* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Base.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
#include <stack>
#include <algorithm>
#include "BaseFacility.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleBaseFacility.h"
#include "Craft.h"
#include "CraftWeapon.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCraft.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCraftWeapon.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "ItemContainer.h"
#include "Soldier.h"
#include "../Engine/Language.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleItem.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleManufacture.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleResearch.h"
#include "Transfer.h"
#include "ResearchProject.h"
#include "Production.h"
#include "Vehicle.h"
#include "Target.h"
#include "Ufo.h"
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleSoldier.h"
#include "../Engine/Logger.h"
namespace OpenXcom
* Initializes an empty base.
* @param mod Pointer to mod.
Base::Base(const Mod *mod) : Target(), _mod(mod), _scientists(0), _engineers(0), _inBattlescape(false), _retaliationTarget(false)
_items = new ItemContainer();
* Deletes the contents of the base from memory.
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator i = _soldiers.begin(); i != _soldiers.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator i = _crafts.begin(); i != _crafts.end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator j = (*i)->getVehicles()->begin(); j != (*i)->getVehicles()->end(); ++j)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator k = _vehicles.begin(); k != _vehicles.end(); ++k)
if ((*k)==(*j)) { _vehicles.erase(k); break; } // to avoid calling a vehicle's destructor twice
delete *i;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
for (std::vector<Production *>::iterator i = _productions.begin(); i != _productions.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
delete _items;
for (std::vector<ResearchProject*>::iterator i = _research.begin(); i != _research.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator i = _vehicles.begin(); i != _vehicles.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
* Loads the base from a YAML file.
* @param node YAML node.
* @param save Pointer to saved game.
* @param newGame Is this the first base of a new game?
* @param newBattleGame Is this the base of a skirmish game?
void Base::load(const YAML::Node &node, SavedGame *save, bool newGame, bool newBattleGame)
if (!newGame || !Options::customInitialBase || newBattleGame)
for (YAML::const_iterator i = node["facilities"].begin(); i != node["facilities"].end(); ++i)
std::string type = (*i)["type"].as<std::string>();
if (_mod->getBaseFacility(type))
BaseFacility *f = new BaseFacility(_mod->getBaseFacility(type), this);
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Failed to load facility " << type;
for (YAML::const_iterator i = node["crafts"].begin(); i != node["crafts"].end(); ++i)
std::string type = (*i)["type"].as<std::string>();
if (_mod->getCraft(type))
Craft *c = new Craft(_mod->getCraft(type), this);
c->load(*i, _mod, save);
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Failed to load craft " << type;
for (YAML::const_iterator i = node["soldiers"].begin(); i != node["soldiers"].end(); ++i)
std::string type = (*i)["type"].as<std::string>(_mod->getSoldiersList().front());
if (_mod->getSoldier(type))
Soldier *s = new Soldier(_mod->getSoldier(type), 0);
s->load(*i, _mod, save);
if (const YAML::Node &craft = (*i)["craft"])
CraftId craftId = Craft::loadId(craft);
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator j = _crafts.begin(); j != _crafts.end(); ++j)
if ((*j)->getUniqueId() == craftId)
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Failed to load soldier " << type;
// Some old saves have bad items, better get rid of them to avoid further bugs
for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = _items->getContents()->begin(); i != _items->getContents()->end();)
if (_mod->getItem(i->first) == 0)
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Failed to load item " << i->first;
_scientists = node["scientists"].as<int>(_scientists);
_engineers = node["engineers"].as<int>(_engineers);
_inBattlescape = node["inBattlescape"].as<bool>(_inBattlescape);
for (YAML::const_iterator i = node["transfers"].begin(); i != node["transfers"].end(); ++i)
int hours = (*i)["hours"].as<int>();
Transfer *t = new Transfer(hours);
if (t->load(*i, this, _mod, save))
for (YAML::const_iterator i = node["research"].begin(); i != node["research"].end(); ++i)
std::string research = (*i)["project"].as<std::string>();
if (_mod->getResearch(research))
ResearchProject *r = new ResearchProject(_mod->getResearch(research));
_scientists += (*i)["assigned"].as<int>(0);
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Failed to load research " << research;
for (YAML::const_iterator i = node["productions"].begin(); i != node["productions"].end(); ++i)
std::string item = (*i)["item"].as<std::string>();
if (_mod->getManufacture(item))
Production *p = new Production(_mod->getManufacture(item), 0);
_engineers += (*i)["assigned"].as<int>(0);
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Failed to load manufacture " << item;
_retaliationTarget = node["retaliationTarget"].as<bool>(_retaliationTarget);
isOverlappingOrOverflowing(); // don't crash, just report in the log file...
* Tests whether the base facilities are within the base boundaries and not overlapping.
* @return True if the base has a problem.
bool Base::isOverlappingOrOverflowing()
bool result = false;
BaseFacility* grid[BASE_SIZE][BASE_SIZE];
// i don't think i NEED to do this for a pointer array, but who knows what might happen on weird archaic linux distros if i don't?
for (int x = 0; x < BASE_SIZE; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < BASE_SIZE; ++y)
grid[x][y] = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator f = _facilities.begin(); f != _facilities.end(); ++f)
RuleBaseFacility *rules = (*f)->getRules();
int facilityX = (*f)->getX();
int facilityY = (*f)->getY();
int facilitySize = rules->getSize();
if (facilityX < 0 || facilityY < 0 || facilityX + (facilitySize - 1) >= BASE_SIZE || facilityY + (facilitySize - 1) >= BASE_SIZE)
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Facility " << rules->getType() << " at [" << facilityX << ", " << facilityY << "] (size " << facilitySize << ") is outside of base boundaries.";
result = true;
for (int x = facilityX; x < facilityX + facilitySize; ++x)
for (int y = facilityY; y < facilityY + facilitySize; ++y)
if (grid[x][y] != 0)
Log(LOG_ERROR) << "Facility " << rules->getType() << " at [" << facilityX << ", " << facilityY << "] (size " << facilitySize
<< ") overlaps with " << grid[x][y]->getRules()->getType() << " at [" << x << ", " << y << "] (size " << grid[x][y]->getRules()->getSize() << ")";
result = true;
grid[x][y] = *f;
return result;
* Saves the base to a YAML file.
* @return YAML node.
YAML::Node Base::save() const
YAML::Node node = Target::save();
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::const_iterator i = _soldiers.begin(); i != _soldiers.end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<Craft*>::const_iterator i = _crafts.begin(); i != _crafts.end(); ++i)
node["items"] = _items->save();
node["scientists"] = _scientists;
node["engineers"] = _engineers;
if (_inBattlescape)
node["inBattlescape"] = _inBattlescape;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<ResearchProject*>::const_iterator i = _research.begin(); i != _research.end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<Production*>::const_iterator i = _productions.begin(); i != _productions.end(); ++i)
if (_retaliationTarget)
node["retaliationTarget"] = _retaliationTarget;
return node;
* Returns the base's unique type used for
* savegame purposes.
* @return ID.
std::string Base::getType() const
return "STR_BASE";
* Returns the custom name for the base.
* @param lang Language to get strings from (unused).
* @return Name.
std::string Base::getName(Language *) const
return _name;
* Returns the globe marker for the base.
* @return Marker sprite, -1 if none.
int Base::getMarker() const
// Cheap hack to hide bases when they haven't been placed yet
if (AreSame(_lon, 0.0) && AreSame(_lat, 0.0))
return -1;
return 0;
* Returns the list of facilities in the base.
* @return Pointer to the facility list.
std::vector<BaseFacility*> *Base::getFacilities()
return &_facilities;
* Returns the list of soldiers in the base.
* @return Pointer to the soldier list.
std::vector<Soldier*> *Base::getSoldiers()
return &_soldiers;
* Returns the list of crafts in the base.
* @return Pointer to the craft list.
std::vector<Craft*> *Base::getCrafts()
return &_crafts;
* Returns the list of transfers destined
* to this base.
* @return Pointer to the transfer list.
std::vector<Transfer*> *Base::getTransfers()
return &_transfers;
* Returns the list of items in the base storage rooms.
* Does NOT return items assigned to craft or in transfer.
* @return Pointer to the item list.
ItemContainer *Base::getStorageItems()
return _items;
* Returns the amount of scientists currently in the base.
* @return Number of scientists.
int Base::getScientists() const
return _scientists;
* Changes the amount of scientists currently in the base.
* @param scientists Number of scientists.
void Base::setScientists(int scientists)
_scientists = scientists;
* Returns the amount of engineers currently in the base.
* @return Number of engineers.
int Base::getEngineers() const
return _engineers;
* Changes the amount of engineers currently in the base.
* @param engineers Number of engineers.
void Base::setEngineers(int engineers)
_engineers = engineers;
* Returns if a certain target is covered by the base's
* radar range, taking in account the range and chance.
* @param target Pointer to target to compare.
* @return 0 - not detected, 1 - detected by conventional radar, 2 - detected by hyper-wave decoder.
int Base::detect(Target *target) const
int chance = 0;
double distance = getDistance(target) * 60.0 * (180.0 / M_PI);
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getRules()->getRadarRange() >= distance && (*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
int radarChance = (*i)->getRules()->getRadarChance();
if ((*i)->getRules()->isHyperwave())
if (radarChance == 100 || RNG::percent(radarChance))
return 2;
chance += radarChance;
if (chance == 0) return 0;
Ufo *u = dynamic_cast<Ufo*>(target);
if (u != 0)
chance = chance * (100 + u->getVisibility()) / 100;
return RNG::percent(chance)? 1 : 0;
* Returns if a certain target is inside the base's
* radar range, taking in account the positions of both.
* @param target Pointer to target to compare.
* @return 0 - outside radar range, 1 - inside conventional radar range, 2 - inside hyper-wave decoder range.
int Base::insideRadarRange(Target *target) const
bool insideRange = false;
double distance = getDistance(target) * 60.0 * (180.0 / M_PI);
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getRules()->getRadarRange() >= distance && (*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
if ((*i)->getRules()->isHyperwave())
return 2;
insideRange = true;
return insideRange? 1 : 0;
* Returns the amount of soldiers contained
* in the base without any assignments.
* @param checkCombatReadiness does what it says on the tin.
* @return Number of soldiers.
int Base::getAvailableSoldiers(bool checkCombatReadiness) const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::const_iterator i = _soldiers.begin(); i != _soldiers.end(); ++i)
if (!checkCombatReadiness && (*i)->getCraft() == 0)
else if (checkCombatReadiness && (((*i)->getCraft() != 0 && (*i)->getCraft()->getStatus() != "STR_OUT") ||
((*i)->getCraft() == 0 && (*i)->getWoundRecovery() == 0)))
return total;
* Returns the total amount of soldiers contained
* in the base.
* @return Number of soldiers.
int Base::getTotalSoldiers() const
size_t total = _soldiers.size();
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_SOLDIER)
total += (*i)->getQuantity();
return total;
* Returns the amount of scientists contained
* in the base without any assignments.
* @return Number of scientists.
int Base::getAvailableScientists() const
return getScientists();
* Returns the total amount of scientists contained
* in the base.
* @return Number of scientists.
int Base::getTotalScientists() const
int total = _scientists;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_SCIENTIST)
total += (*i)->getQuantity();
const std::vector<ResearchProject *> & research (getResearch());
for (std::vector<ResearchProject *>::const_iterator itResearch = research.begin();
itResearch != research.end();
total += (*itResearch)->getAssigned();
return total;
* Returns the amount of engineers contained
* in the base without any assignments.
* @return Number of engineers.
int Base::getAvailableEngineers() const
return getEngineers();
* Returns the total amount of engineers contained
* in the base.
* @return Number of engineers.
int Base::getTotalEngineers() const
int total = _engineers;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_ENGINEER)
total += (*i)->getQuantity();
for (std::vector<Production *>::const_iterator iter = _productions.begin(); iter != _productions.end(); ++iter)
total += (*iter)->getAssignedEngineers();
return total;
* Returns the amount of living quarters used up
* by personnel in the base.
* @return Living space.
int Base::getUsedQuarters() const
return getTotalSoldiers() + getTotalScientists() + getTotalEngineers();
* Returns the total amount of living quarters
* available in the base.
* @return Living space.
int Base::getAvailableQuarters() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getPersonnel();
return total;
* Returns the amount of stores used up by equipment in the base,
* and equipment about to arrive.
* @return Storage space.
double Base::getUsedStores()
double total = _items->getTotalSize(_mod);
for (std::vector<Craft*>::const_iterator i = _crafts.begin(); i != _crafts.end(); ++i)
total += (*i)->getItems()->getTotalSize(_mod);
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::const_iterator j = (*i)->getVehicles()->begin(); j != (*i)->getVehicles()->end(); ++j)
total += (*j)->getRules()->getSize();
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_ITEM)
total += (*i)->getQuantity() * _mod->getItem((*i)->getItems(), true)->getSize();
else if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_CRAFT)
Craft *craft = (*i)->getCraft();
total += craft->getItems()->getTotalSize(_mod);
total -= getIgnoredStores();
return total;
* Checks if the base's stores are overfull.
* Supplying an offset will add/subtract to the used capacity before performing the check.
* A positive offset simulates adding items to the stores, whereas a negative offset
* can be used to check whether sufficient items have been removed to stop the stores overflowing.
* @param offset Adjusts the used capacity.
* @return True if the base's stores are over their limit.
bool Base::storesOverfull(double offset)
int capacity = getAvailableStores() * 100;
double used = (getUsedStores() + offset) * 100;
return (int)used > capacity;
* Returns the total amount of stores
* available in the base.
* @return Storage space.
int Base::getAvailableStores() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getStorage();
return total;
* Determines space taken up by ammo clips about to rearm craft.
* @return Ignored storage space.
double Base::getIgnoredStores()
double space = 0;
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator c = getCrafts()->begin(); c != getCrafts()->end(); ++c)
if ((*c)->getStatus() == "STR_REARMING")
for (std::vector<CraftWeapon*>::iterator w = (*c)->getWeapons()->begin(); w != (*c)->getWeapons()->end() ; ++w)
if (*w != 0 && (*w)->isRearming())
std::string clip = (*w)->getRules()->getClipItem();
int available = getStorageItems()->getItem(clip);
if (!clip.empty() && available > 0)
int clipSize = _mod->getItem(clip, true)->getClipSize();
int needed = 0;
if (clipSize > 0)
needed = ((*w)->getRules()->getAmmoMax() - (*w)->getAmmo()) / clipSize;
space += std::min(available, needed) * _mod->getItem(clip, true)->getSize();
return space;
* Returns the amount of laboratories used up
* by research projects in the base.
* @return Laboratory space.
int Base::getUsedLaboratories() const
const std::vector<ResearchProject *> & research (getResearch());
int usedLabSpace = 0;
for (std::vector<ResearchProject *>::const_iterator itResearch = research.begin();
itResearch != research.end();
usedLabSpace += (*itResearch)->getAssigned();
return usedLabSpace;
* Returns the total amount of laboratories
* available in the base.
* @return Laboratory space.
int Base::getAvailableLaboratories() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getLaboratories();
return total;
* Returns the amount of workshops used up
* by manufacturing projects in the base.
* @return Storage space.
int Base::getUsedWorkshops() const
int usedWorkShop = 0;
for (std::vector<Production *>::const_iterator iter = _productions.begin(); iter != _productions.end(); ++iter)
usedWorkShop += ((*iter)->getAssignedEngineers() + (*iter)->getRules()->getRequiredSpace());
return usedWorkShop;
* Returns the total amount of workshops
* available in the base.
* @return Workshop space.
int Base::getAvailableWorkshops() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getWorkshops();
return total;
* Returns the amount of hangars used up
* by crafts in the base.
* @return Number of hangars.
int Base::getUsedHangars() const
size_t total = _crafts.size();
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_CRAFT)
total += (*i)->getQuantity();
for (std::vector<Production*>::const_iterator i = _productions.begin(); i != _productions.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getRules()->getCategory() == "STR_CRAFT")
// This should be fixed on the case when (*i)->getInfiniteAmount() == TRUE
total += ((*i)->getAmountTotal() - (*i)->getAmountProduced());
return total;
* Returns the total amount of hangars
* available in the base.
* @return Number of hangars.
int Base::getAvailableHangars() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getCrafts();
return total;
* Return laboratories space not used by a ResearchProject
* @return laboratories space not used by a ResearchProject
int Base::getFreeLaboratories() const
return getAvailableLaboratories() - getUsedLaboratories();
* Return workshop space not used by a Production
* @return workshop space not used by a Production
int Base::getFreeWorkshops() const
return getAvailableWorkshops() - getUsedWorkshops();
* Return psilab space not in use
* @return psilab space not in use
int Base::getFreePsiLabs() const
return getAvailablePsiLabs() - getUsedPsiLabs();
* Return containment space not in use
* @return containment space not in use
int Base::getFreeContainment() const
return getAvailableContainment() - getUsedContainment();
* Returns the amount of scientists currently in use.
* @return Amount of scientists.
int Base::getAllocatedScientists() const
int total = 0;
const std::vector<ResearchProject *> & research (getResearch());
for (std::vector<ResearchProject *>::const_iterator itResearch = research.begin();
itResearch != research.end();
total += (*itResearch)->getAssigned();
return total;
* Returns the amount of engineers currently in use.
* @return Amount of engineers.
int Base::getAllocatedEngineers() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<Production *>::const_iterator iter = _productions.begin(); iter != _productions.end(); ++iter)
total += (*iter)->getAssignedEngineers();
return total;
* Returns the total defense value of all
* the facilities in the base.
* @return Defense value.
int Base::getDefenseValue() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getDefenseValue();
return total;
* Returns the total amount of short range
* detection facilities in the base.
* @return Defense value.
int Base::getShortRangeDetection() const
int total = 0;
int minRadarRange = _mod->getMinRadarRange();
if (minRadarRange == 0) return 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getRules()->getRadarRange() == minRadarRange && (*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
return total;
* Returns the total amount of long range
* detection facilities in the base.
* @return Defense value.
int Base::getLongRangeDetection() const
int total = 0;
int minRadarRange = _mod->getMinRadarRange();
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getRules()->getRadarRange() > minRadarRange && (*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
return total;
* Returns the total amount of craft of
* a certain type stored in the base.
* @param craft Craft type.
* @return Number of craft.
int Base::getCraftCount(const std::string &craft) const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_CRAFT && (*i)->getCraft()->getRules()->getType() == craft)
for (std::vector<Craft*>::const_iterator i = _crafts.begin(); i != _crafts.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getRules()->getType() == craft)
return total;
* Returns the total amount of monthly costs
* for maintaining the craft in the base.
* @return Maintenance costs.
int Base::getCraftMaintenance() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_CRAFT)
total += (*i)->getCraft()->getRules()->getRentCost();
for (std::vector<Craft*>::const_iterator i = _crafts.begin(); i != _crafts.end(); ++i)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getRentCost();
return total;
* Returns the total amount of soldiers of
* a certain type stored in the base.
* @param soldier Soldier type.
* @return Number of soldiers.
int Base::getSoldierCount(const std::string &soldier) const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_SOLDIER && (*i)->getSoldier()->getRules()->getType() == soldier)
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::const_iterator i = _soldiers.begin(); i != _soldiers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getRules()->getType() == soldier)
return total;
* Returns the total amount of monthly costs
* for maintaining the personnel in the base.
* @return Maintenance costs.
int Base::getPersonnelMaintenance() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_SOLDIER)
total += (*i)->getSoldier()->getRules()->getSalaryCost();
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::const_iterator i = _soldiers.begin(); i != _soldiers.end(); ++i)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getSalaryCost();
total += getTotalEngineers() * _mod->getEngineerCost();
total += getTotalScientists() * _mod->getScientistCost();
return total;
* Returns the total amount of monthly costs
* for maintaining the facilities in the base.
* @return Maintenance costs.
int Base::getFacilityMaintenance() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getMonthlyCost();
return total;
* Returns the total amount of all the maintenance
* monthly costs in the base.
* @return Maintenance costs.
int Base::getMonthlyMaintenace() const
return getCraftMaintenance() + getPersonnelMaintenance() + getFacilityMaintenance();
* Returns the list of all base's ResearchProject
* @return list of base's ResearchProject
const std::vector<ResearchProject *> & Base::getResearch() const
return _research;
* Add a new Production to the Base
* @param p A pointer to a Production
void Base::addProduction (Production * p)
* Add A new ResearchProject to Base
* @param project The project to add
void Base::addResearch(ResearchProject * project)
* Remove a ResearchProject from base
* @param project the project to remove
void Base::removeResearch(ResearchProject * project)
_scientists += project->getAssigned();
std::vector<ResearchProject *>::iterator iter = std::find (_research.begin(), _research.end(), project);
if (iter != _research.end())
const RuleResearch *ruleResearch = project->getRules();
if (!project->isFinished())
if (ruleResearch->needItem() && ruleResearch->destroyItem())
getStorageItems()->addItem(ruleResearch->getName(), 1);
delete project;
* Remove a Production from the Base
* @param p A pointer to a Production
void Base::removeProduction(Production * p)
_engineers += p->getAssignedEngineers();
std::vector<Production *>::iterator iter = std::find (_productions.begin(), _productions.end(), p);
if (iter != _productions.end())
delete p;
* Get the list of Base Production's
* @return the list of Base Production's
const std::vector<Production *> & Base::getProductions() const
return _productions;
* Returns the total amount of Psi Lab Space
* available in the base.
* @return Psi Lab space.
int Base::getAvailablePsiLabs() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getPsiLaboratories();
return total;
* Returns the total amount of used
* Psi Lab Space in the base.
* @return used Psi Lab space.
int Base::getUsedPsiLabs() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::const_iterator s = _soldiers.begin(); s != _soldiers.end(); ++s)
if ((*s)->isInPsiTraining())
total ++;
return total;
* Returns the total amount of used
* Containment Space in the base.
* @return Containment Lab space.
int Base::getUsedContainment() const
int total = 0;
for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = _items->getContents()->begin(); i != _items->getContents()->end(); ++i)
if (_mod->getItem((i)->first, true)->isAlien())
total += (i)->second;
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::const_iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_ITEM)
if (_mod->getItem((*i)->getItems(), true)->isAlien())
total += (*i)->getQuantity();
for (std::vector<ResearchProject*>::const_iterator i = _research.begin(); i != _research.end(); ++i)
const RuleResearch *projRules = (*i)->getRules();
if (projRules->needItem() && _mod->getUnit(projRules->getName()))
return total;
* Returns the total amount of Containment Space
* available in the base.
* @return Containment Lab space.
int Base::getAvailableContainment() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
total += (*i)->getRules()->getAliens();
return total;
* Returns the base's battlescape status.
* @return Is the craft on the battlescape?
bool Base::isInBattlescape() const
return _inBattlescape;
* Changes the base's battlescape status.
* @param inbattle True if it's in battle, False otherwise.
void Base::setInBattlescape(bool inbattle)
_inBattlescape = inbattle;
* Mark the base as a valid alien retaliation target.
* @param mark Mark (if @c true) or unmark (if @c false) the base.
void Base::setRetaliationTarget(bool mark)
_retaliationTarget = mark;
* Get the base's retaliation status.
* @return If the base is a valid target for alien retaliation.
bool Base::getRetaliationTarget() const
return _retaliationTarget;
* Functor to check for mind shield capability.
struct isMindShield: public std::unary_function<BaseFacility*, bool>
/// Check isMindShield() for @a facility.
bool operator()(const BaseFacility *facility) const;
* Only fully operational facilities are checked.
* @param facility Pointer to the facility to check.
* @return If @a facility can act as a mind shield.
bool isMindShield::operator()(const BaseFacility *facility) const
if (facility->getBuildTime() != 0)
// Still building this
return false;
return (facility->getRules()->isMindShield());
* Functor to check for completed facilities.
struct isCompleted: public std::unary_function<BaseFacility*, bool>
/// Check isCompleted() for @a facility.
bool operator()(const BaseFacility *facility) const;
* Facilities are checked for construction completion.
* @param facility Pointer to the facility to check.
* @return If @a facility has completed construction.
bool isCompleted::operator()(const BaseFacility *facility) const
return (facility->getBuildTime() == 0);
* Calculate the detection chance of this base.
* Big bases without mindshields are easier to detect.
* @param difficulty The savegame difficulty.
* @return The detection chance.
size_t Base::getDetectionChance() const
size_t mindShields = std::count_if (_facilities.begin(), _facilities.end(), isMindShield());
size_t completedFacilities = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0)
completedFacilities += (*i)->getRules()->getSize() * (*i)->getRules()->getSize();
return ((completedFacilities / 6 + 15) / (mindShields + 1));
int Base::getGravShields() const
int total = 0;
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0 && (*i)->getRules()->isGravShield())
return total;
void Base::setupDefenses()
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::const_iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getBuildTime() == 0 && (*i)->getRules()->getDefenseValue())
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator i = getCrafts()->begin(); i != getCrafts()->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator j = (*i)->getVehicles()->begin(); j != (*i)->getVehicles()->end(); ++j)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator k = _vehicles.begin(); k != _vehicles.end(); ++k)
if ((*k)==(*j)) { _vehicles.erase(k); break; } // to avoid calling a vehicle's destructor for tanks on crafts
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator i = _vehicles.begin(); i != _vehicles.end();)
delete *i;
i = _vehicles.erase(i);
// add vehicles that are in the crafts of the base, if it's not out
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator c = getCrafts()->begin(); c != getCrafts()->end(); ++c)
if ((*c)->getStatus() != "STR_OUT")
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator i = (*c)->getVehicles()->begin(); i != (*c)->getVehicles()->end(); ++i)
// add vehicles left on the base
for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = _items->getContents()->begin(); i != _items->getContents()->end(); )
std::string itemId = (i)->first;
int itemQty = (i)->second;
RuleItem *rule = _mod->getItem(itemId, true);
if (rule->isFixed())
int size = 4;
if (_mod->getUnit(itemId))
size = _mod->getArmor(_mod->getUnit(itemId)->getArmor(), true)->getSize();
if (rule->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty()) // so this vehicle does not need ammo
for (int j = 0; j < itemQty; ++j)
_vehicles.push_back(new Vehicle(rule, rule->getClipSize(), size));
_items->removeItem(itemId, itemQty);
else // so this vehicle needs ammo
RuleItem *ammo = _mod->getItem(rule->getCompatibleAmmo()->front(), true);
int ammoPerVehicle, clipSize;
if (ammo->getClipSize() > 0 && rule->getClipSize() > 0)
clipSize = rule->getClipSize();
ammoPerVehicle = clipSize / ammo->getClipSize();
clipSize = ammo->getClipSize();
ammoPerVehicle = clipSize;
int baseQty = _items->getItem(ammo->getType()) / ammoPerVehicle;
if (!baseQty)
int canBeAdded = std::min(itemQty, baseQty);
for (int j=0; j<canBeAdded; ++j)
_vehicles.push_back(new Vehicle(rule, clipSize, size));
_items->removeItem(ammo->getType(), ammoPerVehicle);
_items->removeItem(itemId, canBeAdded);
i = _items->getContents()->begin(); // we have to start over because iterator is broken because of the removeItem
else ++i;
std::vector<BaseFacility*> *Base::getDefenses()
return &_defenses;
* Returns the list of vehicles currently equipped
* in the base.
* @return Pointer to vehicle list.
std::vector<Vehicle*> *Base::getVehicles()
return &_vehicles;
* Destroys all disconnected facilities in the base.
void Base::destroyDisconnectedFacilities()
std::list<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator> disFacs = getDisconnectedFacilities(0);
for (std::list<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator>::reverse_iterator i = disFacs.rbegin(); i != disFacs.rend(); ++i)
* Gets a sorted list of the facilities(=iterators) NOT connected to the Access Lift.
* @param remove Facility to ignore (in case of facility dismantling).
* @return a sorted list of iterators pointing to elements in _facilities.
std::list<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator> Base::getDisconnectedFacilities(BaseFacility *remove)
std::list<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator> result;
if (remove != 0 && remove->getRules()->isLift())
{ // Theoretically this is impossible, but sanity check is good :)
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i) != remove) result.push_back(i);
return result;
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator, bool>*> facilitiesConnStates;
std::pair<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator, bool> *grid[BASE_SIZE][BASE_SIZE];
BaseFacility *lift = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < BASE_SIZE; ++x)
for (int y = 0; y < BASE_SIZE; ++y)
grid[x][y] = 0;
// Ok, fill up the grid(+facilitiesConnStates), and search the lift
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator i = _facilities.begin(); i != _facilities.end(); ++i)
if ((*i) != remove)
if ((*i)->getRules()->isLift()) lift = (*i);
for (int x = 0; x != (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++x)
for (int y = 0; y != (*i)->getRules()->getSize(); ++y)
std::pair<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator, bool> *p = new std::pair<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator, bool>(i,false);
grid[(*i)->getX() + x][(*i)->getY() + y] = p;
// we're in real trouble if this happens...
if (lift == 0)
//TODO: something clever.
return result;
// Now make the recursion manually using a stack
std::stack<std::pair<int, int> > stack;
while (!stack.empty())
int x = stack.top().first, y = stack.top().second;
if (x >= 0 && x < BASE_SIZE && y >= 0 && y < BASE_SIZE && grid[x][y] != 0 && !grid[x][y]->second)
grid[x][y]->second = true;
BaseFacility *fac = *(grid[x][y]->first);
BaseFacility *neighborLeft = (x-1 >= 0 && grid[x-1][y] != 0) ? *(grid[x-1][y]->first) : 0;
BaseFacility *neighborRight = (x+1 < BASE_SIZE && grid[x+1][y] != 0) ? *(grid[x+1][y]->first) : 0;
BaseFacility *neighborTop = (y-1 >= 0 && grid[x][y-1] != 0) ? *(grid[x][y-1]->first) : 0;
BaseFacility *neighborBottom= (y+1 < BASE_SIZE && grid[x][y+1] != 0) ? *(grid[x][y+1]->first) : 0;
if ((fac->getBuildTime() == 0) || (neighborLeft != 0 && (neighborLeft == fac || neighborLeft->getBuildTime() > neighborLeft->getRules()->getBuildTime()))) stack.push(std::make_pair(x-1,y));
if ((fac->getBuildTime() == 0) || (neighborRight != 0 && (neighborRight == fac || neighborRight->getBuildTime() > neighborRight->getRules()->getBuildTime()))) stack.push(std::make_pair(x+1,y));
if ((fac->getBuildTime() == 0) || (neighborTop != 0 && (neighborTop == fac || neighborTop->getBuildTime() > neighborTop->getRules()->getBuildTime()))) stack.push(std::make_pair(x,y-1));
if ((fac->getBuildTime() == 0) || (neighborBottom != 0 && (neighborBottom == fac || neighborBottom->getBuildTime() > neighborBottom->getRules()->getBuildTime()))) stack.push(std::make_pair(x,y+1));
BaseFacility *lastFacility = 0;
for (std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator, bool>*>::iterator i = facilitiesConnStates.begin(); i != facilitiesConnStates.end(); ++i)
// Not a connected fac.? -> push its iterator into the list!
// Oh, and we don't want duplicates (facilities with bigger sizes like hangar)
if (*((*i)->first) != lastFacility && !(*i)->second) result.push_back((*i)->first);
lastFacility = *((*i)->first);
delete *i; // We don't need the pair anymore.
return result;
* Removes a base module, and deals with the ramifications thereof.
* @param facility An iterator reference to the facility to destroy and remove.
void Base::destroyFacility(std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator facility)
if ((*facility)->getRules()->getCrafts() > 0)
// hangar destruction - destroy crafts and any production of crafts
// if this will mean there is no hangar to contain it
if ((*facility)->getCraft())
// remove all soldiers
if ((*facility)->getCraft()->getNumSoldiers())
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator i = _soldiers.begin(); i != _soldiers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getCraft() == (*facility)->getCraft())
// remove all items
while (!(*facility)->getCraft()->getItems()->getContents()->empty())
std::map<std::string, int>::iterator i = (*facility)->getCraft()->getItems()->getContents()->begin();
_items->addItem(i->first, i->second);
(*facility)->getCraft()->getItems()->removeItem(i->first, i->second);
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator i = _crafts.begin(); i != _crafts.end(); ++i)
if (*i == (*facility)->getCraft())
delete (*i);
bool remove = true;
// no craft - check productions.
for (std::vector<Production*>::iterator i = _productions.begin(); i != _productions.end(); ++i)
if (getAvailableHangars() - getUsedHangars() - (*facility)->getRules()->getCrafts() < 0 && (*i)->getRules()->getCategory() == "STR_CRAFT")
_engineers += (*i)->getAssignedEngineers();
delete *i;
remove = false;
if (remove && !_transfers.empty())
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); ++i)
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_CRAFT)
delete (*i)->getCraft();
delete *i;
if ((*facility)->getRules()->getPsiLaboratories() > 0)
// psi lab destruction: remove any soldiers over the maximum allowable from psi training.
int toRemove = (*facility)->getRules()->getPsiLaboratories() - getFreePsiLabs();
for (std::vector<Soldier*>::iterator i = _soldiers.begin(); i != _soldiers.end() && toRemove > 0; ++i)
if ((*i)->isInPsiTraining())
if ((*facility)->getRules()->getLaboratories())
// lab destruction: enforce lab space limits. take scientists off projects until
// it all evens out. research is not cancelled.
int toRemove = (*facility)->getRules()->getLaboratories() - getFreeLaboratories();
for (std::vector<ResearchProject*>::iterator i = _research.begin(); i != _research.end() && toRemove > 0;)
if ((*i)->getAssigned() >= toRemove)
(*i)->setAssigned((*i)->getAssigned() - toRemove);
_scientists += toRemove;
toRemove -= (*i)->getAssigned();
_scientists += (*i)->getAssigned();
if ((*facility)->getRules()->getWorkshops())
// workshop destruction: similar to lab destruction, but we'll lay off engineers instead
// in this case, however, production IS cancelled, as it takes up space in the workshop.
int toRemove = (*facility)->getRules()->getWorkshops() - getFreeWorkshops();
for (std::vector<Production*>::iterator i = _productions.begin(); i != _productions.end() && toRemove > 0;)
if ((*i)->getAssignedEngineers() > toRemove)
(*i)->setAssignedEngineers((*i)->getAssignedEngineers() - toRemove);
_engineers += toRemove;
toRemove -= (*i)->getAssignedEngineers();
_engineers += (*i)->getAssignedEngineers();
delete *i;
i = _productions.erase(i);
if ((*facility)->getRules()->getStorage())
// we won't destroy the items physically AT the base,
// but any items in transit will end up at the dead letter office.
if (storesOverfull((*facility)->getRules()->getStorage()) && !_transfers.empty())
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); )
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_ITEM)
delete *i;
i = _transfers.erase(i);
if ((*facility)->getRules()->getPersonnel())
// as above, we won't actually fire people, but we'll block any new ones coming in.
if ((getAvailableQuarters() - getUsedQuarters()) - (*facility)->getRules()->getPersonnel() < 0 && !_transfers.empty())
for (std::vector<Transfer*>::iterator i = _transfers.begin(); i != _transfers.end(); )
// let soldiers arrive, but block workers.
if ((*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_ENGINEER || (*i)->getType() == TRANSFER_SCIENTIST)
delete *i;
i = _transfers.erase(i);
delete *facility;
* Cleans up the defenses vector and optionally reclaims the tanks and their ammo.
* @param reclaimItems determines whether the HWPs should be returned to storage.
void Base::cleanupDefenses(bool reclaimItems)
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator i = getCrafts()->begin(); i != getCrafts()->end(); ++i)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator j = (*i)->getVehicles()->begin(); j != (*i)->getVehicles()->end(); ++j)
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator k = _vehicles.begin(); k != _vehicles.end(); ++k)
if ((*k)==(*j)) { _vehicles.erase(k); break; } // to avoid calling a vehicle's destructor for tanks on crafts
for (std::vector<Vehicle*>::iterator i = _vehicles.begin(); i != _vehicles.end();)
if (reclaimItems)
RuleItem *rule = (*i)->getRules();
std::string type = rule->getType();
if (!rule->getCompatibleAmmo()->empty())
RuleItem *ammo = _mod->getItem(rule->getCompatibleAmmo()->front(), true);
int ammoPerVehicle;
if (ammo->getClipSize() > 0 && rule->getClipSize() > 0)
ammoPerVehicle = rule->getClipSize() / ammo->getClipSize();
ammoPerVehicle = ammo->getClipSize();
_items->addItem(ammo->getType(), ammoPerVehicle);
delete *i;
i = _vehicles.erase(i);
* Removes the craft and all associations from the base (does not destroy it!).
* @param craft Pointer to craft.
* @param unload Unload craft contents before removing.
std::vector<Craft*>::iterator Base::removeCraft(Craft *craft, bool unload)
// Unload craft
if (unload)
// Clear hangar
for (std::vector<BaseFacility*>::iterator f = _facilities.begin(); f != _facilities.end(); ++f)
if ((*f)->getCraft() == craft)
// Remove craft
std::vector<Craft*>::iterator c;
for (c = _crafts.begin(); c != _crafts.end(); ++c)
if (*c == craft)
return _crafts.erase(c);
return c;
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_items->getContents()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '(* i)->getRules()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '_items->getContents()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '(* i)->getRules()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '(* facility)->getCraft()->getItems()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the '(* facility)->getRules()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V826 Consider replacing the 'disFacs' std::list with std::vector. Contiguous placement of elements in memory can be more efficient.
↑ V826 Consider replacing the 'result' std::list with std::vector. Contiguous placement of elements in memory can be more efficient.