* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "SoldierDiary.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "../Mod/RuleCommendations.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "BattleUnitStatistics.h"
#include "MissionStatistics.h"
namespace OpenXcom
* Initializes a new blank diary.
SoldierDiary::SoldierDiary() : _daysWoundedTotal(0), _totalShotByFriendlyCounter(0), _totalShotFriendlyCounter(0), _loneSurvivorTotal(0),
_monthsService(0), _unconciousTotal(0), _shotAtCounterTotal(0), _hitCounterTotal(0), _ironManTotal(0), _longDistanceHitCounterTotal(0),
_lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal(0), _shotsFiredCounterTotal(0), _shotsLandedCounterTotal(0), _shotAtCounter10in1Mission(0), _hitCounter5in1Mission(0),
_timesWoundedTotal(0), _KIA(0), _allAliensKilledTotal(0), _allAliensStunnedTotal(0), _woundsHealedTotal(0), _allUFOs(0), _allMissionTypes(0),
_statGainTotal(0), _revivedUnitTotal(0), _wholeMedikitTotal(0), _braveryGainTotal(0), _bestOfRank(0),
_MIA(0), _martyrKillsTotal(0), _postMortemKills(0), _slaveKillsTotal(0), _bestSoldier(false),
_revivedSoldierTotal(0), _revivedHostileTotal(0), _revivedNeutralTotal(0), _globeTrotter(false)
for (std::vector<SoldierCommendations*>::iterator i = _commendations.begin(); i != _commendations.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
* Loads the diary from a YAML file.
* @param node YAML node.
void SoldierDiary::load(const YAML::Node& node, const Mod *mod)
if (const YAML::Node &commendations = node["commendations"])
for (YAML::const_iterator i = commendations.begin(); i != commendations.end(); ++i)
SoldierCommendations *sc = new SoldierCommendations(*i);
RuleCommendations *commendation = mod->getCommendation(sc->getType());
if (commendation)
// obsolete commendation, ignore it... otherwise it would cause a crash later
delete sc;
if (const YAML::Node &killList = node["killList"])
for (YAML::const_iterator i = killList.begin(); i != killList.end(); ++i)
_killList.push_back(new BattleUnitKills(*i));
_missionIdList = node["missionIdList"].as<std::vector<int> >(_missionIdList);
_daysWoundedTotal = node["daysWoundedTotal"].as<int>(_daysWoundedTotal);
_totalShotByFriendlyCounter = node["totalShotByFriendlyCounter"].as<int>(_totalShotByFriendlyCounter);
_totalShotFriendlyCounter = node["totalShotFriendlyCounter"].as<int>(_totalShotFriendlyCounter);
_loneSurvivorTotal = node["loneSurvivorTotal"].as<int>(_loneSurvivorTotal);
_monthsService = node["monthsService"].as<int>(_monthsService);
_unconciousTotal = node["unconciousTotal"].as<int>(_unconciousTotal);
_shotAtCounterTotal = node["shotAtCounterTotal"].as<int>(_shotAtCounterTotal);
_hitCounterTotal = node["hitCounterTotal"].as<int>(_hitCounterTotal);
_ironManTotal = node["ironManTotal"].as<int>(_ironManTotal);
_longDistanceHitCounterTotal = node["longDistanceHitCounterTotal"].as<int>(_longDistanceHitCounterTotal);
_lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal = node["lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal"].as<int>(_lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal);
_shotsFiredCounterTotal = node["shotsFiredCounterTotal"].as<int>(_shotsFiredCounterTotal);
_shotsLandedCounterTotal = node["shotsLandedCounterTotal"].as<int>(_shotsLandedCounterTotal);
_shotAtCounter10in1Mission = node["shotAtCounter10in1Mission"].as<int>(_shotAtCounter10in1Mission);
_hitCounter5in1Mission = node["hitCounter5in1Mission"].as<int>(_hitCounter5in1Mission);
_timesWoundedTotal = node["timesWoundedTotal"].as<int>(_timesWoundedTotal);
_allAliensKilledTotal = node["allAliensKilledTotal"].as<int>(_allAliensKilledTotal);
_allAliensStunnedTotal = node["allAliensStunnedTotal"].as<int>(_allAliensStunnedTotal);
_woundsHealedTotal = node["woundsHealedTotal"].as<int>(_woundsHealedTotal);
_allUFOs = node["allUFOs"].as<int>(_allUFOs);
_allMissionTypes = node["allMissionTypes"].as<int>(_allMissionTypes);
_statGainTotal = node["statGainTotal"].as<int>(_statGainTotal);
_revivedUnitTotal = node["revivedUnitTotal"].as<int>(_revivedUnitTotal);
_revivedSoldierTotal = node["revivedSoldierTotal"].as<int>(_revivedSoldierTotal);
_revivedHostileTotal = node["revivedHostileTotal"].as<int>(_revivedHostileTotal);
_revivedNeutralTotal = node["revivedNeutralTotal"].as<int>(_revivedNeutralTotal);
_wholeMedikitTotal = node["wholeMedikitTotal"].as<int>(_wholeMedikitTotal);
_braveryGainTotal = node["braveryGainTotal"].as<int>(_braveryGainTotal);
_bestOfRank = node["bestOfRank"].as<int>(_bestOfRank);
_bestSoldier = node["bestSoldier"].as<bool>(_bestSoldier);
_martyrKillsTotal = node["martyrKillsTotal"].as<int>(_martyrKillsTotal);
_postMortemKills = node["postMortemKills"].as<int>(_postMortemKills);
_globeTrotter = node["globeTrotter"].as<bool>(_globeTrotter);
_slaveKillsTotal = node["slaveKillsTotal"].as<int>(_slaveKillsTotal);
* Saves the diary to a YAML file.
* @return YAML node.
YAML::Node SoldierDiary::save() const
YAML::Node node;
for (std::vector<SoldierCommendations*>::const_iterator i = _commendations.begin(); i != _commendations.end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
if (!_missionIdList.empty()) node["missionIdList"] = _missionIdList;
if (_daysWoundedTotal) node["daysWoundedTotal"] = _daysWoundedTotal;
if (_totalShotByFriendlyCounter) node["totalShotByFriendlyCounter"] = _totalShotByFriendlyCounter;
if (_totalShotFriendlyCounter) node["totalShotFriendlyCounter"] = _totalShotFriendlyCounter;
if (_loneSurvivorTotal) node["loneSurvivorTotal"] = _loneSurvivorTotal;
if (_monthsService) node["monthsService"] = _monthsService;
if (_unconciousTotal) node["unconciousTotal"] = _unconciousTotal;
if (_shotAtCounterTotal) node["shotAtCounterTotal"] = _shotAtCounterTotal;
if (_hitCounterTotal) node["hitCounterTotal"] = _hitCounterTotal;
if (_ironManTotal) node["ironManTotal"] = _ironManTotal;
if (_longDistanceHitCounterTotal) node["longDistanceHitCounterTotal"] = _longDistanceHitCounterTotal;
if (_lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal) node["lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal"] = _lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal;
if (_shotsFiredCounterTotal) node["shotsFiredCounterTotal"] = _shotsFiredCounterTotal;
if (_shotsLandedCounterTotal) node["shotsLandedCounterTotal"] = _shotsLandedCounterTotal;
if (_shotAtCounter10in1Mission) node["shotAtCounter10in1Mission"] = _shotAtCounter10in1Mission;
if (_hitCounter5in1Mission) node["hitCounter5in1Mission"] = _hitCounter5in1Mission;
if (_timesWoundedTotal) node["timesWoundedTotal"] = _timesWoundedTotal;
if (_allAliensKilledTotal) node["allAliensKilledTotal"] = _allAliensKilledTotal;
if (_allAliensStunnedTotal) node["allAliensStunnedTotal"] = _allAliensStunnedTotal;
if (_woundsHealedTotal) node["woundsHealedTotal"] = _woundsHealedTotal;
if (_allUFOs) node["allUFOs"] = _allUFOs;
if (_allMissionTypes) node["allMissionTypes"] = _allMissionTypes;
if (_statGainTotal) node["statGainTotal"] =_statGainTotal;
if (_revivedUnitTotal) node["revivedUnitTotal"] = _revivedUnitTotal;
if (_revivedSoldierTotal) node["revivedSoldierTotal"] = _revivedSoldierTotal;
if (_revivedHostileTotal) node["revivedHostileTotal"] = _revivedHostileTotal;
if (_revivedNeutralTotal) node["revivedNeutralTotal"] = _revivedNeutralTotal;
if (_wholeMedikitTotal) node["wholeMedikitTotal"] = _wholeMedikitTotal;
if (_braveryGainTotal) node["braveryGainTotal"] = _braveryGainTotal;
if (_bestOfRank) node["bestOfRank"] = _bestOfRank;
if (_bestSoldier) node["bestSoldier"] = _bestSoldier;
if (_martyrKillsTotal) node["martyrKillsTotal"] = _martyrKillsTotal;
if (_postMortemKills) node["postMortemKills"] = _postMortemKills;
if (_globeTrotter) node["globeTrotter"] = _globeTrotter;
if (_slaveKillsTotal) node["slaveKillsTotal"] = _slaveKillsTotal;
return node;
* Update soldier diary statistics.
* @param unitStatistics BattleUnitStatistics to get stats from.
* @param missionStatistics MissionStatistics to get stats from.
void SoldierDiary::updateDiary(BattleUnitStatistics *unitStatistics, std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *allMissionStatistics, Mod *rules)
if (allMissionStatistics->empty()) return;
MissionStatistics* missionStatistics = allMissionStatistics->back();
std::vector<BattleUnitKills*> &unitKills = unitStatistics->kills;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator kill = unitKills.begin() ; kill != unitKills.end() ; ++kill)
if (missionStatistics->success)
if (unitStatistics->loneSurvivor)
if (unitStatistics->ironMan)
if (unitStatistics->nikeCross)
if (unitStatistics->mercyCross)
_daysWoundedTotal += unitStatistics->daysWounded;
if (unitStatistics->daysWounded)
if (unitStatistics->wasUnconcious)
_shotAtCounterTotal += unitStatistics->shotAtCounter;
_shotAtCounter10in1Mission += (unitStatistics->shotAtCounter)/10;
_hitCounterTotal += unitStatistics->hitCounter;
_hitCounter5in1Mission += (unitStatistics->hitCounter)/5;
_totalShotByFriendlyCounter += unitStatistics->shotByFriendlyCounter;
_totalShotFriendlyCounter += unitStatistics->shotFriendlyCounter;
_longDistanceHitCounterTotal += unitStatistics->longDistanceHitCounter;
_lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal += unitStatistics->lowAccuracyHitCounter;
_shotsFiredCounterTotal += unitStatistics->shotsFiredCounter;
_shotsLandedCounterTotal += unitStatistics->shotsLandedCounter;
if (unitStatistics->KIA)
if (unitStatistics->MIA)
_woundsHealedTotal += unitStatistics->woundsHealed;
if (getUFOTotal(allMissionStatistics).size() >= rules->getUfosList().size())
_allUFOs = 1;
if ((getUFOTotal(allMissionStatistics).size() + getTypeTotal(allMissionStatistics).size()) == (rules->getUfosList().size() + rules->getDeploymentsList().size() - 2))
_allMissionTypes = 1;
if (getCountryTotal(allMissionStatistics).size() == rules->getCountriesList().size())
_globeTrotter = true;
_martyrKillsTotal += unitStatistics->martyr;
_slaveKillsTotal += unitStatistics->slaveKills;
// Stat change long hand calculation
_statGainTotal = 0; // Reset.
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.tu;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.stamina;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.health;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.bravery / 10; // Normalize
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.reactions;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.firing;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.throwing;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.strength;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.psiStrength;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.melee;
_statGainTotal += unitStatistics->delta.psiSkill;
_braveryGainTotal = unitStatistics->delta.bravery;
_revivedUnitTotal += (unitStatistics->revivedSoldier + unitStatistics->revivedHostile + unitStatistics->revivedNeutral);
_revivedSoldierTotal += unitStatistics->revivedSoldier;
_revivedNeutralTotal += unitStatistics->revivedNeutral;
_revivedHostileTotal += unitStatistics->revivedHostile;
_wholeMedikitTotal += std::min( std::min(unitStatistics->woundsHealed, unitStatistics->appliedStimulant), unitStatistics->appliedPainKill);
* Get soldier commendations.
* @return SoldierCommendations list of soldier's commendations.
std::vector<SoldierCommendations*> *SoldierDiary::getSoldierCommendations()
return &_commendations;
* Manage the soldier's commendations.
* Award new ones, if deserved.
* @return bool Has a commendation been awarded?
bool SoldierDiary::manageCommendations(Mod *mod, std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics)
const int BATTLE_TYPES = 13;
const int DAMAGE_TYPES = 11;
const std::string damageTypeArray[DAMAGE_TYPES] = { "DT_NONE", "DT_AP", "DT_IN", "DT_HE", "DT_LASER", "DT_PLASMA", "DT_STUN", "DT_MELEE", "DT_ACID", "DT_SMOKE", "DT_END"};
const std::map<std::string, RuleCommendations *> commendationsList = mod->getCommendationsList();
bool awardedCommendation = false; // This value is returned if at least one commendation was given.
std::map<std::string, int> nextCommendationLevel; // Noun, threshold.
std::vector<std::string> modularCommendations; // Commendation name.
bool awardCommendationBool = false; // This value determines if a commendation will be given.
// Loop over all possible commendations
for (std::map<std::string, RuleCommendations *>::const_iterator i = commendationsList.begin(); i != commendationsList.end(); )
awardCommendationBool = true;
nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"] = 0;
// Loop over all the soldier's commendations, see if we already have the commendation.
// If so, get the level and noun.
for (std::vector<SoldierCommendations*>::const_iterator j = _commendations.begin(); j != _commendations.end(); ++j)
if ( (*i).first == (*j)->getType() )
nextCommendationLevel[(*j)->getNoun()] = (*j)->getDecorationLevelInt() + 1;
// Go through each possible criteria. Assume the medal is awarded, set to false if not.
// As soon as we find a medal criteria that we FAIL TO achieve, then we are not awarded a medal.
for (std::map<std::string, std::vector<int> >::const_iterator j = (*i).second->getCriteria()->begin(); j != (*i).second->getCriteria()->end(); ++j)
// Skip this medal if we have reached its max award level.
if ((unsigned int)nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"] >= (*j).second.size())
awardCommendationBool = false;
// These criteria have no nouns, so only the nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"] will ever be used.
else if( nextCommendationLevel.count("noNoun") == 1 &&
( ((*j).first == "totalKills" && (unsigned int)getKillTotal() < (unsigned int)(*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalMissions" && _missionIdList.size() < (unsigned int)(*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalWins" && getWinTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalScore" && getScoreTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalStuns" && getStunTotal() < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalDaysWounded" && _daysWoundedTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalBaseDefenseMissions" && getBaseDefenseMissionTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalTerrorMissions" && getTerrorMissionTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalNightMissions" && getNightMissionTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalNightTerrorMissions" && getNightTerrorMissionTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalMonthlyService" && _monthsService < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalFellUnconcious" && _unconciousTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalShotAt10Times" && _shotAtCounter10in1Mission < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalHit5Times" && _hitCounter5in1Mission < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalFriendlyFired" && (_totalShotByFriendlyCounter < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"]) || _KIA || _MIA)) ||
((*j).first == "total_lone_survivor" && _loneSurvivorTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalIronMan" && _ironManTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalImportantMissions" && getImportantMissionTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalLongDistanceHits" && _longDistanceHitCounterTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalLowAccuracyHits" && _lowAccuracyHitCounterTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalReactionFire" && getReactionFireKillTotal(mod) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalTimesWounded" && _timesWoundedTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalDaysWounded" && _daysWoundedTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalValientCrux" && getValiantCruxTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "isDead" && _KIA < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalTrapKills" && getTrapKillTotal(mod) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalAlienBaseAssaults" && getAlienBaseAssaultTotal(missionStatistics) < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalAllAliensKilled" && _allAliensKilledTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalAllAliensStunned" && _allAliensStunnedTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalWoundsHealed" && _woundsHealedTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalAllUFOs" && _allUFOs < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalAllMissionTypes" && _allMissionTypes < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalStatGain" && _statGainTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalRevives" && _revivedUnitTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalSoldierRevives" && _revivedSoldierTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalHostileRevives" && _revivedHostileTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalNeutralRevives" && _revivedNeutralTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalWholeMedikit" && _wholeMedikitTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalBraveryGain" && _braveryGainTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "bestOfRank" && _bestOfRank < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "bestSoldier" && (int)_bestSoldier < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "isMIA" && _MIA < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalMartyrKills" && _martyrKillsTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalPostMortemKills" && _postMortemKills < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "globeTrotter" && (int)_globeTrotter < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ||
((*j).first == "totalSlaveKills" && _slaveKillsTotal < (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"])) ) )
awardCommendationBool = false;
// Medals with the following criteria are unique because they need a noun.
// And because they loop over a map<> (this allows for maximum moddability).
else if ((*j).first == "totalKillsWithAWeapon" || (*j).first == "totalMissionsInARegion" || (*j).first == "totalKillsByRace" || (*j).first == "totalKillsByRank")
std::map<std::string, int> tempTotal;
if ((*j).first == "totalKillsWithAWeapon")
tempTotal = getWeaponTotal();
else if ((*j).first == "totalMissionsInARegion")
tempTotal = getRegionTotal(missionStatistics);
else if ((*j).first == "totalKillsByRace")
tempTotal = getAlienRaceTotal();
else if ((*j).first == "totalKillsByRank")
tempTotal = getAlienRankTotal();
// Loop over the temporary map.
// Match nouns and decoration levels.
for(std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator k = tempTotal.begin(); k != tempTotal.end(); ++k)
int criteria = -1;
std::string noun = (*k).first;
// If there is no matching noun, get the first award criteria.
if (nextCommendationLevel.count(noun) == 0)
criteria = (*j).second.front();
// Otherwise, get the criteria that reflects the soldier's commendation level.
else if ((unsigned int)nextCommendationLevel[noun] != (*j).second.size())
criteria = (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel[noun]);
// If a criteria was set AND the stat's count exceeds the criteria.
if (criteria != -1 && (*k).second >= criteria)
// If it is still empty, we did not get a commendation.
if (modularCommendations.empty())
awardCommendationBool = false;
// Medals that are based on _how_ a kill was achieved are found here.
else if ((*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaCareer" || (*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaMission" || (*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaTurn")
// Fetch the kill criteria list.
if (!(*i).second->getKillCriteria())
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<std::string> > > > *_killCriteriaList = (*i).second->getKillCriteria();
int totalKillGroups = 0; // holds the total number of kill groups which satisfy one of the OR criteria blocks
bool enoughForNextCommendation = false;
// Loop over the OR vectors.
// if OR criteria are not disjunctive (e.g. "kill 1 enemy" or "kill 1 enemy"), each one will be counted and added to totals - avoid that if you want good statistics
for (std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<std::string> > > >::const_iterator orCriteria = _killCriteriaList->begin(); orCriteria != _killCriteriaList->end(); ++orCriteria)
// prepare counters
std::vector<int> referenceBlockCounters;
referenceBlockCounters.assign((*orCriteria).size(), 0);
int referenceTotalCounters = 0;
for (std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<std::string> > >::const_iterator andCriteria = orCriteria->begin(); andCriteria != orCriteria->end(); ++andCriteria)
int index = andCriteria - orCriteria->begin();
referenceBlockCounters[index] = (*andCriteria).first;
referenceTotalCounters += (*andCriteria).first;
std::vector<int> currentBlockCounters;
if ((*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaCareer") {
currentBlockCounters = referenceBlockCounters;
int currentTotalCounters = referenceTotalCounters;
int lastTimeSpan = -1;
bool skipThisTimeSpan = false;
// Loop over the KILLS, seeking to fulfill all criteria from entire AND block within the specified time span (career/mission/turn)
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator singleKill = _killList.begin(); singleKill != _killList.end(); ++singleKill)
int thisTimeSpan = -1;
if ((*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaMission")
thisTimeSpan = (*singleKill)->mission;
else if ((*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaTurn")
thisTimeSpan = (*singleKill)->turn;
if (thisTimeSpan != lastTimeSpan)
// next time span, reset counters
lastTimeSpan = thisTimeSpan;
skipThisTimeSpan = false;
currentBlockCounters = referenceBlockCounters;
currentTotalCounters = referenceTotalCounters;
// same time span, we're skipping the rest of it if we already fulfilled criteria
else if (skipThisTimeSpan)
bool andCriteriaMet = false;
// Loop over the AND vectors.
for (std::vector<std::pair<int, std::vector<std::string> > >::const_iterator andCriteria = orCriteria->begin(); andCriteria != orCriteria->end(); ++andCriteria)
bool foundMatch = true;
// Loop over the DETAILs of one AND vector.
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator detail = andCriteria->second.begin(); detail != andCriteria->second.end(); ++detail)
int battleType = 0;
for (; battleType != BATTLE_TYPES; ++battleType)
if ((*detail) == battleTypeArray[battleType])
int damageType = 0;
for (; damageType != DAMAGE_TYPES; ++damageType)
if ((*detail) == damageTypeArray[damageType])
// See if we find _no_ matches with any criteria. If so, break and try the next kill.
RuleItem *weapon = mod->getItem((*singleKill)->weapon);
RuleItem *weaponAmmo = mod->getItem((*singleKill)->weaponAmmo);
if (weapon == 0 || weaponAmmo == 0 ||
((*singleKill)->rank != (*detail) && (*singleKill)->race != (*detail) &&
(*singleKill)->weapon != (*detail) && (*singleKill)->weaponAmmo != (*detail) &&
(*singleKill)->getUnitStatusString() != (*detail) && (*singleKill)->getUnitFactionString() != (*detail) &&
(*singleKill)->getUnitSideString() != (*detail) && (*singleKill)->getUnitBodyPartString() != (*detail) &&
weaponAmmo->getDamageType() != damageType && weapon->getBattleType() != battleType))
foundMatch = false;
} /// End of DETAIL loop.
if (foundMatch)
int index = andCriteria - orCriteria->begin();
// some current block counters might go into negatives, this is used to tally career kills correctly
// currentTotalCounters will always ensure we're counting in proper batches
if (currentBlockCounters[index]-- > 0 && --currentTotalCounters <= 0)
// we just counted all counters in a block to zero, this certainly means that the entire block criteria is fulfilled
andCriteriaMet = true;
} /// End of AND loop.
if (andCriteriaMet)
// early exit if we got enough, no reason to continue iterations
if (++totalKillGroups >= (*j).second.at(nextCommendationLevel["noNoun"]))
enoughForNextCommendation = true;
// "killsWithCriteriaTurn" and "killsWithCriteriaMission" are "peak achivements", they are counted once per their respective time span if criteria are fulfilled
// so if we got them, we're skipping the rest of this time span to avoid counting more than once
// e.g. 20 kills in a mission will not be counted as "10 kills in a mission" criteria twice
// "killsWithCriteriaCareer" are totals, so they are never skipped this way
if ((*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaTurn" || (*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaMission")
skipThisTimeSpan = true;
// for career kills we'll ADD reference counters to the current values and recalculate current total
// this is used to count instances of full criteria blocks, e.g. if rules state that a career commendation must be awarded for 2 kills of alien leaders
// and 1 kill of alien commander, then we must ensure there's 2 leader kills + 1 commander kill for each instance of criteria fulfilled
else if ((*j).first == "killsWithCriteriaCareer")
currentTotalCounters = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < currentBlockCounters.size(); i++)
currentBlockCounters[i] += referenceBlockCounters[i];
currentTotalCounters += std::max(currentBlockCounters[i], 0);
} /// End of KILLs loop.
if (enoughForNextCommendation)
break; // stop iterating here too, we've got enough
} /// End of OR loop.
if (!enoughForNextCommendation)
awardCommendationBool = false;
if (awardCommendationBool)
// If we do not have modular medals, but are awarded a different medal,
// its noun will be "noNoun".
if (modularCommendations.empty())
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator j = modularCommendations.begin(); j != modularCommendations.end(); ++j)
bool newCommendation = true;
for (std::vector<SoldierCommendations*>::iterator k = _commendations.begin() ; k != _commendations.end() ; ++k)
if ( (*k)->getType() == (*i).first && (*k)->getNoun() == (*j))
newCommendation = false;
if (newCommendation)
_commendations.push_back(new SoldierCommendations((*i).first, (*j)));
awardedCommendation = true;
return awardedCommendation;
* Award commendations to the soldier.
* @param type string
* @param noun string
void SoldierDiary::awardCommendation(const std::string& type, const std::string& noun)
bool newCommendation = true;
for (std::vector<SoldierCommendations*>::iterator i = _commendations.begin() ; i != _commendations.end() ; ++i)
if ( (*i)->getType() == type && (*i)->getNoun() == noun)
newCommendation = false;
if (newCommendation)
_commendations.push_back(new SoldierCommendations(type, noun));
* Get vector of mission ids.
* @return Vector of mission ids.
std::vector<int> &SoldierDiary::getMissionIdList()
return _missionIdList;
* Get vector of kills.
* @return vector of BattleUnitKills
std::vector<BattleUnitKills*> &SoldierDiary::getKills()
return _killList;
* Get list of kills sorted by rank
* @return
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getAlienRankTotal()
std::map<std::string, int> list;
for(std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator kill = _killList.begin(); kill != _killList.end(); ++kill)
return list;
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getAlienRaceTotal()
std::map<std::string, int> list;
for(std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator kill = _killList.begin(); kill != _killList.end(); ++kill)
return list;
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getWeaponTotal()
std::map<std::string, int> list;
for(std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator kill = _killList.begin(); kill != _killList.end(); ++kill)
if ((*kill)->faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
return list;
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getWeaponAmmoTotal()
std::map<std::string, int> list;
for(std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator kill = _killList.begin(); kill != _killList.end(); ++kill)
if ((*kill)->faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
return list;
* Get a map of the amount of missions done in each region.
* @param MissionStatistics
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getRegionTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
std::map<std::string, int> regionTotal;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
return regionTotal;
* Get a map of the amount of missions done in each country.
* @param MissionStatistics
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getCountryTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
std::map<std::string, int> countryTotal;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
return countryTotal;
* Get a map of the amount of missions done in each type.
* @param MissionStatistics
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getTypeTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
std::map<std::string, int> typeTotal;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
return typeTotal;
* Get a map of the amount of missions done in each UFO.
* @param MissionStatistics
std::map<std::string, int> SoldierDiary::getUFOTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
std::map<std::string, int> ufoTotal;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
return ufoTotal;
int SoldierDiary::getKillTotal() const
int killTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->status == STATUS_DEAD && (*i)->faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
return killTotal;
int SoldierDiary::getMissionTotal() const
return _missionIdList.size();
* Get the total if wins.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getWinTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int winTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
if ((*i)->success)
return winTotal;
int SoldierDiary::getStunTotal() const
int stunTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->status == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS && (*i)->faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
return stunTotal;
int SoldierDiary::getPanickTotal() const
int panickTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->status == STATUS_PANICKING && (*i)->faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
return panickTotal;
int SoldierDiary::getControlTotal() const
int controlTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->status == STATUS_TURNING && (*i)->faction == FACTION_HOSTILE)
return controlTotal;
int SoldierDiary::getDaysWoundedTotal() const
return _daysWoundedTotal;
* Increment soldier's service time one month
void SoldierDiary::addMonthlyService()
* Returns the total months this soldier has been in service.
int SoldierDiary::getMonthsService() const
return _monthsService;
* Award special commendation to the original 8 soldiers.
void SoldierDiary::awardOriginalEightCommendation()
// TODO: Unhardcode this
_commendations.push_back(new SoldierCommendations("STR_MEDAL_ORIGINAL8_NAME", "NoNoun"));
* Award post-humous best-of commendation.
void SoldierDiary::awardBestOfRank(int score)
_bestOfRank = score;
* Award post-humous best-of commendation.
void SoldierDiary::awardBestOverall(int score)
_bestSoldier = score;
* Award post-humous kills commendation.
void SoldierDiary::awardPostMortemKill(int kills)
_postMortemKills = kills;
int SoldierDiary::getShotsFiredTotal() const
return _shotsFiredCounterTotal;
int SoldierDiary::getShotsLandedTotal() const
return _shotsLandedCounterTotal;
* Get the soldier's accuracy.
int SoldierDiary::getAccuracy() const
if (_shotsFiredCounterTotal != 0)
return 100 * _shotsLandedCounterTotal / _shotsFiredCounterTotal;
return 0;
* Get trap kills total.
int SoldierDiary::getTrapKillTotal(Mod *mod) const
int trapKillTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
RuleItem *item = mod->getItem((*i)->weapon);
if ((*i)->hostileTurn() && (item == 0 || item->getBattleType() == BT_GRENADE || item->getBattleType() == BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE))
return trapKillTotal;
* Get reaction kill total.
int SoldierDiary::getReactionFireKillTotal(Mod *mod) const
int reactionFireKillTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<BattleUnitKills*>::const_iterator i = _killList.begin(); i != _killList.end(); ++i)
RuleItem *item = mod->getItem((*i)->weapon);
if ((*i)->hostileTurn() && item != 0 && item->getBattleType() != BT_GRENADE && item->getBattleType() != BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE)
return reactionFireKillTotal;
* Get the total of terror missions.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getTerrorMissionTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
/// Not a UFO, not the base, not the alien base or colony
int terrorMissionTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
if ((*i)->success && !(*i)->isBaseDefense() && !(*i)->isUfoMission() && !(*i)->isAlienBase())
return terrorMissionTotal;
* Get the total of night missions.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getNightMissionTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int nightMissionTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
if ((*i)->success && (*i)->isDarkness() && !(*i)->isBaseDefense() && !(*i)->isAlienBase())
return nightMissionTotal;
* Get the total of night terror missions.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getNightTerrorMissionTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int nightTerrorMissionTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
if ((*i)->success && (*i)->isDarkness() && !(*i)->isBaseDefense() && !(*i)->isUfoMission() && !(*i)->isAlienBase())
return nightTerrorMissionTotal;
* Get the total of base defense missions.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getBaseDefenseMissionTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int baseDefenseMissionTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
if ((*i)->success && (*i)->isBaseDefense())
return baseDefenseMissionTotal;
* Get the total of alien base assaults.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getAlienBaseAssaultTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int alienBaseAssaultTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
if ((*i)->success && (*i)->isAlienBase())
return alienBaseAssaultTotal;
* Get the total of important missions.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getImportantMissionTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int importantMissionTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
if ((*i)->success && (*i)->type != "STR_UFO_CRASH_RECOVERY")
return importantMissionTotal;
* Get the total score.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getScoreTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int scoreTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
scoreTotal += (*i)->score;
return scoreTotal;
* Get the Valient Crux total.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getValiantCruxTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int valiantCruxTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id && (*i)->valiantCrux)
return valiantCruxTotal;
* Get the loot value total.
* @param Mission Statistics
int SoldierDiary::getLootValueTotal(std::vector<MissionStatistics*> *missionStatistics) const
int lootValueTotal = 0;
for (std::vector<MissionStatistics*>::const_iterator i = missionStatistics->begin(); i != missionStatistics->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<int>::const_iterator j = _missionIdList.begin(); j != _missionIdList.end(); ++j)
if ((*j) == (*i)->id)
lootValueTotal += (*i)->lootValue;
return lootValueTotal;
* Initializes a new commendation entry from YAML.
* @param node YAML node.
SoldierCommendations::SoldierCommendations(const YAML::Node &node)
* Initializes a soldier commendation.
SoldierCommendations::SoldierCommendations(std::string commendationName, std::string noun) : _type(commendationName), _noun(noun), _decorationLevel(0), _isNew(true)
* Loads the commendation from a YAML file.
* @param node YAML node.
void SoldierCommendations::load(const YAML::Node &node)
_type = node["commendationName"].as<std::string>(_type);
_noun = node["noun"].as<std::string>("noNoun");
_decorationLevel = node["decorationLevel"].as<int>(_decorationLevel);
_isNew = node["isNew"].as<bool>(false);
* Saves the commendation to a YAML file.
* @return YAML node.
YAML::Node SoldierCommendations::save() const
YAML::Node node;
node["commendationName"] = _type;
if (_noun != "noNoun") node["noun"] = _noun;
node["decorationLevel"] = _decorationLevel;
return node;
* Get the soldier's commendation's name.
* @return string Commendation name.
std::string SoldierCommendations::getType() const
return _type;
* Get the soldier's commendation's noun.
* @return string Commendation noun
std::string SoldierCommendations::getNoun() const
return _noun;
* Get the soldier commendation level's name.
* @return string Commendation level.
std::string SoldierCommendations::getDecorationLevelName(int skipCounter) const
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "STR_AWARD_" << _decorationLevel - skipCounter;
return ss.str();
* Get the soldier commendation level's description.
* @return string Commendation level description.
std::string SoldierCommendations::getDecorationDescription() const
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << "STR_AWARD_DECOR_" << _decorationLevel;
return ss.str();
* Get the soldier commendation level's int.
* @return int Commendation level.
int SoldierCommendations::getDecorationLevelInt() const
return _decorationLevel;
* Get newness of commendation.
* @return bool Is the commendation new?
bool SoldierCommendations::isNew() const
return _isNew;
* Set the newness of the commendation to old.
void SoldierCommendations::makeOld()
_isNew = false;
* Add a level of decoration to the commendation.
* Sets isNew to true.
void SoldierCommendations::addDecoration()
_isNew = true;
↑ V832 It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty destructor body.