 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Ufo.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "../fmath.h"
#include "Craft.h"
#include "AlienMission.h"
#include "../Engine/Exception.h"
#include "../Engine/Language.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleUfo.h"
#include "../Mod/UfoTrajectory.h"
#include "../Mod/RuleAlienMission.h"
#include "SavedGame.h"
#include "Waypoint.h"
namespace OpenXcom
const char *Ufo::ALTITUDE_STRING[] = {
 * Initializes a UFO of the specified type.
 * @param rules Pointer to ruleset.
Ufo::Ufo(const RuleUfo *rules)
  : MovingTarget(), _rules(rules), _crashId(0), _landId(0), _damage(0), _direction("STR_NORTH")
  , _altitude("STR_HIGH_UC"), _status(FLYING), _secondsRemaining(0)
  , _inBattlescape(false), _mission(0), _trajectory(0)
  , _trajectoryPoint(0), _detected(false), _hyperDetected(false), _processedIntercept(false), _shootingAt(0), _hitFrame(0)
  , _fireCountdown(0), _escapeCountdown(0)
 * Make sure our mission forget's us, and we only delete targets we own (waypoints).
	if (_mission)
	if (_dest)
		Waypoint *wp = dynamic_cast<Waypoint*>(_dest);
		if (wp != 0)
			delete _dest;
			_dest = 0;
 * Match AlienMission based on the unique ID.
class matchMissionID: public std::unary_function<const AlienMission *, bool>
	/// Store ID for later comparisons.
	matchMissionID(int id) : _id(id) { /* Empty by design. */ }
	/// Match with stored ID.
	bool operator()(const AlienMission *am) const { return am->getId() == _id; }
	int _id;
 * Loads the UFO from a YAML file.
 * @param node YAML node.
 * @param mod The game mod. Use to access the trajectory rules.
 * @param game The game data. Used to find the UFO's mission.
void Ufo::load(const YAML::Node &node, const Mod &mod, SavedGame &game)
	_crashId = node["crashId"].as<int>(_crashId);
	_landId = node["landId"].as<int>(_landId);
	_damage = node["damage"].as<int>(_damage);
	_altitude = node["altitude"].as<std::string>(_altitude);
	_direction = node["direction"].as<std::string>(_direction);
	_detected = node["detected"].as<bool>(_detected);
	_hyperDetected = node["hyperDetected"].as<bool>(_hyperDetected);
	_secondsRemaining = node["secondsRemaining"].as<size_t>(_secondsRemaining);
	_inBattlescape = node["inBattlescape"].as<bool>(_inBattlescape);
	double lon = _lon;
	double lat = _lat;
	if (const YAML::Node &dest = node["dest"])
		lon = dest["lon"].as<double>();
		lat = dest["lat"].as<double>();
	_dest = new Waypoint();
	if (const YAML::Node &status = node["status"])
		_status = (UfoStatus)status.as<int>();
		if (isDestroyed())
			_status = DESTROYED;
		else if (isCrashed())
			_status = CRASHED;
		else if (_altitude == "STR_GROUND")
			_status = LANDED;
			_status = FLYING;
	if (game.getMonthsPassed() != -1)
		int missionID = node["mission"].as<int>();
		std::vector<AlienMission *>::const_iterator found = std::find_if (game.getAlienMissions().begin(), game.getAlienMissions().end(), matchMissionID(missionID));
		if (found == game.getAlienMissions().end())
			// Corrupt save file.
			throw Exception("Unknown UFO mission, save file is corrupt.");
		_mission = *found;
		std::string tid = node["trajectory"].as<std::string>();
		_trajectory = mod.getUfoTrajectory(tid);
		if (_trajectory == 0)
			// Corrupt save file.
			throw Exception("Unknown UFO trajectory, save file is corrupt.");
		_trajectoryPoint = node["trajectoryPoint"].as<size_t>(_trajectoryPoint);
	_fireCountdown = node["fireCountdown"].as<int>(_fireCountdown);
	_escapeCountdown = node["escapeCountdown"].as<int>(_escapeCountdown);
	if (_inBattlescape)
 * Saves the UFO to a YAML file.
 * @return YAML node.
YAML::Node Ufo::save(bool newBattle) const
	YAML::Node node = MovingTarget::save();
	node["type"] = _rules->getType();
	if (_crashId)
		node["crashId"] = _crashId;
	else if (_landId)
		node["landId"] = _landId;
	node["damage"] = _damage;
	node["altitude"] = _altitude;
	node["direction"] = _direction;
	node["status"] = (int)_status;
	if (_detected)
		node["detected"] = _detected;
	if (_hyperDetected)
		node["hyperDetected"] = _hyperDetected;
	if (_secondsRemaining)
		node["secondsRemaining"] = _secondsRemaining;
	if (_inBattlescape)
		node["inBattlescape"] = _inBattlescape;
	if (!newBattle)
		node["mission"] = _mission->getId();
		node["trajectory"] = _trajectory->getID();
		node["trajectoryPoint"] = _trajectoryPoint;
	node["fireCountdown"] = _fireCountdown;
	node["escapeCountdown"] = _escapeCountdown;
	return node;
 * Returns the UFO's unique type used for
 * savegame purposes.
 * @return ID.
std::string Ufo::getType() const
	return "STR_UFO";
 * Returns the ruleset for the UFO's type.
 * @return Pointer to ruleset.
const RuleUfo *Ufo::getRules() const
	return _rules;
 * Changes the ruleset for the UFO's type.
 * @param rules Pointer to ruleset.
void Ufo::changeRules(const RuleUfo *rules)
	_rules = rules;
 * Returns the UFO's unique default name.
 * @param lang Language to get strings from.
 * @return Full name.
std::string Ufo::getDefaultName(Language *lang) const
	switch (_status)
	case LANDED:
		return lang->getString(getMarkerName()).arg(_landId);
	case CRASHED:
		return lang->getString(getMarkerName()).arg(_crashId);
		return lang->getString(getMarkerName()).arg(_id);
 * Returns the name on the globe for the UFO.
 * @return String ID.
std::string Ufo::getMarkerName() const
	switch (_status)
	case LANDED:
		return "STR_LANDING_SITE_";
	case CRASHED:
		return "STR_CRASH_SITE_";
		return "STR_UFO_";
 * Returns the marker ID on the globe for the UFO.
 * @return Marker ID.
int Ufo::getMarkerId() const
	switch (_status)
	case LANDED:
		return _landId;
	case CRASHED:
		return _crashId;
		return _id;
 * Returns the globe marker for the UFO.
 * @return Marker sprite, -1 if none.
int Ufo::getMarker() const
	if (!_detected)
		return -1;
	switch (_status)
	case LANDED:
		return _rules->getLandMarker() == -1 ? 3 : _rules->getLandMarker();
	case CRASHED:
		return _rules->getCrashMarker() == -1 ? 4 : _rules->getCrashMarker();
		return _rules->getMarker() == -1 ? 2 : _rules->getMarker();
 * Returns the amount of damage this UFO has taken.
 * @return Amount of damage.
int Ufo::getDamage() const
	return _damage;
 * Changes the amount of damage this UFO has taken.
 * @param damage Amount of damage.
void Ufo::setDamage(int damage)
	_damage = damage;
	if (_damage < 0)
		_damage = 0;
	if (isDestroyed())
		_status = DESTROYED;
	else if (isCrashed())
		_status = CRASHED;
 * Returns whether this UFO has been detected by radars.
 * @return Detection status.
bool Ufo::getDetected() const
	return _detected;
 * Changes whether this UFO has been detected by radars.
 * @param detected Detection status.
void Ufo::setDetected(bool detected)
	_detected = detected;
 * Returns the amount of remaining seconds the UFO has left on the ground.
 * After this many seconds thet UFO will take off, if landed, or disappear, if
 * crashed.
 * @return Amount of seconds.
size_t Ufo::getSecondsRemaining() const
	return _secondsRemaining;
 * Changes the amount of remaining seconds the UFO has left on the ground.
 * After this many seconds thet UFO will take off, if landed, or disappear, if
 * crashed.
 * @param seconds Amount of seconds.
void Ufo::setSecondsRemaining(size_t seconds)
	_secondsRemaining = seconds;
 * Returns the current direction the UFO is heading in.
 * @return Direction.
std::string Ufo::getDirection() const
	return _direction;
 * Returns the current altitude of the UFO.
 * @return Altitude as string ID.
std::string Ufo::getAltitude() const
	return _altitude;
 * Returns the current altitude of the UFO.
 * @return Altitude as integer (0-4).
int Ufo::getAltitudeInt() const
	for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
		if (ALTITUDE_STRING[i] == _altitude)
			return i;
	return -1;
 * Changes the current altitude of the UFO.
 * @param altitude Altitude.
void Ufo::setAltitude(const std::string &altitude)
	_altitude = altitude;
	if (_altitude != "STR_GROUND")
		_status = FLYING;
		_status = isCrashed() ? CRASHED : LANDED;
 * Returns if this UFO took enough damage
 * to cause it to crash.
 * @return Crashed status.
bool Ufo::isCrashed() const
	return (_damage > _rules->getMaxDamage() / 2);
 * Returns if this UFO took enough damage
 * to cause it to crash.
 * @return Crashed status.
bool Ufo::isDestroyed() const
	return (_damage >= _rules->getMaxDamage());
 * Calculates the direction for the UFO based
 * on the current raw speed and destination.
void Ufo::calculateSpeed()
	double x = _speedLon;
	double y = -_speedLat;
	// This section guards vs. divide-by-zero.
	if (AreSame(x, 0.0) || AreSame(y, 0.0))
		if (AreSame(x, 0.0) && AreSame(y, 0.0))
			_direction = "STR_NONE_UC";
		else if (AreSame(x, 0.0))
			if (y > 0.f)
				_direction = "STR_NORTH";
			else if (y < 0.f)
				_direction = "STR_SOUTH";
		else if (AreSame(y, 0.0))
			if (x > 0.f)
				_direction = "STR_EAST";
			else if (x < 0.f)
				_direction = "STR_WEST";
	double theta = atan2(y, x); // radians
	theta = theta * 180.f / M_PI; // +/- 180 deg.
	if (22.5f > theta && theta > -22.5f)
		_direction = "STR_EAST";
	else if (-22.5f > theta && theta > -67.5f)
		_direction = "STR_SOUTH_EAST";
	else if (-67.5f > theta && theta > -112.5f)
		_direction = "STR_SOUTH";
	else if (-112.5f > theta && theta > -157.5f)
		_direction = "STR_SOUTH_WEST";
	else if (-157.5f > theta || theta > 157.5f)
		_direction = "STR_WEST";
	else if (157.5f > theta && theta > 112.5f)
		_direction = "STR_NORTH_WEST";
	else if (112.5f > theta && theta > 67.5f)
		_direction = "STR_NORTH";
		_direction = "STR_NORTH_EAST";
 * Moves the UFO to its destination.
void Ufo::think()
	switch (_status)
	case FLYING:
		if (reachedDestination())
			// Prevent further movement.
	case LANDED:
		assert(_secondsRemaining >= 5 && "Wrong time management.");
		_secondsRemaining -= 5;
	case CRASHED:
		if (!_detected)
			_detected = true;
		// This gets handled in GeoscapeState::time30Minutes()
		// Because the original game processes it every 30 minutes!
		// Do nothing
 * Gets the UFO's battlescape status.
 * @return Is the UFO currently in battle?
bool Ufo::isInBattlescape() const
	return _inBattlescape;
 * Sets the UFO's battlescape status.
 * @param inbattle True if it's in battle, False otherwise.
void Ufo::setInBattlescape(bool inbattle)
	if (inbattle)
	_inBattlescape = inbattle;
 * Returns the alien race currently residing in the UFO.
 * @return Alien race.
const std::string &Ufo::getAlienRace() const
	return _mission->getRace();
void Ufo::setShotDownByCraftId(const CraftId& craft)
	_shotDownByCraftId = craft;
CraftId Ufo::getShotDownByCraftId() const
	return _shotDownByCraftId;
 * Returns a UFO's visibility to radar detection.
 * The UFO's size and altitude affect the chances
 * of it being detected by radars.
 * @return Visibility modifier.
int Ufo::getVisibility() const
	int size = 0;
	// size = 15*(3-ufosize);
	if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_VERY_SMALL")
		size = -30;
	else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_SMALL")
		size = -15;
	else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_MEDIUM_UC")
		size = 0;
	else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_LARGE")
		size = 15;
	else if (_rules->getSize() == "STR_VERY_LARGE")
		size = 30;
	int visibility = 0;
	if (_altitude == "STR_GROUND")
		visibility = -30;
	else if (_altitude == "STR_VERY_LOW")
		visibility = size - 20;
	else if (_altitude == "STR_LOW_UC")
		visibility = size - 10;
	else if (_altitude == "STR_HIGH_UC")
		visibility = size;
	else if (_altitude == "STR_VERY_HIGH")
		visibility = size - 10;
	return visibility;
 * Returns the Mission type of the UFO.
 * @return Mission.
const std::string &Ufo::getMissionType() const
	return _mission->getRules().getType();
 * Sets the mission information of the UFO.
 * The UFO will start at the first point of the trajectory. The actual UFO
 * information is not changed here, this only sets the information kept on
 * behalf of the mission.
 * @param mission Pointer to the actual mission object.
 * @param trajectory Pointer to the actual mission trajectory.
void Ufo::setMissionInfo(AlienMission *mission, const UfoTrajectory *trajectory)
	assert(!_mission && mission && trajectory);
	_mission = mission;
	_trajectoryPoint = 0;
	_trajectory = trajectory;
 * Returns whether this UFO has been detected by hyper-wave.
 * @return Detection status.
bool Ufo::getHyperDetected() const
	return _hyperDetected;
 * Changes whether this UFO has been detected by hyper-wave.
 * @param hyperdetected Detection status.
void Ufo::setHyperDetected(bool hyperdetected)
	_hyperDetected = hyperdetected;
 * Handle destination changes, making sure to delete old waypoint destinations.
 * @param dest Pointer to the new destination.
void Ufo::setDestination(Target *dest)
	Waypoint *old = dynamic_cast<Waypoint*>(_dest);
	delete old;
 * Gets which interception window the UFO is active in.
 * @return which interception window the UFO is active in.
int Ufo::getShootingAt() const
	return _shootingAt;
 * Sets which interception window the UFO is active in.
 * @param target the window the UFO is active in.
void Ufo::setShootingAt(int target)
	_shootingAt = target;
 * Gets the UFO's landing site ID.
 * @return landing site ID.
int Ufo::getLandId() const
	return _landId;
 * Sets the UFO's landing site ID.
 * @param id landing site ID.
void Ufo::setLandId(int id)
	_landId = id;
 * Gets the UFO's crash site ID.
 * @return the UFO's crash site ID.
int Ufo::getCrashId() const
	return _crashId;
 * Sets the UFO's crash site ID.
 * @param id the UFO's crash site ID.
void Ufo::setCrashId(int id)
	_crashId = id;
 * Sets the UFO's hit frame.
 * @param frame the hit frame.
void Ufo::setHitFrame(int frame)
	_hitFrame = frame;
 * Gets the UFO's hit frame.
 * @return the hit frame.
int Ufo::getHitFrame() const
	return _hitFrame;
 * Sets the countdown timer for escaping a dogfight.
 * @param time how many ticks until the ship attempts to escape.
void Ufo::setEscapeCountdown(int time)
	_escapeCountdown = time;
 * Gets the escape timer for dogfights.
 * @return how many ticks until the ship tries to leave.
int Ufo::getEscapeCountdown() const
	return _escapeCountdown;
 * Sets the number of ticks until the ufo fires its weapon.
 * @param time number of ticks until refire.
void Ufo::setFireCountdown(int time)
	_fireCountdown = time;
 * Gets the number of ticks until the ufo is ready to fire.
 * @return ticks until weapon is ready.
int Ufo::getFireCountdown() const
	return _fireCountdown;
 * Sets a flag denoting that this ufo has had its timers decremented.
 * prevents multiple interceptions from decrementing or resetting an already running timer.
 * this flag is reset in advance each time the geoscape processes the dogfights.
 * @param processed whether or not we've had our timers processed.
void Ufo::setInterceptionProcessed(bool processed)
	_processedIntercept = processed;
 * Gets if the ufo has had its timers decremented on this cycle of interception updates.
 * @return if this ufo has already been processed.
bool Ufo::getInterceptionProcessed() const
	return _processedIntercept;

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.

V601 The bool type is implicitly cast to the class type.