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Messages - Nanosystem

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Re: Your X-COM base names
« on: October 07, 2013, 10:43:03 pm »
Main base: X-Command
Support base: X-Support (additional squad and dropship, sometimes called X-Backup)
Research base: X-Research
Manufacturing base: X-Manufacture
Storage base: X-Storage (X-Cold Storage if I place it in Antarctica)

Sometimes I name the base after an animal that is commonly found on the continent it is placed.

Work In Progress / Re: OpenXcom - War
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:07:44 pm »
I just found this Mod after playing OpenXcom for a while. It looks incredible, I love all the new weapons (especially the flamethrower) and to my amazement makes XCom fresh again.

Unfortunately there are a few things that OpenXcom 0.9 has that also enhances the overall experience. I wish that I didn't have to choose between the two.

It is my understanding that Warboy (the author of the mod) is in the middle of re-writing the whole mod; at least that is what I've picked up reading the thread. It is also my understanding that he has kind of dropped off the radar. I do not write code, I tried my hand at it for a while but I am a man that knows his limitations. I do however have some skill at writing. Does he still need help writing ufopaedia entries? If I could help carry just a little of that weight I would happily do so.

In any case, keep going Warboy! You have another fan right here.

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