// ****************************************************************************
// * This file is part of the HqMAME project. It is distributed under         *
// * GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0          *
// * Copyright (C) Zenju (zenju AT gmx DOT de) - All Rights Reserved          *
// *                                                                          *
// * Additionally and as a special exception, the author gives permission     *
// * to link the code of this program with the MAME library (or with modified *
// * versions of MAME that use the same license as MAME), and distribute      *
// * linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General     *
// * Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than MAME. *
// * If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version   *
// * of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to   *
// * do so, delete this exception statement from your version.                *
// ****************************************************************************
#include "xbrz.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
template <uint32_t N> inline
unsigned char getByte(uint32_t val) { return static_cast<unsigned char>((val >> (8 * N)) & 0xff); }
inline unsigned char getAlpha(uint32_t pix) { return getByte<3>(pix); }
inline unsigned char getRed  (uint32_t pix) { return getByte<2>(pix); }
inline unsigned char getGreen(uint32_t pix) { return getByte<1>(pix); }
inline unsigned char getBlue (uint32_t pix) { return getByte<0>(pix); }
inline uint32_t makePixel(                 unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { return             (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; }
inline uint32_t makePixel(unsigned char a, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { return (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; }
#define calcColor(colFront, colBack) static_cast<unsigned char>((colFront * weightFront + colBack * weightBack) / weightSum)
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> inline
uint32_t gradientRGB(uint32_t pixFront, uint32_t pixBack) //blend front color with opacity M / N over opaque background: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing#Alpha_blending
    //static_assert(0 < M && M < N && N <= 1000, "");
	const unsigned int weightFront = M;
	const unsigned int weightBack = (N - M);
	const unsigned int weightSum = N;
    return makePixel(calcColor(getRed  (pixFront), getRed  (pixBack)),
                     calcColor(getGreen(pixFront), getGreen(pixBack)),
                     calcColor(getBlue (pixFront), getBlue (pixBack)));
template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> inline
uint32_t gradientARGB(uint32_t pixFront, uint32_t pixBack) //find intermediate color between two colors with alpha channels (=> NO alpha blending!!!)
    //static_assert(0 < M && M < N && N <= 1000, "");
    const unsigned int weightFront = getAlpha(pixFront) * M;
    const unsigned int weightBack  = getAlpha(pixBack) * (N - M);
    const unsigned int weightSum   = weightFront + weightBack;
    if (weightSum == 0)
        return 0;
    return makePixel(static_cast<unsigned char>(weightSum / N),
                     calcColor(getRed  (pixFront), getRed  (pixBack)),
                     calcColor(getGreen(pixFront), getGreen(pixBack)),
                     calcColor(getBlue (pixFront), getBlue (pixBack)));
//double fastSqrt(double n)
//    __asm //speeds up xBRZ by about 9% compared to std::sqrt which internally uses the same assembler instructions but adds some "fluff"
//    {
//        fld n
//        fsqrt
//    }
uint32_t*       byteAdvance(      uint32_t* ptr, int bytes) { return reinterpret_cast<      uint32_t*>(reinterpret_cast<      char*>(ptr) + bytes); }
const uint32_t* byteAdvance(const uint32_t* ptr, int bytes) { return reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr) + bytes); }
//fill block  with the given color
void fillBlock(uint32_t* trg, int pitch, uint32_t col, int blockWidth, int blockHeight)
    //for (int y = 0; y < blockHeight; ++y, trg = byteAdvance(trg, pitch))
    //    std::fill(trg, trg + blockWidth, col);
    for (int y = 0; y < blockHeight; ++y, trg = byteAdvance(trg, pitch))
        for (int x = 0; x < blockWidth; ++x)
            trg[x] = col;
void fillBlock(uint32_t* trg, int pitch, uint32_t col, int n) { fillBlock(trg, pitch, col, n, n); }
#ifdef _MSC_VER
    #define FORCE_INLINE __forceinline
#elif defined __GNUC__
    #define FORCE_INLINE __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
    #define FORCE_INLINE inline
enum RotationDegree //clock-wise
//calculate input matrix coordinates after rotation at compile time
template <RotationDegree rotDeg, size_t I, size_t J, size_t N>
struct MatrixRotation;
template <size_t I, size_t J, size_t N>
struct MatrixRotation<ROT_0, I, J, N>
    static const size_t I_old = I;
    static const size_t J_old = J;
template <RotationDegree rotDeg, size_t I, size_t J, size_t N> //(i, j) = (row, col) indices, N = size of (square) matrix
struct MatrixRotation
    static const size_t I_old = N - 1 - MatrixRotation<static_cast<RotationDegree>(rotDeg - 1), I, J, N>::J_old; //old coordinates before rotation!
    static const size_t J_old =         MatrixRotation<static_cast<RotationDegree>(rotDeg - 1), I, J, N>::I_old; //
template <size_t N, RotationDegree rotDeg>
class OutputMatrix
    OutputMatrix(uint32_t* out, int outWidth) : //access matrix area, top-left at position "out" for image with given width
        outWidth_(outWidth) {}
    template <size_t I, size_t J>
    uint32_t& ref() const
        static const size_t I_old = MatrixRotation<rotDeg, I, J, N>::I_old;
        static const size_t J_old = MatrixRotation<rotDeg, I, J, N>::J_old;
        return *(out_ + J_old + I_old * outWidth_);
    uint32_t* out_;
    const int outWidth_;
template <class T> inline
T square(T value) { return value * value; }
double distRGB(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2)
    const double r_diff = static_cast<int>(getRed  (pix1)) - getRed  (pix2);
    const double g_diff = static_cast<int>(getGreen(pix1)) - getGreen(pix2);
    const double b_diff = static_cast<int>(getBlue (pix1)) - getBlue (pix2);
    //euklidean RGB distance
    return std::sqrt(square(r_diff) + square(g_diff) + square(b_diff));
double distYCbCr(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2, double lumaWeight)
    //YCbCr conversion is a matrix multiplication => take advantage of linearity by subtracting first!
    const int r_diff = static_cast<int>(getRed  (pix1)) - getRed  (pix2); //we may delay division by 255 to after matrix multiplication
    const int g_diff = static_cast<int>(getGreen(pix1)) - getGreen(pix2); //
    const int b_diff = static_cast<int>(getBlue (pix1)) - getBlue (pix2); //substraction for int is noticeable faster than for double!
    //const double k_b = 0.0722; //ITU-R BT.709 conversion
    //const double k_r = 0.2126; //
    const double k_b = 0.0593; //ITU-R BT.2020 conversion
    const double k_r = 0.2627; //
    const double k_g = 1 - k_b - k_r;
    const double scale_b = 0.5 / (1 - k_b);
    const double scale_r = 0.5 / (1 - k_r);
    const double y   = k_r * r_diff + k_g * g_diff + k_b * b_diff; //[!], analog YCbCr!
    const double c_b = scale_b * (b_diff - y);
    const double c_r = scale_r * (r_diff - y);
    //we skip division by 255 to have similar range like other distance functions
    return std::sqrt(square(lumaWeight * y) + square(c_b) + square(c_r));
struct DistYCbCrBuffer //30% perf boost compared to distYCbCr()!
    static double dist(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2)
//#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1900
//#error function scope static initialization is not yet thread-safe!
        static const DistYCbCrBuffer inst;
        return inst.distImpl(pix1, pix2);
    DistYCbCrBuffer() : buffer(256 * 256 * 256)
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 256 * 256 * 256; ++i) //startup time: 114 ms on Intel Core i5 (four cores)
            const int r_diff = getByte<2>(i) * 2 - 255;
            const int g_diff = getByte<1>(i) * 2 - 255;
            const int b_diff = getByte<0>(i) * 2 - 255;
            const double k_b = 0.0593; //ITU-R BT.2020 conversion
            const double k_r = 0.2627; //
            const double k_g = 1 - k_b - k_r;
            const double scale_b = 0.5 / (1 - k_b);
            const double scale_r = 0.5 / (1 - k_r);
            const double y   = k_r * r_diff + k_g * g_diff + k_b * b_diff; //[!], analog YCbCr!
            const double c_b = scale_b * (b_diff - y);
            const double c_r = scale_r * (r_diff - y);
            buffer[i] = static_cast<float>(std::sqrt(square(y) + square(c_b) + square(c_r)));
    double distImpl(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2) const
        //if (pix1 == pix2) -> 8% perf degradation!
        //    return 0;
        //if (pix1 > pix2)
        //	  std::swap(pix1, pix2); -> 30% perf degradation!!!
        const int r_diff = static_cast<int>(getRed  (pix1)) - getRed  (pix2);
        const int g_diff = static_cast<int>(getGreen(pix1)) - getGreen(pix2);
        const int b_diff = static_cast<int>(getBlue (pix1)) - getBlue (pix2);
        return buffer[(((r_diff + 255) / 2) << 16) | //slightly reduce precision (division by 2) to squeeze value into single byte
                      (((g_diff + 255) / 2) <<  8) |
                      (( b_diff + 255) / 2)];
    std::vector<float> buffer; //consumes 64 MB memory; using double is only 2% faster, but takes 128 MB
enum BlendType
    BLEND_NONE = 0,
    BLEND_NORMAL,   //a normal indication to blend
    BLEND_DOMINANT //a strong indication to blend
    //attention: BlendType must fit into the value range of 2 bit!!!
struct BlendResult
    /**/blend_f, blend_g,
    /**/blend_j, blend_k;
struct Kernel_4x4 //kernel for preprocessing step
    /**/a, b, c, d,
    /**/e, f, g, h,
    /**/i, j, k, l,
    /**/m, n, o, p;
#define _eq(pix1, pix2) (ColorDistance::dist(pix1, pix2, cfg.luminanceWeight) < cfg.equalColorTolerance)
#define _dist(pix1, pix2) ColorDistance::dist(pix1, pix2, cfg.luminanceWeight)
input kernel area naming convention:
| A | B | C | D |
| E | F | G | H |   //evaluate the four corners between F, G, J, K
----|---|---|---|   //input pixel is at position F
| I | J | K | L |
| M | N | O | P |
template <class ColorDistance>
FORCE_INLINE //detect blend direction
BlendResult preProcessCorners(const Kernel_4x4& ker, const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg) //result: F, G, J, K corners of "GradientType"
    BlendResult result = {};
    if ((ker.f == ker.g &&
         ker.j == ker.k) ||
        (ker.f == ker.j &&
         ker.g == ker.k))
        return result;
    const int weight = 4;
    double jg = _dist(ker.i, ker.f) + _dist(ker.f, ker.c) + _dist(ker.n, ker.k) + _dist(ker.k, ker.h) + weight * _dist(ker.j, ker.g);
    double fk = _dist(ker.e, ker.j) + _dist(ker.j, ker.o) + _dist(ker.b, ker.g) + _dist(ker.g, ker.l) + weight * _dist(ker.f, ker.k);
    if (jg < fk) //test sample: 70% of values max(jg, fk) / min(jg, fk) are between 1.1 and 3.7 with median being 1.8
        const bool dominantGradient = cfg.dominantDirectionThreshold * jg < fk;
        if (ker.f != ker.g && ker.f != ker.j)
            result.blend_f = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
        if (ker.k != ker.j && ker.k != ker.g)
            result.blend_k = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
    else if (fk < jg)
        const bool dominantGradient = cfg.dominantDirectionThreshold * fk < jg;
        if (ker.j != ker.f && ker.j != ker.k)
            result.blend_j = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
        if (ker.g != ker.f && ker.g != ker.k)
            result.blend_g = dominantGradient ? BLEND_DOMINANT : BLEND_NORMAL;
    return result;
struct Kernel_3x3
    /**/a,  b,  c,
    /**/d,  e,  f,
    /**/g,  h,  i;
#define DEF_GETTER(x) template <RotationDegree rotDeg> uint32_t inline get_##x(const Kernel_3x3& ker) { return ker.x; }
//we cannot and NEED NOT write "ker.##x" since ## concatenates preprocessor tokens but "." is not a token
#define DEF_GETTER(x, y) template <> inline uint32_t get_##x<ROT_90>(const Kernel_3x3& ker) { return ker.y; }
#define DEF_GETTER(x, y) template <> inline uint32_t get_##x<ROT_180>(const Kernel_3x3& ker) { return ker.y; }
#define DEF_GETTER(x, y) template <> inline uint32_t get_##x<ROT_270>(const Kernel_3x3& ker) { return ker.y; }
//compress four blend types into a single byte
inline BlendType getTopL   (unsigned char b) { return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & b); }
inline BlendType getTopR   (unsigned char b) { return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & (b >> 2)); }
inline BlendType getBottomR(unsigned char b) { return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & (b >> 4)); }
inline BlendType getBottomL(unsigned char b) { return static_cast<BlendType>(0x3 & (b >> 6)); }
inline void setTopL   (unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) { b |= bt; } //buffer is assumed to be initialized before preprocessing!
inline void setTopR   (unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) { b |= (bt << 2); }
inline void setBottomR(unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) { b |= (bt << 4); }
inline void setBottomL(unsigned char& b, BlendType bt) { b |= (bt << 6); }
inline bool blendingNeeded(unsigned char b) { return b != 0; }
template <RotationDegree rotDeg> inline
unsigned char rotateBlendInfo(unsigned char b) { return b; }
template <> inline unsigned char rotateBlendInfo<ROT_90 >(unsigned char b) { return ((b << 2) | (b >> 6)) & 0xff; }
template <> inline unsigned char rotateBlendInfo<ROT_180>(unsigned char b) { return ((b << 4) | (b >> 4)) & 0xff; }
template <> inline unsigned char rotateBlendInfo<ROT_270>(unsigned char b) { return ((b << 6) | (b >> 2)) & 0xff; }
input kernel area naming convention:
| A | B | C |
| D | E | F | //input pixel is at position E
| G | H | I |
template <class Scaler, class ColorDistance, RotationDegree rotDeg>
FORCE_INLINE //perf: quite worth it!
void blendPixel(const Kernel_3x3& ker,
                uint32_t* target, int trgWidth,
                unsigned char blendInfo, //result of preprocessing all four corners of pixel "e"
                const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg)
#define a get_a<rotDeg>(ker)
#define b get_b<rotDeg>(ker)
#define c get_c<rotDeg>(ker)
#define d get_d<rotDeg>(ker)
#define e get_e<rotDeg>(ker)
#define f get_f<rotDeg>(ker)
#define g get_g<rotDeg>(ker)
#define h get_h<rotDeg>(ker)
#define i get_i<rotDeg>(ker)
    const unsigned char blend = rotateBlendInfo<rotDeg>(blendInfo);
    if (getBottomR(blend) >= BLEND_NORMAL)
		bool doLineBlend = true;
        if (getBottomR(blend) >= BLEND_DOMINANT)
			doLineBlend = true;
        //make sure there is no second blending in an adjacent rotation for this pixel: handles insular pixels, mario eyes
        else if (getTopR(blend) != BLEND_NONE && !_eq(e, g)) //but support double-blending for 90 corners
			doLineBlend = false;
        else if (getBottomL(blend) != BLEND_NONE && !_eq(e, c))
			doLineBlend = false;
        //no full blending for L-shapes; blend corner only (handles "mario mushroom eyes")
        else if (!_eq(e, i) && _eq(g, h) && _eq(h , i) && _eq(i, f) && _eq(f, c))
			doLineBlend = false;
        const uint32_t px = _dist(e, f) <= _dist(e, h) ? f : h; //choose most similar color
        OutputMatrix<Scaler::scale, rotDeg> out(target, trgWidth);
        if (doLineBlend)
            const double fg = _dist(f, g); //test sample: 70% of values max(fg, hc) / min(fg, hc) are between 1.1 and 3.7 with median being 1.9
            const double hc = _dist(h, c); //
            const bool haveShallowLine = cfg.steepDirectionThreshold * fg <= hc && e != g && d != g;
            const bool haveSteepLine   = cfg.steepDirectionThreshold * hc <= fg && e != c && b != c;
            if (haveShallowLine)
                if (haveSteepLine)
                    Scaler::blendLineSteepAndShallow(px, out);
                    Scaler::blendLineShallow(px, out);
                if (haveSteepLine)
                    Scaler::blendLineSteep(px, out);
            Scaler::blendCorner(px, out);
#undef a
#undef b
#undef c
#undef d
#undef e
#undef f
#undef g
#undef h
#undef i
template <class Scaler, class ColorDistance> //scaler policy: see "Scaler2x" reference implementation
void scaleImage(const uint32_t* src, uint32_t* trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg, int yFirst, int yLast)
    yFirst = std::max(yFirst, 0);
    yLast  = std::min(yLast, srcHeight);
    if (yFirst >= yLast || srcWidth <= 0)
    const int trgWidth = srcWidth * Scaler::scale;
    //"use" space at the end of the image as temporary buffer for "on the fly preprocessing": we even could use larger area of
    //"sizeof(uint32_t) * srcWidth * (yLast - yFirst)" bytes without risk of accidental overwriting before accessing
    const int bufferSize = srcWidth;
    unsigned char* preProcBuffer = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(trg + yLast * Scaler::scale * trgWidth) - bufferSize;
    std::fill(preProcBuffer, preProcBuffer + bufferSize, 0);
    //static_assert(BLEND_NONE == 0, "");
    //initialize preprocessing buffer for first row of current stripe: detect upper left and right corner blending
    //this cannot be optimized for adjacent processing stripes; we must not allow for a memory race condition!
    if (yFirst > 0)
        const int y = yFirst - 1;
        const uint32_t* s_m1 = src + srcWidth * std::max(y - 1, 0);
        const uint32_t* s_0  = src + srcWidth * y; //center line
        const uint32_t* s_p1 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 1, srcHeight - 1);
        const uint32_t* s_p2 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 2, srcHeight - 1);
        for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x)
            const int x_m1 = std::max(x - 1, 0);
            const int x_p1 = std::min(x + 1, srcWidth - 1);
            const int x_p2 = std::min(x + 2, srcWidth - 1);
            Kernel_4x4 ker = {}; //perf: initialization is negligible
            ker.a = s_m1[x_m1]; //read sequentially from memory as far as possible
            ker.b = s_m1[x];
            ker.c = s_m1[x_p1];
            ker.d = s_m1[x_p2];
            ker.e = s_0[x_m1];
            ker.f = s_0[x];
            ker.g = s_0[x_p1];
            ker.h = s_0[x_p2];
            ker.i = s_p1[x_m1];
            ker.j = s_p1[x];
            ker.k = s_p1[x_p1];
            ker.l = s_p1[x_p2];
            ker.m = s_p2[x_m1];
            ker.n = s_p2[x];
            ker.o = s_p2[x_p1];
            ker.p = s_p2[x_p2];
            const BlendResult res = preProcessCorners<ColorDistance>(ker, cfg);
            preprocessing blend result:
            | F | G |   //evalute corner between F, G, J, K
            ----|---|   //input pixel is at position F
            | J | K |
            setTopR(preProcBuffer[x], res.blend_j);
            if (x + 1 < bufferSize)
                setTopL(preProcBuffer[x + 1], res.blend_k);
    for (int y = yFirst; y < yLast; ++y)
        uint32_t* out = trg + Scaler::scale * y * trgWidth; //consider MT "striped" access
        const uint32_t* s_m1 = src + srcWidth * std::max(y - 1, 0);
        const uint32_t* s_0  = src + srcWidth * y; //center line
        const uint32_t* s_p1 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 1, srcHeight - 1);
        const uint32_t* s_p2 = src + srcWidth * std::min(y + 2, srcHeight - 1);
        unsigned char blend_xy1 = 0; //corner blending for current (x, y + 1) position
        for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x, out += Scaler::scale)
            //all those bounds checks have only insignificant impact on performance!
            const int x_m1 = std::max(x - 1, 0); //perf: prefer array indexing to additional pointers!
            const int x_p1 = std::min(x + 1, srcWidth - 1);
            const int x_p2 = std::min(x + 2, srcWidth - 1);
            Kernel_4x4 ker4 = {}; //perf: initialization is negligible
            ker4.a = s_m1[x_m1]; //read sequentially from memory as far as possible
            ker4.b = s_m1[x];
            ker4.c = s_m1[x_p1];
            ker4.d = s_m1[x_p2];
            ker4.e = s_0[x_m1];
            ker4.f = s_0[x];
            ker4.g = s_0[x_p1];
            ker4.h = s_0[x_p2];
            ker4.i = s_p1[x_m1];
            ker4.j = s_p1[x];
            ker4.k = s_p1[x_p1];
            ker4.l = s_p1[x_p2];
            ker4.m = s_p2[x_m1];
            ker4.n = s_p2[x];
            ker4.o = s_p2[x_p1];
            ker4.p = s_p2[x_p2];
            //evaluate the four corners on bottom-right of current pixel
            unsigned char blend_xy = 0; //for current (x, y) position
                const BlendResult res = preProcessCorners<ColorDistance>(ker4, cfg);
                preprocessing blend result:
                | F | G |   //evalute corner between F, G, J, K
                ----|---|   //current input pixel is at position F
                | J | K |
                blend_xy = preProcBuffer[x];
                setBottomR(blend_xy, res.blend_f); //all four corners of (x, y) have been determined at this point due to processing sequence!
                setTopR(blend_xy1, res.blend_j); //set 2nd known corner for (x, y + 1)
                preProcBuffer[x] = blend_xy1; //store on current buffer position for use on next row
                blend_xy1 = 0;
                setTopL(blend_xy1, res.blend_k); //set 1st known corner for (x + 1, y + 1) and buffer for use on next column
                if (x + 1 < bufferSize) //set 3rd known corner for (x + 1, y)
                    setBottomL(preProcBuffer[x + 1], res.blend_g);
            //fill block of size scale * scale with the given color
            fillBlock(out, trgWidth * sizeof(uint32_t), ker4.f, Scaler::scale); //place *after* preprocessing step, to not overwrite the results while processing the the last pixel!
            //blend four corners of current pixel
            if (blendingNeeded(blend_xy)) //good 5% perf-improvement
                Kernel_3x3 ker3 = {}; //perf: initialization is negligible
                ker3.a = ker4.a;
                ker3.b = ker4.b;
                ker3.c = ker4.c;
                ker3.d = ker4.e;
                ker3.e = ker4.f;
                ker3.f = ker4.g;
                ker3.g = ker4.i;
                ker3.h = ker4.j;
                ker3.i = ker4.k;
                blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_0  >(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
                blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_90 >(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
                blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_180>(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
                blendPixel<Scaler, ColorDistance, ROT_270>(ker3, out, trgWidth, blend_xy, cfg);
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler2x : public ColorGradient
    static const int scale = 2;
    template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
    static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) { ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront); }
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<5, 6>(out.template ref<1, 1>(), col); //[!] fixes 7/8 used in xBR
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<1, 1>(), col);
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        //model a round corner
        alphaGrad<21, 100>(out.template ref<1, 1>(), col); //exact: 1 - pi/4 = 0.2146018366
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler3x : public ColorGradient
    static const int scale = 3;
    template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
    static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) { ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront); }
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
        out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<2, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, 2>(), col);
        out.template ref<2, 2>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<1, 2>(), col); //conflict with other rotations for this odd scale
        alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<2, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<7, 8>(out.template ref<2, 2>(), col); //
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        //model a round corner
        alphaGrad<45, 100>(out.template ref<2, 2>(), col); //exact: 0.4545939598
        //alphaGrad<7, 256>(out.template ref<2, 1>(), col); //0.02826017254 -> negligible + avoid conflicts with other rotations for this odd scale
        //alphaGrad<7, 256>(out.template ref<1, 2>(), col); //0.02826017254
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler4x : public ColorGradient
    static const int scale = 4;
    template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
    static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) { ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront); }
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
        out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, 3>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<3, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, 3>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 3>(out.template ref<2, 2>(), col); //[!] fixes 1/4 used in xBR
        out.template ref<3, 3>() = col;
        out.template ref<3, 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<2, 3>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 1, scale / 2    >(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1>(), col);
        out.template ref<scale - 1, scale - 1>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        //model a round corner
        alphaGrad<68, 100>(out.template ref<3, 3>(), col); //exact: 0.6848532563
        alphaGrad< 9, 100>(out.template ref<3, 2>(), col); //0.08677704501
        alphaGrad< 9, 100>(out.template ref<2, 3>(), col); //0.08677704501
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler5x : public ColorGradient
    static const int scale = 5;
    template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
    static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) { ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront); }
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 3, 4>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 4>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 2, 4>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<4, scale - 3>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
        out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<4, scale - 2>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<2, 3>(out.template ref<3, 3>(), col);
        out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<scale - 1, scale / 2    >(), col); //conflict with other rotations for this odd scale
        alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 8>(out.template ref<scale - 3, scale / 2 + 2>(), col); //
        alphaGrad<7, 8>(out.template ref<4, 3>(), col);
        alphaGrad<7, 8>(out.template ref<3, 4>(), col);
        out.template ref<4, 4>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        //model a round corner
        alphaGrad<86, 100>(out.template ref<4, 4>(), col); //exact: 0.8631434088
        alphaGrad<23, 100>(out.template ref<4, 3>(), col); //0.2306749731
        alphaGrad<23, 100>(out.template ref<3, 4>(), col); //0.2306749731
        //alphaGrad<1, 64>(out.template ref<4, 2>(), col); //0.01676812367 -> negligible + avoid conflicts with other rotations for this odd scale
        //alphaGrad<1, 64>(out.template ref<2, 4>(), col); //0.01676812367
template <class ColorGradient>
struct Scaler6x : public ColorGradient
    static const int scale = 6;
    template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N> //bring template function into scope for GCC
    static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront) { ColorGradient::template alphaGrad<M, N>(pixBack, pixFront); }
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 3, 4>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 3, 5>(), col);
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 4>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 5>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 2, 4>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 2, 5>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteep(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<4, scale - 3>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<5, scale - 3>(), col);
        out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<5, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<4, scale - 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<5, scale - 2>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineSteepAndShallow(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<0, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<2, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<1, scale - 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<3, scale - 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 0>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 2>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 1, 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<3, 4>(out.template ref<scale - 2, 3>(), col);
        out.template ref<2, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<3, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<4, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<5, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<4, scale - 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<5, scale - 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 2>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, 3>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendLineDiagonal(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 1, scale / 2    >(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 2, scale / 2 + 1>(), col);
        alphaGrad<1, 2>(out.template ref<scale - 3, scale / 2 + 2>(), col);
        out.template ref<scale - 2, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, scale - 1>() = col;
        out.template ref<scale - 1, scale - 2>() = col;
    template <class OutputMatrix>
    static void blendCorner(uint32_t col, OutputMatrix& out)
        //model a round corner
        alphaGrad<97, 100>(out.template ref<5, 5>(), col); //exact: 0.9711013910
        alphaGrad<42, 100>(out.template ref<4, 5>(), col); //0.4236372243
        alphaGrad<42, 100>(out.template ref<5, 4>(), col); //0.4236372243
        alphaGrad< 6, 100>(out.template ref<5, 3>(), col); //0.05652034508
        alphaGrad< 6, 100>(out.template ref<3, 5>(), col); //0.05652034508
struct ColorDistanceRGB
    static double dist(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2, double /*luminanceWeight*/)
        return DistYCbCrBuffer::dist(pix1, pix2);
        //if (pix1 == pix2) //about 4% perf boost
        //    return 0;
        //return distYCbCr(pix1, pix2, luminanceWeight);
struct ColorDistanceARGB
    static double dist(uint32_t pix1, uint32_t pix2, double /*luminanceWeight*/)
        const double a1 = getAlpha(pix1) / 255.0 ;
        const double a2 = getAlpha(pix2) / 255.0 ;
        Requirements for a color distance handling alpha channel: with a1, a2 in [0, 1]
        	1. if a1 = a2, distance should be: a1 * distYCbCr()
        	2. if a1 = 0,  distance should be: a2 * distYCbCr(black, white) = a2 * 255
        	3. if a1 = 1,  ??? maybe: 255 * (1 - a2) + a2 * distYCbCr()
        //return std::min(a1, a2) * DistYCbCrBuffer::dist(pix1, pix2) + 255 * abs(a1 - a2);
        //=> following code is 15% faster:
        const double d = DistYCbCrBuffer::dist(pix1, pix2);
        if (a1 < a2)
            return a1 * d + 255 * (a2 - a1);
            return a2 * d + 255 * (a1 - a2);
        //alternative? return std::sqrt(a1 * a2 * square(DistYCbCrBuffer::dist(pix1, pix2)) + square(255 * (a1 - a2)));
struct ColorGradientRGB
    template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N>
    static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront)
        pixBack = gradientRGB<M, N>(pixFront, pixBack);
struct ColorGradientARGB
    template <unsigned int M, unsigned int N>
    static void alphaGrad(uint32_t& pixBack, uint32_t pixFront)
        pixBack = gradientARGB<M, N>(pixFront, pixBack);
void xbrz::scale(size_t factor, const uint32_t* src, uint32_t* trg, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, ColorFormat colFmt, const xbrz::ScalerCfg& cfg, int yFirst, int yLast)
    switch (colFmt)
        case ARGB:
            switch (factor)
                case 2:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler2x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 3:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler3x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 4:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler4x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 5:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler5x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 6:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler6x<ColorGradientARGB>, ColorDistanceARGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
        case RGB:
            switch (factor)
                case 2:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler2x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 3:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler3x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 4:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler4x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 5:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler5x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
                case 6:
                    return scaleImage<Scaler6x<ColorGradientRGB>, ColorDistanceRGB>(src, trg, srcWidth, srcHeight, cfg, yFirst, yLast);
bool xbrz::equalColorTest(uint32_t col1, uint32_t col2, ColorFormat colFmt, double luminanceWeight, double equalColorTolerance)
    switch (colFmt)
        case ARGB:
            return ColorDistanceARGB::dist(col1, col2, luminanceWeight) < equalColorTolerance;
        case RGB:
            return ColorDistanceRGB::dist(col1, col2, luminanceWeight) < equalColorTolerance;
    return false;
void xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(const uint32_t* src, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcPitch,
                                uint32_t* trg, int trgWidth, int trgHeight, int trgPitch,
                                SliceType st, int yFirst, int yLast)
    if (srcPitch < srcWidth * static_cast<int>(sizeof(uint32_t))  ||
        trgPitch < trgWidth * static_cast<int>(sizeof(uint32_t)))
    switch (st)
            //nearest-neighbor (going over source image - fast for upscaling, since source is read only once
            yFirst = std::max(yFirst, 0);
            yLast  = std::min(yLast, srcHeight);
            if (yFirst >= yLast || trgWidth <= 0 || trgHeight <= 0) return;
            for (int y = yFirst; y < yLast; ++y)
                //mathematically: ySrc = floor(srcHeight * yTrg / trgHeight)
                // => search for integers in: [ySrc, ySrc + 1) * trgHeight / srcHeight
                //keep within for loop to support MT input slices!
                const int yTrg_first = ( y      * trgHeight + srcHeight - 1) / srcHeight; //=ceil(y * trgHeight / srcHeight)
                const int yTrg_last  = ((y + 1) * trgHeight + srcHeight - 1) / srcHeight; //=ceil(((y + 1) * trgHeight) / srcHeight)
                const int blockHeight = yTrg_last - yTrg_first;
                if (blockHeight > 0)
                    const uint32_t* srcLine = byteAdvance(src, y * srcPitch);
                    uint32_t* trgLine  = byteAdvance(trg, yTrg_first * trgPitch);
                    int xTrg_first = 0;
                    for (int x = 0; x < srcWidth; ++x)
                        int xTrg_last = ((x + 1) * trgWidth + srcWidth - 1) / srcWidth;
                        const int blockWidth = xTrg_last - xTrg_first;
                        if (blockWidth > 0)
                            xTrg_first = xTrg_last;
                            fillBlock(trgLine, trgPitch, srcLine[x], blockWidth, blockHeight);
                            trgLine += blockWidth;
            //nearest-neighbor (going over target image - slow for upscaling, since source is read multiple times missing out on cache! Fast for similar image sizes!)
            yFirst = std::max(yFirst, 0);
            yLast  = std::min(yLast, trgHeight);
            if (yFirst >= yLast || srcHeight <= 0 || srcWidth <= 0) return;
            for (int y = yFirst; y < yLast; ++y)
                uint32_t* trgLine = byteAdvance(trg, y * trgPitch);
                const int ySrc = srcHeight * y / trgHeight;
                const uint32_t* srcLine = byteAdvance(src, ySrc * srcPitch);
                for (int x = 0; x < trgWidth; ++x)
                    const int xSrc = srcWidth * x / trgWidth;
                    trgLine[x] = srcLine[xSrc];

V1003 The macro 'calcColor' is a dangerous expression. The parameters 'colFront', 'colBack' must be surrounded by parentheses.

V1048 The 'doLineBlend' variable was assigned the same value.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items '2', '3', '4', '5', '4', '5' in lines 932, 933, 934, 935, 937, 938.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items '2', '3', '4', '5', '4', '5' in lines 952, 953, 954, 955, 957, 958.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items '2', '3', '4', '5', '4', '5' in lines 974, 975, 976, 977, 979, 980.