 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "GraphsState.h"
#include <sstream>
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/Palette.h"
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "../Engine/InteractiveSurface.h"
#include "../Savegame/Country.h"
#include "../Savegame/Region.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCountry.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleRegion.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../Engine/LocalizedText.h"
#include "../Interface/TextButton.h"
#include "../Interface/ToggleTextButton.h"
#include "../Savegame/GameTime.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Interface/TextList.h"
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/Unicode.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
namespace OpenXcom
struct GraphButInfo
	LocalizedText _name;
	int _color;
	bool _pushed;
	GraphButInfo(const LocalizedText& name, Uint8 color): _name(name), _color(color), _pushed(false) {}
 * Initializes all the elements in the Graphs screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
GraphsState::GraphsState() : _butRegionsOffset(0), _butCountriesOffset(0)
	// Create objects
	_bg = new InteractiveSurface(320, 200, 0, 0);
	_bg->onMousePress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::shiftButtons, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP);
	_bg->onMousePress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::shiftButtons, SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN);
	_btnUfoRegion = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 96, 0);
	_btnUfoCountry = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 128, 0);
	_btnXcomRegion = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 160, 0);
	_btnXcomCountry = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 192, 0);
	_btnIncome = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 224, 0);
	_btnFinance = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 256, 0);
	_btnGeoscape = new InteractiveSurface(32, 24, 288, 0);
	_txtTitle = new Text(230, 16, 90, 28);
	_txtFactor = new Text(38, 11, 96, 28);
	_txtMonths = new TextList(205, 8, 115, 183);
	_txtYears = new TextList(200, 8, 121, 191);
	// Set palette
	//add all our elements
	add(_txtMonths, "scale", "graphs");
	add(_txtYears, "scale", "graphs");
	add(_txtTitle, "text", "graphs");
	add(_txtFactor, "text", "graphs");
	for (int scaleText = 0; scaleText != 10; ++scaleText)
		_txtScale.push_back(new Text(42, 16, 80, 171 - (scaleText*14)));
		add(_txtScale.at(scaleText), "scale", "graphs");
	Uint8 regionTotalColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("regionTotal")->color;
	Uint8 countryTotalColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("countryTotal")->color;
	//create buttons (sooooo many buttons)
	size_t offset = 0;
	for (std::vector<Region *>::iterator iter = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++iter)
		// always save in toggles all the regions
		Uint8 color = 13 + 8 * (offset % GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS);
		_regionToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr((*iter)->getRules()->getType()), color));
		// initially add the GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS having the first regions information
		if (offset < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
			_btnRegions.push_back(new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, offset*11));
			add(_btnRegions.at(offset), "button", "graphs");
		_alienRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
		_xcomRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	if (_regionToggles.size() < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		_btnRegionTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, _regionToggles.size()*11);
		_btnRegionTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS*11);
	_regionToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr("STR_TOTAL_UC"), regionTotalColor));
	_alienRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	_xcomRegionLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	add(_btnRegionTotal, "button", "graphs");
	offset = 0;
	for (std::vector<Country *>::iterator iter = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->begin(); iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->end(); ++iter)
		// always save in toggles all the countries
		Uint8 color = 13 + 8 * (offset % GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS);
		_countryToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr((*iter)->getRules()->getType()), color));
		// initially add the GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS having the first countries information
		if (offset < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
			_btnCountries.push_back(new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, offset*11));
			add(_btnCountries.at(offset), "button", "graphs");
		_alienCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
		_xcomCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
		_incomeLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	if (_countryToggles.size() < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		_btnCountryTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, _countryToggles.size()*11);
		_btnCountryTotal = new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS*11);
	_countryToggles.push_back(new GraphButInfo(tr("STR_TOTAL_UC"), countryTotalColor));
	_alienCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	_xcomCountryLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	_incomeLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	add(_btnCountryTotal, "button", "graphs");
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 5; ++iter)
		offset = iter;
		_btnFinances.push_back(new ToggleTextButton(88, 11, 0, offset*11));
		_btnFinances.at(offset)->setInvertColor(13 + (8*offset));
		add(_btnFinances.at(offset), "button", "graphs");
		_financeLines.push_back(new Surface(320,200,0,0));
	// load back the button states
	std::string graphRegionToggles = _game->getSavedGame()->getGraphRegionToggles();
	std::string graphCountryToggles = _game->getSavedGame()->getGraphCountryToggles();
	std::string graphFinanceToggles = _game->getSavedGame()->getGraphFinanceToggles();
	while (graphRegionToggles.size() < _regionToggles.size()) graphRegionToggles.push_back('0');
	while (graphCountryToggles.size() < _countryToggles.size()) graphCountryToggles.push_back('0');
	while (graphFinanceToggles.size() < _financeToggles.size()) graphFinanceToggles.push_back('0');
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _regionToggles.size(); ++i)
		_regionToggles[i]->_pushed = ('0'==graphRegionToggles[i]) ? false : true;
		if (_regionToggles.size()-1 == i)
		else if (i < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _countryToggles.size(); ++i)
		_countryToggles[i]->_pushed = ('0'==graphCountryToggles[i]) ? false : true;
		if (_countryToggles.size()-1 == i)
		else if (i < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _financeToggles.size(); ++i)
		_financeToggles[i] = ('0'==graphFinanceToggles[i]) ? false : true;
	Uint8 gridColor = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("graph")->color;
	// set up the grid
	_bg->drawRect(125, 49, 188, 127, gridColor);
	for (int grid = 0; grid !=5; ++grid)
		for (int y = 50 + grid; y <= 163 + grid; y += 14)
			for (int x = 126 + grid; x <= 297 + grid; x += 17)
				Uint8 color = gridColor + grid + 1;
				if (grid == 4)
					color = 0;
				_bg->drawRect(x, y, 16 - (grid*2), 13 - (grid*2), color);
	//set up the horizontal measurement units
	std::string months[] = {"STR_JAN", "STR_FEB", "STR_MAR", "STR_APR", "STR_MAY", "STR_JUN", "STR_JUL", "STR_AUG", "STR_SEP", "STR_OCT", "STR_NOV", "STR_DEC"};
	int month = _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getMonth();
	// i know using textlist for this is ugly and brutal, but YOU try getting this damn text to line up.
	// also, there's nothing wrong with being ugly or brutal, you should learn tolerance.
	_txtMonths->setColumns(12, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17);
	_txtMonths->addRow(12, " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ");
	_txtYears->setColumns(6, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34);
	_txtYears->addRow(6, " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ");
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
		if (month > 11)
			month = 0;
			std::ostringstream ss;
			ss << _game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getYear();
			_txtYears->setCellText(0, iter/2, ss.str());
			if (iter > 2)
				std::ostringstream ss2;
				ss2 << (_game->getSavedGame()->getTime()->getYear()-1);
				_txtYears->setCellText(0, 0, ss2.str());
		_txtMonths->setCellText(0, iter, tr(months[month]));
	// set up the vertical measurement units
	for (std::vector<Text *>::iterator iter = _txtScale.begin(); iter != _txtScale.end(); ++iter)
	// Set up objects
	if (_game->getMod()->getSurface("GRAPH.BDY", false))
	// Set up buttons
	_btnGeoscape->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::btnGeoscapeClick, Options::keyCancel);
	_btnGeoscape->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&GraphsState::btnGeoscapeClick, Options::keyGeoGraphs);
	std::string graphRegionToggles;
	std::string graphCountryToggles;
	std::string graphFinanceToggles;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _regionToggles.size(); ++i)
		graphRegionToggles.push_back(_regionToggles[i]->_pushed ? '1' : '0');
		delete _regionToggles[i];
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _countryToggles.size(); ++i)
		graphCountryToggles.push_back(_countryToggles[i]->_pushed ? '1' : '0');
		delete _countryToggles[i];
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _financeToggles.size(); ++i)
		graphFinanceToggles.push_back(_financeToggles[i] ? '1' : '0');
 * Returns to the previous screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnGeoscapeClick(Action *)
 * Switches to the UFO Region Activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnUfoRegionClick(Action *)
	_alien = true;
	_income = false;
	_country = false;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnRegions.begin(); iter != _btnRegions.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the UFO Country activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnUfoCountryClick(Action *)
	_alien = true;
	_income = false;
	_country = true;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the XCom Region activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnXcomRegionClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = false;
	_country = false;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnRegions.begin(); iter != _btnRegions.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the XCom Country activity screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnXcomCountryClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = false;
	_country = true;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the Income screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnIncomeClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = true;
	_country = true;
	_finance = false;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
 * Switches to the Finances screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnFinanceClick(Action *)
	_alien = false;
	_income = false;
	_country = false;
	_finance = true;
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnFinances.begin(); iter != _btnFinances.end(); ++iter)
 * Handles a click on a region button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnRegionListClick(Action * action)
	size_t number = 0;
	ToggleTextButton *button = dynamic_cast<ToggleTextButton*>(action->getSender());
	if (button == _btnRegionTotal)
		number = _regionToggles.size() - 1;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _btnRegions.size(); ++i)
			if (button == _btnRegions[i])
				number = i + _butRegionsOffset;
	_regionToggles.at(number)->_pushed = button->getPressed();
 * Handles a click on a country button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnCountryListClick(Action * action)
	size_t number = 0;
	ToggleTextButton *button = dynamic_cast<ToggleTextButton*>(action->getSender());
	if (button == _btnCountryTotal)
		number = _countryToggles.size() - 1;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _btnCountries.size(); ++i)
			if (button == _btnCountries[i])
				number = i + _butCountriesOffset;
	_countryToggles.at(number)->_pushed = button->getPressed();
 * handles a click on a finances button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void GraphsState::btnFinanceListClick(Action *action)
	size_t number = 0;
	ToggleTextButton *button = dynamic_cast<ToggleTextButton*>(action->getSender());
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _btnFinances.size(); ++i)
		if (button == _btnFinances[i])
			number = i;
	_financeToggles.at(number) = button->getPressed();
 * remove all elements from view
void GraphsState::resetScreen()
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _alienRegionLines.begin(); iter != _alienRegionLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _alienCountryLines.begin(); iter != _alienCountryLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _xcomRegionLines.begin(); iter != _xcomRegionLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _xcomCountryLines.begin(); iter != _xcomCountryLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _incomeLines.begin(); iter != _incomeLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<Surface *>::iterator iter = _financeLines.begin(); iter != _financeLines.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnRegions.begin(); iter != _btnRegions.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnCountries.begin(); iter != _btnCountries.end(); ++iter)
	for (std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iter = _btnFinances.begin(); iter != _btnFinances.end(); ++iter)
 * updates the text on the vertical scale
 * @param lowerLimit minimum value
 * @param upperLimit maximum value
void GraphsState::updateScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit)
	double increment = ((upperLimit - lowerLimit) / 9);
	if (increment < 10)
		increment = 10;
	double text = lowerLimit;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		text += increment;
 * instead of having all our line drawing in one giant ridiculous routine, just use the one we need.
void GraphsState::drawLines()
	if (!_country && !_finance)
	else if (!_finance)
 * Sets up the screens and draws the lines for country buttons
 * to toggle on and off
void GraphsState::drawCountryLines()
	//calculate the totals, and set up our upward maximum
	int upperLimit = 0;
	int lowerLimit = 0;
	int totals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size(); ++entry)
		int total = 0;
		if (_alien)
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry) > upperLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
		else if (_income)
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getFunding().at(entry) / 1000;
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getFunding().at(entry) / 1000 > upperLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getFunding().at(entry) / 1000;
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) > upperLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) < lowerLimit && _countryToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					lowerLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
		if (_countryToggles.back()->_pushed && total > upperLimit)
			upperLimit = total;
	//adjust the scale to fit the upward maximum
	double range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double low = lowerLimit;
	int grids = 9; // cells in grid
	int check = _income ? 50 : 10;
	while (range > check * grids)
		check *= 2;
	lowerLimit = 0;
	upperLimit = check * grids;
	if (low < 0)
		while (low < lowerLimit)
			lowerLimit -= check;
			upperLimit -= check;
	range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double units = range / 126;
	// draw country lines
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->size(); ++entry)
		Country *country = _game->getSavedGame()->getCountries()->at(entry);
		std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
		int reduction = 0;
		for (size_t iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
			int x = 312 - (iter*17);
			int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
			if (_alien)
				if (iter < country->getActivityAlien().size())
					reduction = country->getActivityAlien().at(country->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += country->getActivityAlien().at(country->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter));
			else if (_income)
				if (iter < country->getFunding().size())
					reduction = (country->getFunding().at(country->getFunding().size()-(1+iter)) / 1000) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += country->getFunding().at(country->getFunding().size()-(1+iter)) / 1000;
				if (iter < country->getActivityXcom().size())
					reduction = country->getActivityXcom().at(country->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += country->getActivityXcom().at(country->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter));
			if (y >=175)
				y = 175;
			if (newLineVector.size() > 1 && _alien)
				_alienCountryLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _countryToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
			else if (newLineVector.size() > 1 && _income)
				_incomeLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _countryToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
			else if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
				_xcomCountryLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _countryToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
		if (_alien)
		else if (_income)
	if (_alien)
	else if (_income)
	// set up the "total" line
	std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
	Uint8 color = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("countryTotal")->color2;
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
		int x = 312 - (iter*17);
		int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
		if (totals[iter] > 0)
			int reduction = totals[iter] / units;
			y -= reduction;
		if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
			if (_alien)
				_alienCountryLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
			else if (_income)
				_incomeLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
				_xcomCountryLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
	if (_alien)
	else if (_income)
	updateScale(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
 * Sets up the screens and draws the lines for region buttons
 * to toggle on and off
void GraphsState::drawRegionLines()
	//calculate the totals, and set up our upward maximum
	int upperLimit = 0;
	int lowerLimit = 0;
	int totals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size(); ++entry)
		int total = 0;
		if (_alien)
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry) > upperLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry) < lowerLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					lowerLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityAlien().at(entry);
			for (size_t iter = 0; iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->size(); ++iter)
				total += _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) > upperLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					upperLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
				if (_game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry) < lowerLimit && _regionToggles.at(iter)->_pushed)
					lowerLimit = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(iter)->getActivityXcom().at(entry);
		if (_regionToggles.back()->_pushed && total > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = total;
	//adjust the scale to fit the upward maximum
	double range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double low = lowerLimit;
	int check = 10;
	int grids = 9; // cells in grid
	while (range > check * grids)
		check *= 2;
	lowerLimit = 0;
	upperLimit = check * grids;
	if (low < 0)
		while (low < lowerLimit)
			lowerLimit -= check;
			upperLimit -= check;
	range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double units = range / 126;
	// draw region lines
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->size(); ++entry)
		Region *region = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->at(entry);
		std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
		int reduction = 0;
		for (size_t iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
			int x = 312 - (iter*17);
			int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
			if (_alien)
				if (iter < region->getActivityAlien().size())
					reduction = region->getActivityAlien().at(region->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += region->getActivityAlien().at(region->getActivityAlien().size()-(1+iter));
				if (iter < region->getActivityXcom().size())
					reduction = region->getActivityXcom().at(region->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter)) / units;
					y -= reduction;
					totals[iter] += region->getActivityXcom().at(region->getActivityXcom().size()-(1+iter));
			if (y >=175)
				y = 175;
			if (newLineVector.size() > 1 && _alien)
				_alienRegionLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _regionToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
			else if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
				_xcomRegionLines.at(entry)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), _regionToggles.at(entry)->_color+4);
		if (_alien)
	// set up the "total" line
	if (_alien)
	Uint8 color = _game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")->getElement("regionTotal")->color2;
	std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
	for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
		int x = 312 - (iter*17);
		int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
		if (totals[iter] > 0)
			int reduction = totals[iter] / units;
			y -= reduction;
		if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
			if (_alien)
				_alienRegionLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
				_xcomRegionLines.back()->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), color);
	if (_alien)
	updateScale(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
 * Sets up the screens and draws the lines for the finance buttons
 * to toggle on and off
void GraphsState::drawFinanceLines()
	//set up arrays
	int upperLimit = 0;
	int lowerLimit = 0;
	int64_t incomeTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int64_t balanceTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int64_t expendTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int64_t maintTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	int scoreTotals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
	maintTotals[0] = _game->getSavedGame()->getBaseMaintenance() / 1000;
	// start filling those arrays with score values
	// determine which is the highest one being displayed, so we can adjust the scale
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry != _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size(); ++entry)
		size_t invertedEntry = _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().size() - (1 + entry);
		maintTotals[entry] += _game->getSavedGame()->getMaintenances().at(invertedEntry) / 1000;
		balanceTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList().at(invertedEntry) / 1000;
		scoreTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getResearchScores().at(invertedEntry);
		for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator iter = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); iter != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++iter)
			scoreTotals[entry] += (*iter)->getActivityXcom().at(invertedEntry) - (*iter)->getActivityAlien().at(invertedEntry);
		if (_financeToggles.at(2))
			if (maintTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = maintTotals[entry];
			if (maintTotals[entry] < lowerLimit)
				lowerLimit = maintTotals[entry];
		if (_financeToggles.at(3))
			if (balanceTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = balanceTotals[entry];
			if (balanceTotals[entry] < lowerLimit)
				lowerLimit = balanceTotals[entry];
		if (_financeToggles.at(4))
			if (scoreTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
				upperLimit = scoreTotals[entry];
			if (scoreTotals[entry] < lowerLimit)
				lowerLimit = scoreTotals[entry];
	for (size_t entry = 0; entry !=  _game->getSavedGame()->getExpenditures().size(); ++entry)
		expendTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getExpenditures().at(_game->getSavedGame()->getExpenditures().size() - (entry + 1)) / 1000;
		incomeTotals[entry] = _game->getSavedGame()->getIncomes().at(_game->getSavedGame()->getIncomes().size() - (entry + 1)) / 1000;
		if (_financeToggles.at(0) && incomeTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
			upperLimit = incomeTotals[entry];
		if (_financeToggles.at(1) && expendTotals[entry] > upperLimit)
			upperLimit = expendTotals[entry];
	double range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	double low = lowerLimit;
	int check = 250;
	int grids = 9; // cells in grid
	while (range > check * grids)
		check *= 2;
	lowerLimit = 0;
	upperLimit = check * grids;
	if (low < 0)
		while (low < lowerLimit)
			lowerLimit -= check;
			upperLimit -= check;
	//toggle screens
	for (int button = 0; button != 5; ++button)
	range = upperLimit - lowerLimit;
	//figure out how many units to the pixel, then plot the points for the graph and connect the dots.
	double units = range / 126;
	for (int button = 0; button != 5; ++button)
		std::vector<Sint16> newLineVector;
		for (int iter = 0; iter != 12; ++iter)
			int x = 312 - (iter*17);
			int y = 175 - (-lowerLimit / units);
			int reduction = 0;
			case 0:
				reduction = incomeTotals[iter] / units;
			case 1:
				reduction = expendTotals[iter] / units;
			case 2:
				reduction = maintTotals[iter] / units;
			case 3:
				reduction = balanceTotals[iter] / units;
			case 4:
				reduction = scoreTotals[iter] / units;
			y -= reduction;
			int offset = button % 2 ? 8 : 0;
			if (newLineVector.size() > 1)
				_financeLines.at(button)->drawLine(x, y, x+17, newLineVector.at(newLineVector.size()-2), Palette::blockOffset((button/2)+1)+offset);
	updateScale(lowerLimit, upperLimit);
 * 'Shift' the buttons to display only GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS - reset their state from toggles
void GraphsState::shiftButtons(Action *action)
	// only if active 'screen' is other than finance
	if (_finance)
	// select the data's we'll processing - regions or countries
	if (_country)
		// too few countries? - return
		if (_countryToggles.size() <= GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP)
			scrollButtons(_countryToggles, _btnCountries, _butCountriesOffset, -1);
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN)
			scrollButtons(_countryToggles, _btnCountries, _butCountriesOffset, 1);
		// too few regions? - return
		if (_regionToggles.size() <= GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS)
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP)
			scrollButtons(_regionToggles, _btnRegions, _butRegionsOffset, -1);
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN)
			scrollButtons(_regionToggles, _btnRegions, _butRegionsOffset, 1);
void GraphsState::scrollButtons(std::vector<GraphButInfo *> &toggles, std::vector<ToggleTextButton *> &buttons, size_t &offset, int step)
	if ( int(step + (int)offset) < 0 || offset + step + GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS >= toggles.size())
	// set the next offset - cheaper to do it from starters
	offset += step;
	size_t i = 0;
	std::vector<ToggleTextButton *>::iterator iterb = buttons.begin();
	for (std::vector<GraphButInfo *>::iterator itert = toggles.begin() + offset; itert != toggles.end() && i < GRAPH_MAX_BUTTONS; ++itert, ++iterb, ++i)
		updateButton(*itert, *iterb);
void GraphsState::updateButton(GraphButInfo *from,ToggleTextButton *to)

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'country->getActivityAlien()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'country->getFunding()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'country->getActivityXcom()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'region->getActivityAlien()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'region->getActivityXcom()' expression repeatedly.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V831 Decreased performance. Consider replacing the call to the 'at()' method with the 'operator[]'.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getMod()->getInterface("graphs")' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '(* iter)->getRules()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_btnRegions.at(offset)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_btnCountries.at(offset)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()->getTime()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()->getFundsList()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()->getExpenditures()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_financeLines.at(button)' expression repeatedly.