 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <assert.h>
#include <climits>
#include <set>
#include "TileEngine.h"
#include <SDL.h>
#include "AIModule.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Projectile.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedGame.h"
#include "../Savegame/SavedBattleGame.h"
#include "ExplosionBState.h"
#include "../Savegame/Tile.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleItem.h"
#include "../Savegame/BattleUnit.h"
#include "../Engine/RNG.h"
#include "BattlescapeState.h"
#include "../Mod/MapDataSet.h"
#include "../Mod/Unit.h"
#include "../Mod/Mod.h"
#include "../Mod/Armor.h"
#include "Pathfinding.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "ProjectileFlyBState.h"
#include "MeleeAttackBState.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
namespace OpenXcom
const int TileEngine::heightFromCenter[11] = {0,-2,+2,-4,+4,-6,+6,-8,+8,-12,+12};
 * Sets up a TileEngine.
 * @param save Pointer to SavedBattleGame object.
 * @param voxelData List of voxel data.
TileEngine::TileEngine(SavedBattleGame *save, std::vector<Uint16> *voxelData) : _save(save), _voxelData(voxelData), _personalLighting(true), _cacheTile(0), _cacheTileBelow(0)
	_cacheTilePos = Position(-1,-1,-1);
 * Deletes the TileEngine.
  * Calculates sun shading for the whole terrain.
void TileEngine::calculateSunShading()
	const int layer = 0; // Ambient lighting layer.
	for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
  * Calculates sun shading for 1 tile. Sun comes from above and is blocked by floors or objects.
  * TODO: angle the shadow according to the time? - link to Options::globeSeasons (or whatever the realistic lighting one is)
  * @param tile The tile to calculate sun shading for.
void TileEngine::calculateSunShading(Tile *tile)
	const int layer = 0; // Ambient lighting layer.
	int power = 15 - _save->getGlobalShade();
	// At night/dusk sun isn't dropping shades blocked by roofs
	if (_save->getGlobalShade() <= 4)
		int block = 0;
		int x = tile->getPosition().x;
		int y = tile->getPosition().y;
		for (int z = _save->getMapSizeZ()-1; z > tile->getPosition().z ; z--)
			block += blockage(_save->getTile(Position(x, y, z)), O_FLOOR, DT_NONE);
			block += blockage(_save->getTile(Position(x, y, z)), O_OBJECT, DT_NONE, Pathfinding::DIR_DOWN);
		if (block>0)
			power -= 2;
	tile->addLight(power, layer);
  * Recalculates lighting for the terrain: objects,items,fire.
void TileEngine::calculateTerrainLighting()
	const int layer = 1; // Static lighting layer.
	const int fireLightPower = 15; // amount of light a fire generates
	// reset all light to 0 first
	for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
	// add lighting of terrain
	for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
		// only floors and objects can light up
		if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_FLOOR)
			&& _save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getLightSource())
			addLight(_save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition(), _save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->getLightSource(), layer);
		if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT)
			&& _save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getLightSource())
			addLight(_save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition(), _save->getTiles()[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getLightSource(), layer);
		// fires
		if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getFire())
			addLight(_save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition(), fireLightPower, layer);
		for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator it = _save->getTiles()[i]->getInventory()->begin(); it != _save->getTiles()[i]->getInventory()->end(); ++it)
			if ((*it)->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_FLARE)
				addLight(_save->getTiles()[i]->getPosition(), (*it)->getRules()->getPower(), layer);
  * Recalculates lighting for the units.
void TileEngine::calculateUnitLighting()
	const int layer = 2; // Dynamic lighting layer.
	const int personalLightPower = 15; // amount of light a unit generates
	const int fireLightPower = 15; // amount of light a fire generates
	// reset all light to 0 first
	for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
		// add lighting of soldiers
		if (_personalLighting && (*i)->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER && !(*i)->isOut())
			addLight((*i)->getPosition(), personalLightPower, layer);
		// add lighting of units on fire
		if ((*i)->getFire())
			addLight((*i)->getPosition(), fireLightPower, layer);
 * Adds circular light pattern starting from center and losing power with distance travelled.
 * @param center Center.
 * @param power Power.
 * @param layer Light is separated in 3 layers: Ambient, Static and Dynamic.
void TileEngine::addLight(Position center, int power, int layer)
	// only loop through the positive quadrant.
	for (int x = 0; x <= power; ++x)
		for (int y = 0; y <= power; ++y)
			for (int z = 0; z < _save->getMapSizeZ(); z++)
				int distance = (int)Round(sqrt(float(x*x + y*y)));
				if (_save->getTile(Position(center.x + x,center.y + y, z)))
					_save->getTile(Position(center.x + x,center.y + y, z))->addLight(power - distance, layer);
				if (_save->getTile(Position(center.x - x,center.y - y, z)))
					_save->getTile(Position(center.x - x,center.y - y, z))->addLight(power - distance, layer);
				if (_save->getTile(Position(center.x - x,center.y + y, z)))
					_save->getTile(Position(center.x - x,center.y + y, z))->addLight(power - distance, layer);
				if (_save->getTile(Position(center.x + x,center.y - y, z)))
					_save->getTile(Position(center.x + x,center.y - y, z))->addLight(power - distance, layer);
 * Calculates line of sight of a soldier.
 * @param unit Unit to check line of sight of.
 * @return True when new aliens are spotted.
bool TileEngine::calculateFOV(BattleUnit *unit)
	size_t oldNumVisibleUnits = unit->getUnitsSpottedThisTurn().size();
	Position center = unit->getPosition();
	Position test;
	int direction;
	bool swap;
	std::vector<Position> _trajectory;
	if (Options::strafe && (unit->getTurretType() > -1)) {
		direction = unit->getTurretDirection();
		direction = unit->getDirection();
	swap = (direction==0 || direction==4);
	int signX[8] = { +1, +1, +1, +1, -1, -1, -1, -1 };
	int signY[8] = { -1, -1, -1, +1, +1, +1, -1, -1 };
	int y1, y2;
	if (unit->isOut())
		return false;
	Position pos = unit->getPosition();
	if ((unit->getHeight() + unit->getFloatHeight() + -_save->getTile(unit->getPosition())->getTerrainLevel()) >= 24 + 4)
		Tile *tileAbove = _save->getTile(pos + Position(0,0,1));
		if (tileAbove && tileAbove->hasNoFloor(0))
	for (int x = 0; x <= MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE; ++x)
		if (direction%2)
			y1 = 0;
			y1 = -x;
			y2 = x;
		for (int y = y1; y <= y2; ++y)
			for (int z = 0; z < _save->getMapSizeZ(); z++)
				const int distanceSqr = x*x + y*y;
				test.z = z;
				if (distanceSqr <= MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE_SQR)
					test.x = center.x + signX[direction]*(swap?y:x);
					test.y = center.y + signY[direction]*(swap?x:y);
					if (_save->getTile(test))
						BattleUnit *visibleUnit = _save->getTile(test)->getUnit();
						if (visibleUnit && !visibleUnit->isOut() && visible(unit, _save->getTile(test)))
							if (unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
							if ((visibleUnit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE && unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
								|| (visibleUnit->getFaction() != FACTION_HOSTILE && unit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE))
								if (unit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE && visibleUnit->getFaction() != FACTION_HOSTILE)
						if (unit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
							// this sets tiles to discovered if they are in LOS - tile visibility is not calculated in voxelspace but in tilespace
							// large units have "4 pair of eyes"
							int size = unit->getArmor()->getSize();
							for (int xo = 0; xo < size; xo++)
								for (int yo = 0; yo < size; yo++)
									Position poso = pos + Position(xo,yo,0);
									int tst = calculateLine(poso, test, true, &_trajectory, unit, false);
									size_t tsize = _trajectory.size();
									if (tst>127) --tsize; //last tile is blocked thus must be cropped
									for (size_t i = 0; i < tsize; i++)
										Position posi = _trajectory.at(i);
										//mark every tile of line as visible (as in original)
										//this is needed because of bresenham narrow stroke.
										_save->getTile(posi)->setDiscovered(true, 2);
										// walls to the east or south of a visible tile, we see that too
										Tile* t = _save->getTile(Position(posi.x + 1, posi.y, posi.z));
										if (t) t->setDiscovered(true, 0);
										t = _save->getTile(Position(posi.x, posi.y + 1, posi.z));
										if (t) t->setDiscovered(true, 1);
	// we only react when there are at least the same amount of visible units as before AND the checksum is different
	// this way we stop if there are the same amount of visible units, but a different unit is seen
	// or we stop if there are more visible units seen
	if (unit->getUnitsSpottedThisTurn().size() > oldNumVisibleUnits && !unit->getVisibleUnits()->empty())
		return true;
	return false;
 * Gets the origin voxel of a unit's eyesight (from just one eye or something? Why is it x+7??
 * @param currentUnit The watcher.
 * @return Approximately an eyeball voxel.
Position TileEngine::getSightOriginVoxel(BattleUnit *currentUnit)
	// determine the origin and target voxels for the raytrace
	Position originVoxel;
	originVoxel = Position((currentUnit->getPosition().x * 16) + 7, (currentUnit->getPosition().y * 16) + 8, currentUnit->getPosition().z*24);
	originVoxel.z += -_save->getTile(currentUnit->getPosition())->getTerrainLevel();
	originVoxel.z += currentUnit->getHeight() + currentUnit->getFloatHeight() - 1; //one voxel lower (eye level)
	Tile *tileAbove = _save->getTile(currentUnit->getPosition() + Position(0,0,1));
	if (currentUnit->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
		originVoxel.x += 8;
		originVoxel.y += 8;
		originVoxel.z += 1; //topmost voxel
	if (originVoxel.z >= (currentUnit->getPosition().z + 1)*24 && (!tileAbove || !tileAbove->hasNoFloor(0)))
		while (originVoxel.z >= (currentUnit->getPosition().z + 1)*24)
	return originVoxel;
 * Checks for an opposing unit on this tile.
 * @param currentUnit The watcher.
 * @param tile The tile to check for
 * @return True if visible.
bool TileEngine::visible(BattleUnit *currentUnit, Tile *tile)
	// if there is no tile or no unit, we can't see it
	if (!tile || !tile->getUnit())
		return false;
	// aliens can see in the dark, xcom can see at a distance of 9 or less, further if there's enough light.
	if ((currentUnit->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER &&
		distance(currentUnit->getPosition(), tile->getPosition()) > 9 &&
		tile->getShade() > MAX_DARKNESS_TO_SEE_UNITS) ||
		distance(currentUnit->getPosition(), tile->getPosition()) > MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE)
		return false;
	if (currentUnit->getFaction() == tile->getUnit()->getFaction()) return true; // friendlies are always seen
	Position originVoxel = getSightOriginVoxel(currentUnit);
	bool unitSeen = false;
	// for large units origin voxel is in the middle
	Position scanVoxel;
	std::vector<Position> _trajectory;
	unitSeen = canTargetUnit(&originVoxel, tile, &scanVoxel, currentUnit, false);
	if (unitSeen)
		// now check if we really see it taking into account smoke tiles
		// initial smoke "density" of a smoke grenade is around 15 per tile
		// we do density/3 to get the decay of visibility
		// so in fresh smoke we should only have 4 tiles of visibility
		// this is traced in voxel space, with smoke affecting visibility every step of the way
		calculateLine(originVoxel, scanVoxel, true, &_trajectory, currentUnit);
		Tile *t = _save->getTile(currentUnit->getPosition());
		size_t visibleDistance = _trajectory.size();
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _trajectory.size(); i++)
			if (t != _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(i).x/16,_trajectory.at(i).y/16, _trajectory.at(i).z/24)))
				t = _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(i).x/16,_trajectory.at(i).y/16, _trajectory.at(i).z/24));
			if (t->getFire() == 0)
				visibleDistance += t->getSmoke() / 3;
			if (visibleDistance > (unsigned)MAX_VOXEL_VIEW_DISTANCE)
				unitSeen = false;
	return unitSeen;
 * Checks for how exposed unit is for another unit.
 * @param originVoxel Voxel of trace origin (eye or gun's barrel).
 * @param tile The tile to check for.
 * @param excludeUnit Is self (not to hit self).
 * @param excludeAllBut [Optional] is unit which is the only one to be considered for ray hits.
 * @return Degree of exposure (as percent).
int TileEngine::checkVoxelExposure(Position *originVoxel, Tile *tile, BattleUnit *excludeUnit, BattleUnit *excludeAllBut)
	Position targetVoxel = Position((tile->getPosition().x * 16) + 7, (tile->getPosition().y * 16) + 8, tile->getPosition().z * 24);
	Position scanVoxel;
	std::vector<Position> _trajectory;
	BattleUnit *otherUnit = tile->getUnit();
	if (otherUnit == 0) return 0; //no unit in this tile, even if it elevated and appearing in it.
	if (otherUnit == excludeUnit) return 0; //skip self
	int targetMinHeight = targetVoxel.z - tile->getTerrainLevel();
	if (otherUnit)
		 targetMinHeight += otherUnit->getFloatHeight();
	// if there is an other unit on target tile, we assume we want to check against this unit's height
	int heightRange;
	int unitRadius = otherUnit->getLoftemps(); //width == loft in default loftemps set
	if (otherUnit->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
		unitRadius = 3;
	// vector manipulation to make scan work in view-space
	Position relPos = targetVoxel - *originVoxel;
	float normal = unitRadius/sqrt((float)(relPos.x*relPos.x + relPos.y*relPos.y));
	int relX = floor(((float)relPos.y)*normal+0.5);
	int relY = floor(((float)-relPos.x)*normal+0.5);
	int sliceTargets[] = {0,0, relX,relY, -relX,-relY};
	if (!otherUnit->isOut())
		heightRange = otherUnit->getHeight();
		heightRange = 12;
	int targetMaxHeight=targetMinHeight+heightRange;
	// scan ray from top to bottom  plus different parts of target cylinder
	int total=0;
	int visible=0;
	for (int i = heightRange; i >=0; i-=2)
		for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
			scanVoxel.x=targetVoxel.x + sliceTargets[j*2];
			scanVoxel.y=targetVoxel.y + sliceTargets[j*2+1];
			int test = calculateLine(*originVoxel, scanVoxel, false, &_trajectory, excludeUnit, true, false, excludeAllBut);
			if (test == V_UNIT)
				//voxel of hit must be inside of scanned box
				if (_trajectory.at(0).x/16 == scanVoxel.x/16 &&
					_trajectory.at(0).y/16 == scanVoxel.y/16 &&
					_trajectory.at(0).z >= targetMinHeight &&
					_trajectory.at(0).z <= targetMaxHeight)
	return (visible*100)/total;
 * Checks for another unit available for targeting and what particular voxel.
 * @param originVoxel Voxel of trace origin (eye or gun's barrel).
 * @param tile The tile to check for.
 * @param scanVoxel is returned coordinate of hit.
 * @param excludeUnit is self (not to hit self).
 * @param rememberObstacles Remember obstacles for no LOF indicator?
 * @param potentialUnit is a hypothetical unit to draw a virtual line of fire for AI. if left blank, this function behaves normally.
 * @return True if the unit can be targetted.
bool TileEngine::canTargetUnit(Position *originVoxel, Tile *tile, Position *scanVoxel, BattleUnit *excludeUnit, bool rememberObstacles, BattleUnit *potentialUnit)
	Position targetVoxel = Position((tile->getPosition().x * 16) + 7, (tile->getPosition().y * 16) + 8, tile->getPosition().z * 24);
	std::vector<Position> _trajectory;
	bool hypothetical = potentialUnit != 0;
	if (potentialUnit == 0)
		potentialUnit = tile->getUnit();
		if (potentialUnit == 0) return false; //no unit in this tile, even if it elevated and appearing in it.
	if (potentialUnit == excludeUnit) return false; //skip self
	int targetMinHeight = targetVoxel.z - tile->getTerrainLevel();
	targetMinHeight += potentialUnit->getFloatHeight();
	int targetMaxHeight = targetMinHeight;
	int targetCenterHeight;
	// if there is an other unit on target tile, we assume we want to check against this unit's height
	int heightRange;
	int unitRadius = potentialUnit->getLoftemps(); //width == loft in default loftemps set
	int targetSize = potentialUnit->getArmor()->getSize() - 1;
	int xOffset = potentialUnit->getPosition().x - tile->getPosition().x;
	int yOffset = potentialUnit->getPosition().y - tile->getPosition().y;
	if (targetSize > 0)
		unitRadius = 3;
	// vector manipulation to make scan work in view-space
	Position relPos = targetVoxel - *originVoxel;
	float normal = unitRadius/sqrt((float)(relPos.x*relPos.x + relPos.y*relPos.y));
	int relX = floor(((float)relPos.y)*normal+0.5);
	int relY = floor(((float)-relPos.x)*normal+0.5);
	int sliceTargets[] = {0,0, relX,relY, -relX,-relY, relY,-relX, -relY,relX};
	if (!potentialUnit->isOut())
		heightRange = potentialUnit->getHeight();
		heightRange = 12;
	targetMaxHeight += heightRange;
	if (heightRange>10) heightRange=10;
	if (heightRange<=0) heightRange=0;
	// scan ray from top to bottom  plus different parts of target cylinder
	for (int i = 0; i <= heightRange; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
			if (i < (heightRange-1) && j>2) break; //skip unnecessary checks
			scanVoxel->x=targetVoxel.x + sliceTargets[j*2];
			scanVoxel->y=targetVoxel.y + sliceTargets[j*2+1];
			int test = calculateLine(*originVoxel, *scanVoxel, false, &_trajectory, excludeUnit, true, false);
			if (test == V_UNIT)
				for (int x = 0; x <= targetSize; ++x)
					for (int y = 0; y <= targetSize; ++y)
						//voxel of hit must be inside of scanned box
						if (_trajectory.at(0).x/16 == (scanVoxel->x/16) + x + xOffset &&
							_trajectory.at(0).y/16 == (scanVoxel->y/16) + y + yOffset &&
							_trajectory.at(0).z >= targetMinHeight &&
							_trajectory.at(0).z <= targetMaxHeight)
							return true;
			else if (test == V_EMPTY && hypothetical && !_trajectory.empty())
				return true;
			if (rememberObstacles && _trajectory.size()>0)
				Tile *tileObstacle = _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(0).x / 16, _trajectory.at(0).y / 16, _trajectory.at(0).z / 24));
				if (tileObstacle) tileObstacle->setObstacle(test);
	return false;
 * Checks for a tile part available for targeting and what particular voxel.
 * @param originVoxel Voxel of trace origin (gun's barrel).
 * @param tile The tile to check for.
 * @param part Tile part to check for.
 * @param scanVoxel Is returned coordinate of hit.
 * @param excludeUnit Is self (not to hit self).
 * @param rememberObstacles Remember obstacles for no LOF indicator?
 * @return True if the tile can be targetted.
bool TileEngine::canTargetTile(Position *originVoxel, Tile *tile, int part, Position *scanVoxel, BattleUnit *excludeUnit, bool rememberObstacles)
	static int sliceObjectSpiral[82] = {8,8, 8,6, 10,6, 10,8, 10,10, 8,10, 6,10, 6,8, 6,6, //first circle
		8,4, 10,4, 12,4, 12,6, 12,8, 12,10, 12,12, 10,12, 8,12, 6,12, 4,12, 4,10, 4,8, 4,6, 4,4, 6,4, //second circle
		8,1, 12,1, 15,1, 15,4, 15,8, 15,12, 15,15, 12,15, 8,15, 4,15, 1,15, 1,12, 1,8, 1,4, 1,1, 4,1}; //third circle
	static int westWallSpiral[14] = {0,7, 0,9, 0,6, 0,11, 0,4, 0,13, 0,2};
	static int northWallSpiral[14] = {7,0, 9,0, 6,0, 11,0, 4,0, 13,0, 2,0};
	Position targetVoxel = Position((tile->getPosition().x * 16), (tile->getPosition().y * 16), tile->getPosition().z * 24);
	std::vector<Position> _trajectory;
	int *spiralArray;
	int spiralCount;
	int minZ = 0, maxZ = 0;
	bool minZfound = false, maxZfound = false;
	bool dummy = false;
	if (part == O_OBJECT)
		spiralArray = sliceObjectSpiral;
		spiralCount = 41;
	if (part == O_NORTHWALL)
		spiralArray = northWallSpiral;
		spiralCount = 7;
	if (part == O_WESTWALL)
		spiralArray = westWallSpiral;
		spiralCount = 7;
	else if (part == O_FLOOR)
		spiralArray = sliceObjectSpiral;
		spiralCount = 41;
		minZfound = true; minZ=0;
		maxZfound = true; maxZ=0;
	else if (part == MapData::O_DUMMY) // used only for no line of fire indicator
		spiralArray = sliceObjectSpiral;
		spiralCount = 41;
		minZfound = true; minZ = 12;
		maxZfound = true; maxZ = 12;
		return false;
// find out height range
	if (!minZfound)
		for (int j = 1; j < 12; ++j)
			if (minZfound) break;
			for (int i = 0; i < spiralCount; ++i)
				int tX = spiralArray[i*2];
				int tY = spiralArray[i*2+1];
				if (voxelCheck(Position(targetVoxel.x + tX, targetVoxel.y + tY, targetVoxel.z + j*2),0,true) == part) //bingo
					if (!minZfound)
						minZ = j*2;
						minZfound = true;
	if (!minZfound)
		if (rememberObstacles)
			// dummy attempt (only to highlight obstacles)
			minZfound = true;
			minZ = 10;
			dummy = true;
			return false;//empty object!!!
	if (!maxZfound)
		for (int j = 10; j >= 0; --j)
			if (maxZfound) break;
			for (int i = 0; i < spiralCount; ++i)
				int tX = spiralArray[i*2];
				int tY = spiralArray[i*2+1];
				if (voxelCheck(Position(targetVoxel.x + tX, targetVoxel.y + tY, targetVoxel.z + j*2),0,true) == part) //bingo
					if (!maxZfound)
						maxZ = j*2;
						maxZfound = true;
	if (!maxZfound)
		if (rememberObstacles)
			// dummy attempt (only to highlight obstacles)
			maxZfound = true;
			maxZ = 10;
			dummy = true;
			return false;//it's impossible to get there
	if (minZ > maxZ) minZ = maxZ;
	int rangeZ = maxZ - minZ;
	if (rangeZ>10) rangeZ = 10; //as above, clamping height range to prevent buffer overflow
	int centerZ = (maxZ + minZ)/2;
	for (int j = 0; j <= rangeZ; ++j)
		scanVoxel->z = targetVoxel.z + centerZ + heightFromCenter[j];
		for (int i = 0; i < spiralCount; ++i)
			scanVoxel->x = targetVoxel.x + spiralArray[i*2];
			scanVoxel->y = targetVoxel.y + spiralArray[i*2+1];
			int test = calculateLine(*originVoxel, *scanVoxel, false, &_trajectory, excludeUnit, true);
			if (test == part && !dummy) //bingo
				if (_trajectory.at(0).x/16 == scanVoxel->x/16 &&
					_trajectory.at(0).y/16 == scanVoxel->y/16 &&
					_trajectory.at(0).z/24 == scanVoxel->z/24)
					return true;
			if (rememberObstacles && _trajectory.size()>0)
				Tile *tileObstacle = _save->getTile(Position(_trajectory.at(0).x / 16, _trajectory.at(0).y / 16, _trajectory.at(0).z / 24));
				if (tileObstacle) tileObstacle->setObstacle(test);
	return false;
 * Calculates line of sight of a soldiers within range of the Position
 * (used when terrain has changed, which can reveal new parts of terrain or units).
 * @param position Position of the changed terrain.
void TileEngine::calculateFOV(Position position)
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
		if (distanceSq(position, (*i)->getPosition()) <= MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE_SQR)
 * Checks if a sniper from the opposing faction sees this unit. The unit with the highest reaction score will be compared with the current unit's reaction score.
 * If it's higher, a shot is fired when enough time units, a weapon and ammo are available.
 * @param unit The unit to check reaction fire upon.
 * @return True if reaction fire took place.
bool TileEngine::checkReactionFire(BattleUnit *unit)
	// reaction fire only triggered when the actioning unit is of the currently playing side, and is still on the map (alive)
	if (unit->getFaction() != _save->getSide() || unit->getTile() == 0)
		return false;
	std::vector<std::pair<BattleUnit *, int> > spotters = getSpottingUnits(unit);
	bool result = false;
	// not mind controlled, or controlled by the player
	if (unit->getFaction() == unit->getOriginalFaction()
		|| unit->getFaction() != FACTION_HOSTILE)
		// get the first man up to bat.
		int attackType;
		BattleUnit *reactor = getReactor(spotters, attackType, unit);
		// start iterating through the possible reactors until the current unit is the one with the highest score.
		while (reactor != unit)
			if (!tryReaction(reactor, unit, attackType))
				// can't make a reaction snapshot for whatever reason, boot this guy from the vector.
				for (std::vector<std::pair<BattleUnit *, int> >::iterator i = spotters.begin(); i != spotters.end(); ++i)
					if ((*i).first == reactor)
				// avoid setting result to true, but carry on, just cause one unit can't react doesn't mean the rest of the units in the vector (if any) can't
				reactor = getReactor(spotters, attackType, unit);
			// nice shot, kid. don't get cocky.
			reactor = getReactor(spotters, attackType, unit);
			result = true;
	return result;
 * Creates a vector of units that can spot this unit.
 * @param unit The unit to check for spotters of.
 * @return A vector of units that can see this unit.
std::vector<std::pair<BattleUnit *, int> > TileEngine::getSpottingUnits(BattleUnit* unit)
	std::vector<std::pair<BattleUnit *, int> > spotters;
	Tile *tile = unit->getTile();
	// no reaction on civilian turn.
	if (_save->getSide() != FACTION_NEUTRAL)
		for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::const_iterator i = _save->getUnits()->begin(); i != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++i)
				// not dead/unconscious
			if (!(*i)->isOut() &&
				// not dying
				(*i)->getHealth() != 0 &&
				// not about to pass out
				(*i)->getStunlevel() < (*i)->getHealth() &&
				// not a friend
				(*i)->getFaction() != _save->getSide() &&
				// not a civilian
				(*i)->getFaction() != FACTION_NEUTRAL &&
				// closer than 20 tiles
				distanceSq(unit->getPosition(), (*i)->getPosition()) <= MAX_VIEW_DISTANCE_SQR)
				BattleAction falseAction;
				falseAction.type = BA_SNAPSHOT;
				falseAction.actor = *i;
				falseAction.target = unit->getPosition();
				Position originVoxel = getOriginVoxel(falseAction, 0);
				Position targetVoxel;
				AIModule *ai = (*i)->getAIModule();
				// Inquisitor's note regarding 'gotHit' variable
				// in vanilla, the 'hitState' flag is the only part of this equation that comes into play.
				// any time a unit takes damage, this flag is set, then it would be reset by a call to
				// a function analogous to SavedBattleGame::resetUnitHitStates(), any time:
				// 1: a unit was selected by being clicked on.
				// 2: either "next unit" button was pressed.
				// 3: the inventory screen was accessed. (i didn't look too far into this one, it's possible it's only called in the pre-mission equip screen)
				// 4: the same place where we call it, immediately before every move the AI makes.
				// this flag is responsible for units turning around to respond to hits, and is in keeping with the details listed on http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Reaction_fire_triggers
				// we've gone for a slightly different implementation: AI units keep a list of which units have hit them and don't forget until the end of the player's turn.
				// this method is in keeping with the spirit of the original feature, but much less exploitable by players.
				// the hitState flag in our implementation allows player units to turn and react as they did in the original, (which is far less cumbersome than giving them all an AI module)
				// we don't extend the same "enhanced aggressor memory" courtesy to players, because in the original, they could only turn and react to damage immediately after it happened.
				// this is because as much as we want the player's soldiers dead, we don't want them to feel like we're being unfair about it.
				bool gotHit = (ai != 0 && ai->getWasHitBy(unit->getId())) || (ai == 0 && (*i)->getHitState());
					// can actually see the target Tile, or we got hit
				if (((*i)->checkViewSector(unit->getPosition()) || gotHit) &&
					// can actually target the unit
					canTargetUnit(&originVoxel, tile, &targetVoxel, *i, false) &&
					// can actually see the unit
					visible(*i, tile))
					if ((*i)->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
					int attackType = determineReactionType(*i, unit);
					if (attackType != BA_NONE)
						spotters.push_back(std::make_pair(*i, attackType));
	return spotters;
 * Gets the unit with the highest reaction score from the spotter vector.
 * @param spotters The vector of spotting units.
 * @param unit The unit to check scores against.
 * @return The unit with the highest reactions.
BattleUnit* TileEngine::getReactor(std::vector<std::pair<BattleUnit *, int> > spotters, int &attackType, BattleUnit *unit)
	int bestScore = -1;
	BattleUnit *bu = 0;
	for (std::vector<std::pair<BattleUnit *, int> >::iterator i = spotters.begin(); i != spotters.end(); ++i)
		if (!(*i).first->isOut() &&
		!(*i).first->getRespawn() &&
		determineReactionType((*i).first, unit) != BA_NONE &&
		(*i).first->getReactionScore() > bestScore)
			bestScore = (*i).first->getReactionScore();
			bu = (*i).first;
			attackType = (*i).second;
	if (unit->getReactionScore() <= bestScore)
		if (bu->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER)
		bu = unit;
		attackType = BA_NONE;
	return bu;
 * Checks the validity of a snap shot performed here.
 * @param unit The unit to check sight from.
 * @param target The unit to check sight TO.
 * @return True if the target is valid.
int TileEngine::determineReactionType(BattleUnit *unit, BattleUnit *target)
	// prioritize melee
	BattleItem *meleeWeapon = unit->getMeleeWeapon();
	if (meleeWeapon &&
		// has a melee weapon and is in melee range
		validMeleeRange(unit, target, unit->getDirection()) &&
		unit->getActionTUs(BA_HIT, meleeWeapon) > 0 &&
		unit->getTimeUnits() > unit->getActionTUs(BA_HIT, meleeWeapon) &&
		(unit->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER ||
		_save->getGeoscapeSave()->isResearched(meleeWeapon->getRules()->getRequirements())) &&
		return BA_HIT;
	BattleItem *weapon = unit->getMainHandWeapon(unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER);
	// has a weapon
	if (weapon &&
		// has a gun capable of snap shot with ammo
		(weapon->getRules()->getBattleType() != BT_MELEE &&
		weapon->getRules()->getTUSnap() &&
		// Note: distance calculation isn't precise for 2x2 units here, but changing it would likely require also changing the targeting of 2x2 units
		distanceSq(unit->getPosition(), target->getPosition(), false) < weapon->getRules()->getMaxRangeSq() &&
		weapon->getAmmoItem() &&
		unit->getActionTUs(BA_SNAPSHOT, weapon) > 0 &&
		unit->getTimeUnits() > unit->getActionTUs(BA_SNAPSHOT, weapon)) &&
		(unit->getOriginalFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER ||
		_save->getGeoscapeSave()->isResearched(weapon->getRules()->getRequirements())) &&
		return BA_SNAPSHOT;
	return BA_NONE;
 * Attempts to perform a reaction snap shot.
 * @param unit The unit to check sight from.
 * @param target The unit to check sight TO.
 * @return True if the action should (theoretically) succeed.
bool TileEngine::tryReaction(BattleUnit *unit, BattleUnit *target, int attackType)
	BattleAction action;
	action.cameraPosition = _save->getBattleState()->getMap()->getCamera()->getMapOffset();
	action.actor = unit;
	if (attackType == BA_HIT)
		action.weapon = unit->getMeleeWeapon();
		action.weapon = unit->getMainHandWeapon(unit->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER);
	if (!action.weapon)
		return false;
	action.type = (BattleActionType)(attackType);
	action.target = target->getPosition();
	action.TU = unit->getActionTUs(action.type, action.weapon);
	if (action.weapon->getAmmoItem() && action.weapon->getAmmoItem()->getAmmoQuantity() && unit->getTimeUnits() >= action.TU)
		action.targeting = true;
		// hostile units will go into an "aggro" state when they react.
		if (unit->getFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE)
			AIModule *ai = unit->getAIModule();
			if (ai == 0)
				// should not happen, but just in case...
				ai = new AIModule(_save, unit, 0);
			if (action.type != BA_HIT && action.weapon->getAmmoItem()->getRules()->getExplosionRadius() &&
				ai->explosiveEfficacy(action.target, unit, action.weapon->getAmmoItem()->getRules()->getExplosionRadius(), -1) == false)
				action.targeting = false;
		if (action.targeting && unit->spendTimeUnits(action.TU))
			action.TU = 0;
			if (action.type == BA_HIT)
				_save->getBattleGame()->statePushBack(new MeleeAttackBState(_save->getBattleGame(), action));
				_save->getBattleGame()->statePushBack(new ProjectileFlyBState(_save->getBattleGame(), action));
			return true;
	return false;
 * Handles bullet/weapon hits.
 * A bullet/weapon hits a voxel.
 * @param center Center of the explosion in voxelspace.
 * @param power Power of the explosion.
 * @param type The damage type of the explosion.
 * @param unit The unit that caused the explosion.
 * @return The Unit that got hit.
BattleUnit *TileEngine::hit(Position center, int power, ItemDamageType type, BattleUnit *unit)
	Tile *tile = _save->getTile(Position(center.x/16, center.y/16, center.z/24));
	if (!tile)
		return 0;
	BattleUnit *bu = tile->getUnit();
	int adjustedDamage = 0;
	const int part = voxelCheck(center, unit);
	if (part >= V_FLOOR && part <= V_OBJECT)
		// power 25% to 75%
		const int rndPower = RNG::generate(power/4, (power*3)/4);
		if (part == V_OBJECT && rndPower >= tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getArmor() &&
			_save->getMissionType() == "STR_BASE_DEFENSE" && tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->isBaseModule())
		if (tile->damage((TilePart)part, rndPower, _save->getObjectiveType()))
	else if (part == V_UNIT)
		int dmgRng = type == DT_HE ? Mod::EXPLOSIVE_DAMAGE_RANGE : Mod::DAMAGE_RANGE;
		int min = power * (100 - dmgRng) / 100;
		int max = power * (100 + dmgRng) / 100;
		const int rndPower = RNG::generate(min, max);
		int verticaloffset = 0;
		if (!bu)
			// it's possible we have a unit below the actual tile, when he stands on a stairs and sticks his head out to the next tile
			Tile *below = _save->getTile(Position(center.x/16, center.y/16, (center.z/24)-1));
			if (below)
				BattleUnit *buBelow = below->getUnit();
				if (buBelow)
					bu = buBelow;
					verticaloffset = 24;
		if (bu && bu->getHealth() != 0 && bu->getStunlevel() < bu->getHealth())
			const int sz = bu->getArmor()->getSize() * 8;
			const Position target = bu->getPosition() * Position(16,16,24) + Position(sz,sz, bu->getFloatHeight() - tile->getTerrainLevel());
			const Position relative = (center - target) - Position(0,0,verticaloffset);
			const int wounds = bu->getFatalWounds();
			adjustedDamage = bu->damage(relative, rndPower, type);
			// if it's going to bleed to death and it's not a player, give credit for the kill.
			if (unit && bu->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER && wounds < bu->getFatalWounds())
			const int bravery = (110 - bu->getBaseStats()->bravery) / 10;
			const int modifier = bu->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER ? _save->getMoraleModifier() : 100;
			const int morale_loss = 100 * (adjustedDamage * bravery / 10) / modifier;
			if ((bu->getSpecialAbility() == SPECAB_EXPLODEONDEATH || bu->getSpecialAbility() == SPECAB_BURN_AND_EXPLODE) && !bu->isOut() && (bu->getHealth() == 0 || bu->getStunlevel() >= bu->getHealth()))
				if (type != DT_STUN && type != DT_HE && type != DT_IN && type != DT_MELEE)
					Position p = Position(bu->getPosition().x * 16, bu->getPosition().y * 16, bu->getPosition().z * 24);
					_save->getBattleGame()->statePushNext(new ExplosionBState(_save->getBattleGame(), p, 0, bu, 0));
			if (bu->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_HOSTILE &&
				unit &&
				unit->getOriginalFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER &&
				type != DT_NONE &&
				_save->getBattleGame()->getCurrentAction()->type != BA_HIT)
	calculateSunShading(); // roofs could have been destroyed
	calculateTerrainLighting(); // fires could have been started
	calculateFOV(center / Position(16,16,24));
	return bu;
 * Handles explosions.
 * HE, smoke and fire explodes in a circular pattern on 1 level only. HE however damages floor tiles of the above level. Not the units on it.
 * HE destroys an object if its armor is lower than the explosive power, then it's HE blockage is applied for further propagation.
 * See http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Explosions for more info.
 * @param center Center of the explosion in voxelspace.
 * @param power Power of the explosion.
 * @param type The damage type of the explosion.
 * @param maxRadius The maximum radius of the explosion.
 * @param unit The unit that caused the explosion.
void TileEngine::explode(Position center, int power, ItemDamageType type, int maxRadius, BattleUnit *unit)
	double centerZ = center.z / 24 + 0.5;
	double centerX = center.x / 16 + 0.5;
	double centerY = center.y / 16 + 0.5;
	int hitSide = 0;
	int diagonalWall = 0;
	int power_;
	std::set<Tile*> tilesAffected;
	std::pair<std::set<Tile*>::iterator,bool> ret;
	if (type == DT_IN)
		power /= 2;
	int exHeight = Clamp(Options::battleExplosionHeight, 0, 3);
	int vertdec = 1000; //default flat explosion
	int dmgRng = type == DT_HE ? Mod::EXPLOSIVE_DAMAGE_RANGE : Mod::DAMAGE_RANGE;
	switch (exHeight)
	case 1:
		vertdec = 30;
	case 2:
		vertdec = 10;
	case 3:
		vertdec = 5;
	Tile *origin = _save->getTile(Position(centerX, centerY, centerZ));
	Tile *dest;
	if (origin->isBigWall()) //precalculations for bigwall deflection
		diagonalWall = origin->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall();
		if (diagonalWall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNWSE) //  3 |
			hitSide = (center.x % 16 - center.y % 16) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
		if (diagonalWall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNESW) //  2 --
			hitSide = (center.x % 16 + center.y % 16 - 15) > 0 ? 1 : -1;
	for (int fi = -90; fi <= 90; fi += 5)
		// raytrace every 3 degrees makes sure we cover all tiles in a circle.
		for (int te = 0; te <= 360; te += 3)
			double cos_te = cos(Deg2Rad(te));
			double sin_te = sin(Deg2Rad(te));
			double sin_fi = sin(Deg2Rad(fi));
			double cos_fi = cos(Deg2Rad(fi));
			origin = _save->getTile(Position(centerX, centerY, centerZ));
			dest = origin;
			double l = 0;
			int tileX, tileY, tileZ;
			power_ = power;
			while (power_ > 0 && l <= maxRadius)
				if (power_ > 0)
					if (type == DT_HE)
						// explosives do 1/2 damage to terrain and 1/2 up to 3/2 random damage to units (the halving is handled elsewhere)
						dest->setExplosive(power_, 0);
					ret = tilesAffected.insert(dest); // check if we had this tile already
					if (ret.second)
						int min = power_ * (100 - dmgRng) / 100;
						int max = power_ * (100 + dmgRng) / 100;
						BattleUnit *bu = dest->getUnit();
						Tile *tileBelow = _save->getTile(dest->getPosition() - Position(0,0,1));
						int wounds = 0;
						if (!bu && dest->getPosition().z > 0 && dest->hasNoFloor(tileBelow))
							bu = tileBelow->getUnit();
							if (bu && bu->getHeight() + bu->getFloatHeight() - tileBelow->getTerrainLevel() <= 24)
								bu = 0; // if the unit below has no voxels poking into the tile, don't damage it.
						if (bu && unit)
							wounds = bu->getFatalWounds();
						switch (type)
						case DT_STUN:
							// power 0 - 200%
							if (bu)
								if (distance(dest->getPosition(), Position(centerX, centerY, centerZ)) < 2)
									bu->damage(Position(0, 0, 0), RNG::generate(min, max), type);
									bu->damage(Position(centerX, centerY, centerZ) - dest->getPosition(), RNG::generate(min, max), type);
							for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator it = dest->getInventory()->begin(); it != dest->getInventory()->end(); ++it)
								if ((*it)->getUnit())
									(*it)->getUnit()->damage(Position(0, 0, 0), RNG::generate(min, max), type);
						case DT_HE:
								// power 50 - 150%
								if (bu)
									if (
												abs(dest->getPosition().x - int(centerX)) < 2
												&& abs(dest->getPosition().y - int(centerY)) < 2
												&& dest->getPosition().z == int(centerZ)
											|| dest->getPosition().z > int(centerZ)
										// ground zero effect is in effect, or unit is above explosion
										bu->damage(Position(0, 0, 0), (RNG::generate(min, max)), type);
										// directional damage relative to explosion position.
										// units above the explosion will be hit in the legs, units lateral to or below will be hit in the torso
										bu->damage(Position(centerX, centerY, centerZ + 5) - dest->getPosition(), (RNG::generate(min, max)), type);
								std::vector<BattleItem*> temp = *dest->getInventory(); // copy this list since it might change
								for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator it = temp.begin(); it != temp.end(); ++it)
									if (power_ > (*it)->getRules()->getArmor())
										if ((*it)->getUnit() && (*it)->getUnit()->getStatus() == STATUS_UNCONSCIOUS)
						case DT_SMOKE:
							// smoke from explosions always stay 6 to 14 turns - power of a smoke grenade is 60
							if (dest->getSmoke() < 10 && dest->getTerrainLevel() > -24)
								dest->setSmoke(RNG::generate(7, 15));
						case DT_IN:
							if (!dest->isVoid())
								if (dest->getFire() == 0 && (dest->getMapData(O_FLOOR) || dest->getMapData(O_OBJECT)))
									dest->setFire(dest->getFuel() + 1);
									dest->setSmoke(Clamp(15 - (dest->getFlammability() / 10), 1, 12));
								if (bu)
									float resistance = bu->getArmor()->getDamageModifier(DT_IN);
									if (resistance > 0.0)
										bu->damage(Position(0, 0, 12-dest->getTerrainLevel()), RNG::generate(Mod::FIRE_DAMAGE_RANGE[0], Mod::FIRE_DAMAGE_RANGE[1]), DT_IN, true);
										int burnTime = RNG::generate(0, int(5.0f * resistance));
										if (bu->getFire() < burnTime)
											bu->setFire(burnTime); // catch fire and burn
						if (unit && bu && bu->getFaction() != unit->getFaction())
							// if it's going to bleed to death and it's not a player, give credit for the kill.
							if (wounds < bu->getFatalWounds() && bu->getFaction() != FACTION_PLAYER)
				l += 1.0;
				tileX = int(floor(centerX + l * sin_te * cos_fi));
				tileY = int(floor(centerY + l * cos_te * cos_fi));
				tileZ = int(floor(centerZ + l * sin_fi));
				origin = dest;
				dest = _save->getTile(Position(tileX, tileY, tileZ));
				if (!dest) break; // out of map!
				// blockage by terrain is deducted from the explosion power
				power_ -= 10; // explosive damage decreases by 10 per tile
				if (origin->getPosition().z != tileZ)
					power_ -= vertdec; //3d explosion factor
				if (type == DT_IN)
					int dir;
					Pathfinding::vectorToDirection(origin->getPosition() - dest->getPosition(), dir);
					if (dir != -1 && dir %2) power_ -= 5; // diagonal movement costs an extra 50% for fire.
				if (l > 0.5) {
					if ( l > 1.5)
						power_ -= verticalBlockage(origin, dest, type, false) * 2;
						power_ -= horizontalBlockage(origin, dest, type, false) * 2;
					else //tricky bigwall deflection /Volutar
						bool skipObject = diagonalWall == 0;
						if (diagonalWall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNESW) // --
							if (hitSide<0 && te >= 135 && te < 315)
								skipObject = true;
							if (hitSide>0 && ( te < 135 || te > 315))
								skipObject = true;
						if (diagonalWall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNWSE) // |
							if (hitSide>0 && te >= 45 && te < 225)
								skipObject = true;
							if (hitSide<0 && ( te < 45 || te > 225))
								skipObject = true;
						power_ -= verticalBlockage(origin, dest, type, skipObject) * 2;
						power_ -= horizontalBlockage(origin, dest, type, skipObject) * 2;
	// now detonate the tiles affected with HE
	if (type == DT_HE)
		for (std::set<Tile*>::iterator i = tilesAffected.begin(); i != tilesAffected.end(); ++i)
			if (detonate(*i))
			Tile *j = _save->getTile((*i)->getPosition() + Position(0,0,1));
			if (j)
	calculateSunShading(); // roofs could have been destroyed
	calculateTerrainLighting(); // fires could have been started
	calculateFOV(center / Position(16,16,24));
 * Applies the explosive power to the tile parts. This is where the actual destruction takes place.
 * Must affect 9 objects (6 box sides and the object inside plus 2 outer walls).
 * @param tile Tile affected.
 * @return True if the objective was destroyed.
bool TileEngine::detonate(Tile* tile)
	int explosive = tile->getExplosive();
	if (explosive == 0) return false; // no damage applied for this tile
	bool objective = false;
	Tile* tiles[9];
	static const TilePart parts[9]={O_FLOOR,O_WESTWALL,O_NORTHWALL,O_FLOOR,O_WESTWALL,O_NORTHWALL,O_OBJECT,O_OBJECT,O_OBJECT}; //6th is the object of current
	Position pos = tile->getPosition();
	tiles[0] = _save->getTile(Position(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z+1)); //ceiling
	tiles[1] = _save->getTile(Position(pos.x+1, pos.y, pos.z)); //east wall
	tiles[2] = _save->getTile(Position(pos.x, pos.y+1, pos.z)); //south wall
	tiles[3] = tiles[4] = tiles[5] = tiles[6] = tile;
	tiles[7] = _save->getTile(Position(pos.x, pos.y-1, pos.z)); //north bigwall
	tiles[8] = _save->getTile(Position(pos.x-1, pos.y, pos.z)); //west bigwall
	int remainingPower, fireProof, fuel;
	bool destroyed, bigwalldestroyed = true, skipnorthwest = false;
	for (int i = 8; i >=0; --i)
		if (!tiles[i] || !tiles[i]->getMapData(parts[i]))
			continue; //skip out of map and emptiness
		int bigwall = tiles[i]->getMapData(parts[i])->getBigWall();
		if (i > 6 && !( (bigwall==1) || (bigwall==8) || (i==8 && bigwall==6) || (i==7 && bigwall==7)))
		if ((bigwall!=0)) skipnorthwest = true;
		if (!bigwalldestroyed && i<6) //when ground shouldn't be destroyed
		if (skipnorthwest && (i == 2 || i == 1)) continue;
		remainingPower = explosive;
		destroyed = false;
		int volume = 0;
		TilePart currentpart = parts[i], currentpart2;
		int diemcd;
		fireProof = tiles[i]->getFlammability(currentpart);
		fuel = tiles[i]->getFuel(currentpart) + 1;
		// get the volume of the object by checking it's loftemps objects.
		for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++)
			if (tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)->getLoftID(j) != 0)
		if ( i == 6 &&
			(bigwall == 2 || bigwall == 3) && //diagonals
			(2 * tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)->getArmor()) > remainingPower) //not enough to destroy
			bigwalldestroyed = false;
		// iterate through tile armor and destroy if can
		while (	tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart) &&
				(2 * tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)->getArmor()) <= remainingPower &&
				tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)->getArmor() != 255)
			if ( i == 6 && (bigwall == 2 || bigwall == 3)) //diagonals for the current tile
				bigwalldestroyed = true;
			if ( i == 6 && (bigwall == 6 || bigwall == 7 || bigwall == 8)) //n/w/nw
				skipnorthwest = false;
			remainingPower -= 2 * tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)->getArmor();
			destroyed = true;
			if (_save->getMissionType() == "STR_BASE_DEFENSE" &&
			//this trick is to follow transformed object parts (object can become a ground)
			diemcd = tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)->getDieMCD();
			if (diemcd!=0)
				currentpart2 = tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)->getDataset()->getObject(diemcd)->getObjectType();
				currentpart2 = currentpart;
			if (tiles[i]->destroy(currentpart, _save->getObjectiveType()))
				objective = true;
			currentpart =  currentpart2;
			if (tiles[i]->getMapData(currentpart)) // take new values
				fireProof = tiles[i]->getFlammability(currentpart);
				fuel = tiles[i]->getFuel(currentpart) + 1;
		// set tile on fire
		if ((2 * fireProof) < remainingPower)
			if (tiles[i]->getMapData(O_FLOOR) || tiles[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT))
				tiles[i]->setSmoke(Clamp(15 - (fireProof / 10), 1, 12));
		// add some smoke if tile was destroyed and not set on fire
		if (destroyed)
			if (tiles[i]->getFire() && !tiles[i]->getMapData(O_FLOOR) && !tiles[i]->getMapData(O_OBJECT))
				tiles[i]->setFire(0);// if the object set the floor on fire, and the floor was subsequently destroyed, the fire needs to go out
			if (!tiles[i]->getFire())
				int smoke = RNG::generate(1, (volume / 2) + 3) + (volume / 2);
				if (smoke > tiles[i]->getSmoke())
					tiles[i]->setSmoke(Clamp(smoke, 0, 15));
	return objective;
 * Checks for chained explosions.
 * Chained explosions are explosions which occur after an explosive map object is destroyed.
 * May be due a direct hit, other explosion or fire.
 * @return tile on which a explosion occurred
Tile *TileEngine::checkForTerrainExplosions()
	for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
		if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getExplosive())
			return _save->getTiles()[i];
	return 0;
 * Calculates the amount of power that is blocked going from one tile to another on a different level.
 * @param startTile The tile where the power starts.
 * @param endTile The adjacent tile where the power ends.
 * @param type The type of power/damage.
 * @return Amount of blockage of this power.
int TileEngine::verticalBlockage(Tile *startTile, Tile *endTile, ItemDamageType type, bool skipObject)
	int block = 0;
	// safety check
	if (startTile == 0 || endTile == 0) return 0;
	int direction = endTile->getPosition().z - startTile->getPosition().z;
	if (direction == 0 ) return 0;
	int x = startTile->getPosition().x;
	int y = startTile->getPosition().y;
	int z = startTile->getPosition().z;
	if (direction < 0) // down
		block += blockage(startTile, O_FLOOR, type);
		if (!skipObject)
			block += blockage(startTile, O_OBJECT, type, Pathfinding::DIR_DOWN);
		if (x != endTile->getPosition().x || y != endTile->getPosition().y)
			x = endTile->getPosition().x;
			y = endTile->getPosition().y;
			// z remains same as startTile
			Tile *currTile = _save->getTile(Position(x, y, z));
			block += horizontalBlockage(startTile, currTile, type, skipObject);
			block += blockage(currTile, O_FLOOR, type);
			if (!skipObject)
				block += blockage(currTile, O_OBJECT, type, Pathfinding::DIR_DOWN);
	else if (direction > 0) // up
		z += 1;
		Tile *currTile = _save->getTile(Position(x, y, z));
		block += blockage(currTile, O_FLOOR, type);
		if (!skipObject)
			block += blockage(currTile, O_OBJECT, type, Pathfinding::DIR_UP);
		if (x != endTile->getPosition().x || y != endTile->getPosition().y)
			x = endTile->getPosition().x;
			y = endTile->getPosition().y;
			currTile = _save->getTile(Position(x, y, z));
			block += horizontalBlockage(startTile, currTile, type, skipObject);
			block += blockage(currTile, O_FLOOR, type);
			if (!skipObject)
				block += blockage(currTile, O_OBJECT, type, Pathfinding::DIR_UP);
	return block;
 * Calculates the amount of power that is blocked going from one tile to another on the same level.
 * @param startTile The tile where the power starts.
 * @param endTile The adjacent tile where the power ends.
 * @param type The type of power/damage.
 * @return Amount of blockage.
int TileEngine::horizontalBlockage(Tile *startTile, Tile *endTile, ItemDamageType type, bool skipObject)
	static const Position oneTileNorth = Position(0, -1, 0);
	static const Position oneTileEast = Position(1, 0, 0);
	static const Position oneTileSouth = Position(0, 1, 0);
	static const Position oneTileWest = Position(-1, 0, 0);
	// safety check
	if (startTile == 0 || endTile == 0) return 0;
	if (startTile->getPosition().z != endTile->getPosition().z) return 0;
	Tile *tmpTile;
	int direction;
	Pathfinding::vectorToDirection(endTile->getPosition() - startTile->getPosition(), direction);
	if (direction == -1) return 0;
	int block = 0;
	case 0:	// north
		block = blockage(startTile, O_NORTHWALL, type);
	case 1: // north east
		if (type == DT_NONE) //this is two-way diagonal visibility check, used in original game
			block = blockage(startTile, O_NORTHWALL, type) + blockage(endTile, O_WESTWALL, type); //up+right
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileNorth);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNESW)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 3);
			if (block == 0) break; //this way is opened
			block = blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast), O_NORTHWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast), O_WESTWALL, type); //right+up
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNESW)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 7);
			block = (blockage(startTile,O_NORTHWALL, type) + blockage(endTile,O_WESTWALL, type))/2
				+ (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast),O_WESTWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast),O_NORTHWALL, type))/2;
			block += (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileNorth),O_OBJECT, type, 4)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast),O_OBJECT, type, 6))/2;
	case 2: // east
		block = blockage(endTile,O_WESTWALL, type);
	case 3: // south east
		if (type == DT_NONE)
			block = blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth), O_NORTHWALL, type)
				+ blockage(endTile, O_WESTWALL, type); //down+right
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNWSE)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 1);
			if (block == 0) break; //this way is opened
			block = blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast), O_WESTWALL, type)
				+ blockage(endTile, O_NORTHWALL, type); //right+down
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNWSE)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 5);
			block = (blockage(endTile,O_WESTWALL, type) + blockage(endTile,O_NORTHWALL, type))/2
				+ (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast),O_WESTWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth),O_NORTHWALL, type))/2;
			block += (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth),O_OBJECT, type, 0)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileEast),O_OBJECT, type, 6))/2;
	case 4: // south
		block = blockage(endTile,O_NORTHWALL, type);
	case 5: // south west
		if (type == DT_NONE)
			block = blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth), O_NORTHWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth), O_WESTWALL, type); //down+left
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNESW)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 7);
			if (block == 0) break; //this way is opened
			block = blockage(startTile, O_WESTWALL, type) + blockage(endTile, O_NORTHWALL, type); //left+down
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileWest);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNESW)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 3);
			block = (blockage(endTile,O_NORTHWALL, type) + blockage(startTile,O_WESTWALL, type))/2
				+ (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth),O_WESTWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth),O_NORTHWALL, type))/2;
			block += (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileSouth),O_OBJECT, type, 0)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileWest),O_OBJECT, type, 2))/2;
	case 6: // west
		block = blockage(startTile,O_WESTWALL, type);
	case 7: // north west
		if (type == DT_NONE)
			block = blockage(startTile, O_NORTHWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileNorth), O_WESTWALL, type); //up+left
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileNorth);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNWSE)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 5);
			if (block == 0) break; //this way is opened
			block = blockage(startTile, O_WESTWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileWest), O_NORTHWALL, type); //left+up
			tmpTile = _save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileWest);
			if (tmpTile && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT) && tmpTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall() != Pathfinding::BIGWALLNWSE)
				block += blockage(tmpTile, O_OBJECT, type, 1);
			block = (blockage(startTile,O_WESTWALL, type) + blockage(startTile,O_NORTHWALL, type))/2
				+ (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileNorth),O_WESTWALL, type)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileWest),O_NORTHWALL, type))/2;
			block += (blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileNorth),O_OBJECT, type, 4)
				+ blockage(_save->getTile(startTile->getPosition() + oneTileWest),O_OBJECT, type, 2))/2;
	if (!skipObject || (type==DT_NONE && startTile->isBigWall()) )
		block += blockage(startTile,O_OBJECT, type, direction);
	if (type != DT_NONE)
		// not too sure about removing this line,
		// i have a sneaking suspicion we might end up blocking things that we shouldn't
		//if (skipObject) return block;
		direction += 4;
		if (direction > 7)
			direction -= 8;
		if (endTile->isBigWall())
			block += blockage(endTile,O_OBJECT, type, direction, true);
		if ( block <= 127 )
			direction += 4;
			if (direction > 7)
				direction -= 8;
			if (blockage(endTile,O_OBJECT, type, direction, true) > 127){
				return -1; //hit bigwall, reveal bigwall tile
	return block;
 * Calculates the amount this certain wall or floor-part of the tile blocks.
 * @param startTile The tile where the power starts.
 * @param part The part of the tile the power needs to go through.
 * @param type The type of power/damage.
 * @param direction Direction the power travels.
 * @return Amount of blockage.
int TileEngine::blockage(Tile *tile, const TilePart part, ItemDamageType type, int direction, bool checkingFromOrigin)
	int blockage = 0;
	if (tile == 0) return 0; // probably outside the map here
	if (tile->getMapData(part))
		bool check = true;
		int wall = -1;
		if (direction != -1)
			wall = tile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall();
			if (type != DT_SMOKE &&
				checkingFromOrigin &&
				(wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNESW ||
				wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNWSE))
				check = false;
			switch (direction)
			case 0: // north
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWEST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEAST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLSOUTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEASTANDSOUTH)
					check = false;
			case 1: // north east
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWEST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLSOUTH)
					check = false;
			case 2: // east
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNORTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLSOUTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWEST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWESTANDNORTH)
					check = false;
			case 3: // south east
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNORTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWEST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWESTANDNORTH)
					check = false;
			case 4: // south
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWEST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEAST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNORTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLWESTANDNORTH)
					check = false;
			case 5: // south west
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNORTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEAST)
					check = false;
			case 6: // west
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLNORTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLSOUTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEAST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEASTANDSOUTH)
					check = false;
			case 7: // north west
				if (wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLSOUTH ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEAST ||
					wall == Pathfinding::BIGWALLEASTANDSOUTH)
					check = false;
			case 8: // up
			case 9: // down
				if (wall != 0 && wall != Pathfinding::BLOCK)
					check = false;
		else if (part == O_FLOOR &&
					tile->getMapData(part)->getBlock(type) == 0)
			if (type != DT_NONE)
				blockage += tile->getMapData(part)->getArmor();
			else if (!tile->getMapData(part)->isNoFloor())
				return 256;
		if (check)
			// -1 means we have a regular wall, and anything over 0 means we have a bigwall.
			if (type == DT_SMOKE && wall != 0 && !tile->isUfoDoorOpen(part))
				return 256;
			blockage += tile->getMapData(part)->getBlock(type);
	// open ufo doors are actually still closed behind the scenes
	// so a special trick is needed to see if they are open, if they are, they obviously don't block anything
	if (tile->isUfoDoorOpen(part))
		blockage = 0;
	return blockage;
 * Opens a door (if any) by rightclick, or by walking through it. The unit has to face in the right direction.
 * @param unit Unit.
 * @param rClick Whether the player right clicked.
 * @param dir Direction.
 * @return -1 there is no door, you can walk through;
 *		  0 normal door opened, make a squeaky sound and you can walk through;
 *		  1 ufo door is starting to open, make a whoosh sound, don't walk through;
 *		  3 ufo door is still opening, don't walk through it yet. (have patience, futuristic technology...)
 *		  4 not enough TUs
 *		  5 would contravene fire reserve
int TileEngine::unitOpensDoor(BattleUnit *unit, bool rClick, int dir)
	int door = -1;
	int TUCost = 0;
	int size = unit->getArmor()->getSize();
	int z = unit->getTile()->getTerrainLevel() < -12 ? 1 : 0; // if we're standing on stairs, check the tile above instead.
	if (dir == -1)
		dir = unit->getDirection();
	Tile *tile;
	for (int x = 0; x < size && door == -1; x++)
		for (int y = 0; y < size && door == -1; y++)
			std::vector<std::pair<Position, TilePart> > checkPositions;
			tile = _save->getTile(unit->getPosition() + Position(x,y,z));
			if (!tile) continue;
			switch (dir)
			case 0: // north
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 0, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // origin
				if (x != 0)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, -1, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile north
			case 1: // north east
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 0, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // origin
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(1, -1, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile north-east
				if (rClick)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(1, 0, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile east
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(1, 0, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile east
			case 2: // east
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(1, 0, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile east
			case 3: // south-east
				if (!y)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(1, 1, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile south-east
				if (!x)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(1, 1, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile south-east
				if (rClick)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(1, 0, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile east
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 1, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile south
			case 4: // south
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 1, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile south
			case 5: // south-west
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 0, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // origin
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(-1, 1, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile south-west
				if (rClick)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 1, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile south
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 1, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile south
			case 6: // west
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 0, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // origin
				if (y != 0)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(-1, 0, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile west
			case 7: // north-west
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 0, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // origin
				checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, 0, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // origin
				if (x)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(-1, -1, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile north
				if (y)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(-1, -1, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile north
				if (rClick)
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(0, -1, 0), O_WESTWALL)); // one tile north
					checkPositions.push_back(std::make_pair(Position(-1, 0, 0), O_NORTHWALL)); // one tile west
			TilePart part = O_FLOOR;
			for (std::vector<std::pair<Position, TilePart> >::const_iterator i = checkPositions.begin(); i != checkPositions.end() && door == -1; ++i)
				tile = _save->getTile(unit->getPosition() + Position(x,y,z) + i->first);
				if (tile)
					door = tile->openDoor(i->second, unit, _save->getBattleGame()->getReservedAction());
					if (door != -1)
						part = i->second;
						if (door == 1)
							checkAdjacentDoors(unit->getPosition() + Position(x,y,z) + i->first, i->second);
			if (door == 0 && rClick)
				if (part == O_WESTWALL)
					part = O_NORTHWALL;
					part = O_WESTWALL;
				TUCost = tile->getTUCost(part, unit->getMovementType());
			else if (door == 1 || door == 4)
				TUCost = tile->getTUCost(part, unit->getMovementType());
	if (TUCost != 0)
		if (_save->getBattleGame()->checkReservedTU(unit, TUCost))
			if (unit->spendTimeUnits(TUCost))
				// look from the other side (may be need check reaction fire?)
				std::vector<BattleUnit*> *vunits = unit->getVisibleUnits();
				for (size_t i = 0; i < vunits->size(); ++i)
			else return 4;
		else return 5;
	return door;
 * Opens any doors connected to this part at this position,
 * Keeps processing til it hits a non-ufo-door.
 * @param pos The starting position
 * @param part The part to open, defines which direction to check.
void TileEngine::checkAdjacentDoors(const Position& pos, TilePart part)
	Position offset;
	bool westSide = (part == O_WESTWALL);
	for (int i = 1;; ++i)
		offset = westSide ? Position(0,i,0):Position(i,0,0);
		Tile *tile = _save->getTile(pos + offset);
		if (tile && tile->getMapData(part) && tile->getMapData(part)->isUFODoor())
		else break;
	for (int i = -1;; --i)
		offset = westSide ? Position(0,i,0):Position(i,0,0);
		Tile *tile = _save->getTile(pos + offset);
		if (tile && tile->getMapData(part) && tile->getMapData(part)->isUFODoor())
		else break;
 * Closes ufo doors.
 * @return Whether doors are closed.
int TileEngine::closeUfoDoors()
	int doorsclosed = 0;
	// prepare a list of tiles on fire/smoke & close any ufo doors
	for (int i = 0; i < _save->getMapSizeXYZ(); ++i)
		if (_save->getTiles()[i]->getUnit() && _save->getTiles()[i]->getUnit()->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
			BattleUnit *bu = _save->getTiles()[i]->getUnit();
			Tile *tile = _save->getTiles()[i];
			Tile *oneTileNorth = _save->getTile(tile->getPosition() + Position(0, -1, 0));
			Tile *oneTileWest = _save->getTile(tile->getPosition() + Position(-1, 0, 0));
			if ((tile->isUfoDoorOpen(O_NORTHWALL) && oneTileNorth && oneTileNorth->getUnit() && oneTileNorth->getUnit() == bu) ||
				(tile->isUfoDoorOpen(O_WESTWALL) && oneTileWest && oneTileWest->getUnit() && oneTileWest->getUnit() == bu))
		doorsclosed += _save->getTiles()[i]->closeUfoDoor();
	return doorsclosed;
 * Calculates a line trajectory, using bresenham algorithm in 3D.
 * @param origin Origin (voxel??).
 * @param target Target (also voxel??).
 * @param storeTrajectory True will store the whole trajectory - otherwise it just stores the last position.
 * @param trajectory A vector of positions in which the trajectory is stored.
 * @param excludeUnit Excludes this unit in the collision detection.
 * @param doVoxelCheck Check against voxel or tile blocking? (first one for units visibility and line of fire, second one for terrain visibility).
 * @param onlyVisible Skip invisible units? used in FPS view.
 * @param excludeAllBut [Optional] The only unit to be considered for ray hits.
 * @return the objectnumber(0-3) or unit(4) or out of map (5) or -1(hit nothing).
int TileEngine::calculateLine(Position origin, Position target, bool storeTrajectory, std::vector<Position> *trajectory, BattleUnit *excludeUnit, bool doVoxelCheck, bool onlyVisible, BattleUnit *excludeAllBut)
	int x, x0, x1, delta_x, step_x;
	int y, y0, y1, delta_y, step_y;
	int z, z0, z1, delta_z, step_z;
	int swap_xy, swap_xz;
	int drift_xy, drift_xz;
	int cx, cy, cz;
	Position lastPoint(origin);
	int result;
	int steps = 0;
	bool excludeAllUnits = false;
	if (_save->isBeforeGame())
		excludeAllUnits = true; // don't start unit spotting before pre-game inventory stuff (large units on the craftInventory tile will cause a crash if they're "spotted")
	//start and end points
	x0 = origin.x;	 x1 = target.x;
	y0 = origin.y;	 y1 = target.y;
	z0 = origin.z;	 z1 = target.z;
	//'steep' xy Line, make longest delta x plane
	swap_xy = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
	if (swap_xy)
		std::swap(x0, y0);
		std::swap(x1, y1);
	//do same for xz
	swap_xz = abs(z1 - z0) > abs(x1 - x0);
	if (swap_xz)
		std::swap(x0, z0);
		std::swap(x1, z1);
	//delta is Length in each plane
	delta_x = abs(x1 - x0);
	delta_y = abs(y1 - y0);
	delta_z = abs(z1 - z0);
	//drift controls when to step in 'shallow' planes
	//starting value keeps Line centred
	drift_xy  = (delta_x / 2);
	drift_xz  = (delta_x / 2);
	//direction of line
	step_x = 1;  if (x0 > x1) {  step_x = -1; }
	step_y = 1;  if (y0 > y1) {  step_y = -1; }
	step_z = 1;  if (z0 > z1) {  step_z = -1; }
	//starting point
	y = y0;
	z = z0;
	if (doVoxelCheck) voxelCheckFlush();
	//step through longest delta (which we have swapped to x)
	for (x = x0;; x += step_x)
		//copy position
		cx = x;	cy = y;	cz = z;
		//unswap (in reverse)
		if (swap_xz) std::swap(cx, cz);
		if (swap_xy) std::swap(cx, cy);
		if (storeTrajectory && trajectory)
			trajectory->push_back(Position(cx, cy, cz));
		//passes through this point?
		if (doVoxelCheck)
			result = voxelCheck(Position(cx, cy, cz), excludeUnit, false, onlyVisible, excludeAllBut);
			if (result != V_EMPTY)
				if (trajectory)
				{ // store the position of impact
					trajectory->push_back(Position(cx, cy, cz));
				return result;
			int temp_res = verticalBlockage(_save->getTile(lastPoint), _save->getTile(Position(cx, cy, cz)), DT_NONE);
			result = horizontalBlockage(_save->getTile(lastPoint), _save->getTile(Position(cx, cy, cz)), DT_NONE, steps<2);
			if (result == -1)
				if (temp_res > 127)
					result = 0;
				} else {
				return result; // We hit a big wall
			result += temp_res;
			if (result > 127)
				return result;
			lastPoint = Position(cx, cy, cz);
		if (x == x1) break;
		//update progress in other planes
		drift_xy = drift_xy - delta_y;
		drift_xz = drift_xz - delta_z;
		//step in y plane
		if (drift_xy < 0)
			y = y + step_y;
			drift_xy = drift_xy + delta_x;
			//check for xy diagonal intermediate voxel step
			if (doVoxelCheck)
				cx = x;	cz = z; cy = y;
				if (swap_xz) std::swap(cx, cz);
				if (swap_xy) std::swap(cx, cy);
				result = voxelCheck(Position(cx, cy, cz), excludeUnit, excludeAllUnits, onlyVisible, excludeAllBut);
				if (result != V_EMPTY)
					if (trajectory != 0)
					{ // store the position of impact
						trajectory->push_back(Position(cx, cy, cz));
					return result;
		//same in z
		if (drift_xz < 0)
			z = z + step_z;
			drift_xz = drift_xz + delta_x;
			//check for xz diagonal intermediate voxel step
			if (doVoxelCheck)
				cx = x;	cz = z; cy = y;
				if (swap_xz) std::swap(cx, cz);
				if (swap_xy) std::swap(cx, cy);
				result = voxelCheck(Position(cx, cy, cz), excludeUnit, excludeAllUnits, onlyVisible,  excludeAllBut);
				if (result != V_EMPTY)
					if (trajectory != 0)
					{ // store the position of impact
						trajectory->push_back(Position(cx, cy, cz));
					return result;
	return V_EMPTY;
 * Calculates a parabola trajectory, used for throwing items.
 * @param origin Origin in voxelspace.
 * @param target Target in voxelspace.
 * @param storeTrajectory True will store the whole trajectory - otherwise it just stores the last position.
 * @param trajectory A vector of positions in which the trajectory is stored.
 * @param excludeUnit Makes sure the trajectory does not hit the shooter itself.
 * @param curvature How high the parabola goes: 1.0 is almost straight throw, 3.0 is a very high throw, to throw over a fence for example.
 * @param delta Is the deviation of the angles it should take into account, 0,0,0 is perfection.
 * @return The objectnumber(0-3) or unit(4) or out of map (5) or -1(hit nothing).
int TileEngine::calculateParabola(Position origin, Position target, bool storeTrajectory, std::vector<Position> *trajectory, BattleUnit *excludeUnit, double curvature, const Position delta)
	double ro = sqrt((double)((target.x - origin.x) * (target.x - origin.x) + (target.y - origin.y) * (target.y - origin.y) + (target.z - origin.z) * (target.z - origin.z)));
	if (AreSame(ro, 0.0)) return V_EMPTY;//just in case
	double fi = acos((double)(target.z - origin.z) / ro);
	double te = atan2((double)(target.y - origin.y), (double)(target.x - origin.x));
	te += (delta.x / ro) / 2 * M_PI; //horizontal magic value
	fi += ((delta.z + delta.y) / ro) / 14 * M_PI * curvature; //another magic value (vertical), to make it in line with fire spread
	double zA = sqrt(ro)*curvature;
	double zK = 4.0 * zA / ro / ro;
	int x = origin.x;
	int y = origin.y;
	int z = origin.z;
	int i = 8;
	int result = V_EMPTY;
	Position lastPosition = Position(x,y,z);
	Position nextPosition = lastPosition;
	if (storeTrajectory && trajectory)
		//initla value for small hack to glue `calculateLine` into one continuous arc
	while (z > 0)
		x = (int)((double)origin.x + (double)i * cos(te) * sin(fi));
		y = (int)((double)origin.y + (double)i * sin(te) * sin(fi));
		z = (int)((double)origin.z + (double)i * cos(fi) - zK * ((double)i - ro / 2.0) * ((double)i - ro / 2.0) + zA);
		//passes through this point?
		nextPosition = Position(x,y,z);
		if (storeTrajectory && trajectory)
			//remove end point of previus trajectory part, becasue next one will add this point again
		result = calculateLine(lastPosition, nextPosition, storeTrajectory, storeTrajectory ? trajectory : 0, excludeUnit);
		if (result != V_EMPTY)
			if (!storeTrajectory && trajectory)
				result = calculateLine(lastPosition, nextPosition, false, trajectory, excludeUnit); //pick the INSIDE position of impact
		lastPosition = nextPosition;
	return result;
 * Calculates z "grounded" value for a particular voxel (used for projectile shadow).
 * @param voxel The voxel to trace down.
 * @return z coord of "ground".
int TileEngine::castedShade(Position voxel)
	int zstart = voxel.z;
	Position tmpCoord = voxel / Position(16,16,24);
	Tile *t = _save->getTile(tmpCoord);
	while (t && t->isVoid() && !t->getUnit())
		zstart = tmpCoord.z* 24;
		t = _save->getTile(tmpCoord);
	Position tmpVoxel = voxel;
	int z;
	for (z = zstart; z>0; z--)
		tmpVoxel.z = z;
		if (voxelCheck(tmpVoxel, 0) != V_EMPTY) break;
	return z;
 * Traces voxel visibility.
 * @param voxel Voxel coordinates.
 * @return True if visible.
bool TileEngine::isVoxelVisible(Position voxel)
	int zstart = voxel.z+3; // slight Z adjust
	if ((zstart/24)!=(voxel.z/24))
		return true; // visible!
	Position tmpVoxel = voxel;
	int zend = (zstart/24)*24 +24;
	for (int z = zstart; z<zend; z++)
		// only OBJECT can cause additional occlusion (because of any shape)
		if (voxelCheck(tmpVoxel, 0) == V_OBJECT) return false;
		if (voxelCheck(tmpVoxel, 0) == V_OBJECT) return false;
		if (voxelCheck(tmpVoxel, 0) == V_OBJECT) return false;
	return true;
 * Checks if we hit a voxel.
 * @param voxel The voxel to check.
 * @param excludeUnit Don't do checks on this unit.
 * @param excludeAllUnits Don't do checks on any unit.
 * @param onlyVisible Whether to consider only visible units.
 * @param excludeAllBut If set, the only unit to be considered for ray hits.
 * @return The objectnumber(0-3) or unit(4) or out of map (5) or -1 (hit nothing).
VoxelType TileEngine::voxelCheck(Position voxel, BattleUnit *excludeUnit, bool excludeAllUnits, bool onlyVisible, BattleUnit *excludeAllBut)
	if (voxel.x < 0 || voxel.y < 0 || voxel.z < 0) //preliminary out of map
	Position pos = voxel / Position(16, 16, 24);
	Tile *tile, *tileBelow;
	if (_cacheTilePos == pos)
		tile = _cacheTile;
		tileBelow = _cacheTileBelow;
		tile = _save->getTile(pos);
		if (!tile) // check if we are not out of the map
			return V_OUTOFBOUNDS; //not even cache
		tileBelow = _save->getTile(pos + Position(0,0,-1));
		_cacheTilePos = pos;
		_cacheTile = tile;
		_cacheTileBelow = tileBelow;
	if (tile->isVoid() && tile->getUnit() == 0 && (!tileBelow || tileBelow->getUnit() == 0))
		return V_EMPTY;
	if (tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR) && tile->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->isGravLift() && (voxel.z % 24 == 0 || voxel.z % 24 == 1))
		if ((tile->getPosition().z == 0) || (tileBelow && tileBelow->getMapData(O_FLOOR) && !tileBelow->getMapData(O_FLOOR)->isGravLift()))
			return V_FLOOR;
	// first we check terrain voxel data, not to allow 2x2 units stick through walls
	for (int i = V_FLOOR; i <= V_OBJECT; ++i)
		TilePart tp = (TilePart)i;
		MapData *mp = tile->getMapData(tp);
		if (((tp == O_WESTWALL) || (tp == O_NORTHWALL)) && tile->isUfoDoorOpen(tp))
		if (mp != 0)
			int x = 15 - voxel.x%16;
			int y = voxel.y%16;
			int idx = (mp->getLoftID((voxel.z%24)/2)*16) + y;
			if (_voxelData->at(idx) & (1 << x))
				return (VoxelType)i;
	if (!excludeAllUnits)
		BattleUnit *unit = tile->getUnit();
		// sometimes there is unit on the tile below, but sticks up to this tile with his head,
		// in this case we couldn't have unit standing at current tile.
		if (unit == 0 && tile->hasNoFloor(tileBelow))
			if (tileBelow)
				tile = tileBelow;
				unit = tile->getUnit();
		if (unit != 0 && unit != excludeUnit && (!excludeAllBut || unit == excludeAllBut) && (!onlyVisible || unit->getVisible() ) )
			Position tilepos;
			Position unitpos = unit->getPosition();
			int terrainHeight = 0;
			for (int x = 0; x < unit->getArmor()->getSize(); ++x)
				for (int y = 0; y < unit->getArmor()->getSize(); ++y)
					Tile *tempTile = _save->getTile(unitpos + Position(x,y,0));
					if (tempTile->getTerrainLevel() < terrainHeight)
						terrainHeight = tempTile->getTerrainLevel();
			int tz = unitpos.z*24 + unit->getFloatHeight() - terrainHeight; //bottom most voxel, terrain heights are negative, so we subtract.
			if ((voxel.z > tz) && (voxel.z <= tz + unit->getHeight()) )
				int x = voxel.x%16;
				int y = voxel.y%16;
				int part = 0;
				if (unit->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
					tilepos = tile->getPosition();
					part = tilepos.x - unitpos.x + (tilepos.y - unitpos.y)*2;
				int idx = (unit->getLoftemps(part) * 16) + y;
				if (_voxelData->at(idx) & (1 << x))
					return V_UNIT;
	return V_EMPTY;
void TileEngine::voxelCheckFlush()
	_cacheTilePos = Position(-1,-1,-1);
	_cacheTile = 0;
	_cacheTileBelow = 0;
 * Toggles personal lighting on / off.
void TileEngine::togglePersonalLighting()
	_personalLighting = !_personalLighting;
 * Calculates the distance squared between a unit and a point position.
 * @param unit The unit.
 * @param pos The point position.
 * @param considerZ Whether to consider the z coordinate.
 * @return Distance squared.
int TileEngine::distanceUnitToPositionSq(BattleUnit* unit, const Position& pos, bool considerZ) const
	int x = unit->getPosition().x - pos.x;
	int y = unit->getPosition().y - pos.y;
	int z = considerZ ? (unit->getPosition().z - pos.z) : 0;
	if (unit->getArmor()->getSize() > 1)
		if (unit->getPosition().x < pos.x)
		if (unit->getPosition().y < pos.y)
	return x*x + y*y + z*z;
 * Calculates the distance between 2 points. Rounded up to first INT.
 * @param pos1 Position of first square.
 * @param pos2 Position of second square.
 * @return Distance.
int TileEngine::distance(Position pos1, Position pos2) const
	int x = pos1.x - pos2.x;
	int y = pos1.y - pos2.y;
	return (int)std::ceil(sqrt(float(x*x + y*y)));
 * Calculates the distance squared between 2 points. No sqrt(), not floating point math, and sometimes it's all you need.
 * @param pos1 Position of first square.
 * @param pos2 Position of second square.
 * @param considerZ Whether to consider the z coordinate.
 * @return Distance.
int TileEngine::distanceSq(Position pos1, Position pos2, bool considerZ) const
	int x = pos1.x - pos2.x;
	int y = pos1.y - pos2.y;
	int z = considerZ ? (pos1.z - pos2.z) : 0;
	return x*x + y*y + z*z;
 * Applies gravity to a tile. Causes items and units to drop.
 * @param t Tile.
 * @return Tile where the items end up in eventually.
Tile *TileEngine::applyGravity(Tile *t)
	if (!t || (t->getInventory()->empty() && !t->getUnit())) return t; // skip this if there are no items
	Position p = t->getPosition();
	Tile *rt = t;
	Tile *rtb;
	BattleUnit *occupant = t->getUnit();
	if (occupant)
		Position unitpos = occupant->getPosition();
		while (unitpos.z >= 0)
			bool canFall = true;
			for (int y = 0; y < occupant->getArmor()->getSize() && canFall; ++y)
				for (int x = 0; x < occupant->getArmor()->getSize() && canFall; ++x)
					rt = _save->getTile(Position(unitpos.x+x, unitpos.y+y, unitpos.z));
					rtb = _save->getTile(Position(unitpos.x+x, unitpos.y+y, unitpos.z-1)); //below
					if (!rt->hasNoFloor(rtb))
						canFall = false;
			if (!canFall)
		if (unitpos != occupant->getPosition())
			if (occupant->getHealth() != 0 && occupant->getStunlevel() < occupant->getHealth())
				if (occupant->getMovementType() == MT_FLY)
					// move to the position you're already in. this will unset the kneeling flag, set the floating flag, etc.
					occupant->startWalking(occupant->getDirection(), occupant->getPosition(), _save->getTile(occupant->getPosition() + Position(0,0,-1)), true);
					// and set our status to standing (rather than walking or flying) to avoid weirdness.
					occupant->setPosition(occupant->getPosition()); // this is necessary to set the unit up for falling correctly, updating their "lastPos"
			else if (occupant->isOut())
				Position origin = occupant->getPosition();
				for (int y = occupant->getArmor()->getSize()-1; y >= 0; --y)
					for (int x = occupant->getArmor()->getSize()-1; x >= 0; --x)
						_save->getTile(origin + Position(x, y, 0))->setUnit(0);
	rt = t;
	bool canFall = true;
	while (p.z >= 0 && canFall)
		rt = _save->getTile(p);
		rtb = _save->getTile(Position(p.x, p.y, p.z-1)); //below
		if (!rt->hasNoFloor(rtb))
			canFall = false;
	for (std::vector<BattleItem*>::iterator it = t->getInventory()->begin(); it != t->getInventory()->end(); ++it)
		if ((*it)->getUnit() && t->getPosition() == (*it)->getUnit()->getPosition())
		if (t != rt)
			rt->addItem(*it, (*it)->getSlot());
	if (t != rt)
		// clear tile
	return rt;
 * Drops an item to the floor and affects it with gravity.
 * @param position Position to spawn the item.
 * @param item Pointer to the item.
 * @param newItem Bool whether this is a new item.
 * @param removeItem Bool whether to remove the item from the owner.
void TileEngine::itemDrop(Tile *t, BattleItem *item, const Mod* mod, bool newItem, bool removeItem)
	// don't spawn anything outside of bounds
	if (t == 0)
	const Position& p = t->getPosition();
	// don't ever drop fixed items
	if (item->getRules()->isFixed())
	t->addItem(item, mod->getInventory("STR_GROUND", true));
	if (item->getUnit())
	if (newItem)
	else if (_save->getSide() != FACTION_PLAYER)
	if (removeItem)
	else if (item->getRules()->getBattleType() != BT_GRENADE && item->getRules()->getBattleType() != BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE)
	if (item->getRules()->getBattleType() == BT_FLARE)
 * Validates the melee range between two units.
 * @param attacker The attacking unit.
 * @param target The unit we want to attack.
 * @param dir Direction to check.
 * @return True when the range is valid.
bool TileEngine::validMeleeRange(BattleUnit *attacker, BattleUnit *target, int dir)
	return validMeleeRange(attacker->getPosition(), dir, attacker, target, 0);
 * Validates the melee range between a tile and a unit.
 * @param pos Position to check from.
 * @param direction Direction to check.
 * @param attacker The attacking unit.
 * @param target The unit we want to attack, 0 for any unit.
 * @param dest Destination position.
 * @return True when the range is valid.
bool TileEngine::validMeleeRange(const Position& pos, int direction, BattleUnit *attacker, BattleUnit *target, Position *dest, bool preferEnemy)
	if (direction < 0 || direction > 7)
		return false;
	std::vector<BattleUnit*> potentialTargets;
	BattleUnit *chosenTarget = 0;
	Position p;
	int size = attacker->getArmor()->getSize() - 1;
	Pathfinding::directionToVector(direction, &p);
	for (int x = 0; x <= size; ++x)
		for (int y = 0; y <= size; ++y)
			Tile *origin (_save->getTile(Position(pos + Position(x, y, 0))));
			Tile *targetTile (_save->getTile(Position(pos + Position(x, y, 0) + p)));
			Tile *aboveTargetTile (_save->getTile(Position(pos + Position(x, y, 1) + p)));
			Tile *belowTargetTile (_save->getTile(Position(pos + Position(x, y, -1) + p)));
			if (targetTile && origin)
				if (origin->getTerrainLevel() <= -16 && aboveTargetTile && !aboveTargetTile->hasNoFloor(targetTile))
					targetTile = aboveTargetTile;
				else if (belowTargetTile && targetTile->hasNoFloor(belowTargetTile) && !targetTile->getUnit() && belowTargetTile->getTerrainLevel() <= -16)
					targetTile = belowTargetTile;
				if (targetTile->getUnit())
					if (target == 0 || targetTile->getUnit() == target)
						Position originVoxel = Position(origin->getPosition() * Position(16,16,24))
							+ Position(8,8,attacker->getHeight() + attacker->getFloatHeight() - 4 -origin->getTerrainLevel());
						Position targetVoxel;
						if (canTargetUnit(&originVoxel, targetTile, &targetVoxel, attacker, false))
							if (dest)
								*dest = targetTile->getPosition();
							if (target != 0)
								return true;
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::const_iterator i = potentialTargets.begin(); i != potentialTargets.end(); ++i)
		// if there's actually something THERE, we'll chalk this up as a success.
		if (!chosenTarget)
			chosenTarget = *i;
		// but if there's a target of a different faction, we'll prioritize them.
		else if ((preferEnemy && (*i)->getFaction() != attacker->getFaction())
		// or, if we're using a medikit, prioritize whichever friend is wounded the most.
		|| (!preferEnemy && (*i)->getFaction() == attacker->getFaction() &&
		(*i)->getFatalWounds() > chosenTarget->getFatalWounds()))
			chosenTarget = *i;
	if (dest && chosenTarget)
		*dest = chosenTarget->getPosition();
	return chosenTarget != 0;
 * Gets the AI to look through a window.
 * @param position Current position.
 * @return Direction or -1 when no window found.
int TileEngine::faceWindow(Position position)
	static const Position oneTileEast = Position(1, 0, 0);
	static const Position oneTileSouth = Position(0, 1, 0);
	Tile *tile = _save->getTile(position);
	if (tile && tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) && tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->getBlock(DT_NONE)==0) return 0;
	tile = _save->getTile(position + oneTileEast);
	if (tile && tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) && tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->getBlock(DT_NONE)==0) return 2;
	tile = _save->getTile(position + oneTileSouth);
	if (tile && tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL) && tile->getMapData(O_NORTHWALL)->getBlock(DT_NONE)==0) return 4;
	tile = _save->getTile(position);
	if (tile && tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL) && tile->getMapData(O_WESTWALL)->getBlock(DT_NONE)==0) return 6;
	return -1;
 * Validates a throw action.
 * @param action The action to validate.
 * @param originVoxel The origin point of the action.
 * @param targetVoxel The target point of the action.
 * @param curve The curvature of the throw.
 * @param voxelType The type of voxel at which this parabola terminates.
 * @return Validity of action.
bool TileEngine::validateThrow(BattleAction &action, Position originVoxel, Position targetVoxel, double *curve, int *voxelType, bool forced)
	bool foundCurve = false;
	double curvature = 0.5;
	if (action.type == BA_THROW)
		curvature = std::max(0.48, 1.73 / sqrt(sqrt((double)(action.actor->getBaseStats()->strength) / (double)(action.weapon->getRules()->getWeight()))) + (action.actor->isKneeled()? 0.1 : 0.0));
		// arcing projectile weapons assume a fixed strength and weight.(70 and 10 respectively)
		// curvature should be approximately 1.06358350461 at this point.
		curvature = 1.73 / sqrt(sqrt(70.0 / 10.0)) + (action.actor->isKneeled()? 0.1 : 0.0);
	Tile *targetTile = _save->getTile(action.target);
	Position targetPos = (targetVoxel / Position(16, 16, 24));
	// object blocking - can't throw here
	if (action.type == BA_THROW
		&& targetTile
		&& targetTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)
		&& targetTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getTUCost(MT_WALK) == 255
		&& !(targetTile->isBigWall()
		&& (targetTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall()<1
		|| targetTile->getMapData(O_OBJECT)->getBigWall()>3)))
		return false;
	// out of range - can't throw here
	if (ProjectileFlyBState::validThrowRange(&action, originVoxel, targetTile) == false)
		return false;
	std::vector<Position> trajectory;
	// thows should be around 10 tiles far, make one allocation that fit 99% cases with some margin
	// we try 8 different curvatures to try and reach our goal.
	int test = V_OUTOFBOUNDS;
	while (!foundCurve && curvature < 5.0)
		test = calculateParabola(originVoxel, targetVoxel, true, &trajectory, action.actor, curvature, Position(0,0,0));
		//position that item hit
		Position hitPos = (trajectory.back() + Position(0,0,1)) / Position(16, 16, 24);
		//position where item will land
		Position tilePos = Projectile::getPositionFromEnd(trajectory, Projectile::ItemDropVoxelOffset) / Position(16, 16, 24);
		if (forced || (test != V_OUTOFBOUNDS && tilePos == targetPos))
			if (voxelType)
				*voxelType = test;
			foundCurve = true;
			curvature += 0.5;
			if (test != V_OUTOFBOUNDS && action.actor->getFaction() == FACTION_PLAYER) //obstacle indicator is only for player
				Tile* hitTile = _save->getTile(hitPos);
				if (hitTile)
	if (curvature >= 5.0)
		return false;
	if (curve)
		*curve = curvature;
	return true;
 * Recalculates FOV of all units in-game.
void TileEngine::recalculateFOV()
	for (std::vector<BattleUnit*>::iterator bu = _save->getUnits()->begin(); bu != _save->getUnits()->end(); ++bu)
		if ((*bu)->getTile() != 0)
 * Returns the direction from origin to target.
 * @param origin The origin point of the action.
 * @param target The target point of the action.
 * @return direction.
int TileEngine::getDirectionTo(Position origin, Position target) const
	double ox = target.x - origin.x;
	double oy = target.y - origin.y;
	double angle = atan2(ox, -oy);
	// divide the pie in 4 angles each at 1/8th before each quarter
	double pie[4] = {(M_PI_4 * 4.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0, (M_PI_4 * 3.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0, (M_PI_4 * 2.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0, (M_PI_4 * 1.0) - M_PI_4 / 2.0};
	int dir = 0;
	if (angle > pie[0] || angle < -pie[0])
		dir = 4;
	else if (angle > pie[1])
		dir = 3;
	else if (angle > pie[2])
		dir = 2;
	else if (angle > pie[3])
		dir = 1;
	else if (angle < -pie[1])
		dir = 5;
	else if (angle < -pie[2])
		dir = 6;
	else if (angle < -pie[3])
		dir = 7;
	else if (angle < pie[0])
		dir = 0;
	return dir;
 * Gets the origin voxel of a certain action.
 * @param action Battle action.
 * @param tile Pointer to the action tile.
 * @return origin position.
Position TileEngine::getOriginVoxel(BattleAction &action, Tile *tile)
	const int dirYshift[8] = {1, 1, 8, 15,15,15,8, 1};
	const int dirXshift[8] = {8, 14,15,15,8, 1, 1, 1};
	if (!tile)
		tile = action.actor->getTile();
	Position origin = tile->getPosition();
	Tile *tileAbove = _save->getTile(origin + Position(0,0,1));
	Position originVoxel = Position(origin.x*16, origin.y*16, origin.z*24);
	// take into account soldier height and terrain level if the projectile is launched from a soldier
	if (action.actor->getPosition() == origin || action.type != BA_LAUNCH)
		// calculate offset of the starting point of the projectile
		originVoxel.z += -tile->getTerrainLevel();
		originVoxel.z += action.actor->getHeight() + action.actor->getFloatHeight();
		if (action.type == BA_THROW)
			originVoxel.z -= 3;
			originVoxel.z -= 4;
		if (originVoxel.z >= (origin.z + 1)*24)
			if (tileAbove && tileAbove->hasNoFloor(0))
				while (originVoxel.z >= (origin.z + 1)*24)
				originVoxel.z -= 4;
		int direction = getDirectionTo(origin, action.target);
		originVoxel.x += dirXshift[direction]*action.actor->getArmor()->getSize();
		originVoxel.y += dirYshift[direction]*action.actor->getArmor()->getSize();
		// don't take into account soldier height and terrain level if the projectile is not launched from a soldier(from a waypoint)
		originVoxel.x += 8;
		originVoxel.y += 8;
		originVoxel.z += 16;
	return originVoxel;
 * mark a region of the map as "dangerous" for a turn.
 * @param pos is the epicenter of the explosion.
 * @param radius how far to spread out.
 * @param unit the unit that is triggering this action.
void TileEngine::setDangerZone(const Position& pos, int radius, BattleUnit *unit)
	Tile *tile = _save->getTile(pos);
	if (!tile)
	// set the epicenter as dangerous
	Position originVoxel = (pos * Position(16,16,24)) + Position(8,8,12 + -tile->getTerrainLevel());
	Position targetVoxel;
	for (int x = -radius; x != radius; ++x)
		for (int y = -radius; y != radius; ++y)
			// we can skip the epicenter
			if (x != 0 || y != 0)
				// make sure we're within the radius
				if ((x*x)+(y*y) <= (radius*radius))
					tile = _save->getTile(pos + Position(x,y,0));
					if (tile)
						targetVoxel = ((pos + Position(x,y,0)) * Position(16,16,24)) + Position(8,8,12 + -tile->getTerrainLevel());
						std::vector<Position> trajectory;
						// we'll trace a line here, ignoring all units, to check if the explosion will reach this point
						// granted this won't properly account for explosions tearing through walls, but then we can't really
						// know that kind of information before the fact, so let's have the AI assume that the wall (or tree)
						// is enough to protect them.
						if (calculateLine(originVoxel, targetVoxel, false, &trajectory, unit, true, false, unit) == V_EMPTY)
							if (trajectory.size() && (trajectory.back() / Position(16,16,24)) == pos + Position(x,y,0))

V547 Expression 'otherUnit' is always true.

V547 Expression 'power_ > 0' is always true.

V636 The 'center.z / 24' expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;.

V636 The 'center.x / 16' expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;.

V636 The 'center.y / 16' expression was implicitly cast from 'int' type to 'double' type. Consider utilizing an explicit type cast to avoid the loss of a fractional part. An example: double A = (double)(X) / Y;.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(unit->getPosition())'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(test)'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer '_save->getTile(posi)'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 't'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'origin'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'dest'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tileBelow'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'tempTile'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'rt'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items '8', '8', '1' in lines 372, 373, 374.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items '24', '16', '16' in lines 1213, 1214, 1215.

V525 The code contains the collection of similar blocks. Check items '8', '8', '16' in lines 3190, 3191, 3192.

V547 Expression 'direction > 0' is always true.