 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <SDL_gfxPrimitives.h>
#include "Map.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "BattlescapeState.h"
#include "AbortMissionState.h"
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include "ActionMenuState.h"
#include "UnitInfoState.h"
#include "InventoryState.h"
#include "Pathfinding.h"
#include "BattlescapeGame.h"
#include "WarningMessage.h"
#include "DebriefingState.h"
#include "MiniMapState.h"
#include "BattlescapeGenerator.h"
#include "BriefingState.h"
#include "../lodepng.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/LocalizedText.h"
#include "../Engine/Palette.h"
#include "../Engine/Surface.h"
#include "../Engine/SurfaceSet.h"
#include "../Engine/Screen.h"
#include "../Engine/Sound.h"
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "../Engine/Logger.h"
#include "../Engine/Timer.h"
#include "../Engine/CrossPlatform.h"
#include "../Interface/Cursor.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../Interface/Bar.h"
#include "../Interface/BattlescapeButton.h"
#include "../Interface/NumberText.h"
#include "../Menu/CutsceneState.h"
#include "../Menu/PauseState.h"
#include "../Menu/LoadGameState.h"
#include "../Menu/SaveGameState.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleItem.h"
#include "../Mod/AlienDeployment.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleUfo.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Savegame/Soldier.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Savegame/Ufo.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Initializes all the elements in the Battlescape screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
BattlescapeState::BattlescapeState() : _reserve(0), _firstInit(true), _isMouseScrolling(false), _isMouseScrolled(false), _xBeforeMouseScrolling(0), _yBeforeMouseScrolling(0), _totalMouseMoveX(0), _totalMouseMoveY(0), _mouseMovedOverThreshold(0), _mouseOverIcons(false), _autosave(false)
	std::fill_n(_visibleUnit, 10, (BattleUnit*)(0));
	const int screenWidth = Options::baseXResolution;
	const int screenHeight = Options::baseYResolution;
	const int iconsWidth = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->w;
	const int iconsHeight = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->h;
	const int visibleMapHeight = screenHeight - iconsHeight;
	const int x = screenWidth/2 - iconsWidth/2;
	const int y = screenHeight - iconsHeight;
	// Create buttonbar - this should be on the centerbottom of the screen
	_icons = new InteractiveSurface(iconsWidth, iconsHeight, x, y);
	// Create the battlemap view
	// the actual map height is the total height minus the height of the buttonbar
	_map = new Map(_game, screenWidth, screenHeight, 0, 0, visibleMapHeight);
	_numLayers = new NumberText(3, 5, x + 232, y + 6);
	_rank = new Surface(26, 23, x + 107, y + 33);
	// Create buttons
	_btnUnitUp = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 48, y);
	_btnUnitDown = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 48, y + 16);
	_btnMapUp = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 80, y);
	_btnMapDown = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 80, y + 16);
	_btnShowMap = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 112, y);
	_btnKneel = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 112, y + 16);
	_btnInventory = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 144, y);
	_btnCenter = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 144, y + 16);
	_btnNextSoldier = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 176, y);
	_btnNextStop = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 176, y + 16);
	_btnShowLayers = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 208, y);
	_btnHelp = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 208, y + 16);
	_btnEndTurn = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 240, y);
	_btnAbort = new BattlescapeButton(32, 16, x + 240, y + 16);
	_btnStats = new InteractiveSurface(164, 23, x + 107, y + 33);
	_btnReserveNone = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 60, y + 33);
	_btnReserveSnap = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 78, y + 33);
	_btnReserveAimed = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 60, y + 45);
	_btnReserveAuto = new BattlescapeButton(17, 11, x + 78, y + 45);
	_btnReserveKneel = new BattlescapeButton(10, 23, x + 96, y + 33);
	_btnZeroTUs = new BattlescapeButton(10, 23, x + 49, y + 33);
	_btnLeftHandItem = new InteractiveSurface(32, 48, x + 8, y + 4);
	_numAmmoLeft = new NumberText(30, 5, x + 8, y + 4);
	_btnRightHandItem = new InteractiveSurface(32, 48, x + 280, y + 4);
	_numAmmoRight = new NumberText(30, 5, x + 280, y + 4);
	const int visibleUnitX = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("visibleUnits")->x;
	const int visibleUnitY = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("visibleUnits")->y;
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		_btnVisibleUnit[i] = new InteractiveSurface(15, 12, x + visibleUnitX, y + visibleUnitY - (i * 13));
		_numVisibleUnit[i] = new NumberText(15, 12, _btnVisibleUnit[i]->getX() + 6 , _btnVisibleUnit[i]->getY() + 4);
	_numVisibleUnit[9]->setX(_numVisibleUnit[9]->getX() - 2); // center number 10
	_warning = new WarningMessage(224, 24, x + 48, y + 32);
	_btnLaunch = new BattlescapeButton(32, 24, screenWidth - 32, 0); // we need screenWidth, because that is independent of the black bars on the screen
	_btnPsi = new BattlescapeButton(32, 24, screenWidth - 32, 25); // we need screenWidth, because that is independent of the black bars on the screen
	// Create soldier stats summary
	_txtName = new Text(136, 10, x + 135, y + 32);
	_numTimeUnits = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 136, y + 42);
	_barTimeUnits = new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 41);
	_numEnergy = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 154, y + 42);
	_barEnergy = new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 45);
	_numHealth = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 136, y + 50);
	_barHealth= new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 49);
	_numMorale = new NumberText(15, 5, x + 154, y + 50);
	_barMorale = new Bar(102, 3, x + 170, y + 53);
	_txtDebug = new Text(300, 10, 20, 0);
	_txtTooltip = new Text(300, 10, x + 2, y - 10);
	// Set palette
	if (_game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("pathfinding"))
		Element *pathing = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("pathfinding");
		Pathfinding::green = pathing->color;
		Pathfinding::yellow = pathing->color2;
		Pathfinding::red = pathing->border;
	// Add in custom reserve buttons
	Surface *icons = _game->getMod()->getSurface("ICONS.PCK");
	if (_game->getMod()->getSurface("TFTDReserve", false))
		Surface *tftdIcons = _game->getMod()->getSurface("TFTDReserve");
	// there is some cropping going on here, because the icons image is 320x200 while we only need the bottom of it.
	SDL_Rect *r = icons->getCrop();
	r->x = 0;
	r->y = 200 - iconsHeight;
	r->w = iconsWidth;
	r->h = iconsHeight;
	// we need to blit the icons before we add the battlescape buttons, as they copy the underlying parent surface.
	// this is a hack to fix the single transparent pixel on TFTD's icon panel.
	if (_game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("icons")->TFTDMode)
		_icons->setPixel(46, 44, 8);
	add(_rank, "rank", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnUnitUp, "buttonUnitUp", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnUnitDown, "buttonUnitDown", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnMapUp, "buttonMapUp", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnMapDown, "buttonMapDown", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnShowMap, "buttonShowMap", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnKneel, "buttonKneel", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnInventory, "buttonInventory", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnCenter, "buttonCenter", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnNextSoldier, "buttonNextSoldier", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnNextStop, "buttonNextStop", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnShowLayers, "buttonShowLayers", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numLayers, "numLayers", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnHelp, "buttonHelp", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnEndTurn, "buttonEndTurn", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnAbort, "buttonAbort", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnStats, "buttonStats", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_txtName, "textName", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numTimeUnits, "numTUs", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numEnergy, "numEnergy", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numHealth, "numHealth", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numMorale, "numMorale", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barTimeUnits, "barTUs", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barEnergy, "barEnergy", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barHealth, "barHealth", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_barMorale, "barMorale", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveNone, "buttonReserveNone", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveSnap, "buttonReserveSnap", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveAimed, "buttonReserveAimed", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveAuto, "buttonReserveAuto", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnReserveKneel, "buttonReserveKneel", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnZeroTUs, "buttonZeroTUs", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnLeftHandItem, "buttonLeftHand", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numAmmoLeft, "numAmmoLeft", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_btnRightHandItem, "buttonRightHand", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_numAmmoRight, "numAmmoRight", "battlescape", _icons);
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
	add(_warning, "warning", "battlescape", _icons);
	add(_txtTooltip, "textTooltip", "battlescape", _icons);
	// Set up objects
	_save = _game->getSavedGame()->getSavedBattle();
	_map->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::mapClick, 0);
	_btnMapUp->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnMapUpClick, Options::keyBattleLevelUp);
	_btnMapDown->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnMapDownClick, Options::keyBattleLevelDown);
	_btnShowMap->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnShowMapClick, Options::keyBattleMap);
	_btnKneel->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnKneelClick, Options::keyBattleKneel);
	_btnInventory->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnInventoryClick, Options::keyBattleInventory);
	_btnCenter->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnCenterClick, Options::keyBattleCenterUnit);
	_btnNextSoldier->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnNextSoldierClick, Options::keyBattleNextUnit);
	_btnNextSoldier->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnPrevSoldierClick, Options::keyBattlePrevUnit);
	_btnNextStop->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnNextStopClick, Options::keyBattleDeselectUnit);
	_btnHelp->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnHelpClick, Options::keyBattleOptions);
	_btnEndTurn->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnEndTurnClick, Options::keyBattleEndTurn);
	_btnAbort->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnAbortClick, Options::keyBattleAbort);
	_btnStats->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnStatsClick, Options::keyBattleStats);
	_btnLeftHandItem->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnLeftHandItemClick, Options::keyBattleUseLeftHand);
	_btnRightHandItem->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnRightHandItemClick, Options::keyBattleUseRightHand);
	_btnReserveNone->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveNone);
	_btnReserveSnap->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveSnap);
	_btnReserveAimed->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveAimed);
	_btnReserveAuto->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick, Options::keyBattleReserveAuto);
	_btnReserveKneel->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReserveKneelClick, Options::keyBattleReserveKneel);
	_btnZeroTUs->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnZeroTUsClick, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT);
	_btnZeroTUs->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnZeroTUsClick, Options::keyBattleZeroTUs);
	// shortcuts without a specific button
	_btnStats->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnReloadClick, Options::keyBattleReload);
	_btnStats->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnPersonalLightingClick, Options::keyBattlePersonalLighting);
	SDLKey buttons[] = {Options::keyBattleCenterEnemy1,
	Uint8 color = _game->getMod()->getInterface("battlescape")->getElement("visibleUnits")->color;
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		std::ostringstream tooltip;
		_btnVisibleUnit[i]->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BattlescapeState::btnVisibleUnitClick, buttons[i]);
		tooltip << "STR_CENTER_ON_ENEMY_" << (i+1);
	// Set music
	if (_save->getMusic().empty())
	_animTimer = new Timer(DEFAULT_ANIM_SPEED, true);
	_gameTimer = new Timer(DEFAULT_ANIM_SPEED, true);
	_battleGame = new BattlescapeGame(_save, this);
	_barHealthColor = _barHealth->getColor();
 * Deletes the battlescapestate.
	delete _animTimer;
	delete _gameTimer;
	delete _battleGame;
 * Initializes the battlescapestate.
void BattlescapeState::init()
	if (_save->getAmbientSound() != -1)
		_game->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_save->getDepth(), _save->getAmbientSound())->loop();
		_game->setVolume(Options::soundVolume, Options::musicVolume, Options::uiVolume);
	switch (_save->getTUReserved())
		_reserve = _btnReserveSnap;
		_reserve = _btnReserveAimed;
		_reserve = _btnReserveAuto;
		_reserve = _btnReserveNone;
	if (_firstInit)
		if (!playableUnitSelected())
		if (playableUnitSelected())
		_firstInit = false;
	if (_autosave)
		_autosave = false;
		if (_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
			_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
		else if (Options::autosave)
			_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_AUTO_BATTLESCAPE, _palette));
 * Runs the timers and handles popups.
void BattlescapeState::think()
	static bool popped = false;
	if (_gameTimer->isRunning())
		if (_popups.empty())
			_animTimer->think(this, 0);
			_gameTimer->think(this, 0);
			if (popped)
				popped = false;
			// Handle popups
			popped = true;
 * Processes any mouse moving over the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapOver(Action *action)
	if (_isMouseScrolling && action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION)
		// The following is the workaround for a rare problem where sometimes
		// the mouse-release event is missed for any reason.
		// (checking: is the dragScroll-mouse-button still pressed?)
		// However if the SDL is also missed the release event, then it is to no avail :(
		if ((SDL_GetMouseState(0,0)&SDL_BUTTON(Options::battleDragScrollButton)) == 0)
		{ // so we missed again the mouse-release :(
			// Check if we have to revoke the scrolling, because it was too short in time, so it was a click
			if ((!_mouseMovedOverThreshold) && ((int)(SDL_GetTicks() - _mouseScrollingStartTime) <= (Options::dragScrollTimeTolerance)))
			_isMouseScrolled = _isMouseScrolling = false;
		_isMouseScrolled = true;
		if (Options::touchEnabled == false)
			// Set the mouse cursor back
			SDL_WarpMouse(_game->getScreen()->getWidth() / 2, _game->getScreen()->getHeight() / 2 - _map->getIconHeight() / 2);
		// Check the threshold
		_totalMouseMoveX += action->getDetails()->motion.xrel;
		_totalMouseMoveY += action->getDetails()->motion.yrel;
		if (!_mouseMovedOverThreshold)
			_mouseMovedOverThreshold = ((std::abs(_totalMouseMoveX) > Options::dragScrollPixelTolerance) || (std::abs(_totalMouseMoveY) > Options::dragScrollPixelTolerance));
		// Scrolling
		if (Options::battleDragScrollInvert)
			int scrollX = -(int)((double)_totalMouseMoveX / action->getXScale());
			int scrollY = -(int)((double)_totalMouseMoveY / action->getYScale());
			Position delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
			_map->getCamera()->scrollXY(scrollX, scrollY, true);
			delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset() - delta2;
			// Keep the limits...
			if (scrollX != delta2.x || scrollY != delta2.y)
				_totalMouseMoveX = -(int) (delta2.x * action->getXScale());
				_totalMouseMoveY = -(int) (delta2.y * action->getYScale());
			if (Options::touchEnabled == false)
				action->getDetails()->motion.x = _xBeforeMouseScrolling;
				action->getDetails()->motion.y = _yBeforeMouseScrolling;
			Position delta = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
			int scrollX = (int)((double)_totalMouseMoveX / action->getXScale());
			int scrollY = (int)((double)_totalMouseMoveY / action->getYScale());
			Position delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
			_map->getCamera()->scrollXY(scrollX, scrollY, true);
			delta2 = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset() - delta2;
			delta = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset() - delta;
			// Keep the limits...
			if (scrollX != delta2.x || scrollY != delta2.y)
				_totalMouseMoveX = (int) (delta2.x * action->getXScale());
				_totalMouseMoveY = (int) (delta2.y * action->getYScale());
			int barWidth = _game->getScreen()->getCursorLeftBlackBand();
			int barHeight = _game->getScreen()->getCursorTopBlackBand();
			int cursorX = _cursorPosition.x + Round(delta.x * action->getXScale());
			int cursorY = _cursorPosition.y + Round(delta.y * action->getYScale());
			_cursorPosition.x = Clamp(cursorX, barWidth, _game->getScreen()->getWidth() - barWidth - (int)(Round(action->getXScale())));
			_cursorPosition.y = Clamp(cursorY, barHeight, _game->getScreen()->getHeight() - barHeight - (int)(Round(action->getYScale())));
			if (Options::touchEnabled == false)
				action->getDetails()->motion.x = _cursorPosition.x;
				action->getDetails()->motion.y = _cursorPosition.y;
		// We don't want to look the mouse-cursor jumping :)
 * Processes any presses on the map.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapPress(Action *action)
	// don't handle mouseclicks over the buttons (it overlaps with map surface)
	if (_mouseOverIcons) return;
	if (action->getDetails()->button.button == Options::battleDragScrollButton)
		_isMouseScrolling = true;
		_isMouseScrolled = false;
		SDL_GetMouseState(&_xBeforeMouseScrolling, &_yBeforeMouseScrolling);
		_mapOffsetBeforeMouseScrolling = _map->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
		if (!Options::battleDragScrollInvert && _cursorPosition.z == 0)
			_cursorPosition.x = action->getDetails()->motion.x;
			_cursorPosition.y = action->getDetails()->motion.y;
			// the Z is irrelevant to our mouse position, but we can use it as a boolean to check if the position is set or not
			_cursorPosition.z = 1;
		_totalMouseMoveX = 0; _totalMouseMoveY = 0;
		_mouseMovedOverThreshold = false;
		_mouseScrollingStartTime = SDL_GetTicks();
 * Processes any clicks on the map to
 * command units.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapClick(Action *action)
	// The following is the workaround for a rare problem where sometimes
	// the mouse-release event is missed for any reason.
	// However if the SDL is also missed the release event, then it is to no avail :(
	// (this part handles the release if it is missed and now an other button is used)
	if (_isMouseScrolling)
		if (action->getDetails()->button.button != Options::battleDragScrollButton
		&& (SDL_GetMouseState(0,0)&SDL_BUTTON(Options::battleDragScrollButton)) == 0)
		{   // so we missed again the mouse-release :(
			// Check if we have to revoke the scrolling, because it was too short in time, so it was a click
			if ((!_mouseMovedOverThreshold) && ((int)(SDL_GetTicks() - _mouseScrollingStartTime) <= (Options::dragScrollTimeTolerance)))
			_isMouseScrolled = _isMouseScrolling = false;
	// DragScroll-Button release: release mouse-scroll-mode
	if (_isMouseScrolling)
		// While scrolling, other buttons are ineffective
		if (action->getDetails()->button.button == Options::battleDragScrollButton)
			_isMouseScrolling = false;
		// Check if we have to revoke the scrolling, because it was too short in time, so it was a click
		if ((!_mouseMovedOverThreshold) && ((int)(SDL_GetTicks() - _mouseScrollingStartTime) <= (Options::dragScrollTimeTolerance)))
			_isMouseScrolled = false;
		if (_isMouseScrolled) return;
	// right-click aborts walking state
	if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)
		if (_battleGame->cancelCurrentAction())
	// don't handle mouseclicks over the buttons (it overlaps with map surface)
	if (_mouseOverIcons) return;
	// don't accept leftclicks if there is no cursor or there is an action busy
	if (_map->getCursorType() == CT_NONE || _battleGame->isBusy()) return;
	Position pos;
	if (_save->getDebugMode())
		std::ostringstream ss;
		ss << "Clicked " << pos;
	if (_save->getTile(pos) != 0) // don't allow to click into void
		if ((action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT || (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_ALT) != 0)) && playableUnitSelected())
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
 * Handles mouse entering the map surface.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mapIn(Action *)
	_isMouseScrolling = false;
	_map->setButtonsPressed(Options::battleDragScrollButton, false);
 * Moves the selected unit up.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnUnitUpClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected() && _save->getPathfinding()->validateUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), _save->getSelectedUnit()->getPosition(), Pathfinding::DIR_UP))
		_battleGame->moveUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), Pathfinding::DIR_UP);
 * Moves the selected unit down.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnUnitDownClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected() && _save->getPathfinding()->validateUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), _save->getSelectedUnit()->getPosition(), Pathfinding::DIR_DOWN))
		_battleGame->moveUpDown(_save->getSelectedUnit(), Pathfinding::DIR_DOWN);
 * Shows the next map layer.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnMapUpClick(Action *)
	if (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode())
 * Shows the previous map layer.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnMapDownClick(Action *)
	if (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode())
 * Shows the minimap.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnShowMapClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		_game->pushState (new MiniMapState (_map->getCamera(), _save));
void BattlescapeState::toggleKneelButton(BattleUnit* unit)
	if (_btnKneel->isTFTDMode())
		_btnKneel->toggle(unit && unit->isKneeled());
		_game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("KneelButton")->getFrame((unit && unit->isKneeled()) ? 1 : 0)->blit(_btnKneel);
 * Toggles the current unit's kneel/standup status.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnKneelClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		BattleUnit *bu = _save->getSelectedUnit();
		if (bu)
			// update any path preview when unit kneels
			if (_battleGame->getPathfinding()->isPathPreviewed())
				_battleGame->getPathfinding()->calculate(_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor, _battleGame->getCurrentAction()->target);
 * Goes to the soldier info screen.
 * Additionally resets TUs for current side in debug mode.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnInventoryClick(Action *)
	if (_save->getDebugMode())
		for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
			if ((*i)->getFaction() == _save->getSide())
	if (playableUnitSelected()
		&& (_save->getSelectedUnit()->hasInventory() || _save->getDebugMode()))
		_game->pushState(new InventoryState(!_save->getDebugMode(), this));
 * Centers on the currently selected soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnCenterClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
 * Selects the next soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnNextSoldierClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		selectNextPlayerUnit(true, false);
 * Disables reselection of the current soldier and selects the next soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnNextStopClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		selectNextPlayerUnit(true, true);
 * Selects next soldier.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnPrevSoldierClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
 * Selects the next soldier.
 * @param checkReselect When true, don't select a unit that has been previously flagged.
 * @param setReselect When true, flag the current unit first.
 * @param checkInventory When true, don't select a unit that has no inventory.
void BattlescapeState::selectNextPlayerUnit(bool checkReselect, bool setReselect, bool checkInventory, bool checkFOV)
	if (allowButtons())
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->selectNextPlayerUnit(checkReselect, setReselect, checkInventory);
		if (unit) _map->getCamera()->centerOnPosition(unit->getPosition());
		_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor = unit;
 * Selects the previous soldier.
 * @param checkReselect When true, don't select a unit that has been previously flagged.
 * @param setReselect When true, flag the current unit first.
 * @param checkInventory When true, don't select a unit that has no inventory.
void BattlescapeState::selectPreviousPlayerUnit(bool checkReselect, bool setReselect, bool checkInventory)
	if (allowButtons())
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->selectPreviousPlayerUnit(checkReselect, setReselect, checkInventory);
		if (unit) _map->getCamera()->centerOnPosition(unit->getPosition());
		_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor = unit;
 * Shows/hides all map layers.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnShowLayersClick(Action *)
 * Shows options.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnHelpClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons(true))
		_game->pushState(new PauseState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE));
 * Requests the end of turn. This will add a 0 to the end of the state queue,
 * so all ongoing actions, like explosions are finished first before really switching turn.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnEndTurnClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
 * Aborts the game.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnAbortClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
		_game->pushState(new AbortMissionState(_save, this));
 * Shows the selected soldier's info.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnStatsClick(Action *action)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
		bool scroll = false;
		if (SCROLL_TRIGGER == Options::battleEdgeScroll &&
			SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP == action->getDetails()->type && SDL_BUTTON_LEFT == action->getDetails()->button.button)
			int posX = action->getXMouse();
			int posY = action->getYMouse();
			if ((posX < (Camera::SCROLL_BORDER * action->getXScale()) && posX > 0)
				|| (posX > (_map->getWidth() - Camera::SCROLL_BORDER) * action->getXScale())
				|| (posY < (Camera::SCROLL_BORDER * action->getYScale()) && posY > 0)
				|| (posY > (_map->getHeight() - Camera::SCROLL_BORDER) * action->getYScale()))
				// To avoid handling this event as a click
				// on the stats button when the mouse is on the scroll-border
				scroll = true;
		if (!scroll)
			popup(new UnitInfoState(_save->getSelectedUnit(), this, false, false));
 * Shows an action popup menu. When clicked, creates the action.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnLeftHandItemClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
		// concession for touch devices:
		// click on the item to cancel action, and don't pop up a menu to select a new one
		// TODO: wrap this in an IFDEF ?
		if (_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->targeting)
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
		BattleItem *leftHandItem = getLeftHandItem(unit);
		if (leftHandItem != getSpecialMeleeWeapon(unit))
 * Shows an action popup menu. When clicked, create the action.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnRightHandItemClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected())
		// concession for touch devices:
		// click on the item to cancel action, and don't pop up a menu to select a new one
		// TODO: wrap this in an IFDEF ?
		if (_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->targeting)
		BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
		BattleItem *rightHandItem = getRightHandItem(unit);
		if (rightHandItem != getSpecialMeleeWeapon(unit))
 * Centers on the unit corresponding to this button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnVisibleUnitClick(Action *action)
	int btnID = -1;
	// got to find out which button was pressed
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX && btnID == -1; ++i)
		if (action->getSender() == _btnVisibleUnit[i])
			btnID = i;
	if (btnID != -1)
	action->getDetails()->type = SDL_NOEVENT; // consume the event
 * Launches the blaster bomb.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnLaunchClick(Action *action)
	action->getDetails()->type = SDL_NOEVENT; // consume the event
 * Uses psionics.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnPsiClick(Action *action)
	action->getDetails()->type = SDL_NOEVENT; // consume the event
 * Reserves time units.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnReserveClick(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons())
		SDL_Event ev;
		ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
		Action a = Action(&ev, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
		action->getSender()->mousePress(&a, this);
		if (_reserve == _btnReserveNone)
		else if (_reserve == _btnReserveSnap)
		else if (_reserve == _btnReserveAimed)
		else if (_reserve == _btnReserveAuto)
		// update any path preview
		if (_battleGame->getPathfinding()->isPathPreviewed())
 * Reloads the weapon in hand.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnReloadClick(Action *)
	if (playableUnitSelected() && _save->getSelectedUnit()->checkAmmo())
		_game->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(_save->getDepth(), Mod::ITEM_RELOAD)->play(-1, getMap()->getSoundAngle(_save->getSelectedUnit()->getPosition()));
 * Toggles soldier's personal lighting (purely cosmetic).
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnPersonalLightingClick(Action *)
	if (allowButtons())
 * Determines whether a playable unit is selected. Normally only player side units can be selected, but in debug mode one can play with aliens too :)
 * Is used to see if action buttons will work.
 * @return Whether a playable unit is selected.
bool BattlescapeState::playableUnitSelected()
	return _save->getSelectedUnit() != 0 && allowButtons();
 * Updates a soldier's name/rank/tu/energy/health/morale.
void BattlescapeState::updateSoldierInfo(bool checkFOV)
	BattleUnit *battleUnit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		_visibleUnit[i] = 0;
	bool playableUnit = _battleGame->playableUnitSelected();
	if (!playableUnit)
	_txtName->setText(battleUnit->getName(_game->getLanguage(), false));
	Soldier *soldier = battleUnit->getGeoscapeSoldier();
	if (soldier != 0)
		SurfaceSet *texture = _game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("SMOKE.PCK");
		texture->getFrame(20 + soldier->getRank())->blit(_rank);
	BattleItem *leftHandItem = getLeftHandItem(battleUnit);
	if (leftHandItem)
		leftHandItem->getRules()->drawHandSprite(_game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("BIGOBS.PCK"), _btnLeftHandItem);
		if (leftHandItem->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_FIREARM && (leftHandItem->needsAmmo() || leftHandItem->getRules()->getClipSize() > 0))
			if (leftHandItem->getAmmoItem())
	BattleItem *rightHandItem = getRightHandItem(battleUnit);
	if (rightHandItem)
		rightHandItem->getRules()->drawHandSprite(_game->getMod()->getSurfaceSet("BIGOBS.PCK"), _btnRightHandItem);
		if (rightHandItem->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_FIREARM && (rightHandItem->needsAmmo() || rightHandItem->getRules()->getClipSize() > 0))
			if (rightHandItem->getAmmoItem())
	if (checkFOV)
	int j = 0;
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = battleUnit->getVisibleUnits()->begin(); i != battleUnit->getVisibleUnits()->end() && j < VISIBLE_MAX; ++i)
		_visibleUnit[j] = (*i);
	showPsiButton(battleUnit->getSpecialWeapon(BT_PSIAMP) != 0);
 * Gets the item currently accessible through the left hand slot in the battlescape UI.
BattleItem *BattlescapeState::getLeftHandItem(BattleUnit *battleUnit)
	BattleItem *melee = getSpecialMeleeWeapon(battleUnit);
	BattleItem *leftHand = battleUnit->getItem("STR_LEFT_HAND");
	// If the unit has a melee weapon, and the right hand is already occupied,
	// allow access to the melee weapon through the left hand slot,
	// provided that the left hand is empty.
	return melee && battleUnit->getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND") && !leftHand
		? melee
		: leftHand;
 * Gets the item currently accessible through the right hand slot in the battlescape UI.
BattleItem *BattlescapeState::getRightHandItem(BattleUnit *battleUnit)
	BattleItem *melee = getSpecialMeleeWeapon(battleUnit);
	BattleItem *rightHand = battleUnit->getItem("STR_RIGHT_HAND");
	// If the unit has a built-in melee weapon, and the right hand is not occupied,
	// allow access to the melee weapon through the right hand slot.
	return melee && !rightHand ? melee : rightHand;
 * Gets the built-in melee weapon of a unit, if any.
BattleItem *BattlescapeState::getSpecialMeleeWeapon(BattleUnit *battleUnit)
	return battleUnit->getSpecialWeapon(BT_MELEE);
 * Shifts the red colors of the visible unit buttons backgrounds.
void BattlescapeState::blinkVisibleUnitButtons()
	static int delta = 1, color = 32;
	for (int i = 0; i < VISIBLE_MAX;  ++i)
		if (_btnVisibleUnit[i]->getVisible() == true)
			_btnVisibleUnit[i]->drawRect(0, 0, 15, 12, 15);
			_btnVisibleUnit[i]->drawRect(1, 1, 13, 10, color);
	if (color == 44) delta = -2;
	if (color == 32) delta = 1;
	color += delta;
 * Shifts the colors of the health bar when unit has fatal wounds.
void BattlescapeState::blinkHealthBar()
	static Uint8 color = 0, maxcolor = 3, step = 0;
	step = 1 - step;	// 1, 0, 1, 0, ...
	BattleUnit *bu = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	if (step == 0 || bu == 0 || !_barHealth->getVisible()) return;
	if (++color > maxcolor) color = maxcolor - 3;
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		if (bu->getFatalWound(i) > 0)
			_barHealth->setColor(_barHealthColor + color);
	if (_barHealth->getColor() != _barHealthColor) // avoid redrawing if we don't have to
 * Popups a context sensitive list of actions the user can choose from.
 * Some actions result in a change of gamestate.
 * @param item Item the user clicked on (righthand/lefthand)
void BattlescapeState::handleItemClick(BattleItem *item)
	// make sure there is an item, and the battlescape is in an idle state
	if (item && !_battleGame->isBusy())
		_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->weapon = item;
		popup(new ActionMenuState(_battleGame->getCurrentAction(), _icons->getX(), _icons->getY()+16));
 * Animates map objects on the map, also smoke,fire, ...
void BattlescapeState::animate()
 * Handles the battle game state.
void BattlescapeState::handleState()
 * Sets the timer interval for think() calls of the state.
 * @param interval An interval in ms.
void BattlescapeState::setStateInterval(Uint32 interval)
 * Gets pointer to the game. Some states need this info.
 * @return Pointer to game.
Game *BattlescapeState::getGame() const
	return _game;
 * Gets pointer to the map. Some states need this info.
 * @return Pointer to map.
Map *BattlescapeState::getMap() const
	return _map;
 * Shows a debug message in the topleft corner.
 * @param message Debug message.
void BattlescapeState::debug(const std::string &message)
	if (_save->getDebugMode())
 * Shows a warning message.
 * @param message Warning message.
void BattlescapeState::warning(const std::string &message)
 * Takes care of any events from the core game engine.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
inline void BattlescapeState::handle(Action *action)
	if (!_firstInit)
		if (_game->getCursor()->getVisible() || ((action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN || action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) && action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT))
			if (Options::touchEnabled == false && _isMouseScrolling && !Options::battleDragScrollInvert)
				_map->setSelectorPosition((_cursorPosition.x - _game->getScreen()->getCursorLeftBlackBand()) / action->getXScale(), (_cursorPosition.y - _game->getScreen()->getCursorTopBlackBand()) / action->getYScale());
			if (action->getDetails()->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
				if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X1)
				else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_X2)
			if (action->getDetails()->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
				if (Options::debug)
					// "ctrl-d" - enable debug mode
					if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_d && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Debug Mode");
					// "ctrl-v" - reset tile visibility
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_v && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Resetting tile visibility");
					// "ctrl-k" - kill all aliens
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_k && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Influenza bacterium dispersed");
						for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i !=_save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
							if ((*i)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE && !(*i)->isOut())
								(*i)->damage(Position(0,0,0), 1000, DT_AP, true);
							_save->getBattleGame()->checkForCasualties(0, 0, true, false);
					// "ctrl-j" - stun all aliens
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_j && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Deploying Celine Dion album");
						for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i !=_save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
							if ((*i)->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE && !(*i)->isOut())
								(*i)->damage(Position(0,0,0), 1000, DT_STUN, true);
						_save->getBattleGame()->checkForCasualties(0, 0, true, false);
					// "ctrl-w" - warp unit
					else if (_save->getDebugMode() && action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_w && (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_CTRL) != 0)
						debug("Beam me up Scotty");
						BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
						Position newPos;
						if (unit != 0 && newPos.x >= 0)
					// f11 - voxel map dump
					else if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F11)
					// f9 - ai
					else if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_F9 && Options::traceAI)
				// quick save and quick load
				if (!_game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
					if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyQuickSave)
						_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_QUICK, _palette));
					else if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyQuickLoad)
						_game->pushState(new LoadGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_QUICK, _palette));
				// voxel view dump
				if (action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym == Options::keyBattleVoxelView)
 * Saves a map as used by the AI.
void BattlescapeState::saveAIMap()
	Uint32 start = SDL_GetTicks();
	BattleUnit *unit = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	if (!unit) return;
	int w = _save->getMapSizeX();
	int h = _save->getMapSizeY();
	SDL_Surface *img = SDL_AllocSurface(0, w * 8, h * 8, 24, 0xff, 0xff00, 0xff0000, 0);
	Log(LOG_INFO) << "unit = " << unit->getId();
	memset(img->pixels, 0, img->pitch * img->h);
	Position tilePos(unit->getPosition());
	SDL_Rect r;
	r.h = 8;
	r.w = 8;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		tilePos.y = y;
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			tilePos.x = x;
			Tile *t = _save->getTile(tilePos);
			if (!t) continue;
			if (!t->isDiscovered(2)) continue;
	for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
		tilePos.y = y;
		for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
			tilePos.x = x;
			Tile *t = _save->getTile(tilePos);
			if (!t) continue;
			if (!t->isDiscovered(2)) continue;
			r.x = x * r.w;
			r.y = y * r.h;
			if (t->getTUCost(O_FLOOR, MT_FLY) != 255 && t->getTUCost(O_OBJECT, MT_FLY) != 255)
				SDL_FillRect(img, &r, SDL_MapRGB(img->format, 255, 0, 0x20));
				characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y,'*' , 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f);
			} else
				if (!t->getUnit()) SDL_FillRect(img, &r, SDL_MapRGB(img->format, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50)); // gray for blocked tile
			for (int z = tilePos.z; z >= 0; --z)
				Position pos(tilePos.x, tilePos.y, z);
				t = _save->getTile(pos);
				BattleUnit *wat = t->getUnit();
				if (wat)
						// #4080C0 is Volutar Blue
						characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, (tilePos.z - z) ? 'a' : 'A', 0x40, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xff);
						characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, (tilePos.z - z) ? 'x' : 'X', 255, 255, 127, 0xff);
						characterRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, (tilePos.z - z) ? 'c' : 'C', 255, 127, 127, 0xff);
				if (z > 0 && !t->hasNoFloor(_save->getTile(pos))) break; // no seeing through floors
			if (t->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) && t->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->getTUCost(MT_FLY) == 255)
				lineRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 255);
			if (t->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) && t->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->getTUCost(MT_FLY) == 255)
				lineRGBA(img, r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y+r.h, 0x50, 0x50, 0x50, 255);
	std::ostringstream ss;
	ss << "z = " << tilePos.z;
	stringRGBA(img, 12, 12, ss.str().c_str(), 0, 0, 0, 0x7f);
	int i = 0;
		ss << Options::getMasterUserFolder() << "AIExposure" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << i << ".png";
	while (CrossPlatform::fileExists(ss.str()));
	unsigned error = lodepng::encode(ss.str(), (const unsigned char*)img->pixels, img->w, img->h, LCT_RGB);
	if (error)
		Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Saving to PNG failed: " << lodepng_error_text(error);
	Log(LOG_INFO) << "saveAIMap() completed in " << SDL_GetTicks() - start << "ms.";
 * Saves a first-person voxel view of the battlescape.
void BattlescapeState::saveVoxelView()
	static const unsigned char pal[30]=
	//			ground		west wall	north wall		object		enem unit						xcom unit	neutr unit
	{0,0,0, 224,224,224,  192,224,255,  255,224,192, 128,255,128, 192,0,255,  0,0,0, 255,255,255,  224,192,0,  255,64,128 };
	BattleUnit * bu = _save->getSelectedUnit();
	if (bu==0) return; //no unit selected
	std::vector<Position> _trajectory;
	double ang_x,ang_y;
	bool black;
	Tile *tile = 0;
	std::ostringstream ss;
	std::vector<unsigned char> image;
	int test;
	Position originVoxel = getBattleGame()->getTileEngine()->getSightOriginVoxel(bu);
	Position targetVoxel,hitPos;
	double dist = 0;
	bool _debug = _save->getDebugMode();
	double dir = ((double)bu->getDirection()+4)/4*M_PI;
	for (int y = -256+32; y < 256+32; ++y)
		ang_y = (((double)y)/640*M_PI+M_PI/2);
		for (int x = -256; x < 256; ++x)
			ang_x = ((double)x/1024)*M_PI+dir;
			targetVoxel.x=originVoxel.x + (int)(-sin(ang_x)*1024*sin(ang_y));
			targetVoxel.y=originVoxel.y + (int)(cos(ang_x)*1024*sin(ang_y));
			targetVoxel.z=originVoxel.z + (int)(cos(ang_y)*1024);
			test = _save->getTileEngine()->calculateLine(originVoxel, targetVoxel, false, &_trajectory, bu, true, !_debug) +1;
			black = true;
			if (test!=0 && test!=6)
				tile = _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(0).x/16, _trajectory.at(0).y/16, _trajectory.at(0).z/24));
				if (_debug
					|| (tile->isDiscovered(0) && test == 2)
					|| (tile->isDiscovered(1) && test == 3)
					|| (tile->isDiscovered(2) && (test == 1 || test == 4))
					|| test==5
					if (test==5)
						if (tile->getUnit())
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
							tile = _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(0).x/16, _trajectory.at(0).y/16, _trajectory.at(0).z/24-1));
							if (tile && tile->getUnit())
								if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
								if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
					hitPos = Position(_trajectory.at(0).x, _trajectory.at(0).y, _trajectory.at(0).z);
					dist = sqrt((double)((hitPos.x-originVoxel.x)*(hitPos.x-originVoxel.x)
						+ (hitPos.y-originVoxel.y)*(hitPos.y-originVoxel.y)
						+ (hitPos.z-originVoxel.z)*(hitPos.z-originVoxel.z)) );
					black = false;
			if (black)
				dist = 0;
				if (dist>1000) dist=1000;
				if (dist<1) dist=1;
				if (hitPos.x%16==15)
				if (hitPos.y%16==15)
				if (hitPos.z%24==23)
				if (dist > 1) dist = 1;
				if (tile) dist *= (16 - (double)tile->getShade())/16;
	int i = 0;
		ss << Options::getMasterUserFolder() << "fpslook" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(3) << i << ".png";
	while (CrossPlatform::fileExists(ss.str()));
	unsigned error = lodepng::encode(ss.str(), image, 512, 512, LCT_RGB);
	if (error)
		Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Saving to PNG failed: " << lodepng_error_text(error);
 * Saves each layer of voxels on the bettlescape as a png.
void BattlescapeState::saveVoxelMap()
	std::ostringstream ss;
	std::vector<unsigned char> image;
	static const unsigned char pal[30]=
	{255,255,255, 224,224,224,  128,160,255,  255,160,128, 128,255,128, 192,0,255,  255,255,255, 255,255,255,  224,192,0,  255,64,128 };
	Tile *tile;
	for (int z = 0; z < _save->getMapSizeZ()*12; ++z)
		for (int y = 0; y < _save->getMapSizeY()*16; ++y)
			for (int x = 0; x < _save->getMapSizeX()*16; ++x)
				int test = _save->getTileEngine()->voxelCheck(Position(x,y,z*2),0,0) +1;
				float dist=1;
				if (x%16==15)
				if (y%16==15)
				if (test == V_OUTOFBOUNDS)
					tile = _save->getTile(Position(x/16, y/16, z/12));
					if (tile->getUnit())
						if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
						if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
						tile = _save->getTile(Position(x/16, y/16, z/12-1));
						if (tile && tile->getUnit())
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_NEUTRAL) test=9;
							if (tile->getUnit()->getFaction()==FACTION_PLAYER) test=8;
		ss << Options::getMasterUserFolder() << "voxel" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << z << ".png";
		unsigned error = lodepng::encode(ss.str(), image, _save->getMapSizeX()*16, _save->getMapSizeY()*16, LCT_RGB);
		if (error)
			Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Saving to PNG failed: " << lodepng_error_text(error);
 * Adds a new popup window to the queue
 * (this prevents popups from overlapping).
 * @param state Pointer to popup state.
void BattlescapeState::popup(State *state)
 * Finishes up the current battle, shuts down the battlescape
 * and presents the debriefing screen for the mission.
 * @param abort Was the mission aborted?
 * @param inExitArea Number of soldiers in the exit area OR number of survivors when battle finished due to either all aliens or objective being destroyed.
void BattlescapeState::finishBattle(bool abort, int inExitArea)
	while (!_game->isState(this))
	if (_save->getAmbientSound() != -1)
		_game->getMod()->getSoundByDepth(0, _save->getAmbientSound())->stopLoop();
	AlienDeployment *ruleDeploy = _game->getMod()->getDeployment(_save->getMissionType());
	if (!ruleDeploy)
		for (std::vector<Ufo*>::iterator ufo =_game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->begin(); ufo != _game->getSavedGame()->getUfos()->end(); ++ufo)
			if ((*ufo)->isInBattlescape())
				ruleDeploy = _game->getMod()->getDeployment((*ufo)->getRules()->getType());
	std::string nextStage;
	if (ruleDeploy)
		nextStage = ruleDeploy->getNextStage();
	if (!nextStage.empty() && inExitArea)
		// if there is a next mission stage + we have people in exit area OR we killed all aliens, load the next stage
		BattlescapeGenerator bgen = BattlescapeGenerator(_game);
		_game->pushState(new BriefingState(0, 0));
		_game->pushState(new DebriefingState);
		std::string cutscene;
		if (ruleDeploy)
			if (abort)
				cutscene = ruleDeploy->getAbortCutscene();
			else if (inExitArea == 0)
				cutscene = ruleDeploy->getLoseCutscene();
				cutscene = ruleDeploy->getWinCutscene();
		if (!cutscene.empty())
			// if cutscene is "wingame" or "losegame", then the DebriefingState
			// pushed above will get popped without being shown.  otherwise
			// it will get shown after the cutscene.
			_game->pushState(new CutsceneState(cutscene));
			if (cutscene == CutsceneState::WIN_GAME)
			else if (cutscene == CutsceneState::LOSE_GAME)
			// Autosave if game is over
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->getEnding() != END_NONE && _game->getSavedGame()->isIronman())
				_game->pushState(new SaveGameState(OPT_BATTLESCAPE, SAVE_IRONMAN, _palette));
 * Shows the launch button.
 * @param show Show launch button?
void BattlescapeState::showLaunchButton(bool show)
 * Shows the PSI button.
 * @param show Show PSI button?
void BattlescapeState::showPsiButton(bool show)
 * Clears mouse-scrolling state (isMouseScrolling).
void BattlescapeState::clearMouseScrollingState()
	_isMouseScrolling = false;
 * Returns a pointer to the battlegame, in case we need its functions.
BattlescapeGame *BattlescapeState::getBattleGame()
	return _battleGame;
 * Handler for the mouse moving over the icons, disabling the tile selection cube.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mouseInIcons(Action *)
	_mouseOverIcons = true;
 * Handler for the mouse going out of the icons, enabling the tile selection cube.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::mouseOutIcons(Action *)
	_mouseOverIcons = false;
 * Checks if the mouse is over the icons.
 * @return True, if the mouse is over the icons.
bool BattlescapeState::getMouseOverIcons() const
	return _mouseOverIcons;
 * Determines whether the player is allowed to press buttons.
 * Buttons are disabled in the middle of a shot, during the alien turn,
 * and while a player's units are panicking.
 * The save button is an exception as we want to still be able to save if something
 * goes wrong during the alien turn, and submit the save file for dissection.
 * @param allowSaving True, if the help button was clicked.
 * @return True if the player can still press buttons.
bool BattlescapeState::allowButtons(bool allowSaving) const
	return ((allowSaving || _save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode())
		&& (_battleGame->getPanicHandled() || _firstInit )
		&& (allowSaving || !_battleGame->isBusy() || _firstInit)
		&& (_map->getProjectile() == 0));
 * Reserves time units for kneeling.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnReserveKneelClick(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons())
		SDL_Event ev;
		ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
		Action a = Action(&ev, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
		action->getSender()->mousePress(&a, this);
		// update any path preview
		if (_battleGame->getPathfinding()->isPathPreviewed())
 * Removes all time units.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::btnZeroTUsClick(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons())
		SDL_Event ev;
		ev.button.button = SDL_BUTTON_LEFT;
		Action a = Action(&ev, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0);
		action->getSender()->mousePress(&a, this);
		if (_battleGame->getSave()->getSelectedUnit())
 * Shows a tooltip for the appropriate button.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::txtTooltipIn(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons() && Options::battleTooltips)
		_currentTooltip = action->getSender()->getTooltip();
 * Clears the tooltip text.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::txtTooltipOut(Action *action)
	if (allowButtons() && Options::battleTooltips)
		if (_currentTooltip == action->getSender()->getTooltip())
 * Updates the scale.
 * @param dX delta of X;
 * @param dY delta of Y;
void BattlescapeState::resize(int &dX, int &dY)
	dX = Options::baseXResolution;
	dY = Options::baseYResolution;
	int divisor = 1;
	double pixelRatioY = 1.0;
	if (Options::nonSquarePixelRatio)
		pixelRatioY = 1.2;
	switch (Options::battlescapeScale)
		divisor = 3;
		divisor = 2;
		dX = 0;
		dY = 0;
	Options::baseXResolution = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_WIDTH, Options::displayWidth / divisor);
	Options::baseYResolution = std::max(Screen::ORIGINAL_HEIGHT, (int)(Options::displayHeight / pixelRatioY / divisor));
	dX = Options::baseXResolution - dX;
	dY = Options::baseYResolution - dY;
	_map->getCamera()->jumpXY(dX/2, dY/2);
	for (std::vector<Surface*>::const_iterator i = _surfaces.begin(); i != _surfaces.end(); ++i)
		if (*i != _map && (*i) != _btnPsi && *i != _btnLaunch && *i != _txtDebug)
			(*i)->setX((*i)->getX() + dX / 2);
			(*i)->setY((*i)->getY() + dY);
		else if (*i != _map && *i != _txtDebug)
			(*i)->setX((*i)->getX() + dX);
 * Move the mouse back to where it started after we finish drag scrolling.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BattlescapeState::stopScrolling(Action *action)
	if (Options::battleDragScrollInvert)
		SDL_WarpMouse(_xBeforeMouseScrolling, _yBeforeMouseScrolling);
		action->setMouseAction(_xBeforeMouseScrolling, _yBeforeMouseScrolling, _map->getX(), _map->getY());
		if (_battleGame->getCurrentAction()->actor == 0 && (_save->getSide() == FACTION_PLAYER || _save->getDebugMode()))
		SDL_WarpMouse(_cursorPosition.x, _cursorPosition.y);
		action->setMouseAction(_cursorPosition.x, _cursorPosition.y, _map->getX(), _map->getY());
		_map->setSelectorPosition(action->getAbsoluteXMouse(), action->getAbsoluteYMouse());
	// reset our "mouse position stored" flag
	_cursorPosition.z = 0;
 * Autosave the game the next time the battlescape is displayed.
void BattlescapeState::autosave()
	_autosave = true;

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'action->getDetails()->motion' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_map->getCamera()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getScreen()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_battleGame->getPathfinding()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the same expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'action->getDetails()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'action->getDetails()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'action->getDetails()->button' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_battleGame->getPathfinding()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'battleUnit->getBaseStats()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'leftHandItem->getRules()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'rightHandItem->getRules()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'action->getDetails()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'action->getDetails()->button' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'action->getDetails()->key.keysym' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the '_trajectory.at(0)' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_battleGame->getPathfinding()' expression repeatedly.