 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "TextList.h"
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include "../Engine/Action.h"
#include "../Engine/Font.h"
#include "../Engine/Palette.h"
#include "../Engine/Options.h"
#include "ArrowButton.h"
#include "ComboBox.h"
#include "ScrollBar.h"
#include "../fmath.h"
namespace OpenXcom
 * Sets up a blank list with the specified size and position.
 * @param width Width in pixels.
 * @param height Height in pixels.
 * @param x X position in pixels.
 * @param y Y position in pixels.
TextList::TextList(int width, int height, int x, int y) : InteractiveSurface(width, height, x, y), _big(0), _small(0), _font(0), _scroll(0), _visibleRows(0), _selRow(0), _color(0), _dot(false), _selectable(false), _condensed(false), _contrast(false), _wrap(false), _flooding(false),
																								   _bg(0), _selector(0), _margin(0), _scrolling(true), _arrowPos(-1), _scrollPos(4), _arrowType(ARROW_VERTICAL),
																								   _leftClick(0), _leftPress(0), _leftRelease(0), _rightClick(0), _rightPress(0), _rightRelease(0), _arrowsLeftEdge(0), _arrowsRightEdge(0), _comboBox(0)
	_up = new ArrowButton(ARROW_BIG_UP, 13, 14, getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos, getY());
	_down = new ArrowButton(ARROW_BIG_DOWN, 13, 14, getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos, getY() + getHeight() - 14);
	int h = std::max(_down->getY() - _up->getY() - _up->getHeight(), 1);
	_scrollbar = new ScrollBar(_up->getWidth(), h, getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos, _up->getY() + _up->getHeight());
 * Deletes all the stuff contained in the list.
	for (std::vector< std::vector<Text*> >::iterator u = _texts.begin(); u < _texts.end(); ++u)
		for (std::vector<Text*>::iterator v = (*u).begin(); v < (*u).end(); ++v)
			delete *v;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowLeft.begin(); i < _arrowLeft.end(); ++i)
		delete *i;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowRight.begin(); i < _arrowRight.end(); ++i)
		delete *i;
	delete _selector;
	delete _up;
	delete _down;
	delete _scrollbar;
 * Changes the position of the surface in the X axis.
 * @param x X position in pixels.
void TextList::setX(int x)
	_up->setX(getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos);
	_down->setX(getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos);
	_scrollbar->setX(getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos);
	if (_selector != 0)
 * Changes the position of the surface in the Y axis.
 * @param y Y position in pixels.
void TextList::setY(int y)
	_down->setY(getY() + getHeight() - 14);
	_scrollbar->setY(_up->getY() + _up->getHeight());
	if (_selector != 0)
 * Gets the arrowsLeftEdge.
 * @return arrowsLeftEdge.
int TextList::getArrowsLeftEdge()
	return _arrowsLeftEdge;
 * Gets the arrowsRightEdge.
 * @return arrowsRightEdge.
int TextList::getArrowsRightEdge()
	return _arrowsRightEdge;
 * Unpresses all the arrow buttons.
 * @param state Pointer to running state.
void TextList::unpress(State *state)
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowLeft.begin(); i < _arrowLeft.end(); ++i)
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowRight.begin(); i < _arrowRight.end(); ++i)
 * Changes the color of a specific Text object in the list.
 * @param row Row number.
 * @param column Column number.
 * @param color Text color.
void TextList::setCellColor(size_t row, size_t column, Uint8 color)
	_redraw = true;
 * Changes the text color of a whole row in the list.
 * @param row Row number.
 * @param color Text color.
void TextList::setRowColor(size_t row, Uint8 color)
	for (std::vector<Text*>::iterator i = _texts[row].begin(); i < _texts[row].end(); ++i)
	_redraw = true;
 * Returns the text of a specific Text object in the list.
 * @param row Row number.
 * @param column Column number.
 * @return Text string.
std::string TextList::getCellText(size_t row, size_t column) const
	return _texts[row][column]->getText();
 * Changes the text of a specific Text object in the list.
 * @param row Row number.
 * @param column Column number.
 * @param text Text string.
void TextList::setCellText(size_t row, size_t column, const std::string &text)
	_redraw = true;
 * Returns the X position of a specific text column in the list.
 * @param column Column number.
 * @return X position in pixels.
int TextList::getColumnX(size_t column) const
	return getX() + _texts[0][column]->getX();
 * Returns the Y position of a specific text row in the list.
 * @param row Row number.
 * @return Y position in pixels.
int TextList::getRowY(size_t row) const
	return getY() + _texts[row][0]->getY();
 * Returns the height of a specific text row in the list.
 * @param row Row number.
 * @return height in pixels.
int TextList::getTextHeight(size_t row) const
	return _texts[row].front()->getTextHeight();
 * Returns the height of a specific text row in the list.
 * @param row Row number.
 * @return height in pixels.
int TextList::getNumTextLines(size_t row) const
	return _texts[row].front()->getNumLines();
 * Returns the amount of text rows stored in the list.
 * @return Number of rows.
size_t TextList::getTexts() const
	return _texts.size();
 * Returns the amount of physical rows stored in the list.
 * @return Number of rows.
size_t TextList::getRows() const
	return _rows.size();
 * Returns the amount of visible rows stored in the list.
 * @return Number of rows.
size_t TextList::getVisibleRows() const
	return _visibleRows;
 * Adds a new row of text to the list, automatically creating
 * the required Text objects lined up where they need to be.
 * @param cols Number of columns.
 * @param ... Text for each cell in the new row.
void TextList::addRow(int cols, ...)
	va_list args;
	int ncols;
	va_start(args, cols);
	if (cols > 0)
		ncols = cols;
		ncols = 1;
	std::vector<Text*> temp;
	// Positions are relative to list surface.
	int rowX = 0, rowY = 0, rows = 1, rowHeight = 0;
	if (!_texts.empty())
		rowY = _texts.back().front()->getY() + _texts.back().front()->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing();
	for (int i = 0; i < ncols; ++i)
		int width;
		// Place text
		if (_flooding)
			width = 340;
			width = _columns[i];
		Text* txt = new Text(width, _font->getHeight(), _margin + rowX, rowY);
		txt->initText(_big, _small, _lang);
		if (_align[i])
		if (_font == _big)
		if (cols > 0)
			txt->setText(va_arg(args, char*));
		// grab this before we enable word wrapping so we can use it to calculate
		// the total row height below
		int vmargin = _font->getHeight() - txt->getTextHeight();
		// Wordwrap text if necessary
		if (_wrap && txt->getTextWidth() > txt->getWidth())
			txt->setWordWrap(true, true);
			rows = std::max(rows, txt->getNumLines());
		rowHeight = std::max(rowHeight, txt->getTextHeight() + vmargin);
		// Places dots between text
		if (_dot && i < cols - 1)
			std::string buf = txt->getText();
			unsigned int w = txt->getTextWidth();
			while (w < _columns[i])
				if (_align[i] != ALIGN_RIGHT)
				w += _font->getChar('.')->getCrop()->w + _font->getSpacing();
				buf += '.';
				if (_align[i] != ALIGN_LEFT)
					w += _font->getChar('.')->getCrop()->w + _font->getSpacing();
					buf.insert(0, 1, '.');
		if (_condensed)
			rowX += txt->getTextWidth();
			rowX += _columns[i];
	// ensure all elements in this row are the same height
	for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
		_rows.push_back(_texts.size() - 1);
	// Place arrow buttons
	// Position defined w.r.t. main window, NOT TextList.
	if (_arrowPos != -1)
		ArrowShape shape1, shape2;
		if (_arrowType == ARROW_VERTICAL)
			shape1 = ARROW_SMALL_UP;
			shape2 = ARROW_SMALL_DOWN;
			shape1 = ARROW_SMALL_LEFT;
			shape2 = ARROW_SMALL_RIGHT;
		ArrowButton *a1 = new ArrowButton(shape1, 11, 8, getX() + _arrowPos, getY());
		a1->onMouseClick(_leftClick, 0);
		ArrowButton *a2 = new ArrowButton(shape2, 11, 8, getX() + _arrowPos + 12, getY());
		a2->onMouseClick(_rightClick, 0);
	_redraw = true;
 * Changes the columns that the list contains.
 * While rows can be unlimited, columns need to be specified
 * since they can have various widths for lining up the text.
 * @param cols Number of columns.
 * @param ... Width of each column.
void TextList::setColumns(int cols, ...)
	va_list args;
	va_start(args, cols);
	for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
		_columns.push_back(va_arg(args, int));
 * Replaces a certain amount of colors in the palette of all
 * the text contained in the list.
 * @param colors Pointer to the set of colors.
 * @param firstcolor Offset of the first color to replace.
 * @param ncolors Amount of colors to replace.
void TextList::setPalette(SDL_Color *colors, int firstcolor, int ncolors)
	Surface::setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	for (std::vector< std::vector<Text*> >::iterator u = _texts.begin(); u < _texts.end(); ++u)
		for (std::vector<Text*>::iterator v = u->begin(); v < u->end(); ++v)
			(*v)->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowLeft.begin(); i < _arrowLeft.end(); ++i)
		(*i)->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowRight.begin(); i < _arrowRight.end(); ++i)
		(*i)->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	if (_selector != 0)
		_selector->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	_up->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	_down->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
	_scrollbar->setPalette(colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
 * Changes the resources for the text in the list
 * and calculates the selector and visible amount of rows.
 * @param big Pointer to large-size font.
 * @param small Pointer to small-size font.
 * @param lang Pointer to current language.
void TextList::initText(Font *big, Font *small, Language *lang)
	_big = big;
	_small = small;
	_font = small;
	_lang = lang;
	delete _selector;
	_selector = new Surface(getWidth(), _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing(), getX(), getY());
 * Changes the height of the text list.
 * @param height New height in pixels.
void TextList::setHeight(int height)
	int h = std::max(_down->getY() - _up->getY() - _up->getHeight(), 1);
 * Changes the color of the text in the list. This doesn't change
 * the color of existing text, just the color of text added from then on.
 * @param color Color value.
void TextList::setColor(Uint8 color)
	_color = color;
	for (std::vector< std::vector<Text*> >::iterator u = _texts.begin(); u < _texts.end(); ++u)
		for (std::vector<Text*>::iterator v = u->begin(); v < u->end(); ++v)
 * Returns the color of the text in the list.
 * @return Color value.
Uint8 TextList::getColor() const
	return _color;
 * Changes the secondary color of the text in the list.
 * @param color Color value.
void TextList::setSecondaryColor(Uint8 color)
	_color2 = color;
 * Returns the secondary color of the text in the list.
 * @return Color value.
Uint8 TextList::getSecondaryColor() const
	return _color2;
 * Enables/disables text wordwrapping. When enabled, rows can
 * take up multiple lines of the list, otherwise every row
 * is restricted to one line.
 * @param wrap Wordwrapping setting.
void TextList::setWordWrap(bool wrap)
	_wrap = wrap;
 * Enables/disables high contrast color. Mostly used for
 * Battlescape text.
 * @param contrast High contrast setting.
void TextList::setHighContrast(bool contrast)
	_contrast = contrast;
	for (std::vector< std::vector<Text*> >::iterator u = _texts.begin(); u < _texts.end(); ++u)
		for (std::vector<Text*>::iterator v = u->begin(); v < u->end(); ++v)
 * Changes the horizontal alignment of the text in the list. This doesn't change
 * the alignment of existing text, just the alignment of text added from then on.
 * @param align Horizontal alignment.
 * @param col the column to set the alignment for (defaults to -1, meaning "all")
void TextList::setAlign(TextHAlign align, int col)
	if (col == -1)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < _columns.size(); ++i)
			_align[i] = align;
		_align[col] = align;
 * If enabled, the text in different columns will be separated by dots.
 * Otherwise, it will only be separated by blank space.
 * @param dot True for dots, False for spaces.
void TextList::setDot(bool dot)
	_dot = dot;
 * If enabled, the list will respond to player input,
 * highlighting selected rows and receiving clicks.
 * @param selectable Selectable setting.
void TextList::setSelectable(bool selectable)
	_selectable = selectable;
 * Changes the text list to use the big-size font.
void TextList::setBig()
	_font = _big;
	delete _selector;
	_selector = new Surface(getWidth(), _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing(), getX(), getY());
 * Changes the text list to use the small-size font.
void TextList::setSmall()
	_font = _small;
	delete _selector;
	_selector = new Surface(getWidth(), _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing(), getX(), getY());
 * If enabled, the columns will match the text width.
 * Otherwise, they will have a fixed width.
 * @param condensed True for condensed layout, False for table layout.
void TextList::setCondensed(bool condensed)
	_condensed = condensed;
 * Returns the currently selected row if the text
 * list is selectable.
 * @return Selected row, -1 if none.
unsigned int TextList::getSelectedRow() const
	if (_rows.empty() || _selRow >= _rows.size())
		return -1;
		return _rows[_selRow];
 * Changes the surface used to draw the background of the selector.
 * @param bg New background.
void TextList::setBackground(Surface *bg)
	_bg = bg;
 * Changes the horizontal margin placed around the text.
 * @param margin Margin in pixels.
void TextList::setMargin(int margin)
	_margin = margin;
 * Returns the margin of the text in the list.
 * @return Margin in pixels.
int TextList::getMargin() const
	return _margin;
 * Changes the color of the arrow buttons in the list.
 * @param color Color value.
void TextList::setArrowColor(Uint8 color)
 * Sets the position of the column of arrow buttons
 * in the text list.
 * @param pos X in pixels (-1 to disable).
 * @param type Arrow orientation type.
void TextList::setArrowColumn(int pos, ArrowOrientation type)
	_arrowPos = pos;
	_arrowType = type;
	_arrowsLeftEdge = getX() + _arrowPos;
	_arrowsRightEdge = _arrowsLeftEdge + 12 + 11;
 * Sets a function to be called every time the left arrows are mouse clicked.
 * @param handler Action handler.
void TextList::onLeftArrowClick(ActionHandler handler)
	_leftClick = handler;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowLeft.begin(); i < _arrowLeft.end(); ++i)
		(*i)->onMouseClick(handler, 0);
 * Sets a function to be called every time the left arrows are mouse pressed.
 * @param handler Action handler.
void TextList::onLeftArrowPress(ActionHandler handler)
	_leftPress = handler;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowLeft.begin(); i < _arrowLeft.end(); ++i)
 * Sets a function to be called every time the left arrows are mouse released.
 * @param handler Action handler.
void TextList::onLeftArrowRelease(ActionHandler handler)
	_leftRelease = handler;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowLeft.begin(); i < _arrowLeft.end(); ++i)
 * Sets a function to be called every time the right arrows are mouse clicked.
 * @param handler Action handler.
void TextList::onRightArrowClick(ActionHandler handler)
	_rightClick = handler;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowRight.begin(); i < _arrowRight.end(); ++i)
		(*i)->onMouseClick(handler, 0);
 * Sets a function to be called every time the right arrows are mouse pressed.
 * @param handler Action handler.
void TextList::onRightArrowPress(ActionHandler handler)
	_rightPress = handler;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowRight.begin(); i < _arrowRight.end(); ++i)
 * Sets a function to be called every time the right arrows are mouse released.
 * @param handler Action handler.
void TextList::onRightArrowRelease(ActionHandler handler)
	_rightRelease = handler;
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowRight.begin(); i < _arrowRight.end(); ++i)
 * Removes all the rows currently stored in the list.
void TextList::clearList()
	for (std::vector< std::vector<Text*> >::iterator u = _texts.begin(); u < _texts.end(); ++u)
		for (std::vector<Text*>::iterator v = u->begin(); v < u->end(); ++v)
			delete (*v);
	scrollUp(true, false);
	_redraw = true;
 * Scrolls the text in the list up by one row or to the top.
 * @param toMax If true then scrolls to the top of the list. false => one row up
 * @param scrollByWheel If true then use wheel scroll, otherwise scroll normally.
void TextList::scrollUp(bool toMax, bool scrollByWheel)
	if (!_scrolling)
	if (_rows.size() > _visibleRows && _scroll > 0)
		if (toMax)
			if (scrollByWheel)
				scrollTo(_scroll - std::min((size_t)(Options::mousewheelSpeed), _scroll));
				scrollTo(_scroll - 1);
 * Scrolls the text in the list down by one row or to the bottom.
 * @param toMax If true then scrolls to the bottom of the list. false => one row down
 * @param scrollByWheel If true then use wheel scroll, otherwise scroll normally.
void TextList::scrollDown(bool toMax, bool scrollByWheel)
	if (!_scrolling)
	if (_rows.size() > _visibleRows && _scroll < _rows.size() - _visibleRows)
		if (toMax)
			scrollTo(_rows.size() - _visibleRows);
			if (scrollByWheel)
				scrollTo(_scroll + Options::mousewheelSpeed);
				scrollTo(_scroll + 1);
 * Updates the visibility of the arrow buttons according to
 * the current scroll position.
void TextList::updateArrows()
	_up->setVisible(_rows.size() > _visibleRows /*&& _scroll > 0*/);
	_down->setVisible(_rows.size() > _visibleRows /*&& _scroll < _rows.size() - _visibleRows*/);
	_scrollbar->setVisible(_rows.size() > _visibleRows);
 * Updates the amount of visible rows according to the
 * current list and font size.
void TextList::updateVisible()
	_visibleRows = 0;
	for (int y = 0; y < getHeight(); y += _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing())
 * Changes whether the list can be scrolled.
 * @param scrolling True to allow scrolling, false otherwise.
 * @param scrollPos Custom X position for the scroll buttons.
void TextList::setScrolling(bool scrolling, int scrollPos)
	_scrolling = scrolling;
	if (scrollPos != _scrollPos)
		_scrollPos = scrollPos;
		_up->setX(getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos);
		_down->setX(getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos);
		_scrollbar->setX(getX() + getWidth() + _scrollPos);
 * Draws the text list and all the text contained within.
void TextList::draw()
	int y = 0;
	if (!_rows.empty())
		// for wrapped items, offset the draw height above the visible surface
		// so that the correct row appears at the top
		for (int row = _scroll; row > 0 && _rows[row] == _rows[row - 1]; --row)
			y -= _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing();
		for (size_t i = _rows[_scroll]; i < _texts.size() && i < _rows[_scroll] + _visibleRows; ++i)
			for (std::vector<Text*>::iterator j = _texts[i].begin(); j < _texts[i].end(); ++j)
			if (!_texts[i].empty())
				y += _texts[i].front()->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing();
				y += _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing();
 * Blits the text list and selector.
 * @param surface Pointer to surface to blit onto.
void TextList::blit(Surface *surface)
	if (_visible && !_hidden)
	if (_visible && !_hidden)
		if (_arrowPos != -1 && !_rows.empty())
			int y = getY();
			for (int row = _scroll; row > 0 && _rows[row] == _rows[row - 1]; --row)
				y -= _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing();
			int maxY = getY() + getHeight();
			for (size_t i = _rows[_scroll]; i < _texts.size() && i < _rows[_scroll] + _visibleRows && y < maxY; ++i)
				if (y >= getY())
					// only blit arrows that belong to texts that have their first row on-screen
				if (!_texts[i].empty())
					y += _texts[i].front()->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing();
					y += _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing();
 * Passes events to arrow buttons.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void TextList::handle(Action *action, State *state)
	InteractiveSurface::handle(action, state);
	_up->handle(action, state);
	_down->handle(action, state);
	_scrollbar->handle(action, state);
	if (_arrowPos != -1 && !_rows.empty())
		size_t startArrowIdx = _rows[_scroll];
		if (0 < _scroll && _rows[_scroll] == _rows[_scroll - 1])
			// arrows for first partially-visible line of text are off-screen; don't process them
		size_t endArrowIdx = _rows[_scroll] + 1;
		size_t endRow = std::min(_rows.size(), _scroll + _visibleRows);
		for (size_t i = _scroll + 1; i < endRow; ++i)
			if (_rows[i] != _rows[i - 1])
		for (size_t i = startArrowIdx; i < endArrowIdx; ++i)
			_arrowLeft[i]->handle(action, state);
			_arrowRight[i]->handle(action, state);
 * Passes ticks to arrow buttons.
void TextList::think()
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowLeft.begin(); i < _arrowLeft.end(); ++i)
	for (std::vector<ArrowButton*>::iterator i = _arrowRight.begin(); i < _arrowRight.end(); ++i)
 * Ignores any mouse clicks that aren't on a row.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void TextList::mousePress(Action *action, State *state)
	bool allowScroll = true;
	if (Options::changeValueByMouseWheel != 0)
		allowScroll = (action->getAbsoluteXMouse() < _arrowsLeftEdge || action->getAbsoluteXMouse() > _arrowsRightEdge);
	if (allowScroll)
		if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP) scrollUp(false, true);
		else if (action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN) scrollDown(false, true);
	if (_selectable)
		if (_selRow < _rows.size())
			InteractiveSurface::mousePress(action, state);
		InteractiveSurface::mousePress(action, state);
 * Ignores any mouse clicks that aren't on a row.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void TextList::mouseRelease(Action *action, State *state)
	if (_selectable)
		if (_selRow < _rows.size())
			InteractiveSurface::mouseRelease(action, state);
		InteractiveSurface::mouseRelease(action, state);
 * Ignores any mouse clicks that aren't on a row.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void TextList::mouseClick(Action *action, State *state)
	if (_selectable)
		if (_selRow < _rows.size())
			InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(action, state);
			if (_comboBox && action->getDetails()->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
		InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(action, state);
 * Selects the row the mouse is over.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void TextList::mouseOver(Action *action, State *state)
	if (_selectable)
		int rowHeight = _font->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing(); //theoretical line height
		_selRow = std::max(0, (int)(_scroll + (int)floor(action->getRelativeYMouse() / (rowHeight * action->getYScale()))));
		if (_selRow < _rows.size())
			Text *selText = _texts[_rows[_selRow]].front();
			int y = getY() + selText->getY();
			int actualHeight = selText->getHeight() + _font->getSpacing(); //current line height
			if (y < getY() || y + actualHeight > getY() + getHeight())
				actualHeight /= 2;
			if (y < getY())
				y = getY();
			if (_selector->getHeight() != actualHeight)
				// resizing doesn't work, but recreating does, so let's do that!
				delete _selector;
				_selector = new Surface(getWidth(), actualHeight, getX(), y);
			if (_contrast)
			else if (_comboBox)
				_selector->offset(+1, Palette::backPos);
	InteractiveSurface::mouseOver(action, state);
 * Deselects the row.
 * @param action Pointer to an action.
 * @param state State that the action handlers belong to.
void TextList::mouseOut(Action *action, State *state)
	if (_selectable)
	InteractiveSurface::mouseOut(action, state);
 * get the scroll depth.
 * @return scroll depth.
size_t TextList::getScroll()
	return _scroll;
 * set the scroll depth.
 * @param scroll set the scroll depth to this.
void TextList::scrollTo(size_t scroll)
	if (!_scrolling)
	_scroll = Clamp(scroll, (size_t)(0), _rows.size() - _visibleRows);
	draw(); // can't just set _redraw here because reasons
 * Hooks up the button to work as part of an existing combobox,
 * updating the selection when it's pressed.
 * @param comboBox Pointer to combobox.
void TextList::setComboBox(ComboBox *comboBox)
	_comboBox = comboBox;
 * Gets the combobox that this list is attached to, if any.
 * @return the attached combobox.
ComboBox *TextList::getComboBox() const
	return _comboBox;
void TextList::setBorderColor(Uint8 color)
int TextList::getScrollbarColor()
	return _scrollbar->getColor();
void TextList::setFlooding(bool flooding)
	_flooding = flooding;

V768 The expression '_align[i]' is of enum type. It is odd that it is used as an expression of a Boolean-type.

V1026 The 'y' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V1026 The 'y' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V1026 The 'y' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V1026 The 'y' variable is incremented in the loop. Undefined behavior will occur in case of signed integer overflow.

V524 It is odd that the body of 'setBorderColor' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'setArrowColor' function.