 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "UnitDieBState.h"
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include "BattlescapeState.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/Sound.h"
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/Language.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "InfoboxOKState.h"
#include "InfoboxState.h"
#include "../Savegame/Node.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Sets up an UnitDieBState.
 * @param parent Pointer to the Battlescape.
 * @param unit Dying unit.
 * @param damageType Type of damage that caused the death.
 * @param noSound Whether to disable the death sound.
 * @param noCorpse Whether to disable the corpse spawn.
UnitDieBState::UnitDieBState(BattlescapeGame *parent, BattleUnit *unit, ItemDamageType damageType, bool noSound, bool noCorpse) : BattleState(parent), _unit(unit), _damageType(damageType), _noSound(noSound), _noCorpse(noCorpse), _extraFrame(0)
	// don't show the "fall to death" animation when a unit is blasted with explosives or he is already unconscious
	if (_damageType == DT_HE || _unit->getStatus() == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS)
		Proclamation from Lord Xenu:
		any unit that is going to skip its death pirouette
		MUST have its direction set to 3 first.
		Failure to comply is treason, and treason is punishable
		by death. (after being correctly oriented)
		while (_unit->getStatus() == STATUS_COLLAPSING)
		if (_parent->getSave()->isBeforeGame())
			if (!noCorpse)
			_extraFrame = 3; // shortcut to popState()
		if (_unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
		if (_unit->getDirection() != 3)
			_parent->setStateInterval(BattlescapeState::DEFAULT_ANIM_SPEED / 3);
	if (!_parent->getSave()->isBeforeGame() && _unit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE)
		std::vector<Node *> *nodes = _parent->getSave()->getNodes();
		if (!nodes) return; // this better not happen.
		for (std::vector<Node*>::iterator  n = nodes->begin(); n != nodes->end(); ++n)
			if (!(*n)->isDummy() && _parent->getSave()->getTileEngine()->distanceSq((*n)->getPosition(), _unit->getPosition()) < 4)
				(*n)->setType((*n)->getType() | Node::TYPE_DANGEROUS);
 * Deletes the UnitDieBState.
void UnitDieBState::init()
	// check for presence of battlestate to ensure that we're not pre-battle
	// check for the unit's tile to make sure we're not trying to kill a dead guy
	if (_parent->getSave()->getBattleState() && !_unit->getTile())
 * Runs state functionality every cycle.
 * Progresses the death, displays any messages, checks if the mission is over, ...
void UnitDieBState::think()
	if (_extraFrame == 3)
	if (_unit->getDirection() != 3 && _damageType != DT_HE)
		int dir = _unit->getDirection() + 1;
		if (dir == 8)
			dir = 0;
		if (dir == 3)
	else if (_unit->getStatus() == STATUS_COLLAPSING)
	else if (!_unit->isOut())
		if (!_noSound)
		if (_unit->getRespawn())
			while (_unit->getStatus() == STATUS_COLLAPSING)
	if (_extraFrame == 2)
		if (_unit->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
			Game *game = _parent->getSave()->getBattleState()->getGame();
			if (_unit->getStatus() == STATUS_DEAD)
				if (_damageType == DT_NONE && _unit->getSpawnUnit().empty())
					game->pushState(new InfoboxOKState(game->getLanguage()->getString("STR_HAS_DIED_FROM_A_FATAL_WOUND", _unit->getGender()).arg(_unit->getName(game->getLanguage()))));
				else if (Options::battleNotifyDeath && _unit->getGeoscapeSoldier() != 0)
					game->pushState(new InfoboxState(game->getLanguage()->getString("STR_HAS_BEEN_KILLED", _unit->getGender()).arg(_unit->getName(game->getLanguage()))));
				game->pushState(new InfoboxOKState(game->getLanguage()->getString("STR_HAS_BECOME_UNCONSCIOUS", _unit->getGender()).arg(_unit->getName(game->getLanguage()))));
		// if all units from either faction are killed - auto-end the mission.
		if (_parent->getSave()->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER)
	else if (_extraFrame == 1)
	else if (_unit->isOut())
		_extraFrame = 1;
		if (!_noSound && _damageType == DT_HE && _unit->getStatus() != STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS)
		if (_unit->getStatus() == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS && !_unit->getCapturable())
		if (_unit->getTurnsSinceSpotted() < 255)
		if (!_unit->getSpawnUnit().empty())
			// converts the dead zombie to a chryssalid
		else if (!_noCorpse)
		if (_unit == _parent->getSave()->getSelectedUnit())
 * Unit falling cannot be cancelled.
void UnitDieBState::cancel()
 * Converts unit to a corpse (item).
void UnitDieBState::convertUnitToCorpse()
	Position lastPosition = _unit->getPosition();
	int size = _unit->getArmor()->getSize();
	bool dropItems = (_unit->hasInventory() &&
		(!Options::weaponSelfDestruction ||
		(_unit->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_HOSTILE || _unit->getStatus() == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS)));
	if (!_noSound)
	// remove the unconscious body item corresponding to this unit, and if it was being carried, keep track of what slot it was in
	if (lastPosition != Position(-1,-1,-1))
	// move inventory from unit to the ground
	if (dropItems)
		std::vector<BattleItem*> itemsToKeep;
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = _unit->getInventory()->begin(); i != _unit->getInventory()->end(); ++i)
			_parent->dropItem(lastPosition, (*i));
			if (!(*i)->getRules()->isFixed())
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator i = itemsToKeep.begin(); i != itemsToKeep.end(); ++i)
	// remove unit-tile link
	if (lastPosition == Position(-1,-1,-1)) // we're being carried
		// replace the unconscious body item with a corpse in the carrying unit's inventory
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator it = _parent->getSave()->getItems()->begin(); it != _parent->getSave()->getItems()->end(); )
			if ((*it)->getUnit() == _unit)
				RuleItem *corpseRules = _parent->getMod()->getItem(_unit->getArmor()->getCorpseBattlescape()[0], true); // we're in an inventory, so we must be a 1x1 unit
		int i = size * size - 1;
		for (int y = size - 1; y >= 0; --y)
			for (int x = size - 1; x >= 0; --x)
				BattleItem *corpse = new BattleItem(_parent->getMod()->getItem(_unit->getArmor()->getCorpseBattlescape()[i], true), _parent->getSave()->getCurrentItemId());
				if (_parent->getSave()->getTile(lastPosition + Position(x,y,0))->getUnit() == _unit) // check in case unit was displaced by another unit
					_parent->getSave()->getTile(lastPosition + Position(x,y,0))->setUnit(0);
				_parent->dropItem(lastPosition + Position(x,y,0), corpse, true);
 * Plays the death sound.
void UnitDieBState::playDeathSound()
	const std::vector<int> &sounds = _unit->getDeathSounds();
	if (!sounds.empty())
		int i = sounds[RNG::generate(0, sounds.size() - 1)];
		if (i >= 0)
			_parent->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_parent->getDepth(), i)->play(-1, _parent->getMap()->getSoundAngle(_unit->getPosition()));

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_unit->getInventory()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_parent->getSave()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_parent->getSave()' expression repeatedly.