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Messages - sunkship203

Pages: [1]
The X-Com Files / Re: About difficulty
« on: May 10, 2020, 09:17:04 am »
existing enemies do not get tougher.
however, new ones come.
but its really rare (basically no, but 1 or 2 exceptions) that they look like existing ones.

so either you f'd up your new equipment choice or the one you´re using is very variable on dmg and you´re having a bad streak...

haha! i think it was a mixture of variable damage and bad luck, i have better equipment now and dont feel underpowered, for the moment at least.
thought that enemies buffed with time and kicked your ass back, but was completely on the wrong. Thank you both for clearing that up.

The X-Com Files / Re: About difficulty
« on: May 10, 2020, 02:20:21 am »
however you can middleclick enemies to determine their faction and their sprite, which, for spiders, is important due to generic spiders being weak with other much more tanky variants.

"by sprite design you can understand which one can be tougher among them, you can always suspect a brand new enemy of this characteristic too."

yeah, thats not what i meant about this, what i mean is why the same enemies suddenly start tanking more shots, which you already answer something.

The X-Com Files / About difficulty
« on: May 09, 2020, 11:48:32 pm »
I have some questions about some in-battle characteristics, i noticed most enemies get tougher as you advance in the game, but to what point?

What actually makes them tougher? Researching captures or their corpses?
At first, i could shot down giant spiders with ease, but now they tank 5 shots of Nitro Express rifles. The only kind of enemy that retains its difficulty level disregard their weaponry are humans; by sprite design you can understand which one can be tougher among them, you can always suspect a brand new enemy of this characteristic too.

I think i realize im not THAT far in the game, and there is a whole lot of content im yet to discover, but up to this point im asking myself these questions that maybe one of you could answer.
So, to get to the point, what kind of weaponry deals real damage?

The X-Com Files / Re: Black Lotus' Freakin' Ninjas
« on: May 07, 2020, 11:15:47 pm »
There has been a thread about this topic some time ago:,7603.0.html

Pretty much all of the advice in there should still apply.

Perfect! didn't saw this thread around, thank you very much!

The X-Com Files / Black Lotus' Freakin' Ninjas
« on: May 07, 2020, 09:18:59 pm »
You killed or captured every Black Lotus member on scene, but the mission doesn't end, so one of those damned ninjas may be hiding around...
You start making a cordon & search in hopes of getting contact to gun them down; suddenly, a scream, one agent has died.
They may not look lethal, but they are once you can't find them.

So... anyone knows an efficient method to deal with them once dissapeared? I usually barrage a suspected place with fire, to lure them out as the stealthy rats they are.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: May 04, 2020, 03:29:25 pm »

automatic crash when loaded, but there is a issue with saving and loading during the traitor guard base that has to corrected with the new OCXE , so in other words u go to do a full run (no load/save)

oof, this gonna be damn hard.
This is the first month, my guardsmen are not stronger yet, the base is right next to mine; on battlescape we start sorrounded by traitor guardsmen with rocket launchers and grenade launchers.

Also, the enemy always throw their grenades from long distances but my dudes can't, like c'mon!

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: May 04, 2020, 05:38:50 am »
yeah i had another crash error, im uploading the log and the save file.
this ocurred while trying to load a save game. So the savefile is now corrupted it seems...

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: May 03, 2020, 06:19:59 pm »

All works great on me, so you got to specify the time or when something happens, or revise installation

Sorry for hanging the response, i was attending some emergencies.
The crashes mostly happen when about to enter Battlescape. I did reinstall everything today, gonna keep you updated if anything happens.

40k / Re: 40k Bug/crashes/problem´s report
« on: April 28, 2020, 09:27:15 pm »
Hello, im new to Open Xcom, and im having problems with sudden crashes, sometimes sprites not found or crash vector.
Started today to play using the latest mod version, did the instalation according the mod's site video tutorial, but surely im too stupid to make it work properly.

So, ill upload the log and the savefile as i seen in other posts.

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