 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "RuleItem.h"
#include "RuleInventory.h"
#include "../Engine/Exception.h"
#include "../Engine/SurfaceSet.h"
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "Mod.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Creates a blank ruleset for a certain type of item.
 * @param type String defining the type.
RuleItem::RuleItem(const std::string &type) : _type(type), _name(type), _size(0.0), _costBuy(0), _costSell(0), _transferTime(24), _weight(3), _bigSprite(-1), _floorSprite(-1), _handSprite(120), _bulletSprite(-1), _fireSound(-1), _hitSound(-1), _hitAnimation(-1), _power(0), _damageType(DT_NONE),
											_accuracyAuto(0), _accuracySnap(0), _accuracyAimed(0), _tuAuto(0), _tuSnap(0), _tuAimed(0), _clipSize(0), _accuracyMelee(0), _tuMelee(0), _battleType(BT_NONE), _twoHanded(false), _fixedWeapon(false), _waypoints(0), _invWidth(1), _invHeight(1),
											_painKiller(0), _heal(0), _stimulant(0), _woundRecovery(0), _healthRecovery(0), _stunRecovery(0), _energyRecovery(0), _tuUse(0), _recoveryPoints(0), _armor(20), _turretType(-1), _recover(true), _ignoreInBaseDefense(false), _liveAlien(false), _blastRadius(-1), _attraction(0),
											_flatRate(false), _arcingShot(false), _listOrder(0), _maxRange(200), _aimRange(200), _snapRange(15), _autoRange(7), _minRange(0), _dropoff(2), _bulletSpeed(0), _explosionSpeed(0), _autoShots(3), _shotgunPellets(0), _strengthApplied(false), _skillApplied(true),
											_LOSRequired(false), _underwaterOnly(false), _landOnly(false), _meleeSound(39), _meleePower(0), _meleeAnimation(0), _meleeHitSound(-1), _specialType(-1), _vaporColor(-1), _vaporDensity(0), _vaporProbability(15)
 * Loads the item from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
 * @param mod Mod for the item.
 * @param listOrder The list weight for this item.
void RuleItem::load(const YAML::Node &node, Mod *mod, int listOrder)
	_type = node["type"].as<std::string>(_type);
	_name = node["name"].as<std::string>(_name);
	_requires = node["requires"].as< std::vector<std::string> >(_requires);
	_size = node["size"].as<double>(_size);
	_costBuy = node["costBuy"].as<int>(_costBuy);
	_costSell = node["costSell"].as<int>(_costSell);
	_transferTime = node["transferTime"].as<int>(_transferTime);
	_weight = node["weight"].as<int>(_weight);
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _bigSprite, node["bigSprite"], "BIGOBS.PCK");
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _floorSprite, node["floorSprite"], "FLOOROB.PCK");
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _handSprite, node["handSprite"], "HANDOB.PCK");
	// Projectiles: 0-384 entries ((105*33) / (3*3)) (35 sprites per projectile(0-34), 11 projectiles (0-10))
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _bulletSprite, node["bulletSprite"], "Projectiles", 35);
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _fireSound, node["fireSound"], "BATTLE.CAT");
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _hitSound, node["hitSound"], "BATTLE.CAT");
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _meleeSound, node["meleeSound"], "BATTLE.CAT");
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _hitAnimation, node["hitAnimation"], "SMOKE.PCK");
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _meleeAnimation, node["meleeAnimation"], "HIT.PCK");
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _meleeHitSound, node["meleeHitSound"], "BATTLE.CAT");
	_power = node["power"].as<int>(_power);
	_compatibleAmmo = node["compatibleAmmo"].as< std::vector<std::string> >(_compatibleAmmo);
	_damageType = (ItemDamageType)node["damageType"].as<int>(_damageType);
	_accuracyAuto = node["accuracyAuto"].as<int>(_accuracyAuto);
	_accuracySnap = node["accuracySnap"].as<int>(_accuracySnap);
	_accuracyAimed = node["accuracyAimed"].as<int>(_accuracyAimed);
	_tuAuto = node["tuAuto"].as<int>(_tuAuto);
	_tuSnap = node["tuSnap"].as<int>(_tuSnap);
	_tuAimed = node["tuAimed"].as<int>(_tuAimed);
	_clipSize = node["clipSize"].as<int>(_clipSize);
	_accuracyMelee = node["accuracyMelee"].as<int>(_accuracyMelee);
	_tuMelee = node["tuMelee"].as<int>(_tuMelee);
	_battleType = (BattleType)node["battleType"].as<int>(_battleType);
	if ((_battleType == BT_MELEE || _battleType == BT_FIREARM) && _clipSize == 0 && _compatibleAmmo.empty())
		throw Exception("Weapon " + _type + " has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleAmmo item.");
	_twoHanded = node["twoHanded"].as<bool>(_twoHanded);
	_waypoints = node["waypoints"].as<int>(_waypoints);
	_fixedWeapon = node["fixedWeapon"].as<bool>(_fixedWeapon);
	_invWidth = node["invWidth"].as<int>(_invWidth);
	_invHeight = node["invHeight"].as<int>(_invHeight);
	_painKiller = node["painKiller"].as<int>(_painKiller);
	_heal = node["heal"].as<int>(_heal);
	_stimulant = node["stimulant"].as<int>(_stimulant);
	_woundRecovery = node["woundRecovery"].as<int>(_woundRecovery);
	_healthRecovery = node["healthRecovery"].as<int>(_healthRecovery);
	_stunRecovery = node["stunRecovery"].as<int>(_stunRecovery);
	_energyRecovery = node["energyRecovery"].as<int>(_energyRecovery);
	_tuUse = node["tuUse"].as<int>(_tuUse);
	_recoveryPoints = node["recoveryPoints"].as<int>(_recoveryPoints);
	_armor = node["armor"].as<int>(_armor);
	_turretType = node["turretType"].as<int>(_turretType);
	_recover = node["recover"].as<bool>(_recover);
	_ignoreInBaseDefense = node["ignoreInBaseDefense"].as<bool>(_ignoreInBaseDefense);
	_liveAlien = node["liveAlien"].as<bool>(_liveAlien);
	_blastRadius = node["blastRadius"].as<int>(_blastRadius);
	_attraction = node["attraction"].as<int>(_attraction);
	_flatRate = node["flatRate"].as<bool>(_flatRate);
	_arcingShot = node["arcingShot"].as<bool>(_arcingShot);
	_listOrder = node["listOrder"].as<int>(_listOrder);
	_maxRange = node["maxRange"].as<int>(_maxRange);
	_aimRange = node["aimRange"].as<int>(_aimRange);
	_snapRange = node["snapRange"].as<int>(_snapRange);
	_autoRange = node["autoRange"].as<int>(_autoRange);
	_minRange = node["minRange"].as<int>(_minRange);
	_dropoff = node["dropoff"].as<int>(_dropoff);
	_bulletSpeed = node["bulletSpeed"].as<int>(_bulletSpeed);
	_explosionSpeed = node["explosionSpeed"].as<int>(_explosionSpeed);
	_autoShots = node["autoShots"].as<int>(_autoShots);
	_shotgunPellets = node["shotgunPellets"].as<int>(_shotgunPellets);
	_zombieUnit = node["zombieUnit"].as<std::string>(_zombieUnit);
	_strengthApplied = node["strengthApplied"].as<bool>(_strengthApplied);
	_skillApplied = node["skillApplied"].as<bool>(_skillApplied);
	_LOSRequired = node["LOSRequired"].as<bool>(_LOSRequired);
	_meleePower = node["meleePower"].as<int>(_meleePower);
	_underwaterOnly = node["underwaterOnly"].as<bool>(_underwaterOnly);
	_landOnly = node["landOnly"].as<bool>(_landOnly);
	_specialType = node["specialType"].as<int>(_specialType);
	mod->loadTransparencyOffset(_type, _vaporColor, node["vaporColor"]);
	_vaporDensity = node["vaporDensity"].as<int>(_vaporDensity);
	_vaporProbability = node["vaporProbability"].as<int>(_vaporProbability);
	if (!_listOrder)
		_listOrder = listOrder;
 * Gets the item type. Each item has a unique type.
 * @return The item's type.
std::string RuleItem::getType() const
	return _type;
 * Gets the language string that names
 * this item. This is not necessarily unique.
 * @return  The item's name.
std::string RuleItem::getName() const
	return _name;
 * Gets the list of research required to
 * use this item.
 * @return The list of research IDs.
const std::vector<std::string> &RuleItem::getRequirements() const
	return _requires;
 * Gets the amount of space this item
 * takes up in a storage facility.
 * @return The storage size.
double RuleItem::getSize() const
	return _size;
 * Gets the amount of money this item
 * costs to purchase (0 if not purchasable).
 * @return The buy cost.
int RuleItem::getBuyCost() const
	return _costBuy;
 * Gets the amount of money this item
 * is worth to sell.
 * @return The sell cost.
int RuleItem::getSellCost() const
	return _costSell;
 * Gets the amount of time this item
 * takes to arrive at a base.
 * @return The time in hours.
int RuleItem::getTransferTime() const
	return _transferTime;
 * Gets the weight of the item.
 * @return The weight in strength units.
int RuleItem::getWeight() const
	return _weight;
 * Gets the reference in BIGOBS.PCK for use in inventory.
 * @return The sprite reference.
int RuleItem::getBigSprite() const
	return _bigSprite;
 * Gets the reference in FLOOROB.PCK for use in inventory.
 * @return The sprite reference.
int RuleItem::getFloorSprite() const
	return _floorSprite;
 * Gets the reference in HANDOB.PCK for use in inventory.
 * @return The sprite reference.
int RuleItem::getHandSprite() const
	return _handSprite;
 * Returns whether this item is held with two hands.
 * @return True if it is two-handed.
bool RuleItem::isTwoHanded() const
	return _twoHanded;
 * Returns whether this item uses waypoints.
 * @return True if it uses waypoints.
int RuleItem::getWaypoints() const
	return _waypoints;
 * Returns whether this item is a fixed weapon.
 * You can't move/throw/drop fixed weapons - e.g. HWP turrets.
 * @return True if it is a fixed weapon.
bool RuleItem::isFixed() const
	return _fixedWeapon;
 * Gets the item's bullet sprite reference.
 * @return The sprite reference.
int RuleItem::getBulletSprite() const
	return _bulletSprite;
 * Gets the item's fire sound.
 * @return The fire sound id.
int RuleItem::getFireSound() const
	return _fireSound;
 * Gets the item's hit sound.
 * @return The hit sound id.
int RuleItem::getHitSound() const
	return _hitSound;
 * Gets the item's hit animation.
 * @return The hit animation id.
int RuleItem::getHitAnimation() const
	return _hitAnimation;
 * Gets the item's power.
 * @return The power.
int RuleItem::getPower() const
	return _power;
 * Gets the item's accuracy for snapshots.
 * @return The snapshot accuracy.
int RuleItem::getAccuracySnap() const
	return _accuracySnap;
 * Gets the item's accuracy for autoshots.
 * @return The autoshot accuracy.
int RuleItem::getAccuracyAuto() const
	return _accuracyAuto;
 * Gets the item's accuracy for aimed shots.
 * @return The aimed accuracy.
int RuleItem::getAccuracyAimed() const
	return _accuracyAimed;
 * Gets the item's accuracy for melee attacks.
 * @return The melee accuracy.
int RuleItem::getAccuracyMelee() const
	return _accuracyMelee;
 * Gets the item's time unit percentage for snapshots.
 * @return The snapshot TU percentage.
int RuleItem::getTUSnap() const
	return _tuSnap;
 * Gets the item's time unit percentage for autoshots.
 * @return The autoshot TU percentage.
int RuleItem::getTUAuto() const
	return _tuAuto;
 * Gets the item's time unit percentage for aimed shots.
 * @return The aimed shot TU percentage.
int RuleItem::getTUAimed() const
	return _tuAimed;
 * Gets the item's time unit percentage for melee attacks.
 * @return The melee TU percentage.
int RuleItem::getTUMelee() const
	return _tuMelee;
 * Gets a list of compatible ammo.
 * @return Pointer to a list of compatible ammo.
std::vector<std::string> *RuleItem::getCompatibleAmmo()
	return &_compatibleAmmo;
 * Gets the item's damage type.
 * @return The damage type.
ItemDamageType RuleItem::getDamageType() const
	return _damageType;
 * Gets the item's battle type.
 * @return The battle type.
BattleType RuleItem::getBattleType() const
	return _battleType;
 * Gets the item's width in a soldier's inventory.
 * @return The width.
int RuleItem::getInventoryWidth() const
	return _invWidth;
 * Gets the item's height in a soldier's inventory.
 * @return The height.
int RuleItem::getInventoryHeight() const
	return _invHeight;
 * Gets the item's ammo clip size.
 * @return The ammo clip size.
int RuleItem::getClipSize() const
	return _clipSize;
 * Draws and centers the hand sprite on a surface
 * according to its dimensions.
 * @param texture Pointer to the surface set to get the sprite from.
 * @param surface Pointer to the surface to draw to.
void RuleItem::drawHandSprite(SurfaceSet *texture, Surface *surface) const
	Surface *frame = texture->getFrame(this->getBigSprite());
	frame->setX((RuleInventory::HAND_W - this->getInventoryWidth()) * RuleInventory::SLOT_W/2);
	frame->setY((RuleInventory::HAND_H - this->getInventoryHeight()) * RuleInventory::SLOT_H/2);
 * Gets the heal quantity of the item.
 * @return The new heal quantity.
int RuleItem::getHealQuantity() const
	return _heal;
 * Gets the pain killer quantity of the item.
 * @return The new pain killer quantity.
int RuleItem::getPainKillerQuantity() const
	return _painKiller;
 * Gets the stimulant quantity of the item.
 * @return The new stimulant quantity.
int RuleItem::getStimulantQuantity() const
	return _stimulant;
 * Gets the amount of fatal wound healed per usage.
 * @return The amount of fatal wound healed.
int RuleItem::getWoundRecovery() const
	return _woundRecovery;
 * Gets the amount of health added to a wounded soldier's health.
 * @return The amount of health to add.
int RuleItem::getHealthRecovery() const
	return _healthRecovery;
 * Gets the amount of energy added to a soldier's energy.
 * @return The amount of energy to add.
int RuleItem::getEnergyRecovery() const
	return _energyRecovery;
 * Gets the amount of stun removed from a soldier's stun level.
 * @return The amount of stun removed.
int RuleItem::getStunRecovery() const
	return _stunRecovery;
 * Gets the number of Time Units needed to use this item.
 * @return The number of Time Units needed to use this item.
int RuleItem::getTUUse() const
	return _tuUse;
 * Returns the item's max explosion radius. Small explosions don't have a restriction.
 * Larger explosions are restricted using a formula, with a maximum of radius 10 no matter how large the explosion is.
 * @return The radius.
int RuleItem::getExplosionRadius() const
	int radius = 0;
	if (_blastRadius == -1)
		// heavy explosions, incendiary, smoke or stun bombs create AOE explosions
		// all the rest hits one point:
		// AP, melee (stun or AP), laser, plasma, acid
		if (_damageType == DT_IN)
			radius = (_power / 30) + 1;
		else if (_damageType == DT_HE || _damageType == DT_STUN || _damageType == DT_SMOKE)
			radius = _power / 20;
		// cap the formula to 11
		if (radius > 11)
			radius = 11;
		// unless a blast radius is actually defined.
		radius = _blastRadius;
	return radius;
 * Returns the item's recovery points.
 * This is used during the battlescape debriefing score calculation.
 * @return The recovery points.
int RuleItem::getRecoveryPoints() const
	return _recoveryPoints;
 * Returns the item's armor.
 * The item is destroyed when an explosion power bigger than its armor hits it.
 * @return The armor.
int RuleItem::getArmor() const
	return _armor;
 * Returns if the item should be recoverable
 * from the battlescape.
 * @return True if it is recoverable.
bool RuleItem::isRecoverable() const
	return _recover;
* Checks if the item can be equipped in base defense mission.
* @return True if it can be equipped.
bool RuleItem::canBeEquippedBeforeBaseDefense() const
	return !_ignoreInBaseDefense;
 * Returns the item's Turret Type.
 * @return The turret index (-1 for no turret).
int RuleItem::getTurretType() const
	return _turretType;
 * Returns if this is a live alien.
 * @return True if this is a live alien.
bool RuleItem::isAlien() const
	return _liveAlien;
 * Returns whether this item charges a flat TU rate.
 * @return True if this item charges a flat TU rate.
bool RuleItem::getFlatRate() const
	return _flatRate;
 * Returns if this weapon should arc its shots.
 * @return True if this weapon should arc its shots.
bool RuleItem::getArcingShot() const
	return _arcingShot;
 * Gets the attraction value for this item (for AI).
 * @return The attraction value.
int RuleItem::getAttraction() const
	return _attraction;
 * Gets the list weight for this research item
 * @return The list weight.
int RuleItem::getListOrder() const
	 return _listOrder;
 * Gets the maximum range of this weapon
 * @return The maximum range.
int RuleItem::getMaxRange() const
	return _maxRange;
 * Gets the maximum range of this weapon squared
 * @return The maximum range squared.
int RuleItem::getMaxRangeSq() const
	return _maxRange * _maxRange;
 * Gets the maximum effective range of this weapon when using Aimed Shot.
 * @return The maximum range.
int RuleItem::getAimRange() const
	return _aimRange;
 * Gets the maximum effective range of this weapon for Snap Shot.
 * @return The maximum range.
int RuleItem::getSnapRange() const
	return _snapRange;
 * Gets the maximum effective range of this weapon for Auto Shot.
 * @return The maximum range.
int RuleItem::getAutoRange() const
	return _autoRange;
 * Gets the minimum effective range of this weapon.
 * @return The minimum effective range.
int RuleItem::getMinRange() const
	return _minRange;
 * Gets the accuracy dropoff value of this weapon.
 * @return The per-tile dropoff.
int RuleItem::getDropoff() const
	return _dropoff;
 * Gets the speed at which this bullet travels.
 * @return The speed.
int RuleItem::getBulletSpeed() const
	return _bulletSpeed;
 * Gets the speed at which this bullet explodes.
 * @return The speed.
int RuleItem::getExplosionSpeed() const
	return _explosionSpeed;
 * Gets the amount of auto shots fired by this weapon.
 * @return The shots.
int RuleItem::getAutoShots() const
	return _autoShots;
 * is this item a rifle?
 * @return whether or not it is a rifle.
bool RuleItem::isRifle() const
	return (_battleType == BT_FIREARM || _battleType == BT_MELEE) && _twoHanded;
 * is this item a pistol?
 * @return whether or not it is a pistol.
bool RuleItem::isPistol() const
	return (_battleType == BT_FIREARM || _battleType == BT_MELEE) && !_twoHanded;
 * Gets the number of projectiles this ammo shoots at once.
 * @return The number of projectiles.
int RuleItem::getShotgunPellets() const
	return _shotgunPellets;
 * Gets the unit that the victim is morphed into when attacked.
 * @return The weapon's zombie unit.
std::string RuleItem::getZombieUnit() const
	return _zombieUnit;
 * Is strength applied to the damage of this weapon?
 * @return If we should apply strength.
bool RuleItem::isStrengthApplied() const
	return _strengthApplied;
 * Is skill applied to the accuracy of this weapon?
 * this only applies to melee weapons.
 * @return If we should apply skill.
bool RuleItem::isSkillApplied() const
	return _skillApplied;
 * What sound does this weapon make when you swing this at someone?
 * @return The weapon's melee attack sound.
int RuleItem::getMeleeAttackSound() const
	return _meleeSound;
 * What sound does this weapon make when you punch someone in the face with it?
 * @return The weapon's melee hit sound.
int RuleItem::getMeleeHitSound() const
	return _meleeHitSound;
 * How much damage does this weapon do when you punch someone in the face with it?
 * @return The weapon's melee power.
int RuleItem::getMeleePower() const
	return _meleePower;
 * Is line of sight required for this psionic weapon to function?
 * @return If line of sight is required.
bool RuleItem::isLOSRequired() const
	return _LOSRequired;
 * What is the starting frame offset in hit.pck to use for the animation?
 * @return the starting frame offset in hit.pck to use for the animation.
int RuleItem::getMeleeAnimation() const
	return _meleeAnimation;
 * Can this item only be used underwater?
 * @return if this is an underwater weapon or not.
bool RuleItem::isWaterOnly() const
	return _underwaterOnly;
* Can this item only be used on land?
* @return if this is a land weapon or not.
bool RuleItem::isLandOnly() const
	return _landOnly;
 * Gets the associated special type of this item.
 * note that type 14 is the alien brain, and types
 * 0 and 1 are "regular tile" and "starting point"
 * so try not to use those ones.
 * @return special type.
int RuleItem::getSpecialType() const
	return _specialType;
 * Gets the color offset to use for the vapor trail.
 * @return the color offset.
int RuleItem::getVaporColor() const
	return _vaporColor;
 * Gets the vapor cloud density for the vapor trail.
 * @return the vapor density.
int RuleItem::getVaporDensity() const
	return _vaporDensity;
 * Gets the vapor cloud probability for the vapor trail.
 * @return the vapor probability.
int RuleItem::getVaporProbability() const
	return _vaporProbability;

V832 It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty destructor body.