 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "RuleBaseFacility.h"
#include "Mod.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Creates a blank ruleset for a certain
 * type of base facility.
 * @param type String defining the type.
RuleBaseFacility::RuleBaseFacility(const std::string &type) : _type(type), _spriteShape(-1), _spriteFacility(-1), _lift(false), _hyper(false), _mind(false), _grav(false), _size(1), _buildCost(0), _buildTime(0), _monthlyCost(0), _storage(0), _personnel(0), _aliens(0), _crafts(0), _labs(0), _workshops(0), _psiLabs(0), _radarRange(0), _radarChance(0), _defense(0), _hitRatio(0), _fireSound(0), _hitSound(0), _listOrder(0)
 * Loads the base facility type from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
 * @param mod Mod for the facility.
 * @param listOrder The list weight for this facility.
void RuleBaseFacility::load(const YAML::Node &node, Mod *mod, int listOrder)
	_type = node["type"].as<std::string>(_type);
	_requires = node["requires"].as< std::vector<std::string> >(_requires);
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _spriteShape, node["spriteShape"], "BASEBITS.PCK");
	mod->loadSpriteOffset(_type, _spriteFacility, node["spriteFacility"], "BASEBITS.PCK");
	_lift = node["lift"].as<bool>(_lift);
	_hyper = node["hyper"].as<bool>(_hyper);
	_mind = node["mind"].as<bool>(_mind);
	_grav = node["grav"].as<bool>(_grav);
	_size = node["size"].as<int>(_size);
	_buildCost = node["buildCost"].as<int>(_buildCost);
	_buildTime = node["buildTime"].as<int>(_buildTime);
	_monthlyCost = node["monthlyCost"].as<int>(_monthlyCost);
	_storage = node["storage"].as<int>(_storage);
	_personnel = node["personnel"].as<int>(_personnel);
	_aliens = node["aliens"].as<int>(_aliens);
	_crafts = node["crafts"].as<int>(_crafts);
	_labs = node["labs"].as<int>(_labs);
	_workshops = node["workshops"].as<int>(_workshops);
	_psiLabs = node["psiLabs"].as<int>(_psiLabs);
	_radarRange = node["radarRange"].as<int>(_radarRange);
	_radarChance = node["radarChance"].as<int>(_radarChance);
	_defense = node["defense"].as<int>(_defense);
	_hitRatio = node["hitRatio"].as<int>(_hitRatio);
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _fireSound, node["fireSound"], "GEO.CAT");
	mod->loadSoundOffset(_type, _hitSound, node["hitSound"], "GEO.CAT");
	_mapName = node["mapName"].as<std::string>(_mapName);
	_listOrder = node["listOrder"].as<int>(_listOrder);
	if (!_listOrder)
		_listOrder = listOrder;
 * Gets the language string that names
 * this base facility. Each base facility type
 * has a unique name.
 * @return The facility's name.
std::string RuleBaseFacility::getType() const
	return _type;
 * Gets the list of research required to
 * build this base facility.
 * @return A list of research IDs.
const std::vector<std::string> &RuleBaseFacility::getRequirements() const
	return _requires;
 * Gets the ID of the sprite used to draw the
 * base structure of the facility that defines its shape.
 * @return The sprite ID.
int RuleBaseFacility::getSpriteShape() const
	return _spriteShape;
 * Gets the ID of the sprite used to draw the
 * facility's contents inside the base shape.
 * @return The sprite ID.
int RuleBaseFacility::getSpriteFacility() const
	return _spriteFacility;
 * Gets the size of the facility on the base grid.
 * @return The length in grid squares.
int RuleBaseFacility::getSize() const
	return _size;
 * Checks if this facility is the core access lift
 * of a base. Every base has an access lift and all
 * facilities have to be connected to it.
 * @return True if it's a lift.
bool RuleBaseFacility::isLift() const
	return _lift;
 * Checks if this facility has hyperwave detection
 * capabilities. This allows it to get extra details about UFOs.
 * @return True if it has hyperwave detection.
bool RuleBaseFacility::isHyperwave() const
	return _hyper;
 * Checks if this facility has a mind shield,
 * which covers your base from alien detection.
 * @return True if it has a mind shield.
bool RuleBaseFacility::isMindShield() const
	return _mind;
 * Checks if this facility has a grav shield,
 * which doubles base defense's fire ratio.
 * @return True if it has a grav shield.
bool RuleBaseFacility::isGravShield() const
	return _grav;
 * Gets the amount of funds that this facility costs
 * to build on a base.
 * @return The building cost.
int RuleBaseFacility::getBuildCost() const
	return _buildCost;
 * Gets the amount of time that this facility takes
 * to be constructed since placement.
 * @return The time in days.
int RuleBaseFacility::getBuildTime() const
	return _buildTime;
 * Gets the amount of funds this facility costs monthly
 * to maintain once it's fully built.
 * @return The monthly cost.
int RuleBaseFacility::getMonthlyCost() const
	return _monthlyCost;
 * Gets the amount of storage space this facility provides
 * for base equipment.
 * @return The storage space.
int RuleBaseFacility::getStorage() const
	return _storage;
 * Gets the number of base personnel (soldiers, scientists,
 * engineers) this facility can contain.
 * @return The number of personnel.
int RuleBaseFacility::getPersonnel() const
	return _personnel;
 * Gets the number of captured live aliens this facility
 * can contain.
 * @return The number of aliens.
int RuleBaseFacility::getAliens() const
	return _aliens;
 * Gets the number of base craft this facility can contain.
 * @return The number of craft.
int RuleBaseFacility::getCrafts() const
	return _crafts;
 * Gets the amount of laboratory space this facility provides
 * for research projects.
 * @return The laboratory space.
int RuleBaseFacility::getLaboratories() const
	return _labs;
 * Gets the amount of workshop space this facility provides
 * for manufacturing projects.
 * @return The workshop space.
int RuleBaseFacility::getWorkshops() const
	return _workshops;
 * Gets the number of soldiers this facility can contain
 * for monthly psi-training.
 * @return The number of soldiers.
int RuleBaseFacility::getPsiLaboratories() const
	return _psiLabs;
 * Gets the radar range this facility provides for the
 * detection of UFOs.
 * @return The range in nautical miles.
int RuleBaseFacility::getRadarRange() const
	return _radarRange;
 * Gets the chance of UFOs that come within the facility's
 * radar range being detected.
 * @return The chance as a percentage.
int RuleBaseFacility::getRadarChance() const
	return _radarChance;
 * Gets the defense value of this facility's weaponry
 * against UFO invasions on the base.
 * @return The defense value.
int RuleBaseFacility::getDefenseValue() const
	return _defense;
 * Gets the hit ratio of this facility's weaponry
 * against UFO invasions on the base.
 * @return The hit ratio as a percentage.
int RuleBaseFacility::getHitRatio() const
	return _hitRatio;
 * Gets the battlescape map block name for this facility
 * to construct the base defense mission map.
 * @return The map name.
std::string RuleBaseFacility::getMapName() const
	return _mapName;
 * Gets the hit sound of this facility's weaponry.
 * @return The sound index number.
int RuleBaseFacility::getHitSound() const
	return _hitSound;
 * Gets the fire sound of this facility's weaponry.
 * @return The sound index number.
int RuleBaseFacility::getFireSound() const
	return _fireSound;
 * Gets the facility's list weight.
 * @return The list weight for this research item.
int RuleBaseFacility::getListOrder() const
	return _listOrder;

V832 It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty destructor body.