Author Topic: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.9.j - 9 May - Holiday Edition  (Read 899852 times)

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.87 - 25 Feb - THE ZEPPELINS
« Reply #675 on: March 08, 2015, 07:21:08 pm »
Nice ideas over there, and I will probably implement them at some point... the problem is, sprite drawing, and I'm really bad at this (no to even mention how much work it requires) :)

Reviving fallen units is pretty much possible, yeah - you can already "revive" Tanks and Cyberdisc in Piratez, as they leave recoverable corpse;

As for the explosive dog, that's just too sad. I have an alternate idea, check this guy over there - the Amazing Explosive Chicken:

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.88 - 9 Mar - ENDGAME
« Reply #676 on: March 09, 2015, 07:41:25 am »
Ver. 0.88 is up. Check the changelist in the 1st post, it's huge.
Most importantly, purge all old mod's assets and backup your game before installing. The .rul files have changed, now you need: Piratez, Piratez_Factions, Piratez_Planet (combines old 2 files) and Piratez_lang. Your ongoing campaign should not crash, though (even if there are changes to new game).

Offline Ridаn

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.88 - 9 Mar - ENDGAME
« Reply #677 on: March 09, 2015, 12:02:45 pm »
Loving new Bonaventura deployment.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.88 - 9 Mar - ENDGAME
« Reply #678 on: March 09, 2015, 09:37:06 pm »
Thanks :)

A couple of questions for those who upgraded to 0.88:
1. Anyone getting crashes on enemy base assault?
Something is f****d up, the mission works fine on QB but doesn't during my test campaign. Also every base is a Merc base and there are 6 of them, duh... Maybe just a coincidence.
2. Also how about the Terror/Pogrom missions? Are they generated at all? I've used the experimetal code for that and they stopped appearing. I'll probably have to delete alternate Terror for now, and roll all the terrains into the basic Terror mission. This means Harbour terrain appearing in mid-land cities... Every major city has a river, right? :)

Offline Ridаn

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.88 - 9 Mar - ENDGAME
« Reply #679 on: March 09, 2015, 09:49:39 pm »
I havent started a new game so may be some stuff got carried over from a 0.87save but I`m around a two months in:

1) Havent tried assaulting bases yet, first base I got (it was after updating to 0.88) was a Star Gods base, and I`m bloody scared of going there. Will try to now.
2) I do get Pogrom missions regularly.

also just got a crash with "TERRAIN/DESERTMOUND.MCD not found" while trying to assault landed freighter.

edit: yup, got a CTD trying to assault base. No error message, just drop straight to desktop. No briefing and inventory screens appeared.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2015, 09:54:35 pm by Ridаn »

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.88 - 9 Mar - ENDGAME
« Reply #680 on: March 09, 2015, 10:11:30 pm »
Yeah it might be stuff carried over, but... Something's wrong and I don't know why. Maybe it'll straighten up with next bases being generated...

Did you mean DESERTMOUND, with a "D" at the end? There is no such terrain in this mod... But the package MIGHT be missing some terrains, I'll reupload the mod tonight.

Offline Ridаn

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] The Piratez Mod - 0.88 - 9 Mar - ENDGAME
« Reply #681 on: March 09, 2015, 10:22:16 pm »
Yeah, it is a DESERMOUNT.MCD, sorry.

Offline Dioxine

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I'm uploading a new version, it should end problems with terrains - there were apparently some files missing.

I've also managed to cram in a new mission/ship type that didn't make it to the previous release, a mining mission (see pic).

As for the base crash, I'm investigating... seems that this is somewhat related to what equipment you take on the mission. I've sent a single unarmored soldier with no equipment and it worked, the enemy base loaded. Now, finding out what item(s) are causing trouble is going to take some time... but at least we have a lead, and if you want to destroy an enemy base very badly, you're welcome to experiment with various reduced loadouts :)

EDIT: I've found the culprit. I think the new enemy base maps are in part responsible - especially the part where they drop your stuff on the elevator tile (instead on the green tiles) and it gets lost if you abort. Long story short, the map loaded when I kept the unassigned equipment to just a few items. The stuff carried by the soldiers is irrelevant, it's the excess stuff that ends on the ground what causing crashes.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2015, 04:25:08 am by Dioxine »

Offline XOps

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1. Anyone getting crashes on enemy base assault?
Something is f****d up, the mission works fine on QB but doesn't during my test campaign.

As for the base crash, I'm investigating... seems that this is somewhat related to what equipment you take on the mission. I've sent a single unarmored soldier with no equipment and it worked, the enemy base loaded. Now, finding out what item(s) are causing trouble is going to take some time... but at least we have a lead, and if you want to destroy an enemy base very badly, you're welcome to experiment with various reduced loadouts :)

EDIT: I've found the culprit. I think the new enemy base maps are in part responsible - especially the part where they drop your stuff on the elevator tile (instead on the green tiles) and it gets lost if you abort. Long story short, the map loaded when I kept the unassigned equipment to just a few items. The stuff carried by the soldiers is irrelevant, it's the excess stuff that ends on the ground what causing crashes.

People have been reporting this crash in Xeno Ops too. I haven't been able to replicate it yet, but I am playtesting with the most recent nightly so I hope to run across it soon. Also the vanilla alien base maps sometimes dump gear on the elevator as well. I think it dumps the equipment at the feet of the last solider in the deployment list. This is just a guess though.

Offline Dioxine

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Something's wrong with this latest nightly, my GUI doesn't work properly sometimes (the next soldier button freezing), I'm also getting crashes due to r-clicking, of all things. Or maybe there's something wrong with my system, but I wasn't getting that before upgrading...

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Something's wrong with this latest nightly, my GUI doesn't work properly sometimes (the next soldier button freezing), I'm also getting crashes due to r-clicking, of all things. Or maybe there's something wrong with my system, but I wasn't getting that before upgrading...

While I haven't seen any crashes, the next soldier button freezing happens all the time. I think it happens when I click it and the active unit is a dog (or perhaps any HWP, I don't know).

Offline Avalanche

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Something's wrong with this latest nightly, my GUI doesn't work properly sometimes (the next soldier button freezing), I'm also getting crashes due to r-clicking, of all things. Or maybe there's something wrong with my system, but I wasn't getting that before upgrading...

I'm getting the same problems. Right clicking has about a 50% chance of crashing the game, the next soldier button causes occasional freezing, and leaving the inventory screen during battle can cause crashes as well.

Offline Ridаn

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I get a CTD from Geoscape using 2015_03_08_1940nightly with 0.88.1 Piratez, will try to find a guilty alienmission.

edit: its this one
Code: [Select]
    region: STR_CENTRAL_ASIA
    uniqueID: 67
    race: STR_SNAKEMAN
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
  - spawnCountdown: 120
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 68

I get no crash after removing this alienmission from .sav file.

edit2: I sure hope that new mission with excavator ship is called Treasure Hunt :)
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 09:25:45 pm by Ridаn »

Offline Hobbes

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I get a CTD from Geoscape using 2015_03_08_1940nightly with 0.88.1 Piratez, will try to find a guilty alienmission.

edit: its this one
Code: [Select]
    region: STR_CENTRAL_ASIA

This is impossible to happen with the current 0.88.1 Piratez ruleset since there are no Port Attack alienMissions listed on the ruleset.

What happened PORT_ATTACK was an alienMission on the previous version and the engine would select between a vanilla Terror Site or a Port Attack when determining the monthly Terror Mission. However, since there are no cities in Central Asia assigned to the PORT_ATTACK alienDeployment, the game would crash if the PORT_ATTACK mission was selected since it couldn't find any targets for the mission.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 09:48:57 pm by Hobbes »

Offline Ridаn

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This is impossible to happen with the current 0.88.1 Piratez ruleset since there are no Port Attack alienMissions listed on the ruleset.

Then it must be a carryover from 0.88 save, I apologize for this false alarm.
Should probably start a new game for playtesting purposes.
But I just spoiled a Star Gods retaliation mission by looking at save and I`m determined to have glorious death first.

edit: some 0.88 impressions
Love the Vulcan and 37mm Rifle - superheavy superpowerful stuff, really fun to use. Vulcan is first minigun style weapon in openXcom I ever considered using, it can punch even through walls in Hobbes terror terrains and that is just awesome. Although ROF should be higher, I think, (not in a shots per auto sense, but in a projectile speed sense, so unloading whole burst does not take so long) there should be a sweet spot, where you can appreciate the mayhem, SFX does not clip, and burst does not take that long.
And Loader suit looks just awesome. Goes well with Vulcan weight too. From the teaser images I thought it will be a new ultimate power armour, and was kinda dissapointed at first, but then got 2 Vulcan equipped Loaders and it turned out hella fun.
Not fond of new "Hidden movement" background, switched it to old one.
On the fence about new interrogation - imo that extra step isnt really needed. Was the old one broken? I thought it worked pretty well. overall it feels needlesly complcated and not fun, despite it being just a single extra step.
Looking forward to see new transport crafts and melee stuff.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 06:17:41 pm by Ridаn »