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Topics - Slaughter

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Sounds a bit mild for a Elephant Gun round.

See this:

Some guy called "Gentleman Raptor" at the Bay12 community, has twenty days of advantage!

The X-Com Files / Convenience options that should be enabled by default
« on: January 09, 2017, 10:31:31 am »
Just a thought - there's a lot of convenient stuff that often doesn't come enabled by default.

1. Resolution. At least start with something a bit bigger than default. Can't complaim much because my computer max is 1024x600. Yes netbooks suck.
2. Show Funds (Geoscape). Why not default? Quite little cool mod.
3. Retain interrogated aliens. It just makes sense.
4. Disable auto-equip. Anyone uses it?
5. Display if weapon is two-handed.
6. Display in inventory if weapon is two-handed.

The X-Com Files / Agent Ranks
« on: January 09, 2017, 05:04:07 am »
The agents have new ranks and I have not been able to interpret them fully.
So far it seems (ascending order):

Chief Agent - Commander
Commissar - Colonel
Captain - Captain
Sergeant - Sargeant < You are a human being with human rights here
Agent - Squaddie
Rookie - Rookie

Btw, I saw this once and I wonder if you plan on making this change: Changing Rookies and Squaddies to Lance Corporal and Corporal, respectively.

Aside: Always found it funny X-COM has no lieutenants and majors. Its straight from Sargeant to Captain then to Colonel.

The X-Com Files / Psionics Revamp
« on: December 31, 2016, 11:51:54 pm »
Note: I haven't played through much of the X-COM Files, through I played a nice chunk of FMP. Don't spoil me.

As we know, psi in X-COM ins't perfect. Mainly, it relates to player use - psi is not really very limited by anything, so the player can just scare or mind-control aliens en masse and generally use psi better than the aliens. It doesn't really take many resources and such.

(did they fix the "AI psi focus fire on the psi weakest soldier" AI bug? I know a guy who had a mod which did that for the original game)

Some ideas I had:

1. Line-of-Sight Psi for the player, traditional psi for the aliens: Pretty much what the title says.  The aliens have psi for hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of years. X-COM picked up psi yesterday - it was a know phenomena on Earth, but considered bunk. To the aliens, tho, its estabilished science.

2. Psionics Tech Development: The aliens use psi with cybernetic amps or even no amps, humans have to use the psi amplifiers (mind benders in apoc). Then we pick up the tech and know as good as them? Seems preposterous. Instead, it would make more sense to have two or three levels of psi amp tech.

4. Psi resources. The obvious resource here are bodies of psi-active creatures - Sectoids (especially Leaders and Commanders) and Ethereals.

5. Psi weakens with distance. Of course, alien psi probably should't do that, because screw you player.

6. Psi charge. In Apoc psi spent psi energy, but it expended TOO much energy for not enough return. I think the simpler thing is to just use stamina for psi. Alternatively, use morale like dog does.

XPiratez / Allow player to sell dead human bodies
« on: December 17, 2016, 11:26:58 pm »
We must combat world hunger!

Also, this might give some extra stimulus for killing rather than stunning all - too much temptation to bonk everyone that ins't robots/drones/ratmen/ninjas/drifter/highwaymen on the head.

There could be a lot of in-game reasons too:
- Sell people the bodies of their loved ones for burial.
- Food for people, "people" and animals.
- Bones can be useful, too.
- Organ traffic!
- Life support resources.
- Rip out cybernetics or implants of value!
- Cup 'n ashtrays. Thanks to the Piratez, now you can drink wine on your enemy's skulls!

I'm thinking 10% or 20% percent of ransom value?

Not sure if corpses should be pillaged for anything remaining (like robbery but with corpses) or flat-out sold.

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XPiratez / Early Firearms
« on: December 10, 2016, 08:02:43 am »
Favorites? Like? Dislike? Useless??


Flintlock Pistol: I always give one to gals who can shoot somewhat but are good at melee too (pair with a melee). Nice damage for a pistol, can stun with swings. Most early enemies - cultists, ratlings, bandits - are unarmored. Flintylock and Cutlass is a classic.

Musket: Great for sniping ratlings. I often field one or two in missions. Harpoon Gun would be a better version if not for the accuracy penalties. They're also great softeners on some tough targets to stun (like Cultist Zealots).

Rusty Niner: I considered it useless at first, but I saw a good use for weak gals with top sniper skillz. Place lots of aimed shots from afar with it, and it does good killing and trains well. Also better vs armor than flintlock, and hits better too. Assault Pistol obsoletes it tho.

Ol' Shotgun: Not a fan, I prefer domestic with rubbers.

Domestic Shotgun: Great for stunning, decent-ish otherwise.

Spraygun: Good if you can get close, but if you can, why not just hit people instead?

RCF: Useful if you're fighting armored people early on, otherwise stick with flintlock.

Ol' Carbine: RCF + 5. Can stun people with melee gunbutt, so improvement. Also, nice and relatively light.

The X-Com Files / Alternate Movement
« on: December 10, 2016, 07:53:50 am »
Question: Is X-COM Files supposed to be played with alternate movement modes? Unsure if it unbalances the mod or what.

Open Feedback / Vertical Proximity Grenades?
« on: July 31, 2016, 11:23:16 am »
I remember that in the original game, it was possible to retrieve proximity grenades from the ground by flying and picking it up. The grenade would not explode because it only detects horizontal movement.

Just tried this stunt in a game, and the soldier died the moment he came down.

Bug or feature?

Suggestions / Terrain Type Indicator
« on: June 02, 2016, 06:42:29 pm »
This is prob more of a mod, but...

I think everyone and his mother uses new terrains these days... and really, why shouldn't you? They're great, go get them. NOW!

Anyway, what I mean is: The map simply isn't sophisticated enough to convey the needed info, especially in places that may be plain ground or forest either way. With the new terrains, terrain knowledge before deployment is necessary and useful.

I'm sure no military force worldwide deploys anywhere without knowing where they are fighting first. So what I was thinking is somesort of pre-mission interface symbol or such showing the terrain of the mission. Say, even something as simple as "Forest", "Plain", "Desert", "Warehouse", etc would be great.

Has anyone ever tried to take on alien geoscape AI - as in, the aliens acting and reacting to human behavior on the geoscape.
And by that, I mean (mostly) things like aliens fighting an active air war and attacking your Interceptors and Skyrangers?

Suggestions / Aliens Own Earth
« on: June 02, 2016, 03:26:16 am »

I read about this a few times but never had the time or courage to get it working

Seems like the ultimate challenge mode to me. Wonder if a mod that makes the aliens start with 20 alien bases of random alien races is possible to include, maybe as one of those optional mods that comes with Open X-COM.

One could even make multiple versions of this - say, Aliens Established on Earth, where they start with a few bases (say, 1-5), or Aliens Midway Dominant where they start with 10 or so bases.

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