will go to final fight now! If there is any enemy base left in the world, does it matter after cydonia is taken?

The X-Com Files / Can't Get Cydonia Mission!
« on: July 29, 2024, 02:15:19 pm »
I finished the last Lunar Mission: Core and interrogated Ethereal Grand Master. Also I got 'Cydonia or Bust' report. So the mission should spawn normally. Last lunar mission I had in July, 2004 now it is January or February 2005. But still no spawn. And game starts to be boring for me as waiting for 6 months in vain.

As I read similar post before, I checked my Avenger's fuel but there is no problem. Avenger is full and I have around 250 elerium in stockpile reserves at same hq.

While I am waiting for the last mission, aliens, MiB and even hybrid estabishing new bases at full pace. I expected MiB disappear after raiding MiB lunar Base but this didn't happen. I shot down at least 5 MiB strike ships last month. I don't know what to do but I just want to confront with the last mission.

In mid-game before using psi amps, it is reaally deadly when it is in the correct hands. Wielder's pst and psk should be quite high to be effective or cast will do nothing.

This weapon is especially good when the mission has multi-floors. You can crush enemy's heart at different floor even without seeing it.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: July 27, 2023, 07:41:46 pm »
Yes, they won't prevent other soldiers from taking their stuff if they share it.

I'm not against such hints in general, but this one looks like something you're supposed to discuver by experience. Why on Earth would anyone tell you that? How would they know how aliens fight?

Yes but in the end, we learn it in the second try without surprise, so in my opinion some hints don't hurt. It is not about making game easier (I already play this game always ironman one mistake and you're dead), it is more about guiding player to understand the game dynamics better.

...I don't understand, you clicked on the wrong manufacturing project or what?

Yes, while compressing all creatures and corpses in batch into blood plasma, I also bioextracted my live x-com squad candidate shadowbats :(

No, it's not normal. Either you managed to shoot down a Muton UFO (I don't really believe this, but hey, strange things happen) or you are using some submod which does such things.

No, I don't use any submod. I only have sound pack which you provided to us. It is impossible to shoot down anything, because I hardly had one little bird as interceptor in that date.

The Tower is a special case, it's more dangerous and should be harder. If it's too hard, well, it happens all the time to me as well - run away.
Well, I could disable the wave which comes from your side, if it doesn't make much sense... But it all depends on where your units are. They could just as well be near the western border at the moment, and then you could say the wave from the west also makes no sense, since it would have been spotted.
But I need to point out that the minimum distance for reinforcements to appear on these missions is 10 tiles from the nearest X-Com unit. So this means that they can be cxontrolled by placing your units more strategically. I hope this is satisfactory. (Maybe should be in the field manual; I'll add an article.)

Maybe I need to make it clear that I am not against the reinforcement system, only the way it works. I also finished xcom2 with commander + ironman. Xcom2 has also reinforcement system but with more reasonable approach. Game warns the player the reinforcements is coming in the pointed position. Similar approach can make the game more realistic.

Should always be your top unit. But why have you even sent more than 1 person? I don't understand.

My mistake was having all 15 units. But I already put my intended character to the top but it didn't work, the game selected it randomly.

The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.0: Beyond Human
« on: July 27, 2023, 11:08:24 am »
In spite of writing you at the first time, I have played this mod for more than 100 - 200 hours and really enjoyed it. In the last time, I reached the furthest I could get compared to my previous attempts. I played until the end of 1999 and would like to share my some experiences and recommendations.

Many missions are based on your previous experience you had. When that's confornted at first time, it  can make you unprepared and brief are not enough for taking an action. For example in my Red Dawn HQ experience, I didn't know I need rocket launcher to destroy armored cars.

More tooltips would be very helpful to understand the game logic better. It can be added at geoscape randomly as a hint:
For example: "Beware approching melee attacks, some aliens can have suidial attacks when they perish." OR

Some creatures don't have bioextraction at all. For example asmodean cobras and their corpse is worthless but selling it. Bat and rat bioextraction can be disabled because I unintentionally bioextracted 6 live shadowbats; my intention was to make them X-bat and use them in the missions. Instead of bioextracting bats and rats, worthless corpses like cobras can be added to bioextraction.

Let's come to my most annoying experiences. Actually I have three of them.

Before the invasion (december 98 I think) I had a base attack. And more strange point is not only getting attacked by aliens but also alien type. Alien type who they attack are not sectoids, snakemen or floaters. THEY WERE MUTONS. I am not sure it's normal that they came that early. I managed to beat them in a miraculous way thanks to my defensive base layout and awesome psi weapon thanotanutian manus.

I planned to attack golden academy osiron base. And the same annoying reinforcement system we have already experienced in the cult manors triggered. But that was by far worse. Normally reinforcements come in the sides and back but this time 7-8 of them spawned suddenly at my green spawn points without giving any warning. While I was surrounding the bulding, those spawned soldiers shot from back and ruined my mission without giving any warning. In my opinion these reinforcements are not only overwhellming but also bullshit. Because it's not possiblle for x-com squad to be unnoticed until they reach my spawn point that close. It  should be really fixed; my suggestion either to make a reinforcement alert and make them 0 tu and be active next turn or make them full tu but be active for next turn (like first turn for enemies)

I have dreamscape mission. I have read the briefing so I placed the first strongest unit to top list for going the mission. But game selected it randomly and put a x-rat into mission instead of my considering soldier. After mission is failed, my craft is gone as well. Briefing notices were not enough to be aware of that.

I summarized my highlight experiences below. I hope it can be worthy of your considerations. Also, I wıould like to thank you all team who contributed to create this outstanding mod. Even if they have some defect (it is inevitable to have them while the game complexity is huge), I am really  having fun to play it.  Last question: when ghost mission lines will be finished? (having haunted farm and haunted mission without any progress can be after having some advancement in the game)

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