Warning: I am terrible at gfx.
So, thought I'd also ask here for some suggestions on Twitch emotes for my channel.
Looking to replace my dracHey (essentially conveys Hello everybody with a Chryssalid theme):
Full body shot with X-PirateZ banner girl's head, Chryssalid body:

Upclose right centered shot with X-PirateZ banner girl's head, Chryssalid body:

Frankenstein chopped X-PirateZ banner girl's head, Chryssalid body waving:

Full body shot with X-PirateZ creator Dioxine's head, Chryssalid body:

Upclose right centered shot with X-PirateZ creator Dioxine's head, Chryssalid body:

Any ideas and/or suggestions would be great, and yes, they are meant to be this small (emotes need to be 28x28).