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Messages - mrxian

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I've never had facilities destroyed. I'm not sure what people do to manage it. I don't use a lot of explosives, but I've used my fair share of blaster bombs in base defense.
My storage unit is virtually always the first facility I build in a base (since it houses tanks, and having tanks near the entrance is great in base defense). Even if it's not the first thing to be built, it's going to be one of the first. So the majority of the base is going to be disconnected from the access lift if it's destroyed (which destroys the entire base if memory serves).

It's only complicated if you choose to make it so. Virtually any functional base needs a storage unit anyway, so if it's destroyed it needs to be rebuilt or the base won't function well anyway. In my own base designs, it being destroyed usually means a near total base loss anyway.
You can gloss things over lorewise by saying you are using portable generators and make-shift solutions untill main power is back online.
If you feel like editing the map, just stick an alien power supply unit somewhere on the top floor.

> implying computers from 1999 had more power requirement
> implying a secret base would use Windows 95 or DOS instead of some UNIX
> even if it would, implying DOS is hard for IT engineers (except for networking, it's not made for that)
I'm afraid this argument doesn't hold water very well. :P
This made me chuckle, thanks
As for the facility itself... Well, I don't know. For the sake of immersion I'd like to see some sort of a maintenance facility, for generating power, processing waste and managing various base functions, but I'm not sure how to do it in a meaningful way.
Rename the general stores to storage and maintenance.
Makes a lot of sense considering how little room there is in a general stores, and every base needs a general stores to start with anyway.

At $5000 per month for even a simple storeroom, that's a whole lot of lights they have in there.

From what I gathered, the crafts only use part of the energy generated, the gravity waves. Not sure where the rest of the energy goes.

Suggestions / Re: Options>Advanced has turned into TLDR
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:04:43 am »
If it is really important to shrink the options list, perhaps it is an idea to split the mods list in two - one list of built-in mods that are now under advanced options, and one list of external mods. That would make the menu shorter without actually changing anyones options.
Of course, it only migrates the issue to the mods list.

Released Mods / Re: [ARMOR] Alloy Armor
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:01:22 am »
I like the concept, but isn't this basically what personal armor is supposed to be? (Both lorewise and gameplaywise)

Still, awesome that you made a mod.

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: Up Close and Personal!
« on: March 20, 2015, 10:41:39 pm »
Many thanks for making this. I didn't watch all of it, but I really liked what I watched.

I really liked to see you actually use some melee weapons instead of all those grenades.

But then you need the elerium power generator to consume elerium too! ;)
What? No, if you properly use elerium, a single unit of elerium should be able to power a base for like, years. Just make the construction of the unit cost like 25 elerium, and assume that lasts to at leas the conclusion of the game.
If a weight unit is around 500 grams, then a unit of elerium is 30 grams. Which turns into about 2.6*10^15 joules of energy. Which is 722 million kwh. Which in turn is enough to power a town of 50,000 people for a year. (In the USA, that is - over here in Europe we use a little less energy).

I hope I did that math right. :P

Suggestions / Re: Options>Advanced has turned into TLDR
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:52:28 pm »
I agree with Meridian.

When I first saw the options list, I was like 'Whoa!'. But when I saw that each option was clearly explained and (for the most part) a simple concept to grasp, I almost squeeled with glee. I love tinkering with things like this, and setting everything to just the way I want it was awesome. Sure, it took me all of five minutes to properly understand and go through them, but I don't see that as a problem, I spend more time waiting for stuff without complaining too. If the list were to be much expanded, perhaps it could use a little more division into sub-menus, but other thant that I think it's fine.
It's called 'advanced' options for a reason. You can't expect to do advanced stuff in two easy steps! (It has to be at least five.)

Playthroughs / Re: Let's Play OpenXcom: Up Close and Personal!
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:49:03 pm »
Youtube tells me the linked video doesn't exist. :(

Open Feedback / Re: how to assign scientist/engineers faster?
« on: March 18, 2015, 11:34:17 am »
You can also set up the mouse button to increase values by a given amount, I think.

Its not going to pose a hazzard either in defense missions because you would place them away from the access lifts and hangars.
No, since other facilities need them, they need to be built first, so they would sit right in the middle of your defense hallway.

Playthroughs / Re: A dumb formation?
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:08:48 pm »
It invites grenades, and by the time your reactions are high enough for it to work against someone else than floaters and sectoids, you should be close to winning the game anyway.

I really don't think this idea would add anything positive to the game. It would only slow down an already slow process, and it would make bases even more cramped.

Offtopic / Re: Dirty traitors.
« on: March 12, 2015, 06:52:17 pm »
In my experience the UK needs to be closely supervised. Any UFO flying in that direction needs to get shot.

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