 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Map.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "UnitSprite.h"
#include "Pathfinding.h"
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include "Projectile.h"
#include "Explosion.h"
#include "BattlescapeState.h"
#include "Particle.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "../Engine/SurfaceSet.h"
#include "../Engine/Timer.h"
#include "../Engine/Language.h"
#include "../Engine/Palette.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Engine/Screen.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleItem.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
#include "../Mod/MapDataSet.h"
#include "../Mod/MapData.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "BattlescapeMessage.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Interface/NumberText.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
  1) Map origin is top corner.
  2) X axis goes downright. (width of the map)
  3) Y axis goes downleft. (length of the map
  4) Z axis goes up (height of the map)
	    y+ /  \ x+
		   \  /
namespace OpenXcom
 * Sets up a map with the specified size and position.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
 * @param width Width in pixels.
 * @param height Height in pixels.
 * @param x X position in pixels.
 * @param y Y position in pixels.
 * @param visibleMapHeight Current visible map height.
Map::Map(Game *game, int width, int height, int x, int y, int visibleMapHeight) : InteractiveSurface(width, height, x, y), _game(game), _arrow(0), _selectorX(0), _selectorY(0), _mouseX(0), _mouseY(0), _cursorType(CT_NORMAL), _cursorSize(1), _animFrame(0), _projectile(0), _projectileInFOV(false), _explosionInFOV(false), _launch(false), _visibleMapHeight(visibleMapHeight), _unitDying(false), _smoothingEngaged(false), _flashScreen(false), _projectileSet(0), _showObstacles(false)
	_iconHeight = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->h;
	_iconWidth = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->w;
	_messageColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("messageWindows")->color;
	_previewSetting = Options::battleNewPreviewPath;
	_smoothCamera = Options::battleSmoothCamera;
	if (Options::traceAI)
		// turn everything on because we want to see the markers.
		_previewSetting = PATH_FULL;
	_save = _game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle();
	if ((int)(_game->getMod()->getLUTs()->size()) > _save->getDepth())
		_transparencies = &_game->getMod()->getLUTs()->at(_save->getDepth());
	_spriteWidth = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("BLANKS.PCK")->getFrame(0)->getWidth();
	_spriteHeight = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("BLANKS.PCK")->getFrame(0)->getHeight();
	_message = new BattlescapeMessage(320, (visibleMapHeight < 200)? visibleMapHeight : 200, 0, 0);
	_message->setY((visibleMapHeight - _message->getHeight()) / 2);
	_camera = new Camera(_spriteWidth, _spriteHeight, _save->getMapSizeX(), _save->getMapSizeY(), _save->getMapSizeZ(), this, visibleMapHeight);
	_scrollMouseTimer = new Timer(SCROLL_INTERVAL);
	_scrollKeyTimer = new Timer(SCROLL_INTERVAL);
	_camera->setScrollTimer(_scrollMouseTimer, _scrollKeyTimer);
	_obstacleTimer = new Timer(2500);
	_txtAccuracy = new Text(24, 9, 0, 0);
	_txtAccuracy->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
 * Deletes the map.
	delete _scrollMouseTimer;
	delete _scrollKeyTimer;
	delete _obstacleTimer;
	delete _arrow;
	delete _message;
	delete _camera;
	delete _txtAccuracy;
 * Initializes the map.
void Map::init()
	// load the tiny arrow into a surface
	int f = Palette::blockOffset(1); // yellow
	int b = 15; // black
	int pixels[81] = { 0, 0, b, b, b, b, b, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, b, f, f, f, b, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, b, f, f, f, b, 0, 0,
					   b, b, b, f, f, f, b, b, b,
					   b, f, f, f, f, f, f, f, b,
					   0, b, f, f, f, f, f, b, 0,
					   0, 0, b, f, f, f, b, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, 0, b, f, b, 0, 0, 0,
					   0, 0, 0, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	_arrow = new Surface(9, 9);
	for (int y = 0; y < 9;++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < 9; ++x)
			_arrow->setPixel(x, y, pixels[x+(y*9)]);
	_projectile = 0;
	if (_save->getDepth() == 0)
		_projectileSet = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("Projectiles");
		_projectileSet = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("UnderwaterProjectiles");
 * Keeps the animation timers running.
void Map::think()
	_scrollMouseTimer->think(0, this);
	_scrollKeyTimer->think(0, this);
	_obstacleTimer->think(0, this);
 * Draws the whole map, part by part.
void Map::draw()
	if (!_redraw)
	// normally we'd call for a Surface::draw();
	// but we don't want to clear the background with colour 0, which is transparent (aka black)
	// we use colour 15 because that actually corresponds to the colour we DO want in all variations of the xcom and tftd palettes.
	_redraw = false;
	Tile *t;
	_projectileInFOV = _save->getDebugMode();
	if (_projectile)
		t = _save->getTile(Position(_projectile->getPosition(0).x/16, _projectile->getPosition(0).y/16, _projectile->getPosition(0).z/24));
		if (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || (t && t->getVisible()))
			_projectileInFOV = true;
	_explosionInFOV = _save->getDebugMode();
	if (!_explosions.empty())
		for (std::list<Explosion*>::iterator i = _explosions.begin(); i != _explosions.end(); ++i)
			t = _save->getTile(Position((*i)->getPosition().x/16, (*i)->getPosition().y/16, (*i)->getPosition().z/24));
			if (t && ((*i)->isBig() || t->getVisible()))
				_explosionInFOV = true;
	if ((_save->getSelectedUnit() && _save->getSelectedUnit()->getVisible()) || _unitDying || _save->getSelectedUnit() == 0 || _save->getDebugMode() || _projectileInFOV || _explosionInFOV)
 * Replaces a certain amount of colors in the surface's palette.
 * @param colors Pointer to the set of colors.
 * @param firstcolor Offset of the first color to replace.
 * @param ncolors Amount of colors to replace.
void Map::setPalette(SDL_Color *colors, int firstcolor, int ncolors)
	Surface::setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	for (std::vector<MapDataSet*>::const_iterator i = _save->getMapDataSets()->begin(); i != _save->getMapDataSets()->end(); ++i)
		(*i)->getSurfaceset()->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	_message->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	_message->initText(_game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_BIG"), _game->getMod()->getFont("FONT_SMALL"), _game->getLanguage());
 * Check two positions if have same XY cords
static bool positionHaveSameXY(Position a, Position b)
	return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
 * Draw part of unit graphic that overlap current tile.
 * @param surface
 * @param unitTile
 * @param currTile
 * @param currTileScreenPosition
 * @param shade
 * @param obstacleShade unitShade override for no LOF obstacle indicator
 * @param topLayer
void Map::drawUnit(Surface *surface, Tile *unitTile, Tile *currTile, Position currTileScreenPosition, int shade, int obstacleShade, bool topLayer)
	const int tileFoorWidth = 32;
	const int tileFoorHeight = 16;
	const int tileHeight = 40;
	if (!unitTile)
	BattleUnit* bu = unitTile->getUnit();
	Position unitOffset;
	bool unitFromBelow = false;
	if (!bu)
		Tile *below = _save->getTile(unitTile->getPosition() + Position(0,0,-1));
		if (below && unitTile->hasNoFloor(below))
			bu = below->getUnit();
			if (!bu)
			unitFromBelow = true;
	if (!(bu->getVisible() || _save->getDebugMode()))
	unitOffset.x = unitTile->getPosition().x - bu->getPosition().x;
	unitOffset.y = unitTile->getPosition().y - bu->getPosition().y;
	int part = unitOffset.x + unitOffset.y*2;
	Surface *tmpSurface = bu->getCache(part);
	if (!tmpSurface)
	bool moving = bu->getStatus() == STATUS_WALKING || bu->getStatus() == STATUS_FLYING;
	int bonusWidth = moving ? 0 : tileFoorWidth;
	int topMargin = 0;
	int bottomMargin = 0;
	//if unit is from below then we draw only part that in in tile
	if (unitFromBelow)
		bottomMargin = -tileFoorHeight / 2;
		topMargin = tileFoorHeight;
	else if (topLayer)
		topMargin = 2 * tileFoorHeight;
		Tile *top = _save->getTile(unitTile->getPosition() + Position(0, 0, +1));
		if (top && top->hasNoFloor(unitTile))
			topMargin = -tileFoorHeight / 2;
			topMargin = tileFoorHeight;
	GraphSubset mask = GraphSubset(tileFoorWidth + bonusWidth, tileHeight + topMargin + bottomMargin).offset(currTileScreenPosition.x - bonusWidth / 2, currTileScreenPosition.y - topMargin);
	if (moving)
		GraphSubset leftMask = mask.offset(-tileFoorWidth/2, 0);
		GraphSubset rightMask = mask.offset(+tileFoorWidth/2, 0);
		int direction = bu->getDirection();
		Position partCurr = currTile->getPosition();
		Position partDest = bu->getDestination() + unitOffset;
		Position partLast = bu->getLastPosition() + unitOffset;
		bool isTileDestPos = positionHaveSameXY(partDest, partCurr);
		bool isTileLastPos = positionHaveSameXY(partLast, partCurr);
		//adjusting mask
		if (positionHaveSameXY(partLast, partDest))
			if (currTile == unitTile)
				//no change
				//nothing to draw
		else if (isTileDestPos)
			//unit is moving to this tile
			switch (direction)
			case 0:
			case 1:
				mask = GraphSubset::intersection(mask, rightMask);
			case 2:
				//no change
			case 3:
				//no change
			case 4:
				//no change
			case 5:
			case 6:
				mask = GraphSubset::intersection(mask, leftMask);
			case 7:
				//nothing to draw
		else if (isTileLastPos)
			//unit is exiting this tile
			switch (direction)
			case 0:
				//no change
			case 1:
			case 2:
				mask = GraphSubset::intersection(mask, leftMask);
			case 3:
				//nothing to draw
			case 4:
			case 5:
				mask = GraphSubset::intersection(mask, rightMask);
			case 6:
				//no change
			case 7:
				//no change
			Position leftPos = partCurr + Position(-1, 0, 0);
			Position rightPos = partCurr + Position(0, -1, 0);
			if (!topLayer && (partDest.z > partCurr.z || partLast.z > partCurr.z))
				//unit change layers, it will be drawn by upper layer not lower.
			else if (
				(direction == 1 && (partDest == rightPos || partLast == leftPos)) ||
				(direction == 5 && (partDest == leftPos || partLast == rightPos)))
				mask = GraphSubset(tileFoorWidth, tileHeight + 2 * tileFoorHeight).offset(currTileScreenPosition.x, currTileScreenPosition.y - 2 * tileFoorHeight);
				//unit is not moving close to tile
	else if (unitTile != currTile)
	Position tileScreenPosition;
	_camera->convertMapToScreen(unitTile->getPosition() + Position(0,0, unitFromBelow ? -1 : 0), &tileScreenPosition);
	tileScreenPosition += _camera->getMapOffset();
	// draw unit
	Position offset;
	int shadeOffset;
	calculateWalkingOffset(bu, &offset, &shadeOffset);
	int tileShade = currTile->isDiscovered(2) ? currTile->getShade() : 16;
	int unitShade = (tileShade * (16 - shadeOffset) + shade * shadeOffset) / 16;
	if (!moving && unitTile->getObstacle(4))
		unitShade = obstacleShade;
	tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, tileScreenPosition.x + offset.x - _spriteWidth / 2, tileScreenPosition.y + offset.y, unitShade, mask);
	// draw fire
	if (bu->getFire() > 0)
		int frameNumber = 4 + (_animFrame / 2);
		tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("SMOKE.PCK")->getFrame(frameNumber);
		tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, tileScreenPosition.x + offset.x, tileScreenPosition.y + offset.y, 0, mask);
	if (bu->getBreathFrame() > 0)
		tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("BREATH-1.PCK")->getFrame(bu->getBreathFrame() - 1);
		// lower the bubbles for shorter or kneeling units.
		offset.y += (22 - bu->getHeight());
		if (tmpSurface)
			tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, tileScreenPosition.x + offset.x, tileScreenPosition.y + offset.y - 30, tileShade, mask);
 * Draw the terrain.
 * Keep this function as optimised as possible. It's big to minimise overhead of function calls.
 * @param surface The surface to draw on.
void Map::drawTerrain(Surface *surface)
	int frameNumber = 0;
	Surface *tmpSurface;
	Tile *tile;
	int beginX = 0, endX = _save->getMapSizeX() - 1;
	int beginY = 0, endY = _save->getMapSizeY() - 1;
	int beginZ = 0, endZ = _camera->getShowAllLayers()?_save->getMapSizeZ() - 1:_camera->getViewLevel();
	Position mapPosition, screenPosition, bulletPositionScreen;
	int bulletLowX=16000, bulletLowY=16000, bulletLowZ=16000, bulletHighX=0, bulletHighY=0, bulletHighZ=0;
	int dummy;
	BattleUnit *unit = 0;
	int tileShade, wallShade, tileColor, obstacleShade;
	static const int arrowBob[8] = {0,1,2,1,0,1,2,1};
	NumberText *_numWaypid = 0;
	// if we got bullet, get the highest x and y tiles to draw it on
	if (_projectile && _explosions.empty())
		int part = _projectile->getItem() ? 0 : BULLET_SPRITES-1;
		for (int i = 0; i <= part; ++i)
			if (_projectile->getPosition(1-i).x < bulletLowX)
				bulletLowX = _projectile->getPosition(1-i).x;
			if (_projectile->getPosition(1-i).y < bulletLowY)
				bulletLowY = _projectile->getPosition(1-i).y;
			if (_projectile->getPosition(1-i).z < bulletLowZ)
				bulletLowZ = _projectile->getPosition(1-i).z;
			if (_projectile->getPosition(1-i).x > bulletHighX)
				bulletHighX = _projectile->getPosition(1-i).x;
			if (_projectile->getPosition(1-i).y > bulletHighY)
				bulletHighY = _projectile->getPosition(1-i).y;
			if (_projectile->getPosition(1-i).z > bulletHighZ)
				bulletHighZ = _projectile->getPosition(1-i).z;
		// divide by 16 to go from voxel to tile position
		bulletLowX = bulletLowX / 16;
		bulletLowY = bulletLowY / 16;
		bulletLowZ = bulletLowZ / 24;
		bulletHighX = bulletHighX / 16;
		bulletHighY = bulletHighY / 16;
		bulletHighZ = bulletHighZ / 24;
		// if the projectile is outside the viewport - center it back on it
		_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(_projectile->getPosition(), &bulletPositionScreen);
		if (_projectileInFOV)
			Position newCam = _camera->getMapOffset();
			if (newCam.z != bulletHighZ) //switch level
				newCam.z = bulletHighZ;
				if (_projectileInFOV)
					_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(_projectile->getPosition(), &bulletPositionScreen);
			if (_smoothCamera)
				if (_launch)
					_launch = false;
					if ((bulletPositionScreen.x < 1 || bulletPositionScreen.x > surface->getWidth() - 1 ||
						bulletPositionScreen.y < 1 || bulletPositionScreen.y > _visibleMapHeight - 1))
						_camera->centerOnPosition(Position(bulletLowX, bulletLowY, bulletHighZ), false);
						_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(_projectile->getPosition(), &bulletPositionScreen);
				if (!_smoothingEngaged)
					if (bulletPositionScreen.x < 1 || bulletPositionScreen.x > surface->getWidth() - 1 ||
						bulletPositionScreen.y < 1 || bulletPositionScreen.y > _visibleMapHeight - 1)
						_smoothingEngaged = true;
					_camera->jumpXY(surface->getWidth() / 2 - bulletPositionScreen.x, _visibleMapHeight / 2 - bulletPositionScreen.y);
				bool enough;
					enough = true;
					if (bulletPositionScreen.x < 0)
						_camera->jumpXY(+surface->getWidth(), 0);
						enough = false;
					else if (bulletPositionScreen.x > surface->getWidth())
						_camera->jumpXY(-surface->getWidth(), 0);
						enough = false;
					else if (bulletPositionScreen.y < 0)
						_camera->jumpXY(0, +_visibleMapHeight);
						enough = false;
					else if (bulletPositionScreen.y > _visibleMapHeight)
						_camera->jumpXY(0, -_visibleMapHeight);
						enough = false;
					_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(_projectile->getPosition(), &bulletPositionScreen);
				while (!enough);
	// get corner map coordinates to give rough boundaries in which tiles to redraw are
	_camera->convertScreenToMap(0, 0, &beginX, &dummy);
	_camera->convertScreenToMap(surface->getWidth(), 0, &dummy, &beginY);
	_camera->convertScreenToMap(surface->getWidth() + _spriteWidth, surface->getHeight() + _spriteHeight, &endX, &dummy);
	_camera->convertScreenToMap(0, surface->getHeight() + _spriteHeight, &dummy, &endY);
	beginY -= (_camera->getViewLevel() * 2);
	beginX -= (_camera->getViewLevel() * 2);
	if (beginX < 0)
		beginX = 0;
	if (beginY < 0)
		beginY = 0;
	bool pathfinderTurnedOn = _save->getPathfinding()->isPathPreviewed();
	if (!_waypoints.empty() || (pathfinderTurnedOn && (_previewSetting & PATH_TU_COST)))
		_numWaypid = new NumberText(15, 15, 20, 30);
		_numWaypid->setColor(pathfinderTurnedOn ? _messageColor + 1 : Palette::blockOffset(1));
	for (int itZ = beginZ; itZ <= endZ; itZ++)
		bool topLayer = itZ == endZ;
		for (int itX = beginX; itX <= endX; itX++)
			for (int itY = beginY; itY <= endY; itY++)
				mapPosition = Position(itX, itY, itZ);
				_camera->convertMapToScreen(mapPosition, &screenPosition);
				screenPosition += _camera->getMapOffset();
				// only render cells that are inside the surface
				if (screenPosition.x > -_spriteWidth && screenPosition.x < surface->getWidth() + _spriteWidth &&
					screenPosition.y > -_spriteHeight && screenPosition.y < surface->getHeight() + _spriteHeight )
					tile = _save->getTile(mapPosition);
					if (!tile) continue;
					if (tile->isDiscovered(2))
						tileShade = tile->getShade();
						obstacleShade = tileShade;
						if (_showObstacles)
							if (tile->isObstacle())
								if (tileShade > 7) obstacleShade = 7;
								if (tileShade < 2) obstacleShade = 2;
								obstacleShade += (arrowBob[_animFrame] * 2 - 2);
						tileShade = 16;
						obstacleShade = 16;
						unit = 0;
					tileColor = tile->getMarkerColor();
					// Draw floor
					tmpSurface = tile->getSprite(O_FLOOR);
					if (tmpSurface)
						if (tile->getObstacle(O_FLOOR))
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getYOffset(), obstacleShade, false);
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getYOffset(), tileShade, false);
					unit = tile->getUnit();
					// Draw cursor back
					if (_cursorType != CT_NONE && _selectorX > itX - _cursorSize && _selectorY > itY - _cursorSize && _selectorX < itX+1 && _selectorY < itY+1 && !_save->getBattleState()->getMouseOverIcons())
						if (_camera->getViewLevel() == itZ)
							if (_cursorType != CT_AIM)
								if (unit && (unit->getVisible() || _save->getDebugMode()))
									frameNumber = (_animFrame % 2); // yellow box
									frameNumber = 0; // red box
								if (unit && (unit->getVisible() || _save->getDebugMode()))
									frameNumber = 7 + (_animFrame / 2); // yellow animated crosshairs
									frameNumber = 6; // red static crosshairs
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("CURSOR.PCK")->getFrame(frameNumber);
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 0);
						else if (_camera->getViewLevel() > itZ)
							frameNumber = 2; // blue box
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("CURSOR.PCK")->getFrame(frameNumber);
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 0);
					// special handling for a moving unit in background of tile.
					const int backPosSize = 3;
					Position backPos[backPosSize] =
						Position(0, -1, 0),
						Position(-1, -1, 0),
						Position(-1, 0, 0),
					for (int b = 0; b < backPosSize; ++b)
						drawUnit(surface, _save->getTile(mapPosition + backPos[b]), tile, screenPosition, tileShade, obstacleShade, topLayer);
					// Draw walls
					if (!tile->isVoid())
						// Draw west wall
						tmpSurface = tile->getSprite(O_WESTWALL);
						if (tmpSurface)
							if ((tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->isDoor() || tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->isUFODoor())
								 && tile->isDiscovered(0))
								wallShade = tile->getShade();
								wallShade = tileShade;
							if (tile->getObstacle(O_WESTWALL))
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->getYOffset(), obstacleShade, false);
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->getYOffset(), wallShade, false);
						// Draw north wall
						tmpSurface = tile->getSprite(O_NORTHWALL);
						if (tmpSurface)
							if ((tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->isDoor() || tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->isUFODoor())
								 && tile->isDiscovered(1))
								wallShade = tile->getShade();
								wallShade = tileShade;
							if (tile->getObstacle(O_NORTHWALL))
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->getYOffset(), obstacleShade, tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) != 0);
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->getYOffset(), wallShade, tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) != 0);
						// Draw object
						if (tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && (tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() < 6 || tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() == 9))
							tmpSurface = tile->getSprite(O_OBJECT);
							if (tmpSurface)
								if (tile->getObstacle(O_OBJECT))
									tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getYOffset(), obstacleShade, false);
									tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getYOffset(), tileShade, false);
						// draw an item on top of the floor (if any)
						int sprite = tile->getTopItemSprite();
						if (sprite != -1)
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("FLOOROB.PCK")->getFrame(sprite);
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y + tile->getTerrainLevel(), tileShade, false);
					// check if we got bullet && it is in Field Of View
					if (_projectile && _projectileInFOV)
						tmpSurface = 0;
						if (_projectile->getItem())
							tmpSurface = _projectile->getSprite();
							Position voxelPos = _projectile->getPosition();
							// draw shadow on the floor
							voxelPos.z = _save->getTileEngine()->castedShade(voxelPos);
							if (voxelPos.x / 16 >= itX &&
								voxelPos.y / 16 >= itY &&
								voxelPos.x / 16 <= itX+1 &&
								voxelPos.y / 16 <= itY+1 &&
								voxelPos.z / 24 == itZ &&
								_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(voxelPos, &bulletPositionScreen);
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, bulletPositionScreen.x - 16, bulletPositionScreen.y - 26, 16);
							voxelPos = _projectile->getPosition();
							// draw thrown object
							if (voxelPos.x / 16 >= itX &&
								voxelPos.y / 16 >= itY &&
								voxelPos.x / 16 <= itX+1 &&
								voxelPos.y / 16 <= itY+1 &&
								voxelPos.z / 24 == itZ &&
								_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(voxelPos, &bulletPositionScreen);
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, bulletPositionScreen.x - 16, bulletPositionScreen.y - 26, 0);
							// draw bullet on the correct tile
							if (itX >= bulletLowX && itX <= bulletHighX && itY >= bulletLowY && itY <= bulletHighY)
								int begin = 0;
								int end = BULLET_SPRITES;
								int direction = 1;
								if (_projectile->isReversed())
									begin = BULLET_SPRITES - 1;
									end = -1;
									direction = -1;
								for (int i = begin; i != end; i += direction)
									tmpSurface = _projectileSet->getFrame(_projectile->getParticle(i));
									if (tmpSurface)
										Position voxelPos = _projectile->getPosition(1-i);
										// draw shadow on the floor
										voxelPos.z = _save->getTileEngine()->castedShade(voxelPos);
										if (voxelPos.x / 16 == itX &&
											voxelPos.y / 16 == itY &&
											voxelPos.z / 24 == itZ &&
											_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(voxelPos, &bulletPositionScreen);
											bulletPositionScreen.x -= tmpSurface->getWidth() / 2;
											bulletPositionScreen.y -= tmpSurface->getHeight() / 2;
											tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, bulletPositionScreen.x, bulletPositionScreen.y, 16);
										// draw bullet itself
										voxelPos = _projectile->getPosition(1-i);
										if (voxelPos.x / 16 == itX &&
											voxelPos.y / 16 == itY &&
											voxelPos.z / 24 == itZ &&
											_camera->convertVoxelToScreen(voxelPos, &bulletPositionScreen);
											bulletPositionScreen.x -= tmpSurface->getWidth() / 2;
											bulletPositionScreen.y -= tmpSurface->getHeight() / 2;
											tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, bulletPositionScreen.x, bulletPositionScreen.y, 0);
					unit = tile->getUnit();
					// Draw soldier from this tile or below
					drawUnit(surface, tile, tile, screenPosition, tileShade, obstacleShade, topLayer);
					// special handling for a moving unit in forground of tile.
					const int frontPosSize = 5;
					Position frontPos[frontPosSize] =
						Position(-1, +1, 0),
						Position(0, +1, 0),
						Position(+1, +1, 0),
						Position(+1, 0, 0),
						Position(+1, -1, 0),
					for (int f = 0; f < frontPosSize; ++f)
						drawUnit(surface, _save->getTile(mapPosition + frontPos[f]), tile, screenPosition, tileShade, obstacleShade, topLayer);
					// Draw smoke/fire
					if (tile->getSmoke() && tile->isDiscovered(2))
						frameNumber = 0;
						int shade = 0;
						if (!tile->getFire())
							if (_save->getDepth() > 0)
								frameNumber += Mod::UNDERWATER_SMOKE_OFFSET;
								frameNumber += Mod::SMOKE_OFFSET;
							frameNumber += int(floor((tile->getSmoke() / 6.0) - 0.1)); // see http://www.ufopaedia.org/images/c/cb/Smoke.gif
							shade = tileShade;
						if ((_animFrame / 2) + tile->getAnimationOffset() > 3)
							frameNumber += ((_animFrame / 2) + tile->getAnimationOffset() - 4);
							frameNumber += (_animFrame / 2) + tile->getAnimationOffset();
						tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("SMOKE.PCK")->getFrame(frameNumber);
						tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, shade);
					//draw particle clouds
					for (std::list<Particle*>::const_iterator i = tile->getParticleCloud()->begin(); i != tile->getParticleCloud()->end(); ++i)
						int vaporX = screenPosition.x + (*i)->getX();
						int vaporY = screenPosition.y + (*i)->getY();
						if ((int)(_transparencies->size()) >= ((*i)->getColor() + 1) * 1024)
							switch ((*i)->getSize())
							case 3:
								surface->setPixel(vaporX+1, vaporY+1, (*_transparencies)[((*i)->getColor() * 1024) + ((*i)->getOpacity() * 256) + surface->getPixel(vaporX+1, vaporY+1)]);
							case 2:
								surface->setPixel(vaporX + 1, vaporY, (*_transparencies)[((*i)->getColor() * 1024) + ((*i)->getOpacity() * 256) + surface->getPixel(vaporX + 1, vaporY)]);
							case 1:
								surface->setPixel(vaporX, vaporY + 1, (*_transparencies)[((*i)->getColor() * 1024) + ((*i)->getOpacity() * 256) + surface->getPixel(vaporX, vaporY + 1)]);
								surface->setPixel(vaporX, vaporY, (*_transparencies)[((*i)->getColor() * 1024) + ((*i)->getOpacity() * 256) + surface->getPixel(vaporX, vaporY)]);
					// Draw Path Preview
					if (tile->getPreview() != -1 && tile->isDiscovered(0) && (_previewSetting & PATH_ARROWS))
						if (itZ > 0 && tile->hasNoFloor(_save->getTile(tile->getPosition() + Position(0,0,-1))))
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("Pathfinding")->getFrame(11);
							if (tmpSurface)
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y+2, 0, false, tile->getMarkerColor());
						tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("Pathfinding")->getFrame(tile->getPreview());
						if (tmpSurface)
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y + tile->getTerrainLevel(), 0, false, tileColor);
					if (!tile->isVoid())
						// Draw object
						if (tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() >= 6 && tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != 9)
							tmpSurface = tile->getSprite(O_OBJECT);
							if (tmpSurface)
								if (tile->getObstacle(O_OBJECT))
									tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getYOffset(), obstacleShade, false);
									tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getYOffset(), tileShade, false);
					// Draw cursor front
					if (_cursorType != CT_NONE && _selectorX > itX - _cursorSize && _selectorY > itY - _cursorSize && _selectorX < itX+1 && _selectorY < itY+1 && !_save->getBattleState()->getMouseOverIcons())
						if (_camera->getViewLevel() == itZ)
							if (_cursorType != CT_AIM)
								if (unit && (unit->getVisible() || _save->getDebugMode()))
									frameNumber = 3 + (_animFrame % 2); // yellow box
									frameNumber = 3; // red box
								if (unit && (unit->getVisible() || _save->getDebugMode()))
									frameNumber = 7 + (_animFrame / 2); // yellow animated crosshairs
									frameNumber = 6; // red static crosshairs
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("CURSOR.PCK")->getFrame(frameNumber);
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 0);
							// UFO extender accuracy: display adjusted accuracy value on crosshair in real-time.
							if (_cursorType == CT_AIM && Options::battleUFOExtenderAccuracy)
								BattleAction *action = _save->getBattleGame()->getCurrentAction();
								RuleItem *weapon = action->weapon->getRules();
								int accuracy = action->actor->getFiringAccuracy(action->type, action->weapon);
								int distanceSq = _save->getTileEngine()->distanceUnitToPositionSq(action->actor, Position (itX, itY,itZ), false);
								int distance = (int)std::ceil(sqrt(float(distanceSq)));
								int upperLimit = 200;
								int lowerLimit = weapon->getMinRange();
								switch (action->type)
								case BA_AIMEDSHOT:
									upperLimit = weapon->getAimRange();
								case BA_SNAPSHOT:
									upperLimit = weapon->getSnapRange();
								case BA_AUTOSHOT:
									upperLimit = weapon->getAutoRange();
								// at this point, let's assume the shot is adjusted and set the text amber.
								_txtAccuracy->setColor(Palette::blockOffset(Pathfinding::yellow - 1)-1);
								if (distance > upperLimit)
									accuracy -= (distance - upperLimit) * weapon->getDropoff();
								else if (distance < lowerLimit)
									accuracy -= (lowerLimit - distance) * weapon->getDropoff();
									// no adjustment made? set it to green.
									_txtAccuracy->setColor(Palette::blockOffset(Pathfinding::green - 1)-1);
								bool outOfRange = distanceSq > weapon->getMaxRangeSq();
								// special handling for short ranges and diagonals
								if (outOfRange)
									// special handling for maxRange 1: allow it to target diagonally adjacent tiles (one diagonal move)
									if (weapon->getMaxRange() == 1 && distanceSq <= 3)
										outOfRange = false;
									// special handling for maxRange 2: allow it to target diagonally adjacent tiles (one diagonal move + one straight move)
									else if (weapon->getMaxRange() == 2 && distanceSq <= 6)
										outOfRange = false;
								// zero accuracy or out of range: set it red.
								if (accuracy <= 0 || outOfRange)
									accuracy = 0;
									_txtAccuracy->setColor(Palette::blockOffset(Pathfinding::red - 1)-1);
								_txtAccuracy->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 0);
						else if (_camera->getViewLevel() > itZ)
							frameNumber = 5; // blue box
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("CURSOR.PCK")->getFrame(frameNumber);
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 0);
						if (_cursorType > 2 && _camera->getViewLevel() == itZ)
							int frame[6] = {0, 0, 0, 11, 13, 15};
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("CURSOR.PCK")->getFrame(frame[_cursorType] + (_animFrame / 4));
							tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 0);
					// Draw waypoints if any on this tile
					int waypid = 1;
					int waypXOff = 2;
					int waypYOff = 2;
					for (std::vector<Position>::const_iterator i = _waypoints.begin(); i != _waypoints.end(); ++i)
						if ((*i) == mapPosition)
							if (waypXOff == 2 && waypYOff == 2)
								tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("CURSOR.PCK")->getFrame(7);
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y, 0);
							if (_save->getBattleGame()->getCurrentAction()->type == BA_LAUNCH)
								_numWaypid->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x + waypXOff, screenPosition.y + waypYOff, 0);
								waypXOff += waypid > 9 ? 8 : 6;
								if (waypXOff >= 26)
									waypXOff = 2;
									waypYOff += 8;
	if (pathfinderTurnedOn)
		if (_numWaypid)
			_numWaypid->setBordered(true); // give it a border for the pathfinding display, makes it more visible on snow, etc.
		for (int itZ = beginZ; itZ <= endZ; itZ++)
			for (int itX = beginX; itX <= endX; itX++)
				for (int itY = beginY; itY <= endY; itY++)
					mapPosition = Position(itX, itY, itZ);
					_camera->convertMapToScreen(mapPosition, &screenPosition);
					screenPosition += _camera->getMapOffset();
					// only render cells that are inside the surface
					if (screenPosition.x > -_spriteWidth && screenPosition.x < surface->getWidth() + _spriteWidth &&
						screenPosition.y > -_spriteHeight && screenPosition.y < surface->getHeight() + _spriteHeight )
						tile = _save->getTile(mapPosition);
						Tile *tileBelow = _save->getTile(mapPosition - Position(0,0,1));
						if (!tile || !tile->isDiscovered(0) || tile->getPreview() == -1)
						int adjustment = -tile->getTerrainLevel();
						if (_previewSetting & PATH_ARROWS)
							if (itZ > 0 && tile->hasNoFloor(tileBelow))
								tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("Pathfinding")->getFrame(23);
								if (tmpSurface)
									tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y+2, 0, false, tile->getMarkerColor());
							int overlay = tile->getPreview() + 12;
							tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("Pathfinding")->getFrame(overlay);
							if (tmpSurface)
								tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - adjustment, 0, false, tile->getMarkerColor());
						if (_previewSetting & PATH_TU_COST && tile->getTUMarker() > -1)
							int off = tile->getTUMarker() > 9 ? 5 : 3;
							if (_save->getSelectedUnit() && _save->getSelectedUnit()->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
								adjustment += 1;
								if (!(_previewSetting & PATH_ARROWS))
									adjustment += 7;
							if ( !(_previewSetting & PATH_ARROWS) )
								_numWaypid->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x + 16 - off, screenPosition.y + (29-adjustment), 0, false, tile->getMarkerColor() );
								_numWaypid->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x + 16 - off, screenPosition.y + (22-adjustment), 0);
		if (_numWaypid)
			_numWaypid->setBordered(false); // make sure we remove the border in case it's being used for missile waypoints.
	unit = (BattleUnit*)_save->getSelectedUnit();
	if (unit && (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode()) && unit->getPosition().z <= _camera->getViewLevel())
		_camera->convertMapToScreen(unit->getPosition(), &screenPosition);
		screenPosition += _camera->getMapOffset();
		Position offset;
		calculateWalkingOffset(unit, &offset);
		if (unit->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
			offset.y += 4;
		offset.y += 24 - (unit->getHeight() + unit->getFloatHeight());
		if (unit->isKneeled())
			offset.y -= 2;
		if (this->getCursorType() != CT_NONE)
			_arrow->blitNShade(surface, screenPosition.x + offset.x + (_spriteWidth / 2) - (_arrow->getWidth() / 2), screenPosition.y + offset.y - _arrow->getHeight() + arrowBob[_animFrame], 0);
	delete _numWaypid;
	// check if we got big explosions
	if (_explosionInFOV)
		// big explosions cause the screen to flash as bright as possible before any explosions are actually drawn.
		// this causes everything to look like EGA for a single frame.
		if (_flashScreen)
			for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < surface->getWidth() && y < surface->getHeight();)
				Uint8 pixel = surface->getPixel(x, y);
				pixel = (pixel / 16) * 16;
				surface->setPixelIterative(&x, &y, pixel);
			_flashScreen = false;
			for (std::list<Explosion*>::const_iterator i = _explosions.begin(); i != _explosions.end(); ++i)
				_camera->convertVoxelToScreen((*i)->getPosition(), &bulletPositionScreen);
				if ((*i)->isBig())
					if ((*i)->getCurrentFrame() >= 0)
						tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("X1.PCK")->getFrame((*i)->getCurrentFrame());
						tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, bulletPositionScreen.x - (tmpSurface->getWidth() / 2), bulletPositionScreen.y - (tmpSurface->getHeight() / 2), 0);
				else if ((*i)->isHit())
					tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("HIT.PCK")->getFrame((*i)->getCurrentFrame());
					tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, bulletPositionScreen.x - 15, bulletPositionScreen.y - 25, 0);
					tmpSurface = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("SMOKE.PCK")->getFrame((*i)->getCurrentFrame());
					tmpSurface->blitNShade(surface, bulletPositionScreen.x - 15, bulletPositionScreen.y - 15, 0);
 * Handles mouse presses on the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void Map::mousePress(Action *action, State *state)
	InteractiveSurface::mousePress(action, state);
	_camera->mousePress(action, state);
 * Handles mouse releases on the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void Map::mouseRelease(Action *action, State *state)
	InteractiveSurface::mouseRelease(action, state);
	_camera->mouseRelease(action, state);
 * Handles keyboard presses on the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void Map::keyboardPress(Action *action, State *state)
	InteractiveSurface::keyboardPress(action, state);
	_camera->keyboardPress(action, state);
 * Handles keyboard releases on the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void Map::keyboardRelease(Action *action, State *state)
	InteractiveSurface::keyboardRelease(action, state);
	_camera->keyboardRelease(action, state);
 * Handles mouse over events on the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void Map::mouseOver(Action *action, State *state)
	InteractiveSurface::mouseOver(action, state);
	_camera->mouseOver(action, state);
	_mouseX = (int)action->getAbsoluteXMouse();
	_mouseY = (int)action->getAbsoluteYMouse();
	setSelectorPosition(_mouseX, _mouseY);
 * Sets the selector to a certain tile on the map.
 * @param mx mouse x position.
 * @param my mouse y position.
void Map::setSelectorPosition(int mx, int my)
	int oldX = _selectorX, oldY = _selectorY;
	_camera->convertScreenToMap(mx, my + _spriteHeight/4, &_selectorX, &_selectorY);
	if (oldX != _selectorX || oldY != _selectorY)
		_redraw = true;
 * Handles animating tiles. 8 Frames per animation.
 * @param redraw Redraw the battlescape?
void Map::animate(bool redraw)
	if (_animFrame == 8) _animFrame = 0;
	// animate tiles
	for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
	// animate certain units (large flying units have a propulsion animation)
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
		if (_save->getDepth() > 0 && !(*i)->getFloorAbove())
		if (!(*i)->isOut())
			if ((*i)->getArmor()->getConstantAnimation())
	if (redraw) _redraw = true;
 * Draws the rectangle selector.
 * @param pos Pointer to a position.
void Map::getSelectorPosition(Position *pos) const
	pos->x = _selectorX;
	pos->y = _selectorY;
	pos->z = _camera->getViewLevel();
 * Calculates the offset of a soldier, when it is walking in the middle of 2 tiles.
 * @param unit Pointer to BattleUnit.
 * @param offset Pointer to the offset to return the calculation.
void Map::calculateWalkingOffset(BattleUnit *unit, Position *offset, int *shadeOffset)
	int offsetX[8] = { 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 };
	int offsetY[8] = { 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
	int phase = unit->getWalkingPhase() + unit->getDiagonalWalkingPhase();
	int dir = unit->getDirection();
	int midphase = 4 + 4 * (dir % 2);
	int endphase = 8 + 8 * (dir % 2);
	int size = unit->getArmor()->getSize();
	if (shadeOffset)
		*shadeOffset = endphase == 16 ? phase : phase * 2;
	if (size > 1)
		if (dir < 1 || dir > 5)
			midphase = endphase;
		else if (dir == 5)
			midphase = 12;
		else if (dir == 1)
			midphase = 5;
			midphase = 1;
	if (unit->getVerticalDirection())
		midphase = 4;
		endphase = 8;
	if ((unit->getStatus() == STATUS_WALKING || unit->getStatus() == STATUS_FLYING))
		if (phase < midphase)
			offset->x = phase * 2 * offsetX[dir];
			offset->y = - phase * offsetY[dir];
			offset->x = (phase - endphase) * 2 * offsetX[dir];
			offset->y = - (phase - endphase) * offsetY[dir];
	// If we are walking in between tiles, interpolate it's terrain level.
	if (unit->getStatus() == STATUS_WALKING || unit->getStatus() == STATUS_FLYING)
		if (phase < midphase)
			int fromLevel = getTerrainLevel(unit->getPosition(), size);
			int toLevel = getTerrainLevel(unit->getDestination(), size);
			if (unit->getPosition().z > unit->getDestination().z)
				// going down a level, so toLevel 0 becomes +24, -8 becomes  16
				toLevel += 24*(unit->getPosition().z - unit->getDestination().z);
			}else if (unit->getPosition().z < unit->getDestination().z)
				// going up a level, so toLevel 0 becomes -24, -8 becomes -16
				toLevel = -24*(unit->getDestination().z - unit->getPosition().z) + abs(toLevel);
			offset->y += ((fromLevel * (endphase - phase)) / endphase) + ((toLevel * (phase)) / endphase);
			// from phase 4 onwards the unit behind the scenes already is on the destination tile
			// we have to get it's last position to calculate the correct offset
			int fromLevel = getTerrainLevel(unit->getLastPosition(), size);
			int toLevel = getTerrainLevel(unit->getDestination(), size);
			if (unit->getLastPosition().z > unit->getDestination().z)
				// going down a level, so fromLevel 0 becomes -24, -8 becomes -32
				fromLevel -= 24*(unit->getLastPosition().z - unit->getDestination().z);
			}else if (unit->getLastPosition().z < unit->getDestination().z)
				// going up a level, so fromLevel 0 becomes +24, -8 becomes 16
				fromLevel = 24*(unit->getDestination().z - unit->getLastPosition().z) - abs(fromLevel);
			offset->y += ((fromLevel * (endphase - phase)) / endphase) + ((toLevel * (phase)) / endphase);
		offset->y += getTerrainLevel(unit->getPosition(), size);
		if (_save->getDepth() > 0)
			// make sure this unit isn't obscured by the floor above him, otherwise it looks weird.
			if (_camera->getViewLevel() > unit->getPosition().z)
				for (int z = std::min(_camera->getViewLevel(), _save->getMapSizeZ() - 1); z != unit->getPosition().z; --z)
					if (!_save->getTile(Position(unit->getPosition().x, unit->getPosition().y, z))->hasNoFloor(0))
  * Terrainlevel goes from 0 to -24. For a larger sized unit, we need to pick the highest terrain level, which is the lowest number...
  * @param pos Position.
  * @param size Size of the unit we want to get the level from.
  * @return terrainlevel.
int Map::getTerrainLevel(const Position& pos, int size) const
	int lowestlevel = 0;
	for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
		for (int y = 0; y < size; y++)
			int l = _save->getTile(pos + Position(x,y,0))->getTerrainLevel();
			if (l < lowestlevel)
				lowestlevel = l;
	return lowestlevel;
 * Sets the 3D cursor to selection/aim mode.
 * @param type Cursor type.
 * @param size Size of cursor.
void Map::setCursorType(CursorType type, int size)
	_cursorType = type;
	if (_cursorType == CT_NORMAL)
		_cursorSize = size;
		_cursorSize = 1;
 * Gets the cursor type.
 * @return cursortype.
CursorType Map::getCursorType() const
	return _cursorType;
 * Checks all units for if they need to be redrawn.
void Map::cacheUnits()
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
 * Check if a certain unit needs to be redrawn.
 * @param unit Pointer to battleUnit.
void Map::cacheUnit(BattleUnit *unit)
	UnitSprite *unitSprite = new UnitSprite(_spriteWidth * 2, _spriteHeight, 0, 0, _save->getDepth() != 0);
	int numOfParts = unit->getArmor()->getSize() * unit->getArmor()->getSize();
	if (unit->isCacheInvalid())
		// 1 or 4 iterations, depending on unit size
		for (int i = 0; i < numOfParts; i++)
			Surface *cache = unit->getCache(i);
			if (!cache) // no cache created yet
				cache = new Surface(_spriteWidth * 2, _spriteHeight);
			unitSprite->setBattleUnit(unit, i);
			unit->setCache(cache, i);
	delete unitSprite;
 * Puts a projectile sprite on the map.
 * @param projectile Projectile to place.
void Map::setProjectile(Projectile *projectile)
	_projectile = projectile;
	if (projectile && Options::battleSmoothCamera)
		_launch = true;
 * Gets the current projectile sprite on the map.
 * @return Projectile or 0 if there is no projectile sprite on the map.
Projectile *Map::getProjectile() const
	return _projectile;
 * Gets a list of explosion sprites on the map.
 * @return A list of explosion sprites.
std::list<Explosion*> *Map::getExplosions()
	return &_explosions;
 * Gets the pointer to the camera.
 * @return Pointer to camera.
Camera *Map::getCamera()
	return _camera;
 * Timers only work on surfaces so we have to pass this on to the camera object.
void Map::scrollMouse()
 * Timers only work on surfaces so we have to pass this on to the camera object.
void Map::scrollKey()
 * Gets a list of waypoints on the map.
 * @return A list of waypoints.
std::vector<Position> *Map::getWaypoints()
	return &_waypoints;
 * Sets mouse-buttons' pressed state.
 * @param button Index of the button.
 * @param pressed The state of the button.
void Map::setButtonsPressed(Uint8 button, bool pressed)
	setButtonPressed(button, pressed);
 * Sets the unitDying flag.
 * @param flag True if the unit is dying.
void Map::setUnitDying(bool flag)
	_unitDying = flag;
 * Updates the selector to the last-known mouse position.
void Map::refreshSelectorPosition()
	setSelectorPosition(_mouseX, _mouseY);
 * Special handling for setting the height of the map viewport.
 * @param height the new base screen height.
void Map::setHeight(int height)
	_visibleMapHeight = height - _iconHeight;
	_message->setHeight((_visibleMapHeight < 200)? _visibleMapHeight : 200);
	_message->setY((_visibleMapHeight - _message->getHeight()) / 2);
 * Special handling for setting the width of the map viewport.
 * @param width the new base screen width.
void Map::setWidth(int width)
	int dX = width - getWidth();
	_message->setX(_message->getX() + dX / 2);
 * Get the hidden movement screen's vertical position.
 * @return the vertical position of the hidden movement window.
int Map::getMessageY() const
	return _message->getY();
 * Get the icon height.
int Map::getIconHeight() const
	return _iconHeight;
 * Get the icon width.
int Map::getIconWidth() const
	return _iconWidth;
 * Returns the angle(left/right balance) of a sound effect,
 * based off a map position.
 * @param pos the map position to calculate the sound angle from.
 * @return the angle of the sound (280 to 440).
int Map::getSoundAngle(const Position& pos) const
	int midPoint = getWidth() / 2;
	Position relativePosition;
	_camera->convertMapToScreen(pos, &relativePosition);
	// cap the position to the screen edges relative to the center,
	// negative values indicating a left-shift, and positive values shifting to the right.
	relativePosition.x = Clamp((relativePosition.x + _camera->getMapOffset().x) - midPoint, -midPoint, midPoint);
	// convert the relative distance to a relative increment of an 80 degree angle
	// we use +- 80 instead of +- 90, so as not to go ALL the way left or right
	// which would effectively mute the sound out of one speaker.
	// since Mix_SetPosition uses modulo 360, we can't feed it a negative number, so add 360 instead.
	return 360 + (relativePosition.x / (midPoint / 80.0));
 * Reset the camera smoothing bool.
void Map::resetCameraSmoothing()
	_smoothingEngaged = false;
 * Set the "explosion flash" bool.
 * @param flash should the screen be rendered in EGA this frame?
void Map::setBlastFlash(bool flash)
	_flashScreen = flash;
 * Checks if the screen is still being rendered in EGA.
 * @return if we are still in EGA mode.
bool Map::getBlastFlash() const
	return _flashScreen;
 * Resets obstacle markers.
void Map::resetObstacles(void)
	for (int z = 0; z < _save->getMapSizeZ(); z++)
		for (int y = 0; y < _save->getMapSizeY(); y++)
			for (int x = 0; x < _save->getMapSizeX(); x++)
				Tile *tile = _save->getTile(Position(x, y, z));
				if (tile) tile->resetObstacle();
	_showObstacles = false;
 * Enables obstacle markers.
void Map::enableObstacles(void)
	_showObstacles = true;
	if (_obstacleTimer)
 * Disables obstacle markers.
void Map::disableObstacles(void)
	_showObstacles = false;
	if (_obstacleTimer)

V829 Lifetime of the heap-allocated variable 'unitSprite' is limited to the current function's scope. Consider allocating it on the stack instead.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '_projectile->getPosition(0)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '(* i)->getPosition()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getMod()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '_projectile->getPosition(1 - i)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_save->getTileEngine()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'unit->getDestination()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'unit->getPosition()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'unit->getLastPosition()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'unit->getArmor()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getMod()' expression repeatedly.