 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Unit.h"
#include "../Engine/Exception.h"
#include "Mod.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Creates a certain type of unit.
 * @param type String defining the type.
Unit::Unit(const std::string &type) : _type(type), _standHeight(0), _kneelHeight(0), _floatHeight(0), _value(0), _aggroSound(-1), _moveSound(-1), _intelligence(0), _aggression(0), _energyRecovery(30), _specab(SPECAB_NONE), _livingWeapon(false), _psiWeapon("ALIEN_PSI_WEAPON"), _capturable(true)
 * Loads the unit from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
 * @param mod Mod for the unit.
void Unit::load(const YAML::Node &node, Mod *mod)
	_type = node["type"].as<std::string>(_type);
	_race = node["race"].as<std::string>(_race);
	_rank = node["rank"].as<std::string>(_rank);
	_armor = node["armor"].as<std::string>(_armor);
	_standHeight = node["standHeight"].as<int>(_standHeight);
	_kneelHeight = node["kneelHeight"].as<int>(_kneelHeight);
	_floatHeight = node["floatHeight"].as<int>(_floatHeight);
	if (_floatHeight + _standHeight > 25)
		throw Exception("Error with unit "+ _type +": Unit height may not exceed 25");
	_value = node["value"].as<int>(_value);
	_intelligence = node["intelligence"].as<int>(_intelligence);
	_aggression = node["aggression"].as<int>(_aggression);
	_energyRecovery = node["energyRecovery"].as<int>(_energyRecovery);
	_specab = (SpecialAbility)node["specab"].as<int>(_specab);
	_spawnUnit = node["spawnUnit"].as<std::string>(_spawnUnit);
	_livingWeapon = node["livingWeapon"].as<bool>(_livingWeapon);
	_meleeWeapon = node["meleeWeapon"].as<std::string>(_meleeWeapon);
	_psiWeapon = node["psiWeapon"].as<std::string>(_psiWeapon);
	_capturable = node["capturable"].as<bool>(_capturable);
	_builtInWeapons = node["builtInWeaponSets"].as<std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > >(_builtInWeapons);
	if (node["builtInWeapons"])
		_builtInWeapons.push_back(node["builtInWeapons"].as<std::vector<std::string> >());
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _deathSound, node["deathSound"], "BATTLE.CAT");
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _aggroSound, node["aggroSound"], "BATTLE.CAT");
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _moveSound, node["moveSound"], "BATTLE.CAT");
 * Returns the language string that names
 * this unit. Each unit type has a unique name.
 * @return The unit's name.
std::string Unit::getType() const
	return _type;
 * Returns the unit's stats data object.
 * @return The unit's stats.
UnitStats *Unit::getStats()
	return &_stats;
 * Returns the unit's height at standing.
 * @return The unit's height.
int Unit::getStandHeight() const
	return _standHeight;
 * Returns the unit's height at kneeling.
 * @return The unit's kneeling height.
int Unit::getKneelHeight() const
	return _kneelHeight;
 * Returns the unit's floating elevation.
 * @return The unit's floating height.
int Unit::getFloatHeight() const
	return _floatHeight;
 * Gets the unit's armor type.
 * @return The unit's armor type.
std::string Unit::getArmor() const
	return _armor;
 * Gets the alien's race.
 * @return The alien's race.
std::string Unit::getRace() const
	return _race;
 * Gets the unit's rank.
 * @return The unit's rank.
std::string Unit::getRank() const
	return _rank;
 * Gets the unit's value - for scoring.
 * @return The unit's value.
int Unit::getValue() const
	return _value;
* Get the unit's death sounds.
* @return List of sound IDs.
const std::vector<int> &Unit::getDeathSounds() const
	return _deathSound;
 * Gets the unit's move sound.
 * @return The id of the unit's move sound.
int Unit::getMoveSound() const
	return _moveSound;
 * Gets the intelligence. This is the number of turns the AI remembers your troop positions.
 * @return The unit's intelligence.
int Unit::getIntelligence() const
	return _intelligence;
 * Gets the aggression. Determines the chance of revenge and taking cover.
 * @return The unit's aggression.
int Unit::getAggression() const
	return _aggression;
 * Gets the unit's special ability.
 * @return The unit's specab.
int Unit::getSpecialAbility() const
	return (int)_specab;
 * Gets the unit that is spawned when this one dies.
 * @return The unit's spawn unit.
std::string Unit::getSpawnUnit() const
	return _spawnUnit;
 * Gets the unit's war cry.
 * @return The id of the unit's aggro sound.
int Unit::getAggroSound() const
	return _aggroSound;
 * How much energy does this unit recover per turn?
 * @return energy recovery amount.
int Unit::getEnergyRecovery() const
	return _energyRecovery;
 * Checks if this unit is a living weapon.
 * a living weapon ignores any loadout that may be available to
 * its rank and uses the one associated with its race.
 * @return True if this unit is a living weapon.
bool Unit::isLivingWeapon() const
	return _livingWeapon;
 * What is this unit's built in melee weapon (if any).
 * @return the name of the weapon.
std::string Unit::getMeleeWeapon() const
	return _meleeWeapon;
* What is this unit's built in psi weapon (if any).
* @return the name of the weapon.
std::string Unit::getPsiWeapon() const
	return _psiWeapon;
 * What weapons does this unit have built in?
 * this is a vector of strings representing any
 * weapons that may be inherent to this creature.
 * note: unlike "livingWeapon" this is used in ADDITION to
 * any loadout or living weapon item that may be defined.
 * @return list of weapons that are integral to this unit.
const std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > &Unit::getBuiltInWeapons() const
	return _builtInWeapons;
* Gets whether the alien can be captured alive.
* @return a value determining whether the alien can be captured alive.
bool Unit::getCapturable() const
	return _capturable;

V823 Decreased performance. Object may be created in-place in the '_builtInWeapons' container. Consider replacing methods: 'push_back' -> 'emplace_back'.

V832 It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty destructor body.