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Messages - Daiky

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Offtopic / Re: Daiky's x-com project
« on: August 15, 2010, 12:13:01 pm »
I have posted a screenshot from both versions on my blog:

My current plans:
First of all, I'm currently struggling with the perfect User Interface for the tactical battle. I find the original one not very user friendly. But I don't want to go too far away from the original looks... in the screenshot you see my first attempt but I'm not happy with it. I think User Interface is an important part of the game, and I want it, like I said, to be perfect.
What is next... there as still some features waiting to be implemented: medikits, blaster launcher waypoints, mind control, some aliens special abilities like zombies and stuff, ...

Combine with openxcom code:
I'm looking into that, yes, just to see if it goes well to port it to the Irrlicht engine.

But right now, don't expect massive progress. I do have a job, a social life, and both WoW and SC2 to play :p

Offtopic / Re: Daiky's x-com project
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:24:21 pm »
This sounds interesting, could you tell more about your project? I'm interested especially in Irrlicht - Does it mean that battlescape is in 3d? So, you used 3d models, textures, etc?
So no 3D for now. This is for now just a solo project, but I can't do graphics, I only do coding (and music) so I have to borrow graphics somewhere to have a playable game. Which is much more satisfying than a game full of placeholders, which are basically just boxes where later the actual model should be, it looks dull :)

I golden rule in graphics for games is also that they are very consistent in style through the whole game, so in my opinion you either redo all graphics are you do nothing. (because the original ones were consistent)

Offtopic / Re: Daiky's x-com project
« on: August 14, 2010, 12:05:52 pm »
Oh, I see I got my own thread :)

PS. in my post i ment "SDL" instead of "GPL"

The reason to choose Irrlicht as the engine was for me just because the original plan was to make it a 3D version of the game. When I had finished some playable battlescape; it had a character running around(pathfinding) a map (map generation), it could shoot wooden fences that are destructable (collision detection, 2 models per object:normal and destructed).
However then I realised I had to depend on modellers to create all this graphical stuff to make the game look any good.

At that time (I think it was 2005) there was no real "close to the original" remake in public. So I decided to do that instead (and make it OpenXCOM later on, like OpenTTD did). It is easier in a way, because your goal is very clear and I did not have to bother with graphics - they're done. Because I already knew Irrlicht, and it can do 2D as well, it was my obvious choice to use that instead of learning another engine. And would I ever want to go back 3D - the engine is ready for it.

At the same time I was also contributing to the opensource project UFO2000 (which uses Allegro as engine), so parts of the tactical code also comes from there (they will be properly credited when something goes public ofc).

I want to stay as close to the original as possible, although under the hood I have updated some file formats that are more common today:
- the tilesheets are all converted to PNG files and doubled in resolution, which is a much opener format so a graphical upgrade like UFO:the two sides is easely implemented by replacing old tilesheets with new ones.
- the midi music files are replaced with mp3 music files.

Some background info about myself:
I'm based in Belgium, Europe. I'm working as a software engineer for a big American software company for almost 10 years.

Offtopic / Re: How did you find this project?
« on: August 13, 2010, 06:38:15 pm »
Hi, I found this project because I wanted to put my UFO xcom remake sourcode also open for public under the projectname OpenXCom :)
The funny thing is, I got most of the battlescape stuff done, but have nothing on the geoscape side. (The battlescape starts just by loading a battlescape savegame)
I've now downloaded your geoscape code, and I'm looking if I can combine both in one project... it will not be so easy because I did not use GPL but a game engine called Irrlicht, so there's some conversion to do... I don't know if it even will ever work, but it's worth the try.

Best regards,

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