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Messages - Aldorn

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OXCE Support / Re: [Wiki - Ruleset Reference] Difficulty settings
« on: March 30, 2025, 02:24:35 pm »
I created an account and made the correction, thanks :D

OXCE Support / [SOLVED][Wiki - Ruleset Reference] Difficulty settings
« on: March 30, 2025, 01:38:12 pm »
It's a suggestion about Difficulty settings in Ruleset Reference

To be more consistent, I think the example for buyPriceCoefficient should be
buyPriceCoefficient: [40, 60, 80, 100, 150]
rather than
buyPriceCoefficient: [150, 100, 80, 60, 40]

Ok, I will just outcomment it, in case it is implemented in the future :)

Let me set this topic as SOLVED

Thanks for your quick answer


It's just a question, let's say a confirmation

I'm having a look at UFOs stats, and in my mod I had "accel" for every UFO  :-\

But having a look at the reference ruleset, there is no such property for UFOs, only for crafts

Same in the xcom1 standard ruleset, no accel for UFOs

It was probably a mistake introduced while integrating some submod, but I would prefer to have confirmation before removing this property


The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« on: March 27, 2025, 10:22:52 pm »
I suppose this is the cause why sometimes in base defense missions aliens spawns in living quarters, storage areas, or some other "safe" areas where they certainly should not spawn.

I'm not sure if I recall seeing this in XCF in particular, but in other mods at least.

I confirm, I have this issue in my mod when I play in Superhuman-Demigod

For modders, I noticed something interesting (potentially, experienced modders know this already, but as I discovered it on my side...): I had an issue in my mod regarding base defense, where not all the aliens were able to spawn. And I noticed that those who were missing were systematically the 2x2 terrorists.
I tried to change the order of ranks (when declaring aliens in the alienDeployments section), and specifying first the commander, then immediately the terrorists (then leaders, engineers, navigators and medics, and finally, soldiers) fixed this issue

Now I still have the issue where aliens are generated in the Workshop, but from what I just read here from Meridian, this means there is no way to avoid it.

OXCE Support Y-scripts / nd
« on: March 27, 2025, 01:07:16 am »
OMG I read the same answer you made there, but did not understand I had to include it just before my "return new_pixel;", sorry :-[

And I read and tried so many things that at the end I was a little bit disappointed

Thank you very much  :)

Let me share the final result in case anyone else might be interested in the future

Example of script that recolor mutons (those wearing armor0 only) from green to silver, without loosing shade, and recoloring only green part (i.e., not their head for example)
Code: [Select]
  - type: MUTON_ARMOR0
      recolorUnitSprite: |
        var int CurrentColor;
        get_color CurrentColor new_pixel; #Get current color
        if eq CurrentColor COLOR_X1_GREEN1; #Be sure to recolor only the green part
          set_color new_pixel COLOR_X1_SILVER #Change it to silver
        unit.getRecolor new_pixel;
        add_burn_shade new_pixel burn shade; #Do not forget to apply the shade
        return new_pixel;

As a reminder, the color constants
Code: [Select]

Cf. Img003: all mutons are now of silver colour, except those wearing MUTON_ARMOR1 or MUTON_ARMOR2

Let me close this topic


First, great job here and there, I am always surprised everytime I am back here ;D

So, after converting to V8.1, I spent several hours the past two days to download mods, download scripts, read topics, and try on my own in order to test the recolor function and see if it could be of any use for me

Let's say, mainly, I could recolor alien leaders and commanders

So I made several tests, globally it works, but I still have an issue and need help :-[

Let's see how it is by default (no script): Cf. Img000

Then with modding (script below) but doing nothing (i.e., recolor but with same color): Cf. Img001

I guessed it may be due to shade, but the result is the same with or without the 3 lines about shade (#Try shade)

Does any one understand why, aliens are lighter in Img001 compared to Img000? Globally, in Img001, mutons are more or less the same color as the one in the bottom left corner (center of access lift) on Img000

(Then next step will be to work with reinforcement and timers ::))


Code: [Select]
  - type: MUTON_ARMOR0
      recolorUnitSprite: |
        var int CurrentColor;
        var int CurrentShade; #Try shade
        get_shade CurrentShade new_pixel; #Try shade
        get_color CurrentColor new_pixel;
        if eq CurrentColor COLOR_X1_GREEN0;
          set_color new_pixel COLOR_X1_GREEN0;
        set_shade new_pixel CurrentShade; #Try shade
        return new_pixel;

Thank you for the demo and the scripts, it's really useful

Hi Meridian,

a/ `globalWeight` (integer from 1 to unlimited, default 100), which can be used to influence the odds of each file being used

Let me ask a question: is there any reason why you made the globalWeight start at 1 instead of 0?

0 could mean "do not use"

EDIT:  I asked because I would be interested by this 0 for my mod, but as a work around, I can have quite the same behavior by using 1 VS 1000000000 (but 0 would be preferable)

EDIT2 : finally I solve this by using flagOffset in "Soldiers:" section. This way, I can use the nationality feature to automatically display the soldier class instead, with the possibility to change it by clicking on it (as we would do to change the nationality)

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 9.2.6
« on: March 24, 2025, 10:05:33 pm »
No, these actually are the mods. The big work is done in code, these small bits just enable the main functionality (and take away human psi). The point is that you do need these (and quite possibly more, there are many extra options documented in the OP and elsewhere) to actually start playing with 'brutal' AI. Just like you need at least a small mod to get physical training facilities, or retaking countries with a pact, or LoS-only psi, etc.
Ok, agree, thanks

In case it can be of any help, french translation below

Code: [Select]
  OXCE_CRAFT_WEAPONS: "Armement de vaisseau"
  OXCE_MAIN_WEAPONS: "Armes principales"
  OXCE_SIDE_WEAPONS: "Armes secondaires"
  OXCE_AMMO: "Munitions"
  OXCE_GRENADES: "Grenades"
  OXCE_ARMORS_AND_CORPSES: "Armures & Corps"
  OXCE_PRISONERS: "Prisonniers"
  OXCE_COMPONENTS: "Composants"

I don't know about TFTD

You are totally mad, I love that ::)

OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][Suggestion] Base info UI changes
« on: March 24, 2025, 07:15:43 pm »
Currently having a look at "recent" changes performed in OXCE (i.e., 2 last years), this one is a great change  :)

Dudes, you really do an amazing job, so many skillful and serious people in OXC/OXCE community  ::)

Brutal AI / Re: Brutal-OXCE 9.2.6
« on: March 24, 2025, 06:10:55 pm »
The mod should be included in the installer. Not sure if it defaults to 'on' or 'off'.

I found only two folders linked to Brutal AI: Brutal_AI and Brutal_AI_TFTD

But the content is clearly not enough to make a mod

Let's see if someone else has more information

Anyway, thank you for your help  :)

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