* Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
* This file is part of OpenXcom.
* OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with OpenXcom. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "Surface.h"
#include "ShaderDraw.h"
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <SDL_gfxPrimitives.h>
#include <SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL_endian.h>
#include "../lodepng.h"
#include "Palette.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "Logger.h"
#include "ShaderMove.h"
#include "Unicode.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <malloc.h>
#if defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR)
#define _aligned_malloc __mingw_aligned_malloc
#define _aligned_free __mingw_aligned_free
#endif //MINGW
#ifdef __MORPHOS__
#include <ppcinline/exec.h>
namespace OpenXcom
* Helper function counting pitch in bytes with 16byte padding
* @param bpp bits per pixel
* @param width number of pixel in row
* @return pitch in bytes
inline int GetPitch(int bpp, int width)
return ((bpp/8) * width + 15) & ~0xF;
* Helper function creating aligned buffer
* @param bpp bits per pixel
* @param width number of pixel in row
* @param height number of rows
* @return pointer to memory
inline void* NewAligned(int bpp, int width, int height)
const int pitch = GetPitch(bpp, width);
const int total = pitch * height;
void* buffer = 0;
#ifndef _WIN32
#ifdef __MORPHOS__
buffer = calloc( total, 1 );
if (!buffer)
throw Exception("Failed to allocate surface");
int rc;
if ((rc = posix_memalign(&buffer, 16, total)))
throw Exception(strerror(rc));
// of course Windows has to be difficult about this!
buffer = _aligned_malloc(total, 16);
if (!buffer)
throw Exception("Failed to allocate surface");
memset(buffer, 0, total);
return buffer;
* Helper function release aligned memory
* @param buffer buffer to delete
inline void DeleteAligned(void* buffer)
if (buffer)
#ifdef _WIN32
} //namespace
* Sets up a blank 8bpp surface with the specified size and position,
* with pure black as the transparent color.
* @note Surfaces don't have to fill the whole size since their
* background is transparent, specially subclasses with their own
* drawing logic, so it just covers the maximum drawing area.
* @param width Width in pixels.
* @param height Height in pixels.
* @param x X position in pixels.
* @param y Y position in pixels.
* @param bpp Bits-per-pixel depth.
Surface::Surface(int width, int height, int x, int y, int bpp) : _x(x), _y(y), _visible(true), _hidden(false), _redraw(false), _tftdMode(false), _alignedBuffer(0)
_alignedBuffer = NewAligned(bpp, width, height);
_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(_alignedBuffer, width, height, bpp, GetPitch(bpp, width), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (_surface == 0)
throw Exception(SDL_GetError());
SDL_SetColorKey(_surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0);
_crop.w = 0;
_crop.h = 0;
_crop.x = 0;
_crop.y = 0;
_clear.x = 0;
_clear.y = 0;
_clear.w = getWidth();
_clear.h = getHeight();
* Performs a deep copy of an existing surface.
* @param other Surface to copy from.
Surface::Surface(const Surface& other)
//if is native OpenXcom aligned surface
if (other._alignedBuffer)
Uint8 bpp = other._surface->format->BitsPerPixel;
int width = other.getWidth();
int height = other.getHeight();
int pitch = GetPitch(bpp, width);
_alignedBuffer = NewAligned(bpp, width, height);
_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(_alignedBuffer, width, height, bpp, pitch, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SDL_SetColorKey(_surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0);
//cant call `setPalette` because its virtual function and it dont work correctly in constructor
SDL_SetColors(_surface, other.getPalette(), 0, 255);
memcpy(_alignedBuffer, other._alignedBuffer, height*pitch);
_surface = SDL_ConvertSurface(other._surface, other._surface->format, other._surface->flags);
_alignedBuffer = 0;
if (_surface == 0)
throw Exception(SDL_GetError());
_x = other._x;
_y = other._y;
_crop.w = other._crop.w;
_crop.h = other._crop.h;
_crop.x = other._crop.x;
_crop.y = other._crop.y;
_clear.w = other._clear.w;
_clear.h = other._clear.h;
_clear.x = other._clear.x;
_clear.y = other._clear.y;
_visible = other._visible;
_hidden = other._hidden;
_redraw = other._redraw;
_tftdMode = other._tftdMode;
* Deletes the surface from memory.
* Performs a fast copy of a pixel array, accounting for pitch.
* @param src Source array.
template <typename T>
void Surface::rawCopy(const std::vector<T> &src)
// Copy whole thing
if (_surface->pitch == _surface->w)
size_t end = std::min(size_t(_surface->w * _surface->h * _surface->format->BytesPerPixel), src.size());
std::copy(src.begin(), src.begin() + end, (T*)_surface->pixels);
// Copy row by row
for (int y = 0; y < _surface->h; ++y)
size_t begin = y * _surface->w;
size_t end = std::min(begin + _surface->w, src.size());
if (begin >= src.size())
std::copy(src.begin() + begin, src.begin() + end, (T*)getRaw(0, y));
* Loads a raw array of pixels into the surface. The pixels must be
* in the same BPP as the surface.
* @param bytes Pixel array.
void Surface::loadRaw(const std::vector<unsigned char> &bytes)
* Loads a raw array of pixels into the surface. The pixels must be
* in the same BPP as the surface.
* @param bytes Pixel array.
void Surface::loadRaw(const std::vector<char> &bytes)
* Loads the contents of an X-Com SCR image file into
* the surface. SCR files are simply uncompressed images
* containing the palette offset of each pixel.
* @param filename Filename of the SCR image.
* @sa http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Image_Formats#SCR_.26_DAT
void Surface::loadScr(const std::string &filename)
// Load file and put pixels in surface
std::ifstream imgFile(filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
if (!imgFile)
throw Exception(filename + " not found");
std::vector<char> buffer((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(imgFile)), (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()));
* Loads the contents of an image file of a
* known format into the surface.
* @param filename Filename of the image.
void Surface::loadImage(const std::string &filename)
// Destroy current surface (will be replaced)
_alignedBuffer = 0;
_surface = 0;
Log(LOG_VERBOSE) << "Loading image: " << filename;
// Try loading with LodePNG first
if (CrossPlatform::compareExt(filename, "png"))
std::vector<unsigned char> png;
unsigned error = lodepng::load_file(png, filename);
if (!error)
std::vector<unsigned char> image;
unsigned width, height;
lodepng::State state;
state.decoder.color_convert = 0;
error = lodepng::decode(image, width, height, state, png);
if (!error)
LodePNGColorMode *color = &state.info_png.color;
unsigned bpp = lodepng_get_bpp(color);
if (bpp == 8)
_alignedBuffer = NewAligned(bpp, width, height);
_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(_alignedBuffer, width, height, bpp, GetPitch(bpp, width), 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (_surface)
setPalette((SDL_Color*)color->palette, 0, color->palettesize);
int transparent = 0;
for (int c = 0; c < _surface->format->palette->ncolors; ++c)
SDL_Color *palColor = _surface->format->palette->colors + c;
if (palColor->unused == 0)
transparent = c;
SDL_SetColorKey(_surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, transparent);
// Otherwise default to SDL_Image
if (!_surface)
std::string utf8 = Unicode::convPathToUtf8(filename);
_surface = IMG_Load(utf8.c_str());
if (!_surface)
std::string err = filename + ":" + IMG_GetError();
throw Exception(err);
_clear.w = getWidth();
_clear.h = getHeight();
* Loads the contents of an X-Com SPK image file into
* the surface. SPK files are compressed with a custom
* algorithm since they're usually full-screen images.
* @param filename Filename of the SPK image.
* @sa http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Image_Formats#SPK
void Surface::loadSpk(const std::string &filename)
// Load file and put pixels in surface
std::ifstream imgFile (filename.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!imgFile)
throw Exception(filename + " not found");
// Lock the surface
Uint16 flag;
Uint8 value;
int x = 0, y = 0;
while (imgFile.read((char*)&flag, sizeof(flag)))
flag = SDL_SwapLE16(flag);
if (flag == 65535)
imgFile.read((char*)&flag, sizeof(flag));
flag = SDL_SwapLE16(flag);
for (int i = 0; i < flag * 2; ++i)
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, 0);
else if (flag == 65534)
imgFile.read((char*)&flag, sizeof(flag));
flag = SDL_SwapLE16(flag);
for (int i = 0; i < flag * 2; ++i)
imgFile.read((char*)&value, 1);
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, value);
// Unlock the surface
* Loads the contents of a TFTD BDY image file into
* the surface. BDY files are compressed with a custom
* algorithm.
* @param filename Filename of the BDY image.
* @sa http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Image_Formats#BDY
void Surface::loadBdy(const std::string &filename)
// Load file and put pixels in surface
std::ifstream imgFile (filename.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!imgFile)
throw Exception(filename + " not found");
// Lock the surface
Uint8 dataByte;
int pixelCnt;
int x = 0, y = 0;
int currentRow = 0;
while (imgFile.read((char*)&dataByte, sizeof(dataByte)))
if (dataByte >= 129)
pixelCnt = 257 - (int)dataByte;
imgFile.read((char*)&dataByte, sizeof(dataByte));
currentRow = y;
for (int i = 0; i < pixelCnt; ++i)
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, dataByte);
if (currentRow != y) // avoid overscan into next row
pixelCnt = 1 + (int)dataByte;
currentRow = y;
for (int i = 0; i < pixelCnt; ++i)
imgFile.read((char*)&dataByte, sizeof(dataByte));
if (currentRow == y) // avoid overscan into next row
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, dataByte);
// Unlock the surface
* Clears the entire contents of the surface, resulting
* in a blank image of the specified color. (0 for transparent)
* @param color the colour for the background of the surface.
void Surface::clear(Uint32 color)
if (_surface->flags & SDL_SWSURFACE) memset(_surface->pixels, color, _surface->h*_surface->pitch);
else SDL_FillRect(_surface, &_clear, color);
* Shifts all the colors in the surface by a set amount.
* This is a common method in 8bpp games to simulate color
* effects for cheap.
* @param off Amount to shift.
* @param min Minimum color to shift to.
* @param max Maximum color to shift to.
* @param mul Shift multiplier.
void Surface::offset(int off, int min, int max, int mul)
if (off == 0)
// Lock the surface
for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < getWidth() && y < getHeight();)
Uint8 pixel = getPixel(x, y);
int p;
if (off > 0)
p = pixel * mul + off;
p = (pixel + off) / mul;
if (min != -1 && p < min)
p = min;
else if (max != -1 && p > max)
p = max;
if (pixel > 0)
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, p);
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, 0);
// Unlock the surface
* Shifts all the colors in the surface by a set amount, but
* keeping them inside a fixed-size color block chunk.
* @param off Amount to shift.
* @param blk Color block size.
* @param mul Shift multiplier.
void Surface::offsetBlock(int off, int blk, int mul)
if (off == 0)
// Lock the surface
for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < getWidth() && y < getHeight();)
Uint8 pixel = getPixel(x, y);
int min = pixel / blk * blk;
int max = min + blk;
int p;
if (off > 0)
p = pixel * mul + off;
p = (pixel + off) / mul;
if (min != -1 && p < min)
p = min;
else if (max != -1 && p > max)
p = max;
if (pixel > 0)
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, p);
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, 0);
// Unlock the surface
* Inverts all the colors in the surface according to a middle point.
* Used for effects like shifting a button between pressed and unpressed.
* @param mid Middle point.
void Surface::invert(Uint8 mid)
// Lock the surface
for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < getWidth() && y < getHeight();)
Uint8 pixel = getPixel(x, y);
if (pixel > 0)
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, pixel + 2 * ((int)mid - (int)pixel));
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, 0);
// Unlock the surface
* Runs any code the surface needs to keep updating every
* game cycle, like animations and other real-time elements.
void Surface::think()
* Draws the graphic that the surface contains before it
* gets blitted onto other surfaces. The surface is only
* redrawn if the flag is set by a property change, to
* avoid unnecessary drawing.
void Surface::draw()
_redraw = false;
* Blits this surface onto another one, with its position
* relative to the top-left corner of the target surface.
* The cropping rectangle controls the portion of the surface
* that is blitted.
* @param surface Pointer to surface to blit onto.
void Surface::blit(Surface *surface)
if (_visible && !_hidden)
if (_redraw)
SDL_Rect* cropper;
SDL_Rect target;
if (_crop.w == 0 && _crop.h == 0)
cropper = 0;
cropper = &_crop;
target.x = getX();
target.y = getY();
SDL_BlitSurface(_surface, cropper, surface->getSurface(), &target);
* Copies the exact contents of another surface onto this one.
* Only the content that would overlap both surfaces is copied, in
* accordance with their positions. This is handy for applying
* effects over another surface without modifying the original.
* @param surface Pointer to surface to copy from.
void Surface::copy(Surface *surface)
SDL_BlitSurface uses colour matching,
and is therefor unreliable as a means
to copy the contents of one surface to another
instead we have to do this manually
SDL_Rect from;
from.x = getX() - surface->getX();
from.y = getY() - surface->getY();
from.w = getWidth();
from.h = getHeight();
SDL_BlitSurface(surface->getSurface(), &from, _surface, 0);
const int from_x = getX() - surface->getX();
const int from_y = getY() - surface->getY();
for (int x = 0, y = 0; x < getWidth() && y < getHeight();)
Uint8 pixel = surface->getPixel(from_x + x, from_y + y);
setPixelIterative(&x, &y, pixel);
* Draws a filled rectangle on the surface.
* @param rect Pointer to Rect.
* @param color Color of the rectangle.
void Surface::drawRect(SDL_Rect *rect, Uint8 color)
SDL_FillRect(_surface, rect, color);
* Draws a filled rectangle on the surface.
* @param x X position in pixels.
* @param y Y position in pixels.
* @param w Width in pixels.
* @param h Height in pixels.
* @param color Color of the rectangle.
void Surface::drawRect(Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 w, Sint16 h, Uint8 color)
SDL_Rect rect;
rect.w = w;
rect.h = h;
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
SDL_FillRect(_surface, &rect, color);
* Draws a line on the surface.
* @param x1 Start x coordinate in pixels.
* @param y1 Start y coordinate in pixels.
* @param x2 End x coordinate in pixels.
* @param y2 End y coordinate in pixels.
* @param color Color of the line.
void Surface::drawLine(Sint16 x1, Sint16 y1, Sint16 x2, Sint16 y2, Uint8 color)
lineColor(_surface, x1, y1, x2, y2, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
* Draws a filled circle on the surface.
* @param x X coordinate in pixels.
* @param y Y coordinate in pixels.
* @param r Radius in pixels.
* @param color Color of the circle.
void Surface::drawCircle(Sint16 x, Sint16 y, Sint16 r, Uint8 color)
filledCircleColor(_surface, x, y, r, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
* Draws a filled polygon on the surface.
* @param x Array of x coordinates.
* @param y Array of y coordinates.
* @param n Number of points.
* @param color Color of the polygon.
void Surface::drawPolygon(Sint16 *x, Sint16 *y, int n, Uint8 color)
filledPolygonColor(_surface, x, y, n, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
* Draws a textured polygon on the surface.
* @param x Array of x coordinates.
* @param y Array of y coordinates.
* @param n Number of points.
* @param texture Texture for polygon.
* @param dx X offset of texture relative to the screen.
* @param dy Y offset of texture relative to the screen.
void Surface::drawTexturedPolygon(Sint16 *x, Sint16 *y, int n, Surface *texture, int dx, int dy)
texturedPolygon(_surface, x, y, n, texture->getSurface(), dx, dy);
* Draws a text string on the surface.
* @param x X coordinate in pixels.
* @param y Y coordinate in pixels.
* @param s Character string to draw.
* @param color Color of string.
void Surface::drawString(Sint16 x, Sint16 y, const char *s, Uint8 color)
stringColor(_surface, x, y, s, Palette::getRGBA(getPalette(), color));
* Changes the position of the surface in the X axis.
* @param x X position in pixels.
void Surface::setX(int x)
_x = x;
* Changes the position of the surface in the Y axis.
* @param y Y position in pixels.
void Surface::setY(int y)
_y = y;
* Changes the visibility of the surface. A hidden surface
* isn't blitted nor receives events.
* @param visible New visibility.
void Surface::setVisible(bool visible)
_visible = visible;
* Returns the visible state of the surface.
* @return Current visibility.
bool Surface::getVisible() const
return _visible;
* Resets the cropping rectangle set for this surface,
* so the whole surface is blitted.
void Surface::resetCrop()
_crop.w = 0;
_crop.h = 0;
_crop.x = 0;
_crop.y = 0;
* Returns the cropping rectangle for this surface.
* @return Pointer to the cropping rectangle.
SDL_Rect *Surface::getCrop()
return &_crop;
* Replaces a certain amount of colors in the surface's palette.
* @param colors Pointer to the set of colors.
* @param firstcolor Offset of the first color to replace.
* @param ncolors Amount of colors to replace.
void Surface::setPalette(SDL_Color *colors, int firstcolor, int ncolors)
if (_surface->format->BitsPerPixel == 8)
SDL_SetColors(_surface, colors, firstcolor, ncolors);
* This is a separate visibility setting intended
* for temporary effects like window popups,
* so as to not override the default visibility setting.
* @note Do not confuse with setVisible!
* @param hidden Shown or hidden.
void Surface::setHidden(bool hidden)
_hidden = hidden;
* Locks the surface from outside access
* for pixel-level access. Must be unlocked
* afterwards.
* @sa unlock()
void Surface::lock()
* Unlocks the surface after it's been locked
* to resume blitting operations.
* @sa lock()
void Surface::unlock()
* help class used for Surface::blitNShade
struct ColorReplace
* Function used by ShaderDraw in Surface::blitNShade
* set shade and replace color in that surface
* @param dest destination pixel
* @param src source pixel
* @param shade value of shade of this surface
* @param newColor new color to set (it should be offseted by 4)
static inline void func(Uint8& dest, const Uint8& src, const int& shade, const int& newColor, const int&)
if (src)
const int newShade = (src&15) + shade;
if (newShade > 15)
// so dark it would flip over to another color - make it black instead
dest = 15;
dest = newColor | newShade;
* help class used for Surface::blitNShade
struct StandardShade
* Function used by ShaderDraw in Surface::blitNShade
* set shade
* @param dest destination pixel
* @param src source pixel
* @param shade value of shade of this surface
* @param notused
* @param notused
static inline void func(Uint8& dest, const Uint8& src, const int& shade, const int&, const int&)
if (src)
const int newShade = (src&15) + shade;
if (newShade > 15)
// so dark it would flip over to another color - make it black instead
dest = 15;
dest = (src&(15<<4)) | newShade;
* Specific blit function to blit battlescape terrain data in different shades in a fast way.
* Notice there is no surface locking here - you have to make sure you lock the surface yourself
* at the start of blitting and unlock it when done.
* @param surface to blit to
* @param x
* @param y
* @param off
* @param half some tiles are blitted only the right half
* @param newBaseColor Attention: the actual color + 1, because 0 is no new base color.
void Surface::blitNShade(Surface *surface, int x, int y, int off, bool half, int newBaseColor)
ShaderMove<Uint8> src(this, x, y);
if (half)
GraphSubset g = src.getDomain();
g.beg_x = g.end_x/2;
if (newBaseColor)
newBaseColor <<= 4;
ShaderDraw<ColorReplace>(ShaderSurface(surface), src, ShaderScalar(off), ShaderScalar(newBaseColor));
ShaderDraw<StandardShade>(ShaderSurface(surface), src, ShaderScalar(off));
* Specific blit function to blit battlescape terrain data in different shades in a fast way.
* @param surface destination blit to
* @param x
* @param y
* @param shade shade offset
* @param range area that limit draw surface
void Surface::blitNShade(Surface *surface, int x, int y, int shade, GraphSubset range)
ShaderMove<Uint8> src(this, x, y);
ShaderMove<Uint8> dest(surface);
ShaderDraw<StandardShade>(dest, src, ShaderScalar(shade));
* Set the surface to be redrawn.
* @param valid true means redraw.
void Surface::invalidate(bool valid)
_redraw = valid;
* Returns the help description of this surface,
* for example for showing in tooltips.
* @return String ID.
std::string Surface::getTooltip() const
return _tooltip;
* Changes the help description of this surface,
* for example for showing in tooltips.
* @param tooltip String ID.
void Surface::setTooltip(const std::string &tooltip)
_tooltip = tooltip;
* Recreates the surface with a new size.
* Old contents will not be altered, and may be
* cropped to fit the new size.
* @param width Width in pixels.
* @param height Height in pixels.
void Surface::resize(int width, int height)
// Set up new surface
Uint8 bpp = _surface->format->BitsPerPixel;
int pitch = GetPitch(bpp, width);
void *alignedBuffer = NewAligned(bpp, width, height);
SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(alignedBuffer, width, height, bpp, pitch, 0, 0, 0, 0);
if (surface == 0)
throw Exception(SDL_GetError());
// Copy old contents
SDL_SetColorKey(surface, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, 0);
SDL_SetColors(surface, getPalette(), 0, 256);
SDL_BlitSurface(_surface, 0, surface, 0);
// Delete old surface
_alignedBuffer = alignedBuffer;
_surface = surface;
_clear.w = getWidth();
_clear.h = getHeight();
* Changes the width of the surface.
* @warning This is not a trivial setter!
* It will force the surface to be recreated for the new size.
* @param width New width in pixels.
void Surface::setWidth(int width)
resize(width, getHeight());
_redraw = true;
* Changes the height of the surface.
* @warning This is not a trivial setter!
* It will force the surface to be recreated for the new size.
* @param height New height in pixels.
void Surface::setHeight(int height)
resize(getWidth(), height);
_redraw = true;
* TFTD mode: much like click inversion, but does a colour swap rather than a palette shift.
* @param mode set TFTD mode to this.
void Surface::setTFTDMode(bool mode)
_tftdMode = mode;
* checks TFTD mode.
* @return TFTD mode.
bool Surface::isTFTDMode() const
return _tftdMode;
↑ V547 Expression '_surface->flags & 0x00000000' is always false.