Having issues with the forums?

Does this look familiar to you?

The problem stems from the recent update to secure hosting, and users with externally hosted avatar images. Measures have been taken to ensure that nobody is affected by this issue going forward, but a number of people will no doubt be stuck in a situation that they cannot fix.

If you are one of the unlucky few users that has been affected by this, there is hope! Simply let us know in the comments section below, or notify either NineX, Supsuper or myself on IRC and we’ll get it sorted out for you.

Original X-COM free for 48 hours!

I’m sure you already have enough X-COM copies to build a small fort, but everyone wants me to tell you about this so I’m telling you about it.

Courtesy of Humble Bundle, you can get a copy of X-COM: UFO Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown) for free until February 1st 6pm GMT: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/xcom-ufo-defense-free-game (activated via Steam)

Tell your friends so they can build a small fort too.

Extra Life 2016

Time sure flies when you’re having fun… coding? Anyways it’s almost time for Extra Life again! This will be our fourth year participating, every year we have a blast, so I don’t see why stop now.

For those new, Extra Life is a charity that raises money for the Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. We promote it by playing games live, you donate to help sick kids, everyone wins!

I’ll be doing what comes naturally, making an embarrassment out of myself streaming various DOS games (including X-COM) for as close to 24h as possible, starting on November 5th 3pm GMT (that’s this Saturday). Tune in, spread the word, and enjoy the mayhem! I hear Twitch has finally ditched Flash so hopefully that’ll make it more accessible.

  • Subscribe to the Twitch channel to be notified when it goes live.
  • Send your generous dollars to the donations page.
  • Last year’s FAQ is still applicable.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to OpenXcom

Ivan makes a brief comeback to teach you everything you could ever want to know about installing OpenXcom. Nightlies! Mods! ZIPs! Even more mods! That’s right, did you know there are mods other than X-Piratez? Better get some popcorn.

You can jump to a specific section by click the topics on the side.

Installer added to the nightlies

By popular request, the Windows nightlies now include an installer version as well. Now you no longer have to deal with boring old manually copying files, and get to beta-test an extra piece of software as well! I realize this might make some documentation obsolete, but not like you were reading it anyways.

Also my legal council would like me to remind you to not install a nightly on top of 1.0. The consequences to the universe might be catastrophic. Just uninstall 1.0 if you’re going that route, you’re likely not going back to it.