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Messages - EchoFourDelta

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: [new mechanics] making pistols more useful
« on: December 12, 2013, 03:19:07 pm »
X-COM doesn't have critical hits. The newer one does; the legacy version that OXC is replicating doesn't.

Released Mods / Re: [Inventory] Quick-Draw Hip Slot
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:02:22 am »
Great idea! The holster being on the right side would make sense for leftys right? I'm a lefty(yay), but I've never looked this up, though I'm sure you use your left hand to pull the weapon out from your right hip.

Nah, you wear on your strong side or centerline (with the barrel pointed away from strong side) so that you can present vertically or at the index. Crossdrawing wheels the weapon across the horizontal, and if you're drawing quickly with intent to fire, you're making the job more difficult since most targets are far taller than they are wide. If you're basically squeezing down as soon as the barrel clears the holster, you can start opening up as soon as you have the weapon on axis with the target and simply walk fire up the target's body, as opposed to having a fleeting shot as your arm swings past it horizontally, and potentially overshooting the target's body.

Released Mods / Re: Sir, the arms dealer has arrived.
« on: October 09, 2013, 08:22:15 pm »
Is it possible for someone to fix the colors?

Released Mods / Re: Ufo:TTS Style SniperRifle
« on: September 27, 2013, 03:53:42 pm »
I got the same error when I used the "_custom" version. The "_u2s" one seems to work fine.

Suggestions / Re: simulating real human AI?
« on: September 23, 2013, 06:55:04 pm »
Deliberate flanking maneuvers, an order of battle that puts heavier "shock" units up front that demand immediate attention while keeping units with equal or heavier firepower to the rear firing away, taking use of elevation, increased use of grenade...

Part of the problem is that even the "variety" of weapons, it comes down to a slugfest; there's not enough true variation, especially with regards to range. The only methods of differentiation there are in the game are damage, TU usage, and reduced or increased efficacy on certain types of enemies. If you're looking for enhanced tactics, you need a wider degree of variation and characteristics inherent to the weapon systems being used to maximize the range of tactics that can be implemented.

That said, a human player can scare you with units that pop out, sling some fire your way, and disappear, forcing you to either seek cover, or risk sending units out to eliminate that individual that's harrying you; this can be complicated by presenting additional units already there and engaging that force you to ignore the other enemy firing on you, or you might fall into a prepared ambush as you maneuver that unit. The "straightforwardness" of the enemy's behavior in X-COM doesn't quite lend itself to maneuver warfare or advanced "human" psychological tactics.

Work In Progress / Re: "Grenade Launcher" for the Rifle
« on: September 14, 2013, 01:03:03 am »
Oh, yeah, that's no trouble.

Work In Progress / Re: "Grenade Launcher" for the Rifle
« on: September 13, 2013, 09:47:15 pm »
Ah, sweet. Thanks a bunch.

Work In Progress / "Grenade Launcher" for the Rifle
« on: September 13, 2013, 05:45:19 pm »
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, and tell if I'm missing the forest for the trees, but let's say I wanted to make it so that a soldier could load and fire a grenade from the rifle, to simulate a single-shot grenade. Within the existing structure of the ruleset, I'd simply list the desired second ammo type the rifle could use in addition to its normal magazine, the same as if we were looking at, say, the autocannon and its multiple ammo types, specify the sprite used for the shot, and detail its effects in a similar manner, correct?

Work In Progress / Re: Let me tell you about rulesets
« on: September 08, 2013, 08:40:38 am »
actually the flatrate flag affects melee weapons as well as items, but not firearms. for example, all alien melee weapons charge a flat rate.

I think it would open up some variety in modding potential; I've been trying to get a more granular balance between some weapons myself which often feels difficult to do with straight percentages.

It opens the field up by making it so that some soldiers need to be at a given plateau before being able to implement a given weapon system, and gives you some more room to work with there, especially if you're also modding the number of TUs soldiers can have.

Work In Progress / Re: Let me tell you about rulesets
« on: September 08, 2013, 06:31:34 am »


I got one, about the flatRate flag. At one point in the table, it mentions it being used for non-offensive items like the medikit; would this have any adverse side effects if this line was added for weapons, like, say, the Rifle, or would it just not function?

Work In Progress / Re: Question about UFOpedia
« on: September 08, 2013, 05:05:20 am »
Oh, no way! Sweet!

Yeah, that's exactly what I was asking after; I've wanted to somehow change up  the number of shots the autocannon puts out to differentiate it even further from the others.

Work In Progress / Re: Question about UFOpedia
« on: September 08, 2013, 03:12:09 am »
I'm modifying some of the weapons' descriptions to read a little more "not written by British civilians." It's not a big part of the game, but something that almost makes me explode when I read it...

"This highly accurate sniper rifle has laser guided sights and takes 6.7mm ammunition in 20 round clips."

Every noun and verb in that sentence made me want to break a 2x4 over the head of whoever wrote it.

As an aside, would you or anyone else that happens across this happen to know how or if it's possible to modify the number of shots in a burst? I checked over the wiki's documentation of the base ruleset but didn't find anything for it, and a few searches and dives here turned up nothing.

Work In Progress / Re: Question about UFOpedia
« on: September 07, 2013, 07:38:21 am »
--I was more going to edit some of the existing fluff.--

DISREGARD! I think I found it, in the language file; I can just hack and chop away at that, so long as I keep the formatting correct, yes? Thanks for mentioning that file. Just what I needed.

Work In Progress / Question about UFOpedia
« on: September 07, 2013, 07:06:41 am »
I've looked through the forum, and saw a topic on a guy trying to add a new pistol, but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

Is there any way to edit existing UFOpedia entries that won't completely break things?

I'd be appreciative of much of anything; thanks in advance, guys.

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