* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Pathfinding.h"
#include "PathfindingOpenSet.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "BattlescapeGame.h"
namespace OpenXcom
int Pathfinding::red = 3;
int Pathfinding::yellow = 10;
int Pathfinding::green = 4;
* Sets up a Pathfinding.
* @param save pointer to SavedBattleGame object.
Pathfinding::Pathfinding(SavedBattleGame *save) : _save(save), _unit(0), _pathPreviewed(false), _strafeMove(false), _totalTUCost(0), _modifierUsed(false), _movementType(MT_WALK)
_size = _save->getMapSizeXYZ();
// Initialize one node per tile
Position p;
for (int i = 0; i < _size; ++i)
_save->getTileCoords(i, &p.x, &p.y, &p.z);
* Deletes the Pathfinding.
* @internal This is required to be here because it requires the PathfindingNode class definition.
// Nothing more to do here.
* Gets the Node on a given position on the map.
* @param pos Position.
* @return Pointer to node.
PathfindingNode *Pathfinding::getNode(Position pos)
return &_nodes[_save->getTileIndex(pos)];
* Calculates the shortest path.
* @param unit Unit taking the path.
* @param endPosition The position we want to reach.
* @param target Target of the path.
* @param maxTUCost Maximum time units the path can cost.
void Pathfinding::calculate(BattleUnit *unit, Position endPosition, BattleUnit *target, int maxTUCost)
_totalTUCost = 0;
// i'm DONE with these out of bounds errors.
if (endPosition.x > _save->getMapSizeX() - unit->getArmor()->getSize() || endPosition.y > _save->getMapSizeY() - unit->getArmor()->getSize() || endPosition.x < 0 || endPosition.y < 0) return;
bool sneak = Options::sneakyAI && unit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE;
Position startPosition = unit->getPosition();
_movementType = unit->getMovementType();
if (target != 0 && maxTUCost == -1) // pathfinding for missile
_movementType = MT_FLY;
maxTUCost = 10000;
_unit = unit;
Tile *destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);
// check if destination is not blocked
if (isBlocked(destinationTile, O_FLOOR, target) || isBlocked(destinationTile, O_OBJECT, target)) return;
// the following check avoids that the unit walks behind the stairs if we click behind the stairs to make it go up the stairs.
// it only works if the unit is on one of the 2 tiles on the stairs, or on the tile right in front of the stairs.
if (isOnStairs(startPosition, endPosition))
destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);
while (endPosition.z != _save->getMapSizeZ() && destinationTile->getTerrainLevel() == -24)
destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);
// make sure we didn't just try to adjust the Z of our destination outside the map
// this occurs in rare circumstances where an object has terrainLevel -24 on the top floor
// and is considered passable terrain for whatever reason (usually bigwall type objects)
if (endPosition.z == _save->getMapSizeZ())
return; // Icarus is a bad role model for XCom soldiers.
// check if we have floor, else lower destination (for non flying units only, because otherwise they never reached this place)
while (canFallDown(destinationTile, _unit->getArmor()->getSize()) && _movementType != MT_FLY)
destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);
// check if destination is not blocked
if (isBlocked(destinationTile, O_FLOOR, target) || isBlocked(destinationTile, O_OBJECT, target)) return;
int size = unit->getArmor()->getSize()-1;
if (size >= 1)
int its = 0;
const int dir[3] = {4,2,3};
for (int x = 0; x <= size; x += size)
for (int y = 0; y <= size; y += size)
if (x || y)
Tile *checkTile = _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(x, y, 0));
if ((isBlocked(destinationTile, checkTile, dir[its], unit) &&
isBlocked(destinationTile, checkTile, dir[its], target))||
(checkTile->getUnit() &&
checkTile->getUnit() != unit &&
checkTile->getUnit()->getVisible() &&
checkTile->getUnit() != target))
if (x && y)
if ((checkTile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) && checkTile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->isDoor()) ||
(checkTile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) && checkTile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->isDoor()))
// Strafing move allowed only to adjacent squares on same z. "Same z" rule mainly to simplify walking render.
_strafeMove = Options::strafe && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0 && (startPosition.z == endPosition.z) &&
(abs(startPosition.x - endPosition.x) <= 1) && (abs(startPosition.y - endPosition.y) <= 1);
// look for a possible fast and accurate bresenham path and skip A*
if (startPosition.z == endPosition.z && bresenhamPath(startPosition,endPosition, target, sneak))
std::reverse(_path.begin(), _path.end()); //paths are stored in reverse order
abortPath(); // if bresenham failed, we shouldn't keep the path it was attempting, in case A* fails too.
// Now try through A*.
if (!aStarPath(startPosition, endPosition, target, sneak, maxTUCost))
* Calculates the shortest path using a simple A-Star algorithm.
* The unit information and movement type must have already been set.
* The path information is set only if a valid path is found.
* @param startPosition The position to start from.
* @param endPosition The position we want to reach.
* @param target Target of the path.
* @param sneak Is the unit sneaking?
* @param maxTUCost Maximum time units the path can cost.
* @return True if a path exists, false otherwise.
bool Pathfinding::aStarPath(Position startPosition, Position endPosition, BattleUnit *target, bool sneak, int maxTUCost)
// reset every node, so we have to check them all
for (std::vector<PathfindingNode>::iterator it = _nodes.begin(); it != _nodes.end(); ++it)
// start position is the first one in our "open" list
PathfindingNode *start = getNode(startPosition);
start->connect(0, 0, 0, endPosition);
PathfindingOpenSet openList;
bool missile = (target && maxTUCost == 10000);
// if the open list is empty, we've reached the end
while (!openList.empty())
PathfindingNode *currentNode = openList.pop();
Position const ¤tPos = currentNode->getPosition();
if (currentPos == endPosition) // We found our target.
PathfindingNode *pf = currentNode;
while (pf->getPrevNode())
pf = pf->getPrevNode();
return true;
// Try all reachable neighbours.
for (int direction = 0; direction < 10; direction++)
Position nextPos;
int tuCost = getTUCost(currentPos, direction, &nextPos, _unit, target, missile);
if (tuCost >= 255) // Skip unreachable / blocked
if (sneak && _save->getTile(nextPos)->getVisible()) tuCost *= 2; // avoid being seen
PathfindingNode *nextNode = getNode(nextPos);
if (nextNode->isChecked()) // Our algorithm means this node is already at minimum cost.
_totalTUCost = currentNode->getTUCost(missile) + tuCost;
// If this node is unvisited or has only been visited from inferior paths...
if ((!nextNode->inOpenSet() || nextNode->getTUCost(missile) > _totalTUCost) && _totalTUCost <= maxTUCost)
nextNode->connect(_totalTUCost, currentNode, direction, endPosition);
// Unable to reach the target
return false;
* Gets the TU cost to move from 1 tile to the other (ONE STEP ONLY).
* But also updates the endPosition, because it is possible
* the unit goes upstairs or falls down while walking.
* @param startPosition The position to start from.
* @param direction The direction we are facing.
* @param endPosition The position we want to reach.
* @param unit The unit moving.
* @param target The target unit.
* @param missile Is this a guided missile?
* @return TU cost or 255 if movement is impossible.
int Pathfinding::getTUCost(Position startPosition, int direction, Position *endPosition, BattleUnit *unit, BattleUnit *target, bool missile)
_unit = unit;
directionToVector(direction, endPosition);
*endPosition += startPosition;
bool fellDown = false;
bool triedStairs = false;
int size = _unit->getArmor()->getSize() - 1;
int cost = 0;
int numberOfPartsGoingUp = 0;
int numberOfPartsGoingDown = 0;
int numberOfPartsFalling = 0;
int numberOfPartsChangingHeight = 0;
int totalCost = 0;
for (int x = 0; x <= size; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y <= size; ++y)
Position offset = Position (x, y, 0);
Tile *startTile = _save->getTile(startPosition + offset);
Tile *destinationTile = _save->getTile(*endPosition + offset);
Tile *belowDestination = _save->getTile(*endPosition + offset + Position(0,0,-1));
Tile *aboveDestination = _save->getTile(*endPosition + offset + Position(0,0,1));
// this means the destination is probably outside the map
if (startTile == 0 || destinationTile == 0)
return 255;
if (!x && !y && _movementType != MT_FLY && canFallDown(startTile, size+1))
if (direction != DIR_DOWN)
return 255; //cannot walk on air
fellDown = true;
if (direction < DIR_UP && startTile->getTerrainLevel() > - 16)
// check if we can go this way
if (isBlocked(startTile, destinationTile, direction, target))
return 255;
if (startTile->getTerrainLevel() - destinationTile->getTerrainLevel() > 8)
return 255;
// this will later be used to re-cast the start tile again.
Position verticalOffset (0, 0, 0);
// if we are on a stairs try to go up a level
if (direction < DIR_UP && startTile->getTerrainLevel() <= -16 && aboveDestination && !aboveDestination->hasNoFloor(destinationTile))
if (!triedStairs)
destinationTile = _save->getTile(*endPosition + offset);
belowDestination = _save->getTile(*endPosition + Position(x,y,-1));
triedStairs = true;
else if (direction < DIR_UP && !fellDown && _movementType != MT_FLY && belowDestination && canFallDown(destinationTile) && belowDestination->getTerrainLevel() <= -12)
if (numberOfPartsGoingDown == (size + 1)*(size + 1))
destinationTile = _save->getTile(*endPosition + offset);
belowDestination = _save->getTile(*endPosition + Position(x,y,-1));
fellDown = true;
else if (!missile && _movementType == MT_FLY && belowDestination && belowDestination->getUnit() && belowDestination->getUnit() != unit)
// 2 or more voxels poking into this tile = no go
if (belowDestination->getUnit()->getHeight() + belowDestination->getUnit()->getFloatHeight() - belowDestination->getTerrainLevel() > 26)
return 255;
// this means the destination is probably outside the map
if (!destinationTile)
return 255;
if (direction < DIR_UP && endPosition->z == startTile->getPosition().z)
// check if we can go this way
if (isBlocked(startTile, destinationTile, direction, target))
return 255;
if (startTile->getTerrainLevel() - destinationTile->getTerrainLevel() > 8)
return 255;
else if (direction >= DIR_UP && !fellDown)
// check if we can go up or down through gravlift or fly
if (validateUpDown(unit, startPosition + offset, direction, missile))
cost = 8; // vertical movement by flying suit or grav lift
return 255;
// check if we have floor, else fall down
if (_movementType != MT_FLY && !fellDown && canFallDown(startTile))
if (numberOfPartsFalling == (size+1)*(size+1) && direction != DIR_DOWN)
return 0;
startTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + verticalOffset);
if (direction < DIR_UP && numberOfPartsGoingUp != 0)
// check if we can go this way
if (isBlocked(startTile, destinationTile, direction, target))
return 255;
if (startTile->getTerrainLevel() - destinationTile->getTerrainLevel() > 8)
return 255;
int wallcost = 0; // walking through rubble walls, but don't charge for walking diagonally through doors (which is impossible),
// they're a special case unto themselves, if we can walk past them diagonally, it means we can go around,
// as there is no wall blocking us.
if (direction == 0 || direction == 7 || direction == 1)
wallcost += startTile->getTUCost(O_NORTHWALL, _movementType);
if (!fellDown && (direction == 2 || direction == 1 || direction == 3))
wallcost += destinationTile->getTUCost(O_WESTWALL, _movementType);
if (!fellDown && (direction == 4 || direction == 3 || direction == 5))
wallcost += destinationTile->getTUCost(O_NORTHWALL, _movementType);
if (direction == 6 || direction == 5 || direction == 7)
wallcost += startTile->getTUCost(O_WESTWALL, _movementType);
// don't let tanks phase through doors.
if (x && y)
if ((destinationTile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) && destinationTile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->isDoor()) ||
(destinationTile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) && destinationTile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->isDoor()))
return 255;
// check if the destination tile can be walked over
if (isBlocked(destinationTile, O_FLOOR, target) || isBlocked(destinationTile, O_OBJECT, target))
return 255;
// if we don't want to fall down and there is no floor, we can't know the TUs so it's default to 4
if (direction < DIR_UP && !fellDown && destinationTile->hasNoFloor(0))
cost = 4;
// calculate the cost by adding floor walk cost and object walk cost
if (direction < DIR_UP)
cost += destinationTile->getTUCost(O_FLOOR, _movementType);
if (!fellDown && !triedStairs && destinationTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT))
cost += destinationTile->getTUCost(O_OBJECT, _movementType);
// climbing up a level costs one extra
if (verticalOffset.z > 0)
// diagonal walking (uneven directions) costs 50% more tu's
if (direction < DIR_UP && direction & 1)
wallcost /= 2;
cost = (int)((double)cost * 1.5);
cost += wallcost;
if (_unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER &&
_unit->getSpecialAbility() < SPECAB_BURNFLOOR &&
destinationTile->getFire() > 0)
cost += 32; // try to find a better path, but don't exclude this path entirely.
// TFTD thing: underwater tiles on fire or filled with smoke cost 2 TUs more for whatever reason.
if (_save->getDepth() > 0 && (destinationTile->getFire() > 0 || destinationTile->getSmoke() > 0))
cost += 2;
// Strafing costs +1 for forwards-ish or sidewards, propose +2 for backwards-ish directions
// Maybe if flying then it makes no difference?
if (Options::strafe && _strafeMove) {
if (size) {
// 4-tile units not supported.
// Turn off strafe move and continue
_strafeMove = false;
if (std::min(abs(8 + direction - _unit->getDirection()), std::min( abs(_unit->getDirection() - direction), abs(8 + _unit->getDirection() - direction))) > 2) {
// Strafing backwards-ish currently unsupported, turn it off and continue.
_strafeMove = false;
if (_unit->getDirection() != direction) {
cost += 1;
totalCost += cost;
cost = 0;
// for bigger sized units, check the path between parts in an X shape at the end position
if (size)
totalCost /= (size+1)*(size+1);
Tile *startTile = _save->getTile(*endPosition + Position(1,1,0));
Tile *destinationTile = _save->getTile(*endPosition);
int tmpDirection = 7;
if (isBlocked(startTile, destinationTile, tmpDirection, target))
return 255;
if (!fellDown && abs(startTile->getTerrainLevel() - destinationTile->getTerrainLevel()) > 10)
return 255;
startTile = _save->getTile(*endPosition + Position(1,0,0));
destinationTile = _save->getTile(*endPosition + Position(0,1,0));
tmpDirection = 5;
if (isBlocked(startTile, destinationTile, tmpDirection, target))
return 255;
if (!fellDown && abs(startTile->getTerrainLevel() - destinationTile->getTerrainLevel()) > 10)
return 255;
// also check if we change level, that there are two parts changing level,
// so a big sized unit can not go up a small sized stairs
if (numberOfPartsChangingHeight == 1)
return 255;
if (missile)
return 0;
return totalCost;
* Converts direction to a vector. Direction starts north = 0 and goes clockwise.
* @param direction Source direction.
* @param vector Pointer to a position (which acts as a vector).
void Pathfinding::directionToVector(int direction, Position *vector)
int x[10] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1,0,0};
int y[10] = {-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1,0,0};
int z[10] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1};
vector->x = x[direction];
vector->y = y[direction];
vector->z = z[direction];
* Converts direction to a vector. Direction starts north = 0 and goes clockwise.
* @param vector Pointer to a position (which acts as a vector).
* @param dir Resulting direction.
void Pathfinding::vectorToDirection(Position vector, int &dir)
dir = -1;
int x[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1};
int y[8] = {-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
if (x[i] == vector.x && y[i] == vector.y)
dir = i;
* Checks whether a path is ready and gives the first direction.
* @return Direction where the unit needs to go next, -1 if it's the end of the path.
int Pathfinding::getStartDirection() const
if (_path.empty()) return -1;
return _path.back();
* Dequeues the next path direction. Ie returns the direction and removes it from queue.
* @return Direction where the unit needs to go next, -1 if it's the end of the path.
int Pathfinding::dequeuePath()
if (_path.empty()) return -1;
int last_element = _path.back();
return last_element;
* Aborts the current path. Clears the path vector.
void Pathfinding::abortPath()
_totalTUCost = 0;
* Determines whether a certain part of a tile blocks movement.
* @param tile Specified tile, can be a null pointer.
* @param part Part of the tile.
* @param missileTarget Target for a missile.
* @return True if the movement is blocked.
bool Pathfinding::isBlocked(Tile *tile, const int part, BattleUnit *missileTarget, int bigWallExclusion) const
if (tile == 0) return true; // probably outside the map here
if (part == O_BIGWALL)
if (tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) &&
tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != 0 &&
tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() <= BIGWALLNWSE &&
tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != bigWallExclusion)
return true; // blocking part
return false;
if (part == O_WESTWALL)
if (tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) &&
(tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLWEST ||
tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLWESTANDNORTH ))
return true; // blocking part
Tile *tileWest = _save->getTile(tile->getPosition() + Position(-1, 0, 0));
if (!tileWest) return true; // do not look outside of map
if (tileWest->getMapData(O_OBJECT) &&
(tileWest->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLEAST ||
tileWest->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLEASTANDSOUTH))
return true; // blocking part
if (part == O_NORTHWALL)
if (tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) &&
(tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLNORTH ||
tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLWESTANDNORTH ))
return true; // blocking part
Tile *tileNorth = _save->getTile(tile->getPosition() + Position(0, -1, 0));
if (!tileNorth) return true; // do not look outside of map
if (tileNorth->getMapData(O_OBJECT) &&
(tileNorth->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLSOUTH ||
tileNorth->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == BIGWALLEASTANDSOUTH))
return true; // blocking part
if (part == O_FLOOR)
if (tile->getUnit())
BattleUnit *unit = tile->getUnit();
if (unit == _unit || unit == missileTarget || unit->isOut()) return false;
if (missileTarget && unit != missileTarget && unit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE)
return true; // AI pathfinding with missiles shouldn't path through their own units
if (_unit)
if (_unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER && unit->getVisible()) return true; // player know all visible units
if (_unit->getFaction() == unit->getFaction()) return true;
if (_unit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE &&
std::find(_unit->getUnitsSpottedThisTurn().begin(), _unit->getUnitsSpottedThisTurn().end(), unit) != _unit->getUnitsSpottedThisTurn().end()) return true;
else if (tile->hasNoFloor(0) && _movementType != MT_FLY) // this whole section is devoted to making large units not take part in any kind of falling behaviour
Position pos = tile->getPosition();
while (pos.z >= 0)
Tile *t = _save->getTile(pos);
BattleUnit *unit = t->getUnit();
if (unit != 0 && unit != _unit)
// don't let large units fall on other units
if (_unit && _unit->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
return true;
// don't let any units fall on large units
if (unit != _unit && unit != missileTarget && !unit->isOut() && unit->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
return true;
// not gonna fall any further, so we can stop checking.
if (!t->hasNoFloor(0))
// missiles can't pathfind through closed doors.
{ TilePart tp = (TilePart)part;
if (missileTarget != 0 && tile->getMapData(tp) &&
(tile->getMapData(tp)->isDoor() ||
(tile->getMapData(tp)->isUFODoor() &&
return true;
if (tile->getTUCost(part, _movementType) == 255) return true; // blocking part
return false;
* Determines whether going from one tile to another blocks movement.
* @param startTile The tile to start from.
* @param endTile The tile we want to reach.
* @param direction The direction we are facing.
* @param missileTarget Target for a missile.
* @return True if the movement is blocked.
bool Pathfinding::isBlocked(Tile *startTile, Tile * /* endTile */, const int direction, BattleUnit *missileTarget)
// check if the difference in height between start and destination is not too high
// so we can not jump to the highest part of the stairs from the floor
// stairs terrainlevel goes typically -8 -16 (2 steps) or -4 -12 -20 (3 steps)
// this "maximum jump height" is therefore set to 8
const Position currentPosition = startTile->getPosition();
static const Position oneTileNorth = Position(0, -1, 0);
static const Position oneTileEast = Position(1, 0, 0);
static const Position oneTileSouth = Position(0, 1, 0);
static const Position oneTileWest = Position(-1, 0, 0);
case 0: // north
if (isBlocked(startTile, O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
case 1: // north-east
if (isBlocked(startTile,O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileNorth + oneTileEast),O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileEast),O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileEast),O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileEast), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNESW)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileNorth), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNESW)) return true;
case 2: // east
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileEast), O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
case 3: // south-east
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileEast), O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth), O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth + oneTileEast), O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth + oneTileEast), O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileEast), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNWSE)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNWSE)) return true;
case 4: // south
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth), O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
case 5: // south-west
if (isBlocked(startTile, O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth), O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth), O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNESW)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileWest), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNESW)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileSouth + oneTileWest), O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
case 6: // west
if (isBlocked(startTile, O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
case 7: // north-west
if (isBlocked(startTile, O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(startTile, O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileWest), O_NORTHWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileNorth), O_WESTWALL, missileTarget)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileNorth), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNWSE)) return true;
if (isBlocked(_save->getTile(currentPosition + oneTileWest), O_BIGWALL, missileTarget, BIGWALLNWSE)) return true;
return false;
* Determines whether a unit can fall down from this tile.
* We can fall down here, if the tile does not exist, the tile has no floor
* the current position is higher than 0, if there is no unit standing below us.
* @param here The current tile.
* @return True if a unit can fall down.
bool Pathfinding::canFallDown(Tile *here) const
if (here->getPosition().z == 0)
return false;
Tile* tileBelow = _save->getTile(here->getPosition() - Position (0,0,1));
return here->hasNoFloor(tileBelow);
* Determines whether a unit can fall down from this tile.
* We can fall down here, if the tile does not exist, the tile has no floor
* the current position is higher than 0, if there is no unit standing below us.
* @param here The current tile.
* @param size The size of the unit.
* @return True if a unit can fall down.
bool Pathfinding::canFallDown(Tile *here, int size) const
for (int x = 0; x != size; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y != size; ++y)
Position checkPos = here->getPosition() + Position(x,y,0);
Tile *checkTile = _save->getTile(checkPos);
if (!canFallDown(checkTile))
return false;
return true;
* Determines whether the unit is going up a stairs.
* @param startPosition The position to start from.
* @param endPosition The position we wanna reach.
* @return True if the unit is going up a stairs.
bool Pathfinding::isOnStairs(Position startPosition, Position endPosition) const
//condition 1 : endposition has to the south a terrainlevel -16 object (upper part of the stairs)
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 1, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 1, 0))->getTerrainLevel() == -16)
// condition 2 : one position further to the south there has to be a terrainlevel -8 object (lower part of the stairs)
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 2, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 2, 0))->getTerrainLevel() != -8)
return false;
// condition 3 : the start position has to be on either of the 3 tiles to the south of the endposition
if (startPosition == endPosition + Position(0, 1, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(0, 2, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(0, 3, 0))
return true;
// same for the east-west oriented stairs.
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(1, 0, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(1, 0, 0))->getTerrainLevel() == -16)
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(2, 0, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(2, 0, 0))->getTerrainLevel() != -8)
return false;
if (startPosition == endPosition + Position(1, 0, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(2, 0, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(3, 0, 0))
return true;
//TFTD stairs 1 : endposition has to the south a terrainlevel -18 object (upper part of the stairs)
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 1, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 1, 0))->getTerrainLevel() == -18)
// condition 2 : one position further to the south there has to be a terrainlevel -8 object (lower part of the stairs)
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 2, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(0, 2, 0))->getTerrainLevel() != -12)
return false;
// condition 3 : the start position has to be on either of the 3 tiles to the south of the endposition
if (startPosition == endPosition + Position(0, 1, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(0, 2, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(0, 3, 0))
return true;
// same for the east-west oriented stairs.
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(1, 0, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(1, 0, 0))->getTerrainLevel() == -18)
if (_save->getTile(endPosition + Position(2, 0, 0)) && _save->getTile(endPosition + Position(2, 0, 0))->getTerrainLevel() != -12)
return false;
if (startPosition == endPosition + Position(1, 0, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(2, 0, 0) || startPosition == endPosition + Position(3, 0, 0))
return true;
return false;
* Checks, for the up/down button, if the movement is valid. Either there is a grav lift or the unit can fly and there are no obstructions.
* @param bu Pointer to unit.
* @param startPosition Unit starting position.
* @param direction Up or Down
* @return bool Whether it's valid.
bool Pathfinding::validateUpDown(BattleUnit *bu, const Position& startPosition, const int direction, bool missile) const
Position endPosition;
directionToVector(direction, &endPosition);
endPosition += startPosition;
Tile *startTile = _save->getTile(startPosition);
Tile *belowStart = _save->getTile(startPosition + Position(0,0,-1));
Tile *destinationTile = _save->getTile(endPosition);
if (startTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) && destinationTile && destinationTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) &&
(startTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->isGravLift() && destinationTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->isGravLift()))
if (missile)
if (direction == DIR_UP)
if (destinationTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getLoftID(0) != 0)
return false;
else if (startTile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getLoftID(0) != 0)
return false;
return true;
if (bu->getMovementType() == MT_FLY)
if ((direction == DIR_UP && destinationTile && destinationTile->hasNoFloor(startTile)) // flying up only possible when there is no roof
|| (direction == DIR_DOWN && destinationTile && startTile->hasNoFloor(belowStart)) // falling down only possible when there is no floor
return true;
return false;
* Marks tiles for the path preview.
* @param bRemove Remove preview?
* @return True, if a path is previewed.
bool Pathfinding::previewPath(bool bRemove)
if (_path.empty())
return false;
if (!bRemove && _pathPreviewed)
return false;
_pathPreviewed = !bRemove;
Position pos = _unit->getPosition();
Position destination;
int tus = _unit->getTimeUnits();
if (_unit->isKneeled())
tus -= 8;
int energy = _unit->getEnergy();
int size = _unit->getArmor()->getSize() - 1;
int total = _unit->isKneeled() ? 8 : 0;
bool switchBack = false;
if (_save->getBattleGame()->getReservedAction() == BA_NONE)
switchBack = true;
_modifierUsed = (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0;
bool running = Options::strafe && _modifierUsed && _unit->getArmor()->getSize() == 1 && _path.size() > 1;
for (std::vector<int>::reverse_iterator i = _path.rbegin(); i != _path.rend(); ++i)
int dir = *i;
int tu = getTUCost(pos, dir, &destination, _unit, 0, false); // gets tu cost, but also gets the destination position.
int energyUse = tu;
if (dir >= Pathfinding::DIR_UP)
energyUse = 0;
else if (running)
tu *= 0.75;
energyUse *= 1.5;
energy -= energyUse / 2;
tus -= tu;
total += tu;
bool reserve = _save->getBattleGame()->checkReservedTU(_unit, total, true);
pos = destination;
for (int x = size; x >= 0; x--)
for (int y = size; y >= 0; y--)
Tile *tile = _save->getTile(pos + Position(x,y,0));
Tile *tileAbove = _save->getTile(pos + Position(x,y,1));
if (!bRemove)
if (i == _path.rend() - 1)
int nextDir = *(i + 1);
if ((x && y) || size == 0)
if (tileAbove && tileAbove->getPreview() == 0 && tu == 0 && _movementType != MT_FLY) //unit fell down, retroactively make the tile above's direction marker to DOWN
tile->setMarkerColor(bRemove?0:((tus>=0 && energy>=0)?(reserve?Pathfinding::green : Pathfinding::yellow) : Pathfinding::red));
if (switchBack)
return true;
* Unmarks the tiles used for the path preview.
* @return True, if the previewed path was removed.
bool Pathfinding::removePreview()
if (!_pathPreviewed)
return false;
return true;
* Calculates the shortest path using Brensenham path algorithm.
* @note This only works in the X/Y plane.
* @param origin The position to start from.
* @param target The position we want to reach.
* @param targetUnit Target of the path.
* @param sneak Is the unit sneaking?
* @param maxTUCost Maximum time units the path can cost.
* @return True if a path exists, false otherwise.
bool Pathfinding::bresenhamPath(Position origin, Position target, BattleUnit *targetUnit, bool sneak, int maxTUCost)
int xd[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1};
int yd[8] = {-1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1};
int x, x0, x1, delta_x, step_x;
int y, y0, y1, delta_y, step_y;
int z, z0, z1, delta_z, step_z;
int swap_xy, swap_xz;
int drift_xy, drift_xz;
int cx, cy, cz;
Position lastPoint(origin);
int dir;
int lastTUCost = -1;
Position nextPoint;
_totalTUCost = 0;
//start and end points
x0 = origin.x; x1 = target.x;
y0 = origin.y; y1 = target.y;
z0 = origin.z; z1 = target.z;
//'steep' xy Line, make longest delta x plane
swap_xy = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
if (swap_xy)
std::swap(x0, y0);
std::swap(x1, y1);
//do same for xz
swap_xz = abs(z1 - z0) > abs(x1 - x0);
if (swap_xz)
std::swap(x0, z0);
std::swap(x1, z1);
//delta is Length in each plane
delta_x = abs(x1 - x0);
delta_y = abs(y1 - y0);
delta_z = abs(z1 - z0);
//drift controls when to step in 'shallow' planes
//starting value keeps Line centred
drift_xy = (delta_x / 2);
drift_xz = (delta_x / 2);
//direction of line
step_x = 1; if (x0 > x1) { step_x = -1; }
step_y = 1; if (y0 > y1) { step_y = -1; }
step_z = 1; if (z0 > z1) { step_z = -1; }
//starting point
y = y0;
z = z0;
//step through longest delta (which we have swapped to x)
for (x = x0; x != (x1+step_x); x += step_x)
//copy position
cx = x; cy = y; cz = z;
//unswap (in reverse)
if (swap_xz) std::swap(cx, cz);
if (swap_xy) std::swap(cx, cy);
if (x != x0 || y != y0 || z != z0)
Position realNextPoint = Position(cx, cy, cz);
nextPoint = realNextPoint;
// get direction
for (dir = 0; dir < 8; ++dir)
if (xd[dir] == cx-lastPoint.x && yd[dir] == cy-lastPoint.y) break;
int tuCost = getTUCost(lastPoint, dir, &nextPoint, _unit, targetUnit, (targetUnit && maxTUCost == 10000));
if (sneak && _save->getTile(nextPoint)->getVisible()) return false;
// delete the following
bool isDiagonal = (dir&1);
int lastTUCostDiagonal = lastTUCost + lastTUCost / 2;
int tuCostDiagonal = tuCost + tuCost / 2;
if (nextPoint == realNextPoint && tuCost < 255 && (tuCost == lastTUCost || (isDiagonal && tuCost == lastTUCostDiagonal) || (!isDiagonal && tuCostDiagonal == lastTUCost) || lastTUCost == -1)
&& !isBlocked(_save->getTile(lastPoint), _save->getTile(nextPoint), dir, targetUnit))
return false;
if (targetUnit == 0 && tuCost != 255)
lastTUCost = tuCost;
_totalTUCost += tuCost;
lastPoint = Position(cx, cy, cz);
//update progress in other planes
drift_xy = drift_xy - delta_y;
drift_xz = drift_xz - delta_z;
//step in y plane
if (drift_xy < 0)
y = y + step_y;
drift_xy = drift_xy + delta_x;
//same in z
if (drift_xz < 0)
z = z + step_z;
drift_xz = drift_xz + delta_x;
return true;
* Locates all tiles reachable to @a *unit with a TU cost no more than @a tuMax.
* Uses Dijkstra's algorithm.
* @param unit Pointer to the unit.
* @param tuMax The maximum cost of the path to each tile.
* @return An array of reachable tiles, sorted in ascending order of cost. The first tile is the start location.
std::vector<int> Pathfinding::findReachable(BattleUnit *unit, int tuMax)
Position start = unit->getPosition();
int energyMax = unit->getEnergy();
for (std::vector<PathfindingNode>::iterator it = _nodes.begin(); it != _nodes.end(); ++it)
PathfindingNode *startNode = getNode(start);
startNode->connect(0, 0, 0);
PathfindingOpenSet unvisited;
std::vector<PathfindingNode*> reachable;
while (!unvisited.empty())
PathfindingNode *currentNode = unvisited.pop();
Position const ¤tPos = currentNode->getPosition();
// Try all reachable neighbours.
for (int direction = 0; direction < 10; direction++)
Position nextPos;
int tuCost = getTUCost(currentPos, direction, &nextPos, unit, 0, false);
if (tuCost == 255) // Skip unreachable / blocked
if (currentNode->getTUCost(false) + tuCost > tuMax ||
(currentNode->getTUCost(false) + tuCost) / 2 > energyMax) // Run out of TUs/Energy
PathfindingNode *nextNode = getNode(nextPos);
if (nextNode->isChecked()) // Our algorithm means this node is already at minimum cost.
int totalTuCost = currentNode->getTUCost(false) + tuCost;
// If this node is unvisited or visited from a better path.
if (!nextNode->inOpenSet() || nextNode->getTUCost(false) > totalTuCost)
nextNode->connect(totalTuCost, currentNode, direction);
std::sort(reachable.begin(), reachable.end(), MinNodeCosts());
std::vector<int> tiles;
for (std::vector<PathfindingNode*>::const_iterator it = reachable.begin(); it != reachable.end(); ++it)
return tiles;
* Gets the strafe move setting.
* @return Strafe move.
bool Pathfinding::getStrafeMove() const
return _strafeMove;
* Gets the path preview setting.
* @return True, if paths are previewed.
bool Pathfinding::isPathPreviewed() const
return _pathPreviewed;
* Sets _unit in order to abuse low-level pathfinding functions from outside the class.
* @param unit Unit taking the path.
void Pathfinding::setUnit(BattleUnit* unit)
_unit = unit;
if (unit != 0)
_movementType = unit->getMovementType();
_movementType = MT_WALK;
* Checks whether a modifier key was used to enable strafing or running.
* @return True, if a modifier was used.
bool Pathfinding::isModifierUsed() const
return _modifierUsed;
* Gets a reference to the current path.
* @return the actual path.
const std::vector<int> &Pathfinding::getPath() const
return _path;
* Makes a copy of the current path.
* @return a copy of the path.
std::vector<int> Pathfinding::copyPath() const
return _path;
↑ V823 Decreased performance. Object may be created in-place in the '_nodes' container. Consider replacing methods: 'push_back' -> 'emplace_back'.
↑ V832 It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty destructor body.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'unit->getArmor()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '_unit->getUnitsSpottedThisTurn()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_save->getBattleGame()' expression repeatedly.