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OpenXcom Forks => OXCE Suggestions NEW => OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) => OXCE Suggestions Archive => Topic started by: mumble on February 25, 2019, 01:01:06 am
Namely, this could be used for "thrown" weapons. Allowing strength or throwing to play into max range, instead of having a locked range which is either too high for weaklings, realistically speaking, or too low for big guys. You could also make guns more refined, adding additional range to snap or aimed shot based on aim before fall off.
i could use with FOXY,it would be useful if I could adjust weapon ranges and strengths based upon unit stats. The same weapon in a different units hands would then have different attributes.
Also perhaps some weapons require a certain min Stat to use, a warhammer may be to heavy for a mage to use so either i need to prevent from using or have mage do minimum damage and very low chance to hit with this weapon.
Currently damage can be altered by stats, but range cannot. I think it'd fit extremely well for bows, knives, and some psi weapons. Currently balancing such things is wonky since it either feels too far, too short, or both. I'd adore if say, xpiratez javalins could be thrown a bit further in a combination of throwing and strength. Particularly if range falloff, and max range were independently changed.
Currently damage can be altered by stats.
Cool, good to know ;)
Right now throwing range affected by strength. It is vanilla behaviour, though strength/range proportion can not be modified by ruleset (sadly).
Or you mean make this actual for firearms, which use throwing skill to aim? Like molotov or javelins?
I actually mentioned javalins if you read above, so yes. These """firearm""" realistically would fluctuate range dependent on ability, as throwing grenades or high exes do, but currently there's no script ability to do so that I'm aware of. Gets irritating because sometimes they perform far too well compared to what you'd expect, and other times you'd expect much better performance from a beefcake.
Its like bows from piratez, either they go further than you expect with a chump, or they don't go as far as you expect. I face this a lot with xpiratez javalins, wanting a figurative amazon to get maybe 5 or 6 more tiles in range, but being locked, even when throwing a high ex is the difference between a couple feet, and an entire screens width in distance.
I could also see this used for pistols in extremely good hands, expanding max range before things fall apart in terms of accuracy. And a way to divide performance between noobs and champions besides power bonus even more would be nice.