Woot! Finally got it working!! Thanks Yankes!!Okay, all work has been completed on the new version of the mod compatible with new versions of the executable after changes made by Yankes in OXCE 3.1.
These mods will only work with OXCE+ 3.2 (v2016-07-20) or later.This mod creates alternate big objects and floor objects for quick visual identification on the battlefield of stunned, wounded, or dead units. Dead units are bloodied as normal, stunned display "ZZz"s and wounded dispaly "++"s.

Three versions of the mod are being posted in this thread. One for BigObs only, One for FloorObs only, and one complete version. This gives the player to use this in a modular fashion or turn off the "FloorOb" version if it feels too overpowered. (I've removed this feature for the time being. Give me feedback if you would like to see it restored)
Ok, the first working draft is ready for publishing. Drop in your user/mods folder and enable in settings.
Notes on the Mod:
Notes for this Mod.
This mod came out of a very enjoyable campaign of Dioxine's X-PirateZ. Meridian's custom builds of Yankes' OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) inspired me to add a visual ID method of determining if an entity was stunned or dead.
Meridian had added a terrific Fatal Wounds counter that quickly showed you how many wounds the entity had, but it still wasn't obvious at first glance if they were stunned or had expired. Brainstorming with Dioxine and Bloax in the xpiratez irc chat, brought up the idea that Yankes had implemented a feature that allowed for alternate sprites for unconscious units to be defined in the rulesets.
This put the wheels in motion in my head of creating a second set of Corpse BigObs and I began the task of cleaning up bloodied corpses and bloodying up those that were already clean. Further collaboration hit upon the method of flipping the facing of these units too, (Dead face Right, Stunned to the Left because arbitrary, thats why).
Once the graphics were done, they still needed to be converted to OpenXcom indexed palettes before final usage. Ruleset development followed, where I quickly borrowed the shell from Roxis' excellent alt armor mods, and then added in all 280+ corpse objects. Through the graphic editing process I had settled on going with only .png format. That caused a few issues when I first tested, as .gif images previously defined in the PirateZ master mod, did not display correctly if they carried the same number as the master mod. This then required developing a new set of numbers for those images. I arbitrarily chose to put them in the 115,000 range. The New unconscious images were given to the 120,000 range.
The good news is, we have a cool working mod. The bad news is, Yankes is going to entirely rework the alt-sprite function with a script functionality in 3.0 (so this will have to be re-written to stay relevant).
Special thanks to Dioxine for all his original and franken-sprited art that I further Franken-sprited for this mod. Further thanks to Bloax and the gang in irc chat for feedback and tips, and for the team on the OpenXcom forum for further great advice.
Cheers, Ivan

This mod provides a rapid way to identify if a body on the ground in inventory is either dead or stunned.
Cheers, Ivan

Change Log:
Alt-Corpse Mod 0.2.99.c.1.a (Patch) - Fixes Floorob for Tough Girl to distinct sprites instead of borrowing the Guild Rep's
Alt-Corpse Mod 0.2.99C.1 Patch - This fixes Revenant Armor crash, and replaces a few images that were malformed. This patch is compatible with Piratez .99C1.
Alt-Corpse-Complete Mod 0.2.99.A.1.b - Adding in compatibility for new Armor: Heavy Kevlar (PIR_411). This is expected in the next release of XPiratez after .99A.1.
Alt-Corpse-Complete Mod 0.2.99.A.1.a - Four bugfixes, one set of new sprites for upcoming armor. I'm only going to support the Complete Mod going forward as that is where I think the interest is. If others would like to have either the Floor or the Bigobs and not both, I'll consider updating them. More info on the changes is
in this post.
Alt-Corpse-Complete Mod 0.2.99A - Combined both Floor and Bigobs into one mod.
Alt-Corpse-Big Mod 0.2.99A - New Bigobs created for all vanilla units and some that used the same sprites. Stunned and Wounded variants created and tested.
Alt-Corpse-Floor Mod 0.1.99A - This mod is configured to use the scripting mechanics from OpenXcom Extended 3.1 to replace images according to unit states. This version creates Floor Object images that show whether the unit is stunned, wounded, or dead.
This will only work with OXCE+ 3.2 (v2016-07-20) or later.-------------
Versions prior to this require OXCE+ 2.9 or earlier.