* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "AlienMission.h"
#include "AlienBase.h"
#include "Base.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
#include "../Engine/Exception.h"
#include "../Engine/Game.h"
#include "../Engine/Logger.h"
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "../Geoscape/Globe.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleAlienMission.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleRegion.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleCountry.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleUfo.h"
#include "../Mod/UfoTrajectory.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleGlobe.h"
#include "../Mod/Texture.h"
#include "SavedGame.h"
#include "MissionSite.h"
#include "Ufo.h"
#include "Craft.h"
#include "Region.h"
#include "Country.h"
#include "Waypoint.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "../Mod/AlienDeployment.h"
namespace OpenXcom
AlienMission::AlienMission(const RuleAlienMission &rule) : _rule(rule), _nextWave(0), _nextUfoCounter(0), _spawnCountdown(0), _liveUfos(0), _uniqueID(0), _missionSiteZone(-1), _base(0)
// Empty by design.
// Empty by design.
class matchById: public std::unary_function<const AlienBase *, bool>
/// Remember ID.
matchById(int id, std::string type) : _id(id), _type(type) { /* Empty by design. */ }
/// Match with stored ID.
bool operator()(const AlienBase *ab) const { return ab->getId() == _id && ab->getDeployment()->getMarkerName() == _type; }
int _id;
std::string _type;
* Loads the alien mission from a YAML file.
* @param node The YAML node containing the data.
* @param game The game data, required to locate the alien base.
void AlienMission::load(const YAML::Node& node, SavedGame &game)
_region = node["region"].as<std::string>(_region);
_race = node["race"].as<std::string>(_race);
_nextWave = node["nextWave"].as<size_t>(_nextWave);
_nextUfoCounter = node["nextUfoCounter"].as<size_t>(_nextUfoCounter);
_spawnCountdown = node["spawnCountdown"].as<size_t>(_spawnCountdown);
_liveUfos = node["liveUfos"].as<size_t>(_liveUfos);
_uniqueID = node["uniqueID"].as<int>(_uniqueID);
if (const YAML::Node &base = node["alienBase"])
int id = base.as<int>(-1);
std::string type = "STR_ALIEN_BASE";
// New format
if (id == -1)
id = base["id"].as<int>();
type = base["type"].as<std::string>();
std::vector<AlienBase*>::const_iterator found = std::find_if(game.getAlienBases()->begin(), game.getAlienBases()->end(), matchById(id, type));
if (found == game.getAlienBases()->end())
throw Exception("Corrupted save: Invalid base for mission.");
_base = *found;
_missionSiteZone = node["missionSiteZone"].as<int>(_missionSiteZone);
* Saves the alien mission to a YAML file.
* @return YAML node.
YAML::Node AlienMission::save() const
YAML::Node node;
node["type"] = _rule.getType();
node["region"] = _region;
node["race"] = _race;
node["nextWave"] = _nextWave;
node["nextUfoCounter"] = _nextUfoCounter;
node["spawnCountdown"] = _spawnCountdown;
node["liveUfos"] = _liveUfos;
node["uniqueID"] = _uniqueID;
if (_base)
node["alienBase"] = _base->saveId();
node["missionSiteZone"] = _missionSiteZone;
return node;
* Check if a mission is over and can be safely removed from the game.
* A mission is over if it will spawn no more UFOs and it has no UFOs still in
* the game.
* @return If the mission can be safely removed from game.
bool AlienMission::isOver() const
if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_INFILTRATION)
//Infiltrations continue for ever.
return false;
if (_nextWave == _rule.getWaveCount() && !_liveUfos)
return true;
return false;
* Find an XCOM base in this region that is marked for retaliation.
class FindMarkedXCOMBase: public std::unary_function<const Base *, bool>
FindMarkedXCOMBase(const RuleRegion ®ion) : _region(region) { /* Empty by design. */ }
bool operator()(const Base *base) const { return (_region.insideRegion(base->getLongitude(), base->getLatitude()) && base->getRetaliationTarget()); }
const RuleRegion &_region;
void AlienMission::think(Game &engine, const Globe &globe)
const Mod &mod = *engine.getMod();
SavedGame &game = *engine.getSavedGame();
if (_nextWave >= _rule.getWaveCount())
if (_spawnCountdown > 30)
_spawnCountdown -= 30;
const MissionWave &wave = _rule.getWave(_nextWave);
const UfoTrajectory &trajectory = *mod.getUfoTrajectory(wave.trajectory, true);
Ufo *ufo = spawnUfo(game, mod, globe, wave, trajectory);
if (ufo)
//Some missions may not spawn a UFO!
else if ((mod.getDeployment(wave.ufoType) && !mod.getUfo(wave.ufoType) && !mod.getDeployment(wave.ufoType)->getMarkerName().empty()) // a mission site that we want to spawn directly
|| (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_SITE && wave.objective)) // or we want to spawn one at random according to our terrain
std::vector<MissionArea> areas = mod.getRegion(_region, true)->getMissionZones().at((_rule.getSpawnZone() == -1) ? trajectory.getZone(0) : _rule.getSpawnZone()).areas;
MissionArea area = areas.at((_missionSiteZone == -1) ? RNG::generate(0, areas.size()-1) : _missionSiteZone);
Texture *texture = mod.getGlobe()->getTexture(area.texture);
AlienDeployment *deployment;
if (mod.getDeployment(wave.ufoType))
deployment = mod.getDeployment(wave.ufoType);
if (!texture)
throw Exception("Error occurred while spawning mission site: " + _rule.getType());
deployment = mod.getDeployment(texture->getRandomDeployment(), true);
spawnMissionSite(game, deployment, area);
if (_nextUfoCounter >= wave.ufoCount)
_nextUfoCounter = 0;
if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_INFILTRATION && _nextWave == _rule.getWaveCount())
for (std::vector<Country*>::iterator c = game.getCountries()->begin(); c != game.getCountries()->end(); ++c)
RuleRegion *region = mod.getRegion(_region, true);
if (!(*c)->getPact() && !(*c)->getNewPact() && region->insideRegion((*c)->getRules()->getLabelLongitude(), (*c)->getRules()->getLabelLatitude()))
std::vector<MissionArea> areas = region->getMissionZones().at(_rule.getSpawnZone()).areas;
MissionArea area;
std::pair<double, double> pos;
int tries = 0;
area = areas.at(RNG::generate(0, areas.size()-1));
pos.first = RNG::generate(std::min(area.lonMin, area.lonMax), std::max(area.lonMin, area.lonMax));
pos.second = RNG::generate(std::min(area.latMin, area.latMax), std::max(area.latMin, area.latMax));
while (!(globe.insideLand(pos.first, pos.second)
&& region->insideRegion(pos.first, pos.second))
&& tries < 100);
spawnAlienBase(engine, area, pos);
// Infiltrations loop for ever.
_nextWave = 0;
if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_BASE && _nextWave == _rule.getWaveCount())
RuleRegion *region = mod.getRegion(_region, true);
std::vector<MissionArea> areas = region->getMissionZones().at(_rule.getSpawnZone()).areas;
MissionArea area;
std::pair<double, double> pos;
int tries = 0;
area = areas.at(RNG::generate(0, areas.size()-1));
pos.first = RNG::generate(std::min(area.lonMin, area.lonMax), std::max(area.lonMin, area.lonMax));
pos.second = RNG::generate(std::min(area.latMin, area.latMax), std::max(area.latMin, area.latMax));
while (!(globe.insideLand(pos.first, pos.second)
&& region->insideRegion(pos.first, pos.second))
&& tries < 100);
spawnAlienBase(engine, area, pos);
if (_nextWave != _rule.getWaveCount())
size_t spawnTimer = _rule.getWave(_nextWave).spawnTimer / 30;
_spawnCountdown = (spawnTimer/2 + RNG::generate(0, spawnTimer)) * 30;
* This function will spawn a UFO according the mission rules.
* Some code is duplicated between cases, that's ok for now. It's on different
* code paths and the function is MUCH easier to read written this way.
* @param game The saved game information.
* @param mod The mod.
* @param globe The globe, for land checks.
* @param wave The wave for the desired UFO.
* @param trajectory The rule for the desired trajectory.
* @return Pointer to the spawned UFO. If the mission does not desire to spawn a UFO, 0 is returned.
Ufo *AlienMission::spawnUfo(const SavedGame &game, const Mod &mod, const Globe &globe, const MissionWave &wave, const UfoTrajectory &trajectory)
RuleUfo *ufoRule = mod.getUfo(wave.ufoType);
if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_RETALIATION)
const RuleRegion ®ionRules = *mod.getRegion(_region, true);
std::vector<Base *>::const_iterator found =
std::find_if (game.getBases()->begin(), game.getBases()->end(),
if (found != game.getBases()->end())
// Spawn a battleship straight for the XCOM base.
const RuleUfo &battleshipRule = *mod.getUfo(_rule.getSpawnUfo(), true);
const UfoTrajectory &assaultTrajectory = *mod.getUfoTrajectory(UfoTrajectory::RETALIATION_ASSAULT_RUN, true);
Ufo *ufo = new Ufo(&battleshipRule);
ufo->setMissionInfo(this, &assaultTrajectory);
std::pair<double, double> pos;
if (trajectory.getAltitude(0) == "STR_GROUND")
pos = getLandPoint(globe, regionRules, trajectory.getZone(0));
pos = regionRules.getRandomPoint(trajectory.getZone(0));
ufo->setSpeed(assaultTrajectory.getSpeedPercentage(0) * battleshipRule.getMaxSpeed());
Waypoint *wp = new Waypoint();
return ufo;
else if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_SUPPLY)
if (ufoRule == 0 || (wave.objective && !_base))
// No base to supply!
return 0;
// Our destination is always an alien base.
Ufo *ufo = new Ufo(ufoRule);
ufo->setMissionInfo(this, &trajectory);
const RuleRegion ®ionRules = *mod.getRegion(_region, true);
std::pair<double, double> pos;
if (trajectory.getAltitude(0) == "STR_GROUND")
pos = getLandPoint(globe, regionRules, trajectory.getZone(0));
pos = regionRules.getRandomPoint(trajectory.getZone(0));
ufo->setSpeed(trajectory.getSpeedPercentage(0) * ufoRule->getMaxSpeed());
Waypoint *wp = new Waypoint();
if (trajectory.getAltitude(1) == "STR_GROUND")
if (wave.objective)
// Supply ships on supply missions land on bases, ignore trajectory zone.
pos.first = _base->getLongitude();
pos.second = _base->getLatitude();
// Other ships can land where they want.
pos = getLandPoint(globe, regionRules, trajectory.getZone(1));
pos = regionRules.getRandomPoint(trajectory.getZone(1));
return ufo;
if (ufoRule == 0)
return 0;
// Spawn according to sequence.
Ufo *ufo = new Ufo(ufoRule);
ufo->setMissionInfo(this, &trajectory);
const RuleRegion ®ionRules = *mod.getRegion(_region, true);
std::pair<double, double> pos = getWaypoint(trajectory, 0, globe, regionRules);
if (trajectory.getAltitude(0) == "STR_GROUND")
ufo->setSpeed(trajectory.getSpeedPercentage(0) * ufoRule->getMaxSpeed());
Waypoint *wp = new Waypoint();
pos = getWaypoint(trajectory, 1, globe, regionRules);
return ufo;
void AlienMission::start(size_t initialCount)
_nextWave = 0;
_nextUfoCounter = 0;
_liveUfos = 0;
if (initialCount == 0)
size_t spawnTimer = _rule.getWave(0).spawnTimer / 30;
_spawnCountdown = (spawnTimer / 2 + RNG::generate(0, spawnTimer)) * 30;
_spawnCountdown = initialCount;
/** @brief Match a base from it's coordinates.
* This function object uses coordinates to match a base.
class MatchBaseCoordinates: public std::unary_function<const Base *, bool>
/// Remember the query coordinates.
MatchBaseCoordinates(double lon, double lat) : _lon(lon), _lat(lat) { /* Empty by design. */ }
/// Match with base's coordinates.
bool operator()(const Base *base) const { return AreSame(base->getLongitude(), _lon) && AreSame(base->getLatitude(), _lat); }
double _lon, _lat;
* This function is called when one of the mission's UFOs arrives at it's current destination.
* It takes care of sending the UFO to the next waypoint, landing UFOs and
* marking them for removal as required. It must set the game data in a way that the rest of the code
* understands what to do.
* @param ufo The UFO that reached it's waypoint.
* @param engine The game engine, required to get access to game data and game rules.
* @param globe The earth globe, required to get access to land checks.
void AlienMission::ufoReachedWaypoint(Ufo &ufo, Game &engine, const Globe &globe)
const Mod &mod = *engine.getMod();
SavedGame &game = *engine.getSavedGame();
const size_t curWaypoint = ufo.getTrajectoryPoint();
const size_t nextWaypoint = curWaypoint + 1;
const UfoTrajectory &trajectory = ufo.getTrajectory();
int waveNumber = _nextWave - 1;
if (waveNumber < 0)
waveNumber = _rule.getWaveCount() - 1;
const MissionWave &wave = _rule.getWave(waveNumber);
if (nextWaypoint >= trajectory.getWaypointCount())
const RuleRegion ®ionRules = *mod.getRegion(_region, true);
std::pair<double, double> pos = getWaypoint(trajectory, nextWaypoint, globe, regionRules);
Waypoint *wp = new Waypoint();
if (ufo.getAltitude() != "STR_GROUND")
if (ufo.getLandId() != 0)
// Set next waypoint.
ufo.setSpeed((int)(ufo.getRules()->getMaxSpeed() * trajectory.getSpeedPercentage(nextWaypoint)));
// UFO landed.
if (_missionSiteZone != -1 && wave.objective && trajectory.getZone(curWaypoint) == (size_t)(_rule.getSpawnZone()))
// Remove UFO, replace with MissionSite.
addScore(ufo.getLongitude(), ufo.getLatitude(), game);
MissionArea area = regionRules.getMissionZones().at(trajectory.getZone(curWaypoint)).areas.at(_missionSiteZone);
Texture *texture = mod.getGlobe()->getTexture(area.texture);
AlienDeployment *deployment;
if (mod.getDeployment(_rule.getSiteType()))
deployment = mod.getDeployment(_rule.getSiteType());
if (!texture)
throw Exception("Error occurred while spawning mission site: " + _rule.getType());
deployment = mod.getDeployment(texture->getRandomDeployment(), true);
MissionSite *missionSite = spawnMissionSite(game, deployment, area);
if (missionSite)
std::vector<Craft*> followers = ufo.getCraftFollowers();
for (std::vector<Craft*>::iterator c = followers.begin(); c != followers.end(); ++c)
if ((*c)->getNumSoldiers() != 0)
else if (trajectory.getID() == UfoTrajectory::RETALIATION_ASSAULT_RUN)
// Ignore what the trajectory might say, this is a base assault.
// Remove UFO, replace with Base defense.
std::vector<Base *>::const_iterator found =
std::find_if (game.getBases()->begin(), game.getBases()->end(),
MatchBaseCoordinates(ufo.getLongitude(), ufo.getLatitude()));
if (found == game.getBases()->end())
// Only spawn mission if the base is still there.
if (globe.insideLand(ufo.getLongitude(), ufo.getLatitude()))
// Set timer for UFO on the ground.
ufo.setSecondsRemaining(trajectory.groundTimer() * 5);
if (ufo.getDetected() && ufo.getLandId() == 0)
// There's nothing to land on
* This function is called when one of the mission's UFOs is shot down (crashed or destroyed).
* Currently the only thing that happens is delaying the next UFO in the mission sequence.
* @param ufo The UFO that was shot down.
void AlienMission::ufoShotDown(Ufo &ufo)
switch (ufo.getStatus())
case Ufo::FLYING:
case Ufo::LANDED:
assert(0 && "Ufo seems ok!");
case Ufo::CRASHED:
case Ufo::DESTROYED:
if (_nextWave != _rule.getWaveCount())
// Delay next wave
_spawnCountdown += 30 * (RNG::generate(0, 400) + 48);
* This function is called when one of the mission's UFOs has finished it's time on the ground.
* It takes care of sending the UFO to the next waypoint and marking them for removal as required.
* It must set the game data in a way that the rest of the code understands what to do.
* @param ufo The UFO that reached it's waypoint.
* @param game The saved game information.
void AlienMission::ufoLifting(Ufo &ufo, SavedGame &game)
switch (ufo.getStatus())
case Ufo::FLYING:
assert(0 && "Ufo is already on the air!");
case Ufo::LANDED:
// base missions only get points when they are completed.
if (_rule.getPoints() > 0 && _rule.getObjective() != OBJECTIVE_BASE)
addScore(ufo.getLongitude(), ufo.getLatitude(), game);
ufo.setSpeed((int)(ufo.getRules()->getMaxSpeed() * ufo.getTrajectory().getSpeedPercentage(ufo.getTrajectoryPoint())));
case Ufo::CRASHED:
// Mission expired
case Ufo::DESTROYED:
assert(0 && "UFO can't fly!");
* The new time must be a multiple of 30 minutes, and more than 0.
* Calling this on a finished mission has no effect.
* @param minutes The minutes until the next UFO wave will spawn.
void AlienMission::setWaveCountdown(size_t minutes)
assert(minutes != 0 && minutes % 30 == 0);
if (isOver())
_spawnCountdown = minutes;
* Assigns a unique ID to this mission.
* It is an error to assign two IDs to the same mission.
* @param id The UD to assign.
void AlienMission::setId(int id)
assert(_uniqueID == 0 && "Reassigning ID!");
_uniqueID = id;
* @return The unique ID assigned to this mission.
int AlienMission::getId() const
assert(_uniqueID != 0 && "Uninitialized mission!");
return _uniqueID;
* Sets the alien base associated with this mission.
* Only the alien supply missions care about this.
* @param base A pointer to an alien base.
void AlienMission::setAlienBase(const AlienBase *base)
_base = base;
* Only alien supply missions ever have a valid pointer.
* @return A pointer (possibly 0) of the AlienBase for this mission.
const AlienBase *AlienMission::getAlienBase() const
return _base;
* Add alien points to the country and region at the coordinates given.
* @param lon Longitudinal coordinates to check.
* @param lat Latitudinal coordinates to check.
* @param game The saved game information.
void AlienMission::addScore(double lon, double lat, SavedGame &game) const
if (_rule.getObjective() == OBJECTIVE_INFILTRATION)
return; // pact score is a special case
for (std::vector<Region *>::iterator region = game.getRegions()->begin(); region != game.getRegions()->end(); ++region)
if ((*region)->getRules()->insideRegion(lon, lat))
for (std::vector<Country *>::iterator country = game.getCountries()->begin(); country != game.getCountries()->end(); ++country)
if ((*country)->getRules()->insideCountry(lon, lat))
* Spawn an alien base.
* @param engine The game engine, required to get access to game data and game rules.
* @param zone The mission zone, required for determining the base coordinates.
void AlienMission::spawnAlienBase(Game &engine, const MissionArea &area, std::pair<double, double> pos)
SavedGame &game = *engine.getSavedGame();
const Mod &ruleset = *engine.getMod();
// Once the last UFO is spawned, the aliens build their base.
AlienDeployment *deployment;
Texture *texture = ruleset.getGlobe()->getTexture(area.texture);
if (ruleset.getDeployment(_rule.getSiteType()))
deployment = ruleset.getDeployment(_rule.getSiteType());
else if (texture && !texture->getDeployments().empty())
deployment = ruleset.getDeployment(texture->getRandomDeployment(), true);
deployment = ruleset.getDeployment("STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT", true);
AlienBase *ab = new AlienBase(deployment);
addScore(ab->getLongitude(), ab->getLatitude(), game);
* Sets the mission's region. if the region is incompatible with
* actually carrying out an attack, use the "fallback" region as
* defined in the ruleset.
* (this is a slight difference from the original, which just
* defaulted them to zone[0], North America)
* @param region the region we want to try to set the mission to.
* @param mod the mod, in case we need to swap out the region.
void AlienMission::setRegion(const std::string ®ion, const Mod &mod)
RuleRegion *r = mod.getRegion(region, true);
if (!r->getMissionRegion().empty())
_region = r->getMissionRegion();
_region = region;
* Select a destination based on the criteria of our trajectory and desired waypoint.
* @param trajectory the trajectory in question.
* @param nextWaypoint the next logical waypoint in sequence (0 for newly spawned UFOs)
* @param globe The earth globe, required to get access to land checks.
* @param region the ruleset for the region of our mission.
* @return a set of lon and lat coordinates based on the criteria of the trajectory.
std::pair<double, double> AlienMission::getWaypoint(const UfoTrajectory &trajectory, const size_t nextWaypoint, const Globe &globe, const RuleRegion ®ion)
int waveNumber = _nextWave - 1;
if (waveNumber < 0)
waveNumber = _rule.getWaveCount() - 1;
if (trajectory.getZone(nextWaypoint) >= region.getMissionZones().size())
logMissionError(trajectory.getZone(nextWaypoint), region);
if (_missionSiteZone != -1 && _rule.getWave(waveNumber).objective && trajectory.getZone(nextWaypoint) == (size_t)(_rule.getSpawnZone()))
const MissionArea *area = ®ion.getMissionZones().at(_rule.getSpawnZone()).areas.at(_missionSiteZone);
return std::make_pair(area->lonMin, area->latMin);
if (trajectory.getWaypointCount() > nextWaypoint + 1 && trajectory.getAltitude(nextWaypoint + 1) == "STR_GROUND")
return getLandPoint(globe, region, trajectory.getZone(nextWaypoint));
return region.getRandomPoint(trajectory.getZone(nextWaypoint));
* Get a random point inside the given region zone.
* The point will be used to land a UFO, so it HAS to be on land (UNLESS it's landing on a city).
* @param globe reference to the globe data.
* @param region reference to the region we want a land point in.
* @param zone the missionZone set within the region to find a landing zone in.
* @return a set of longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates.
std::pair<double, double> AlienMission::getLandPoint(const Globe &globe, const RuleRegion ®ion, size_t zone)
if (zone >= region.getMissionZones().size() || region.getMissionZones().at(zone).areas.size() == 0)
logMissionError(zone, region);
std::pair<double, double> pos;
if (region.getMissionZones().at(zone).areas.at(0).isPoint()) // if a UFO wants to land on a city, let it.
pos = region.getRandomPoint(zone);
int tries = 0;
pos = region.getRandomPoint(zone);
while (!(globe.insideLand(pos.first, pos.second)
&& region.insideRegion(pos.first, pos.second))
&& tries < 100);
if (tries == 100)
Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "Region: " << region.getType() << " Longitude: " << pos.first << " Latitude: " << pos.second << " invalid zone: " << zone << " ufo forced to land on water!";
return pos;
* Attempt to spawn a Mission Site at a given location.
* @param game reference to the saved game.
* @param rules reference to the game rules.
* @param area the point on the globe at which to spawn this site.
* @return a pointer to the mission site.
MissionSite *AlienMission::spawnMissionSite(SavedGame &game, AlienDeployment *deployment, const MissionArea &area)
if (deployment)
MissionSite *missionSite = new MissionSite(&_rule, deployment);
missionSite->setLongitude(RNG::generate(area.lonMin, area.lonMax));
missionSite->setLatitude(RNG::generate(area.latMin, area.latMax));
missionSite->setSecondsRemaining(RNG::generate(deployment->getDurationMin(), deployment->getDurationMax()) * 3600);
return missionSite;
return 0;
* Tell the mission which entry in the zone array we're targetting for our missionSite payload.
* @param zone the number of the zone to target, synonymous with a city.
void AlienMission::setMissionSiteZone(int zone)
_missionSiteZone = zone;
void AlienMission::logMissionError(int zone, const RuleRegion ®ion)
if (!region.getMissionZones().empty())
std::stringstream ss, ss2;
ss << zone;
ss2 << region.getMissionZones().size() - 1;
throw Exception("Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: " + _rule.getType() + " in region: " + region.getType() + ", mission tried to find a waypoint in zone " + ss.str() + " but this region only has zones valid up to " + ss2.str() + ".");
throw Exception("Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: " + _rule.getType() + " in region: " + region.getType() + ", region has no valid zones.");
↑ V832 It's better to use '= default;' syntax instead of empty destructor body.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'game.getAlienBases()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'game.getBases()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a pointer to avoid using the 'game.getBases()' expression repeatedly.
↑ V807 Decreased performance. Consider creating a reference to avoid using the 'region.getMissionZones()' expression repeatedly.