 * Copyright 2010-2016 OpenXcom Developers.
 * This file is part of OpenXcom.
 * OpenXcom is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * OpenXcom is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with OpenXcom.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "SoundSet.h"
#include "CatFile.h"
#include "Sound.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <climits>
namespace OpenXcom
 * Sets up a new empty sound set.
SoundSet::SoundSet() : _sharedSounds(INT_MAX)
 * Deletes the sounds from memory.
	for (std::map<int, Sound*>::iterator i = _sounds.begin(); i != _sounds.end(); ++i)
		delete i->second;
 * Converts a 8Khz sample to 11Khz.
 * @param oldsound Pointer to original sample buffer.
 * @param oldsize Original buffer size.
 * @param newsound Pointer to converted sample buffer.
 * @return Converted buffer size.
int SoundSet::convertSampleRate(Uint8 *oldsound, unsigned int oldsize, Uint8 *newsound) const
	const Uint32 step16 = (8000 << 16) / 11025;
	int newsize = 0;
	for (Uint32 offset16 = 0; (offset16 >> 16) < oldsize; offset16 += step16, ++newsound, ++newsize)
		*newsound = oldsound[offset16 >> 16];
	return newsize;
 * Loads the contents of an X-Com CAT file which usually contains
 * a set of sound files. The CAT starts with an index of the offset
 * and size of every file contained within. Each file consists of a
 * filename followed by its contents.
 * @param filename Filename of the CAT set.
 * @param wav Are the sounds in WAV format?
 * @sa http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=SOUND
void SoundSet::loadCat(const std::string &filename, bool wav)
	// Load CAT file
	CatFile sndFile (filename.c_str());
	if (!sndFile)
		throw Exception(filename + " not found");
	// Load each sound file
	for (int i = 0; i < sndFile.getAmount(); ++i)
		// Read WAV chunk
		unsigned char *sound = (unsigned char*) sndFile.load(i);
		unsigned int size = sndFile.getObjectSize(i);
		// If there's no WAV header (44 bytes), add it
		// Assuming sounds are 6-bit 8000Hz (DOS version)
		unsigned char *newsound = 0;
		const int headerSize = 44;
		if (!wav)
			if (size > 5) size -= 5; // skip 5 garbage name bytes at beginning
			if (size) size--; // omit trailing null byte
			if (size != 0)
				char header[] = {'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E', 'f', 'm', 't', ' ',
								 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x11, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00,
								 'd', 'a', 't', 'a', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
				// scale to 8 bits
				for (unsigned int n = 0; n < size; ++n) sound[5 + n] *= 4;
				// copy and do the conversion...
				newsound = new unsigned char[headerSize + size*2];
				memcpy(newsound, header, headerSize);
				memcpy(newsound + headerSize, sound + 5, size);
				int newsize = convertSampleRate(sound + 5, size, newsound + headerSize);
				size = newsize + headerSize;
				// Rewrite the number of samples in the WAV file
				int headersize = newsize + 36;
				int soundsize = newsize;
				memcpy(newsound + 4, &headersize, sizeof(headersize));
				memcpy(newsound + 40, &soundsize, sizeof(soundsize));
		// so it's WAV, but in 8 khz, we have to convert it to 11 khz sound
		else if (0x40 == sound[0x18] && 0x1F == sound[0x19] && 0x00 == sound[0x1A] && 0x00 == sound[0x1B])
			unsigned char *sound2 = new unsigned char[size*2];
			// rewrite the samplerate in the header to 11 khz
			sound[0x18]=0x11; sound[0x19]=0x2B; sound[0x1C]=0x11; sound[0x1D]=0x2B;
			// copy and do the conversion...
			memcpy(sound2, sound, size);
			int newsize = convertSampleRate(sound + headerSize, size - headerSize, sound2 + headerSize);
			size = newsize + headerSize;
			// Rewrite the number of samples in the WAV file
			memcpy(sound2 + 0x28, &newsize, sizeof(newsize));
			// Ok, now replace the original with the converted:
			delete[] sound;
			sound = sound2;
		Sound *s = new Sound();
			if (size == 0)
				throw Exception("Invalid sound file");
			if (wav)
				s->load(sound, size);
				s->load(newsound, size);
		catch (const Exception &)
			// Ignore junk in the file
		_sounds[i] = s;
		delete[] sound;
		if (!wav)
			delete[] newsound;
 * Returns a particular wave from the sound set.
 * @param i Sound number in the set.
 * @return Pointer to the respective sound.
Sound *SoundSet::getSound(unsigned int i)
	if (_sounds.find(i) != _sounds.end())
		return _sounds[i];
	return 0;
 * Creates and returns a particular wave in the sound set.
 * @param i Sound number in the set.
 * @return Pointer to the respective sound.
Sound *SoundSet::addSound(unsigned int i)
	_sounds[i] = new Sound();
	return _sounds[i];
 * Set number of shared sound indexs that are accessible for all mods.
void SoundSet::setMaxSharedSounds(int i)
	if (i >= 0)
		_sharedSounds = i;
		_sharedSounds = 0;
 * Gets number of shared sound indexs that are accessible for all mods.
int SoundSet::getMaxSharedSounds() const
	return _sharedSounds;
 * Returns the total amount of sounds currently
 * stored in the set.
 * @return Number of sounds.
size_t SoundSet::getTotalSounds() const
	return _sounds.size();
 * Loads individual contents of a TFTD CAT file by index.
 * a set of sound files. The CAT starts with an index of the offset
 * and size of every file contained within. Each file consists of a
 * filename followed by its contents.
 * @param filename Filename of the CAT set.
 * @param index which index in the cat file do we load?
 * @sa http://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=SOUND
void SoundSet::loadCatbyIndex(const std::string &filename, int index)
	// Load CAT file
	CatFile sndFile (filename.c_str());
	if (!sndFile)
		throw Exception(filename + " not found");
	if (index >= sndFile.getAmount())
		std::ostringstream err;
		err << filename << " does not contain " << index << " sound files.";
		throw Exception(err.str());
	// Read WAV chunk
	unsigned char *sound = (unsigned char*) sndFile.load(index);
	unsigned int size = sndFile.getObjectSize(index);
	// there's no WAV header (44 bytes), add it
	// sounds are 8-bit 11025Hz, signed
	unsigned char *newsound = 0;
	if (size != 0)
		char header[] = {'R', 'I', 'F', 'F', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 'W', 'A', 'V', 'E', 'f', 'm', 't', ' ',
							0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x11, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00,
							'd', 'a', 't', 'a', 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
		if (size > 5) size -= 5; // skip 5 garbage name bytes at beginning
		if (size) size--; // omit trailing null byte
		int headersize = size + 36;
		int soundsize = size;
		memcpy(header + 4, &headersize, sizeof(headersize));
		memcpy(header + 40, &soundsize, sizeof(soundsize));
		newsound = new unsigned char[44 + size];
		memcpy(newsound, header, 44);
		// TFTD sounds are signed, so we need to convert them.
		for (unsigned int n = 5; n < size + 5; ++n)
			int value = (int)sound[n] + 128;
			sound[n] = (uint8_t)value;
		if (size) memcpy(newsound + 44, sound+5, size);
		size = size + 44;
	Sound *s = new Sound();
		if (size == 0)
			throw Exception("Invalid sound file");
		s->load(newsound, size);
	catch (const Exception &)
		// Ignore junk in the file
	_sounds[getTotalSounds()] = s;
	delete[] sound;
	delete[] newsound;

V547 Expression 'size' is always true.

V565 An empty exception handler. Silent suppression of exceptions can hide the presence of bugs in source code during testing.

V565 An empty exception handler. Silent suppression of exceptions can hide the presence of bugs in source code during testing.