One question, probably a stupid one: if I set STR_POWER_SUIT to be replace with STR_SHORT_SHORTS, and a soldier wearing STR_SHORT_SHORTS dies, what will be recovered from the body? I expect it to be STR_POWER_SUIT, but I thought I'd ask. 
That one is easy, STR_POWER_SUIT will be recovered.
STR_SHORT_SHORTS will perish... just like every other automagically summoned piece of armor.
More interesting is, when you:
- replace A with B
- default is C
- A is not supported
- B is supported (I will probably add it to supported even if it isn't... it makes no sense for it not to be supported)
In this case, the transformation takes place first... not the default armor clause.
So soldier will wear armor B and keep armor A in the craft.
If he dies, armor A will be recovered.
BTW would you accept if I credit you as a mod co-author? You've put so much good work into this. OTOH your code can be used by many mods, so I'm not sure if it's OK, but I'm inclined to do so anyway.
Sure, go ahead.
If you need a better reason, I can produce a few lines of ruleset code for you once you release an alpha... speaking of which... any ETA?