I think we are his balance testers.But seriously, scientists are too expensive and research takes too long to be any faster.
Well I am in 2022 (August and able to get detection)
I confirm that research is extra slow with many useless autopsies (however with hidden potential)
i.e. were wolf Autopsy + capture can produce something with armor that can increase mobility
spike-boar can unlock some upgrade for chitin armor that have better i resistance vs kinetic
- second stage should be free of civilians
- in second stage there should be more interesting stuff (MAGIC BOOKS, AMULETS, ... ]
- with x-technology quite easy
(Later when you gain strong artifact rifts are annoying and sometimes not worth exploring )
So I suggest to make more tiers of rifts
1 . rats , scorpions, glass spiders , fiery flies (weak artifact, amulets)
- not spawning after researching camouflage or weak artifacts
2. shooter beetles, floater, slugs, giants . shai-hulud (strong artifact or magic crystals ) + weak artifact
- not spawning after research strong artifact
3. spike boar, werewolf (forced darkness) [rune-wood , crystals ] + [weak,weak , strong artifact]
- not spawning after scriptorium is unlocked
4. spirits
- psionic inspiration prerequisite
- as a reward [magic books. library, e t.c ]
- I'd prefer in all rifts some stronger variation of creatures (similar to prismatic spider and floating jelly)
- seems quite OK
- I'd prefer more guarantee loot [i.e amulets or runes ]
- there should be some better loot when complete land UFO mission
- stalkers
-- should have a bit less shields and be less effective vs strong armor (chitin or wooden)
- pincer warm and larva
-- quite deadly - please reduce range or damage just cause fire, or poison can be enough - player can mitigate it by extinguishers or poison cure ) or accuracy
- brutes are quite OK
- I like tusk and killing it only with that special blades with armor nullification
SHIELDS overall
- sometimes works in weird way ( some shots drain none, some 2, some 5, some even 15 points from shield)
- I recommend to consider some shield as a number of shots that can block (regeneration - regenerate some shots)
that makes tactical using some low damage auto-shot weapons to kick down the shield
path to MAGIC
- in my opinion too difficult (looting books an translating proper one is too luck depending)