 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "BasescapeState.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Engine/LocalizedText.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Engine/Unicode.h"
#include "../Interface/TextButton.h"
#include "../Interface/Text.h"
#include "../Interface/TextEdit.h"
#include "BaseView.h"
#include "MiniBaseView.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/Base.h"
#include "../Savegame/BaseFacility.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleBaseFacility.h"
#include "../Savegame/Region.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleRegion.h"
#include "../Menu/ErrorMessageState.h"
#include "DismantleFacilityState.h"
#include "../Geoscape/BuildNewBaseState.h"
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "BaseInfoState.h"
#include "SoldiersState.h"
#include "CraftsState.h"
#include "BuildFacilitiesState.h"
#include "ResearchState.h"
#include "ManageAlienContainmentState.h"
#include "ManufactureState.h"
#include "PurchaseState.h"
#include "SellState.h"
#include "TransferBaseState.h"
#include "CraftInfoState.h"
#include "../Geoscape/AllocatePsiTrainingState.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleInterface.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Initializes all the elements in the Basescape screen.
 * @param game Pointer to the core game.
 * @param base Pointer to the base to get info from.
 * @param globe Pointer to the Geoscape globe.
BasescapeState::BasescapeState(Base *base, Globe *globe) : _base(base), _globe(globe)
	// Create objects
	_txtFacility = new Text(192, 9, 0, 0);
	_view = new BaseView(192, 192, 0, 8);
	_mini = new MiniBaseView(128, 16, 192, 41);
	_edtBase = new TextEdit(this, 127, 17, 193, 0);
	_txtLocation = new Text(126, 9, 194, 16);
	_txtFunds = new Text(126, 9, 194, 24);
	_btnNewBase = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 58);
	_btnBaseInfo = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 71);
	_btnSoldiers = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 84);
	_btnCrafts = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 97);
	_btnFacilities = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 110);
	_btnResearch = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 123);
	_btnManufacture = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 136);
	_btnTransfer = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 149);
	_btnPurchase = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 162);
	_btnSell = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 175);
	_btnGeoscape = new TextButton(128, 12, 192, 188);
	// Set palette
	add(_view, "baseView", "basescape");
	add(_mini, "miniBase", "basescape");
	add(_txtFacility, "textTooltip", "basescape");
	add(_edtBase, "text1", "basescape");
	add(_txtLocation, "text2", "basescape");
	add(_txtFunds, "text3", "basescape");
	add(_btnNewBase, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnBaseInfo, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnSoldiers, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnCrafts, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnFacilities, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnResearch, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnManufacture, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnTransfer, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnPurchase, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnSell, "button", "basescape");
	add(_btnGeoscape, "button", "basescape");
	// Set up objects
	_view->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&BasescapeState::viewLeftClick, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT);
	_view->onMouseClick((ActionHandler)&BasescapeState::viewRightClick, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT);
	_btnGeoscape->onKeyboardPress((ActionHandler)&BasescapeState::btnGeoscapeClick, Options::keyCancel);
	// Clean up any temporary bases
	bool exists = false;
	for (std::vector<Base*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->end() && !exists; ++i)
		if (*i == _base)
			exists = true;
	if (!exists)
		delete _base;
 * The player can change the selected base
 * or change info on other screens.
void BasescapeState::init()
	// Get area
	for (std::vector<Region*>::iterator i = _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->begin(); i != _game->getSavedGame()->getRegions()->end(); ++i)
		if ((*i)->getRules()->insideRegion(_base->getLongitude(), _base->getLatitude()))
	_btnNewBase->setVisible(_game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->size() < MiniBaseView::MAX_BASES);
 * Changes the base currently displayed on screen.
 * @param base Pointer to new base to display.
void BasescapeState::setBase(Base *base)
	if (!_game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->empty())
		// Check if base still exists
		bool exists = false;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->size(); ++i)
			if (_game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->at(i) == base)
				_base = base;
				exists = true;
		// If base was removed, select first one
		if (!exists)
			_base = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->front();
		// Use a blank base for special case when player has no bases
		_base = new Base(_game->getMod());
 * Goes to the Build New Base screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnNewBaseClick(Action *)
	Base *base = new Base(_game->getMod());
	_game->pushState(new BuildNewBaseState(base, _globe, false));
 * Goes to the Base Info screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnBaseInfoClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new BaseInfoState(_base, this));
 * Goes to the Soldiers screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnSoldiersClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new SoldiersState(_base));
 * Goes to the Crafts screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnCraftsClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new CraftsState(_base));
 * Opens the Build Facilities window.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnFacilitiesClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new BuildFacilitiesState(_base, this));
 * Goes to the Research screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnResearchClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new ResearchState(_base));
 * Goes to the Manufacture screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnManufactureClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new ManufactureState(_base));
 * Goes to the Purchase screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnPurchaseClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new PurchaseState(_base));
 * Goes to the Sell screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnSellClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new SellState(_base));
 * Goes to the Select Destination Base window.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnTransferClick(Action *)
	_game->pushState(new TransferBaseState(_base));
 * Returns to the previous screen.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::btnGeoscapeClick(Action *)
 * Processes clicking on facilities.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::viewLeftClick(Action *)
	BaseFacility *fac = _view->getSelectedFacility();
	if (fac != 0)
		// Is facility in use?
		if (fac->inUse())
			_game->pushState(new ErrorMessageState(tr("STR_FACILITY_IN_USE"), _palette, _game->getMod()->getInterface("basescape")->getElement("errorMessage")->color, "BACK13.SCR", _game->getMod()->getInterface("basescape")->getElement("errorPalette")->color));
		// Would base become disconnected?
		else if (!_base->getDisconnectedFacilities(fac).empty())
			_game->pushState(new ErrorMessageState(tr("STR_CANNOT_DISMANTLE_FACILITY"), _palette, _game->getMod()->getInterface("basescape")->getElement("errorMessage")->color, "BACK13.SCR", _game->getMod()->getInterface("basescape")->getElement("errorPalette")->color));
			_game->pushState(new DismantleFacilityState(_base, _view, fac));
 * Processes right clicking on facilities.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::viewRightClick(Action *)
	BaseFacility *f = _view->getSelectedFacility();
	if (f == 0)
		_game->pushState(new BaseInfoState(_base, this));
	else if (f->getRules()->getCrafts() > 0)
		if (f->getCraft() == 0)
			_game->pushState(new CraftsState(_base));
			for (size_t craft = 0; craft < _base->getCrafts()->size(); ++craft)
				if (f->getCraft() == _base->getCrafts()->at(craft))
					_game->pushState(new CraftInfoState(_base, craft));
	else if (f->getRules()->getStorage() > 0)
		_game->pushState(new SellState(_base));
	else if (f->getRules()->getPersonnel() > 0)
		_game->pushState(new SoldiersState(_base));
	else if (f->getRules()->getPsiLaboratories() > 0 && Options::anytimePsiTraining && _base->getAvailablePsiLabs() > 0)
		_game->pushState(new AllocatePsiTrainingState(_base));
	else if (f->getRules()->getLaboratories() > 0)
		_game->pushState(new ResearchState(_base));
	else if (f->getRules()->getWorkshops() > 0)
		_game->pushState(new ManufactureState(_base));
	else if (f->getRules()->getAliens() > 0)
		_game->pushState(new ManageAlienContainmentState(_base, OPT_GEOSCAPE));
	else if (f->getRules()->isLift() || f->getRules()->getRadarRange() > 0)
 * Displays the name of the facility the mouse is over.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::viewMouseOver(Action *)
	BaseFacility *f = _view->getSelectedFacility();
	std::ostringstream ss;
	if (f != 0)
		if (f->getRules()->getCrafts() == 0 || f->getBuildTime() > 0)
			ss << tr(f->getRules()->getType());
			ss << tr(f->getRules()->getType());
			if (f->getCraft() != 0)
				ss << " " << tr("STR_CRAFT_").arg(f->getCraft()->getName(_game->getLanguage()));
 * Clears the facility name.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::viewMouseOut(Action *)
 * Selects a new base to display.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::miniClick(Action *)
	size_t base = _mini->getHoveredBase();
	if (base < _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->size())
		_base = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->at(base);
 * Selects a new base to display.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::handleKeyPress(Action *action)
	if (action->getDetails()->type == SDL_KEYDOWN)
		SDLKey baseKeys[] = {Options::keyBaseSelect1,
		int key = action->getDetails()->key.keysym.sym;
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->size(); ++i)
			if (key == baseKeys[i])
				_base = _game->getSavedGame()->getBases()->at(i);
 * Changes the Base name.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
void BasescapeState::edtBaseChange(Action *)

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_game->getSavedGame()->getBases()' expression repeatedly.

V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'f->getRules()' expression repeatedly.