* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Ufo.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "../fmath.h"
#include "Craft.h"
#include "AlienMission.h"
#include "../Engine/Exception.h"
#include "../Engine/Language.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleUfo.h"
#include "../Mod/UfoTrajectory.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleAlienMission.h"
#include "SavedGame.h"
#include "Waypoint.h"
namespace OpenXcom
const char *Ufo::ALTITUDE_STRING[] = {
* Initializes a UFO of the specified type.
* @param rules Pointer to ruleset.
Ufo::Ufo(const RuleUfo *rules)
: MovingTarget(), _rules(rules), _crashId(0), _landId(0), _damage(0), _direction("STR_NORTH")
, _altitude("STR_HIGH_UC"), _status(FLYING), _secondsRemaining(0)
, _inBattlescape(false), _mission(0), _trajectory(0)
, _trajectoryPoint(0), _detected(false), _hyperDetected(false), _processedIntercept(false), _shootingAt(0), _hitFrame(0)
, _fireCountdown(0), _escapeCountdown(0)
* Make sure our mission forget's us, and we only delete targets we own (waypoints).
if (_mission)
if (_dest)
Waypoint *wp = dynamic_cast<Waypoint*>(_dest);
if (wp != 0)
delete _dest;
_dest = 0;
* Match AlienMission based on the unique ID.
class matchMissionID: public std::unary_function<const AlienMission *, bool>
/// Store ID for later comparisons.
matchMissionID(int id) : _id(id) { /* Empty by design. */ }
/// Match with stored ID.
bool operator()(const AlienMission *am) const { return am->getId() == _id; }
int _id;
* Loads the UFO from a YAML file.
* @param node YAML node.
* @param mod The game mod. Use to access the trajectory rules.
* @param game The game data. Used to find the UFO's mission.
void Ufo::load(const YAML::Node &node, const Mod &mod, SavedGame &game)
_crashId = node["crashId"].as<int>(_crashId);
_landId = node["landId"].as<int>(_landId);
_damage = node["damage"].as<int>(_damage);
_altitude = node["altitude"].as<std::string>(_altitude);
_direction = node["direction"].as<std::string>(_direction);
_detected = node["detected"].as<bool>(_detected);
_hyperDetected = node["hyperDetected"].as<bool>(_hyperDetected);
_secondsRemaining = node["secondsRemaining"].as<size_t>(_secondsRemaining);
_inBattlescape = node["inBattlescape"].as<bool>(_inBattlescape);
double lon = _lon;
double lat = _lat;
if (const YAML::Node &dest = node["dest"])
lon = dest["lon"].as<double>();
lat = dest["lat"].as<double>();
_dest = new Waypoint();
if (const YAML::Node &status = node["status"])
_status = (UfoStatus)status.as<int>();
if (isDestroyed())
_status = DESTROYED;
else if (isCrashed())
_status = CRASHED;
else if (_altitude == "STR_GROUND")
_status = LANDED;
_status = FLYING;
if (game.getMonthsPassed() != -1)
int missionID = node["mission"].as<int>();
std::vector<AlienMission *>::const_iterator found = std::find_if (game.getAlienMissions().begin(), game.getAlienMissions().end(), matchMissionID(missionID));
if (found == game.getAlienMissions().end())
// Corrupt save file.
throw Exception("Unknown UFO mission, save file is corrupt.");
_mission = *found;
std::string tid = node["trajectory"].as<std::string>();
_trajectory = mod.getUfoTrajectory(tid);
if (_trajectory == 0)
// Corrupt save file.
throw Exception("Unknown UFO trajectory, save file is corrupt.");
_trajectoryPoint = node["trajectoryPoint"].as<size_t>(_trajectoryPoint);
_fireCountdown = node["fireCountdown"].as<int>(_fireCountdown);
_escapeCountdown = node["escapeCountdown"].as<int>(_escapeCountdown);
if (_inBattlescape)
* Saves the UFO to a YAML file.
* @return YAML node.
YAML::Node Ufo::save(bool newBattle) const
YAML::Node node = MovingTarget::save();
node["type"] = _rules->getType();
if (_crashId)
node["crashId"] = _crashId;
else if (_landId)
node["landId"] = _landId;
node["damage"] = _damage;
node["altitude"] = _altitude;
node["direction"] = _direction;
node["status"] = (int)_status;
if (_detected)
node["detected"] = _detected;
if (_hyperDetected)
node["hyperDetected"] = _hyperDetected;
if (_secondsRemaining)
node["secondsRemaining"] = _secondsRemaining;
if (_inBattlescape)
node["inBattlescape"] = _inBattlescape;
if (!newBattle)
node["mission"] = _mission->getId();
node["trajectory"] = _trajectory->getID();
node["trajectoryPoint"] = _trajectoryPoint;
node["fireCountdown"] = _fireCountdown;
node["escapeCountdown"] = _escapeCountdown;
return node;
* Returns the UFO's unique type used for
* savegame purposes.
* @return ID.
std::string Ufo::getType() const
return "STR_UFO";
* Returns the ruleset for the UFO's type.
* @return Pointer to ruleset.
const RuleUfo *Ufo::getRules() const
return _rules;
* Changes the ruleset for the UFO's type.
* @param rules Pointer to ruleset.
void Ufo::changeRules(const RuleUfo *rules)
_rules = rules;
* Returns the UFO's unique default name.
* @param lang Language to get strings from.
* @return Full name.
std::string Ufo::getDefaultName(Language *lang) const
switch (_status)
case LANDED:
return lang->getString(getMarkerName()).arg(_landId);
return lang->getString(getMarkerName()).arg(_crashId);
return lang->getString(getMarkerName()).arg(_id);
* Returns the name on the globe for the UFO.
* @return String ID.
std::string Ufo::getMarkerName() const
switch (_status)
case LANDED:
return "STR_CRASH_SITE_";
return "STR_UFO_";
* Returns the marker ID on the globe for the UFO.
* @return Marker ID.
int Ufo::getMarkerId() const
switch (_status)
case LANDED:
return _landId;
return _crashId;
return _id;
* Returns the globe marker for the UFO.
* @return Marker sprite, -1 if none.
int Ufo::getMarker() const
if (!_detected)
return -1;
switch (_status)
case LANDED:
return _rules->getLandMarker() == -1 ? 3 : _rules->getLandMarker();
return _rules->getCrashMarker() == -1 ? 4 : _rules->getCrashMarker();
return _rules->getMarker() == -1 ? 2 : _rules->getMarker();
* Returns the amount of damage this UFO has taken.
* @return Amount of damage.
int Ufo::getDamage() const
return _damage;
* Changes the amount of damage this UFO has taken.
* @param damage Amount of damage.
void Ufo::setDamage(int damage)
_damage = damage;
if (_damage < 0)
_damage = 0;
if (isDestroyed())
_status = DESTROYED;
else if (isCrashed())
_status = CRASHED;
* Returns whether this UFO has been detected by radars.
* @return Detection status.
bool Ufo::getDetected() const
return _detected;
* Changes whether this UFO has been detected by radars.
* @param detected Detection status.
void Ufo::setDetected(bool detected)
_detected = detected;
* Returns the amount of remaining seconds the UFO has left on the ground.
* After this many seconds thet UFO will take off, if landed, or disappear, if
* crashed.
* @return Amount of seconds.
size_t Ufo::getSecondsRemaining() const
return _secondsRemaining;
* Changes the amount of remaining seconds the UFO has left on the ground.
* After this many seconds thet UFO will take off, if landed, or disappear, if
* crashed.
* @param seconds Amount of seconds.
void Ufo::setSecondsRemaining(size_t seconds)
_secondsRemaining = seconds;
* Returns the current direction the UFO is heading in.
* @return Direction.
std::string Ufo::getDirection() const
return _direction;
* Returns the current altitude of the UFO.
* @return Altitude as string ID.
std::string Ufo::getAltitude() const
return _altitude;
* Returns the current altitude of the UFO.
* @return Altitude as integer (0-4).
int Ufo::getAltitudeInt() const
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if (ALTITUDE_STRING[i] == _altitude)
return i;
return -1;
* Changes the current altitude of the UFO.
* @param altitude Altitude.
void Ufo::setAltitude(const std::string &altitude)
_altitude = altitude;
if (_altitude != "STR_GROUND")
_status = FLYING;
_status = isCrashed() ? CRASHED : LANDED;
* Returns if this UFO took enough damage
* to cause it to crash.
* @return Crashed status.
bool Ufo::isCrashed() const
return (_damage > _rules->getMaxDamage() / 2);
* Returns if this UFO took enough damage
* to cause it to crash.
* @return Crashed status.
bool Ufo::isDestroyed() const
return (_damage >= _rules->getMaxDamage());
* Calculates the direction for the UFO based
* on the current raw speed and destination.
void Ufo::calculateSpeed()
double x = _speedLon;
double y = -_speedLat;
// This section guards vs. divide-by-zero.
if (AreSame(x, 0.0) || AreSame(y, 0.0))
if (AreSame(x, 0.0) && AreSame(y, 0.0))
_direction = "STR_NONE_UC";
else if (AreSame(x, 0.0))
if (y > 0.f)
_direction = "STR_NORTH";
else if (y < 0.f)
_direction = "STR_SOUTH";
else if (AreSame(y, 0.0))
if (x > 0.f)
_direction = "STR_EAST";
else if (x < 0.f)
_direction = "STR_WEST";
double theta = atan2(y, x); // radians
theta = theta * 180.f / M_PI; // +/- 180 deg.
if (22.5f > theta && theta > -22.5f)
_direction = "STR_EAST";
else if (-22.5f > theta && theta > -67.5f)
_direction = "STR_SOUTH_EAST";
else if (-67.5f > theta && theta > -112.5f)
_direction = "STR_SOUTH";
else if (-112.5f > theta && theta > -157.5f)
_direction = "STR_SOUTH_WEST";
else if (-157.5f > theta || theta > 157.5f)
_direction = "STR_WEST";
else if (157.5f > theta && theta > 112.5f)
_direction = "STR_NORTH_WEST";
else if (112.5f > theta && theta > 67.5f)
_direction = "STR_NORTH";
_direction = "STR_NORTH_EAST";
* Moves the UFO to its destination.
void Ufo::think()
switch (_status)
case FLYING:
if (reachedDestination())
// Prevent further movement.
case LANDED:
assert(_secondsRemaining >= 5 && "Wrong time management.");
_secondsRemaining -= 5;
if (!_detected)
_detected = true;
// This gets handled in GeoscapeState::time30Minutes()
// Because the original game processes it every 30 minutes!
// Do nothing
* Gets the UFO's battlescape status.
* @return Is the UFO currently in battle?
bool Ufo::isInBattlescape() const
return _inBattlescape;
* Sets the UFO's battlescape status.
* @param inbattle True if it's in battle, False otherwise.
void Ufo::setInBattlescape(bool inbattle)
if (inbattle)
_inBattlescape = inbattle;
* Returns the alien race currently residing in the UFO.
* @return Alien race.
const std::string &Ufo::getAlienRace() const
return _mission->getRace();
void Ufo::setShotDownByCraftId(const CraftId& craft)
_shotDownByCraftId = craft;
CraftId Ufo::getShotDownByCraftId() const
return _shotDownByCraftId;
* Returns a UFO's visibility to radar detection.
* The UFO's size and altitude affect the chances
* of it being detected by radars.
* @return Visibility modifier.
int Ufo::getVisibility() const
int size = 0;
// size = 15*(3-ufosize);
if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_VERY_SMALL")
size = -30;
else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_SMALL")
size = -15;
else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_MEDIUM_UC")
size = 0;
else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_LARGE")
size = 15;
else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_VERY_LARGE")
size = 30;
int visibility = 0;
if (_altitude == "STR_GROUND")
visibility = -30;
else if (_altitude == "STR_VERY_LOW")
visibility = size - 20;
else if (_altitude == "STR_LOW_UC")
visibility = size - 10;
else if (_altitude == "STR_HIGH_UC")
visibility = size;
else if (_altitude == "STR_VERY_HIGH")
visibility = size - 10;
return visibility;
* Returns the Mission type of the UFO.
* @return Mission.
const std::string &Ufo::getMissionType() const
return _mission->getRules().getType();
* Sets the mission information of the UFO.
* The UFO will start at the first point of the trajectory. The actual UFO
* information is not changed here, this only sets the information kept on
* behalf of the mission.
* @param mission Pointer to the actual mission object.
* @param trajectory Pointer to the actual mission trajectory.
void Ufo::setMissionInfo(AlienMission *mission, const UfoTrajectory *trajectory)
assert(!_mission && mission && trajectory);
_mission = mission;
_trajectoryPoint = 0;
_trajectory = trajectory;
* Returns whether this UFO has been detected by hyper-wave.
* @return Detection status.
bool Ufo::getHyperDetected() const
return _hyperDetected;
* Changes whether this UFO has been detected by hyper-wave.
* @param hyperdetected Detection status.
void Ufo::setHyperDetected(bool hyperdetected)
_hyperDetected = hyperdetected;
* Handle destination changes, making sure to delete old waypoint destinations.
* @param dest Pointer to the new destination.
void Ufo::setDestination(Target *dest)
Waypoint *old = dynamic_cast<Waypoint*>(_dest);
delete old;
* Gets which interception window the UFO is active in.
* @return which interception window the UFO is active in.
int Ufo::getShootingAt() const
return _shootingAt;
* Sets which interception window the UFO is active in.
* @param target the window the UFO is active in.
void Ufo::setShootingAt(int target)
_shootingAt = target;
* Gets the UFO's landing site ID.
* @return landing site ID.
int Ufo::getLandId() const
return _landId;
* Sets the UFO's landing site ID.
* @param id landing site ID.
void Ufo::setLandId(int id)
_landId = id;
* Gets the UFO's crash site ID.
* @return the UFO's crash site ID.
int Ufo::getCrashId() const
return _crashId;
* Sets the UFO's crash site ID.
* @param id the UFO's crash site ID.
void Ufo::setCrashId(int id)
_crashId = id;
* Sets the UFO's hit frame.
* @param frame the hit frame.
void Ufo::setHitFrame(int frame)
_hitFrame = frame;
* Gets the UFO's hit frame.
* @return the hit frame.
int Ufo::getHitFrame() const
return _hitFrame;
* Sets the countdown timer for escaping a dogfight.
* @param time how many ticks until the ship attempts to escape.
void Ufo::setEscapeCountdown(int time)
_escapeCountdown = time;
* Gets the escape timer for dogfights.
* @return how many ticks until the ship tries to leave.
int Ufo::getEscapeCountdown() const
return _escapeCountdown;
* Sets the number of ticks until the ufo fires its weapon.
* @param time number of ticks until refire.
void Ufo::setFireCountdown(int time)
_fireCountdown = time;
* Gets the number of ticks until the ufo is ready to fire.
* @return ticks until weapon is ready.
int Ufo::getFireCountdown() const
return _fireCountdown;
* Sets a flag denoting that this ufo has had its timers decremented.
* prevents multiple interceptions from decrementing or resetting an already running timer.
* this flag is reset in advance each time the geoscape processes the dogfights.
* @param processed whether or not we've had our timers processed.
void Ufo::setInterceptionProcessed(bool processed)
_processedIntercept = processed;
* Gets if the ufo has had its timers decremented on this cycle of interception updates.
* @return if this ufo has already been processed.
bool Ufo::getInterceptionProcessed() const
return _processedIntercept;
↑ V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.
↑ V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.
↑ V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.