* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "RuleUfo.h"
#include "RuleTerrain.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
namespace OpenXcom
* Creates a blank ruleset for a certain
* type of UFO.
* @param type String defining the type.
RuleUfo::RuleUfo(const std::string &type) : _type(type), _size("STR_VERY_SMALL"), _sprite(-1), _marker(-1), _markerLand(-1), _markerCrash(-1), _damageMax(0), _speedMax(0),
_power(0), _range(0), _score(0), _reload(0), _breakOffTime(0), _sightRange(268), _missionScore(1), _battlescapeTerrainData(0)
delete _battlescapeTerrainData;
* Loads the UFO from a YAML file.
* @param node YAML node.
* @param mod Mod for the UFO.
void RuleUfo::load(const YAML::Node &node, Mod *mod)
_type = node["type"].as<std::string>(_type);
_size = node["size"].as<std::string>(_size);
_sprite = node["sprite"].as<int>(_sprite);
if (node["marker"])
_marker = mod->getOffset(node["marker"].as<int>(_marker), 8);
if (node["markerLand"])
_markerLand = mod->getOffset(node["markerLand"].as<int>(_markerLand), 8);
if (node["markerCrash"])
_markerCrash = mod->getOffset(node["markerCrash"].as<int>(_markerCrash), 8);
_damageMax = node["damageMax"].as<int>(_damageMax);
_speedMax = node["speedMax"].as<int>(_speedMax);
_power = node["power"].as<int>(_power);
_range = node["range"].as<int>(_range);
_score = node["score"].as<int>(_score);
_reload = node["reload"].as<int>(_reload);
_breakOffTime = node["breakOffTime"].as<int>(_breakOffTime);
_sightRange = node["sightRange"].as<int>(_sightRange);
_missionScore = node["missionScore"].as<int>(_missionScore);
if (const YAML::Node &terrain = node["battlescapeTerrainData"])
if (_battlescapeTerrainData)
delete _battlescapeTerrainData;
RuleTerrain *rule = new RuleTerrain(terrain["name"].as<std::string>());
rule->load(terrain, mod);
_battlescapeTerrainData = rule;
_modSprite = node["modSprite"].as<std::string>(_modSprite);
* Gets the language string that names
* this UFO. Each UFO type has a unique name.
* @return The Ufo's name.
std::string RuleUfo::getType() const
return _type;
* Gets the size of this type of UFO.
* @return The Ufo's size.
std::string RuleUfo::getSize() const
return _size;
* Gets the radius of this type of UFO
* on the dogfighting window.
* @return The radius in pixels.
int RuleUfo::getRadius() const
if (_size == "STR_VERY_SMALL")
return 2;
else if (_size == "STR_SMALL")
return 3;
else if (_size == "STR_MEDIUM_UC")
return 4;
else if (_size == "STR_LARGE")
return 5;
else if (_size == "STR_VERY_LARGE")
return 6;
return 0;
* Gets the ID of the sprite used to draw the UFO
* in the Dogfight window.
* @return The sprite ID.
int RuleUfo::getSprite() const
return _sprite;
* Returns the globe marker for the UFO while in flight.
* @return Marker sprite, -1 if none.
int RuleUfo::getMarker() const
return _marker;
* Returns the globe marker for the UFO while landed.
* @return Marker sprite, -1 if none.
int RuleUfo::getLandMarker() const
return _markerLand;
* Returns the globe marker for the UFO when crashed.
* @return Marker sprite, -1 if none.
int RuleUfo::getCrashMarker() const
return _markerCrash;
* Gets the maximum damage (damage the UFO can take)
* of the UFO.
* @return The maximum damage.
int RuleUfo::getMaxDamage() const
return _damageMax;
* Gets the maximum speed of the UFO flying
* around the Geoscape.
* @return The maximum speed.
int RuleUfo::getMaxSpeed() const
return _speedMax;
* Gets the maximum damage done by the
* UFO's weapons per shot.
* @return The weapon power.
int RuleUfo::getWeaponPower() const
return _power;
* Gets the maximum range for the
* UFO's weapons.
* @return The weapon range.
int RuleUfo::getWeaponRange() const
return _range;
* Gets the amount of points the player
* gets for shooting down the UFO.
* @return The score.
int RuleUfo::getScore() const
return _score;
* Gets the terrain data needed to draw the UFO in the battlescape.
* @return The RuleTerrain.
RuleTerrain *RuleUfo::getBattlescapeTerrainData() const
return _battlescapeTerrainData;
* Gets the weapon reload for UFO ships.
* @return The UFO weapon reload time.
int RuleUfo::getWeaponReload() const
return _reload;
* Gets the UFO's break off time.
* @return The UFO's break off time in game seconds.
int RuleUfo::getBreakOffTime() const
return _breakOffTime;
* For user-defined UFOs, use a surface for the "preview" image.
* @return The name of the surface that represents this UFO.
std::string RuleUfo::getModSprite() const
return _modSprite;
* Gets the UFO's radar range
* for detecting bases.
* @return The range in nautical miles.
int RuleUfo::getSightRange() const
return _sightRange;
* Gets the amount of points awarded every 30 minutes
* while the UFO is on a mission (doubled when landed).
* @return Score.
int RuleUfo::getMissionScore() const
return _missionScore;
↑ V809 Verifying that a pointer value is not NULL is not required. The 'if (_battlescapeTerrainData)' check can be removed.