OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => Hardmode Expansion => Topic started by: hellrazor on April 25, 2015, 08:26:44 pm

Title: [SUBMOD][EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod - mod repack
Post by: hellrazor on April 25, 2015, 08:26:44 pm
Advanced Medikit Mod

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#Advanced Medikit Mod by hellrazor
#sprites from cvilian and chaosshade

This mod adds 3 Medikits for ayour soldiers to use.
The frist one features sprites from Civilian and is avaible from the start.
It only has 3 uses, costs 15 TU to use and only heals 1 HP per fatal wound.
The other 2 Medikits depend on corpse Research, have more uses and give more
HP per fatal wound healed.

Requiered: openxcom_git_master_2015_05_07_1605
Title: Re: [EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod
Post by: Phoenix7786 on April 25, 2015, 09:21:04 pm
What's it do over the regular one?
Title: Re: [EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod
Post by: hellrazor on April 26, 2015, 09:35:08 am
What's it do over the regular one?

Well you have 3 Medikit's all over in this mod.
The first one is avaible from the start, but is heavier, has only 3 uses, gives only 1 HP per fatal wound and costs more TU to use.
The second one has the stats of the original medikit, but with a recolored sprite and only 6 uses.
The last one does double healing per fatal wound compared to the original one, takes less TU to use and has more uses.

You need to research snakeman and chryssalid corpses first to the normal medikit and then Muton and their terrorunit corpses  to get the advanced one.
Title: Re: [EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod - mod repack
Post by: hellrazor on May 07, 2015, 11:14:09 pm
Since Warboy broke all Mods, i fixed mine ;)

 New Version compatible with newest nightly here (,3593.msg43561.html#msg43561)

Modportal link (
Title: Re: [EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod - mod repack
Post by: new_civilian on July 01, 2015, 11:05:11 am
Actually the sprites are not from me  :o
Title: Re: [EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod - mod repack
Post by: hellrazor on July 01, 2015, 06:13:41 pm
Actually the sprites are not from me  :o

Uhh, ok.
Do you know the original maker of them?
Title: Re: [SUBMOD][EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod - mod repack
Post by: Cristao on June 25, 2024, 06:21:28 pm
Is this integrated into Hardmode expansion?
Title: Re: [SUBMOD][EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod - mod repack
Post by: hellrazor on June 26, 2024, 09:02:33 am
Is this integrated into Hardmode expansion?

Yes. Every Submod listed here. Submods are birthed from the big Mod.

They are basically small standalone mods for people who are hesitant to use a big mod back or just want something specific for their vanilla play.