 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "MonthlyReportState.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/LocalizedText.h"
#include "../Interface/TextButton.h"
#include "../Interface/Window.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/GameTime.h"
#include "PsiTrainingState.h"
#include "../Savegame/Region.h"
#include "../Savegame/Country.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCountry.h"
#include "Globe.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/Unicode.h"
#include "../Menu/CutsceneState.h"
#include "../Savegame/Base.h"
#include "../Battlescape/CommendationState.h"
#include "../Savegame/SoldierDiary.h"
#include "../Menu/SaveGameState.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Initializes all the elements in the Monthly Report screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
 * @param psi Show psi training afterwards?
 * @param globe Pointer to the globe.
MonthlyReportState::MonthlyReportState(bool psi, Globe *globe) : _psi(psi), _gameOver(false), _ratingTotal(0), _fundingDiff(0), _lastMonthsRating(0), _happyList(0), _sadList(0), _pactList(0)
	_globe = globe;
	// Create objects
	_window = new Window(this, 320, 200, 0, 0);
	_btnOk = new TextButton(50, 12, 135, 180);
	_btnBigOk = new TextButton(120, 18, 100, 174);
	_txtTitle = new Text(300, 17, 16, 8);
	_txtMonth = new Text(130, 9, 16, 24);
	_txtRating = new Text(160, 9, 146, 24);
	_txtIncome = new Text(300, 9, 16, 32);
	_txtMaintenance = new Text(130, 9, 16, 40);
	_txtBalance = new Text(160, 9, 146, 40);
	_txtDesc = new Text(280, 132, 16, 48);
	_txtFailure = new Text(290, 160, 15, 10);
	// Set palette
	add(_window, "window", "monthlyReport");
	add(_btnOk, "button", "monthlyReport");
	add(_btnBigOk, "button", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtTitle, "text1", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtMonth, "text1", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtRating, "text1", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtIncome, "text1", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtMaintenance, "text1", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtBalance, "text1", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtDesc, "text2", "monthlyReport");
	add(_txtFailure, "text2", "monthlyReport");
	// Set up objects
	_btnOk->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&MonthlyReportState::btnOkClick, Options::keyOk);
	_btnOk->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&MonthlyReportState::btnOkClick, Options::keyCancel);
	_btnBigOk->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&MonthlyReportState::btnOkClick, Options::keyOk);
	_btnBigOk->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&MonthlyReportState::btnOkClick, Options::keyCancel);
	int month = _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getMonth() - 1, year = _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getYear();
	if (month == 0)
		month = 12;
	std::string m;
	switch (month)
	case 1: m = "STR_JAN"; break;
	case 2: m = "STR_FEB"; break;
	case 3: m = "STR_MAR"; break;
	case 4: m = "STR_APR"; break;
	case 5: m = "STR_MAY"; break;
	case 6: m = "STR_JUN"; break;
	case 7: m = "STR_JUL"; break;
	case 8: m = "STR_AUG"; break;
	case 9: m = "STR_SEP"; break;
	case 10: m = "STR_OCT"; break;
	case 11: m = "STR_NOV"; break;
	case 12: m = "STR_DEC"; break;
	default: m = "";
	// Calculate rating
	int difficulty_threshold = _game->getMod()->getDefeatScore() + 100 * _game->getSavedGame()->getDifficultyCoefficient();
	std::string rating = tr("STR_RATING_TERRIBLE");
	if (_ratingTotal > difficulty_threshold - 300)
		rating = tr("STR_RATING_POOR");
	if (_ratingTotal > difficulty_threshold)
		rating = tr("STR_RATING_OK");
	if (_ratingTotal > 0)
		rating = tr("STR_RATING_GOOD");
	if (_ratingTotal > 500)
		rating = tr("STR_RATING_EXCELLENT");
	std::ostringstream ss;
	ss << tr("STR_INCOME") << "> " << Unicode::TOK_COLOR_FLIP << Unicode::formatFunding(_game->getSavedGame()->getCountryFunding());
	ss << " (";
	if (_fundingDiff > 0)
		ss << '+';
	ss << Unicode::formatFunding(_fundingDiff) << ")";
	std::ostringstream ss2;
	ss2 << tr("STR_MAINTENANCE") << "> " << Unicode::TOK_COLOR_FLIP << Unicode::formatFunding(_game->getSavedGame()->getBaseMaintenance());
	std::ostringstream ss3;
	ss3 << tr("STR_BALANCE") << "> " << Unicode::TOK_COLOR_FLIP << Unicode::formatFunding(_game->getSavedGame()->getFunds());
	// calculate satisfaction
	std::ostringstream ss5;
	std::string satisFactionString = tr("STR_COUNCIL_IS_DISSATISFIED");
	bool resetWarning = true;
	if (_ratingTotal > difficulty_threshold)
		satisFactionString = tr("STR_COUNCIL_IS_GENERALLY_SATISFIED");
	if (_ratingTotal > 500)
		satisFactionString = tr("STR_COUNCIL_IS_VERY_PLEASED");
	if (_lastMonthsRating <= difficulty_threshold && _ratingTotal <= difficulty_threshold)
		satisFactionString = tr("STR_YOU_HAVE_NOT_SUCCEEDED");
		_pactList.erase(_pactList.begin(), _pactList.end());
		_happyList.erase(_happyList.begin(), _happyList.end());
		_sadList.erase(_sadList.begin(), _sadList.end());
		_gameOver = true;
	ss5 << satisFactionString;
	if (!_gameOver)
		if (_game->getSavedGame()->getFunds() <= _game->getMod()->getDefeatFunds())
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->getWarned())
				ss5 << tr("STR_YOU_HAVE_NOT_SUCCEEDED");
				_pactList.erase(_pactList.begin(), _pactList.end());
				_happyList.erase(_happyList.begin(), _happyList.end());
				_sadList.erase(_sadList.begin(), _sadList.end());
				_gameOver = true;
				ss5 << "\n\n" << tr("STR_COUNCIL_REDUCE_DEBTS");
				resetWarning = false;
	if (resetWarning && _game->getSavedGame()->getWarned())
 * Make sure the game is over.
void MonthlyReportState::init()
	if (_gameOver)
 * Returns to the previous screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void MonthlyReportState::btnOkClick(Action *)
	if (!_gameOver)
		// Award medals for service time
		// Iterate through all your bases
		for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator b = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); b != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end(); ++b)
			// Iterate through all your soldiers
			for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator s = (*b)->getSoldiers()->begin(); s != (*b)->getSoldiers()->end(); ++s)
				Soldier *soldier = _game->getSavedGame()->getSoldier((*s)->getId());
				// Award medals to eligible soldiers
				if (soldier->getDiary()->manageCommendations(_game->getMod(), _game->getSavedGame()->getMissionStatistics()))
		if (!_soldiersMedalled.empty())
			_game->pushState(new CommendationState(_soldiersMedalled));
		if (_psi)
			_game->pushState(new PsiTrainingState);
		// Autosave
		if (_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
			_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
		else if (Options::autosave)
			_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_AUTO_GEOSCAPE, _palette));
		if (_txtFailure->getVisible())
			_game->pushState(new CutsceneState(CutsceneState::LOSE_GAME));
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
				_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_GEOSCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
 * Update all our activity counters, gather all our scores,
 * get our countries to make sign pacts, adjust their fundings,
 * assess their satisfaction, and finally calculate our overall
 * total score, with thanks to Volutar for the formulas.
void MonthlyReportState::calculateChanges()
	// initialize all our variables.
	_lastMonthsRating = 0;
	int xcomSubTotal = 0;
	int xcomTotal = 0;
	int alienTotal = 0;
	int monthOffset = _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size() - 2;
	int lastMonthOffset = _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size() - 3;
	if (lastMonthOffset < 0)
		lastMonthOffset += 2;
	// update activity meters, calculate a total score based on regional activity
	// and gather last month's score
	for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator k = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); k != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++k)
		if ((*k)->getActivityXcom().size() > 2)
			_lastMonthsRating += (*k)->getActivityXcom().at(lastMonthOffset)-(*k)->getActivityAlien().at(lastMonthOffset);
		xcomSubTotal += (*k)->getActivityXcom().at(monthOffset);
		alienTotal += (*k)->getActivityAlien().at(monthOffset);
	// apply research bonus AFTER calculating our total, because this bonus applies to the council ONLY,
	// and shouldn't influence each country's decision.
	// the council is more lenient after the first month
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed() > 1)
		_game->getSavedGame()->getResearchScores().at(monthOffset) += 400;
	xcomTotal = _game->getSavedGame()->getResearchScores().at(monthOffset) + xcomSubTotal;
	if (_game->getSavedGame()->getResearchScores().size() > 2)
		_lastMonthsRating += _game->getSavedGame()->getResearchScores().at(lastMonthOffset);
	// now that we have our totals we can send the relevant info to the countries
	// and have them make their decisions weighted on the council's perspective.
	const RuleAlienMission *infiltration = _game->getMod()->getRandomMission(OBJECTIVE_INFILTRATION, _game->getSavedGame()->getMonthsPassed());
	int pactScore = 0;
	if (infiltration)
		pactScore = infiltration->getPoints();
	for (std::vector<Country*>::iterator k = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->begin(); k != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->end(); ++k)
		// add them to the list of new pact members
		// this is done BEFORE initiating a new month
		// because the _newPact flag will be reset in the
		// process
		if ((*k)->getNewPact())
		// determine satisfaction level, sign pacts, adjust funding
		// and update activity meters,
		(*k)->newMonth(xcomTotal, alienTotal, pactScore);
		// and after they've made their decisions, calculate the difference, and add
		// them to the appropriate lists.
		_fundingDiff += (*k)->getFunding().back()-(*k)->getFunding().at((*k)->getFunding().size()-2);
		case 1:
		case 3:
	//calculate total.
	_ratingTotal = xcomTotal - alienTotal;
 * Builds a sentence from a list of countries, adding the appropriate
 * separators and pluralization.
 * @param countries List of country string IDs.
 * @param singular String ID to append at the end if the list is singular.
 * @param plural String ID to append at the end if the list is plural.
std::string MonthlyReportState::countryList(const std::vector<std::string> &countries, const std::string &singular, const std::string &plural)
	std::ostringstream ss;
	if (!countries.empty())
		ss << "\n\n";
		if (countries.size() == 1)
			ss << tr(singular).arg(tr(countries.front()));
			LocalizedText list = tr(countries.front());
			std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator i;
			for (i = countries.begin() + 1; i < countries.end() - 1; ++i)
				list = tr("STR_COUNTRIES_COMMA").arg(list).arg(tr(*i));
			list = tr("STR_COUNTRIES_AND").arg(list).arg(tr(*i));
			ss << tr(plural).arg(list);
	return ss.str();

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '(* k)->getFunding()' expression repeatedly.

V815 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the expression 'm = ""' with 'm.clear()'.